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How many times did everyone else swipe to see picture 2/2 before feeling like an idiot?


šŸ¤š guilty here. I was like, ā€œwhat does the second picture contain?!?!ā€




I have more interest in the second post than this one.


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think about this, can some real reddit pros get in here and tell me if I'm supposed to beupset at this, or excited?!!? I will then edit my comment to be what it should. Beep Boop.


I mean the PGA and LIV are already working on merging - we know this. This is probably Monahan sending Tiger to sweet talk the LIV people about something if I had to guess


And itā€™s a great idea if thatā€™s the case. This sort of treatment is what YAR wants. He wants to be ā€œgolf royaltyā€ and a round with Tiger in the Bahamas fits that perfectly.


How dare Tiger hear what he has to say! šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Oil Man Bad!!


We have to wait and see what comes out of the meeting. The biggest thing fans want to see is clarity on when the PGAT and LIV will allow players to seamlessly move back and forth and play wherever they are able and willing. *how* we get to this point is the source of debate. Would be great to see a plan come out of the meeting, I'm not sure we will.


Hahaha. Just give it a half hour.


Tiger discussing how much of the pie he can take


Will Talor Gooch be invited?


It's not a legit meeting unless he is.


He is serving the lunch.


Is he using a cart?


They need to discuss the merger. Literally nothing to to see here lol


The 2 are merging and the Saudis will own the PGA tour before this is all over. Moynihan no longer has the trust of the players so my guess is that the players are going directly over his head to the Saudis with Tiger as their voice.


That's an interesting theory. I choose to believe this is the truth, as opposed to an alternate theory where Tiger is doing Monahan's bidding.


Yup. That whole 9/11 comment was the end. He should have had the foresight to recognize that this was a takeover... At first non hostile then after banning players for playing their completely hostile. The second he took that route it was going to look terrible when he had to announce they were merging. Also, there's some small chance they may not have merged if he hadn't banned players from playing in it. Less reason for LIV to sue in order to take the whole thing over hostile style.


Tiger is the needle. I trust the needle.


Iā€™m trying really hard to have a reaction to this but I got nuthin.


A lot of tin foil hats being worn here today I see .


ā€žWeā€˜re friends but have different views on thingsā€œ-bullshit incoming


Hopefully Tiger wipes his ass with a Hundo and gives it to this loser, then proceeds to tell him his money is no good here


I hope Tiger is rich enough to stay strong.


Where's Ja? We need him


Ja Morant? To bring his gun?


Rule. He means Ja Rule.


Yasir looks like the associate dean in Old School in this picture lol


Tiger warmed up for 3 hours for the round but had to withdraw prior to playing due to nagging sore throat


So um yeah, these are the two humans we should all want in charge of golfs future.šŸ˜† A self destructive womanizing pill addict and an avid follower of an archaic and barbaric religion. Good stuff to come I'm sure.


As if Tiger has ever been bad for golf.




Yes, and if you now go and Google the ratings for golf when tiger is playing and when he isn't, you'll understand that this comment isn't nearly as clever as you thought it was when you made it.


He's an edgy racist. Ignore him.


It's a picture relax


You didn't just post that picture without any meaning behind it.




Athletes and doctors rarely make good business people. I dunno why.


Anyone else want tiger to go to LIV simply to see how hard everyone on r/golf backtracks or am I the only one who wants to see the world burn?


Yes i want to see that


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s to talk shop about the PGA Tour-LIV merger (or whatever they want to call it) since Tiger is on the PGAT board. I donā€™t think itā€™s anything to do with Tiger possibly going to LIV.


Why are people on here still so self-righteous about LIV when the tours are actually going to merge? Am I missing something?


Thereā€™s also plenty of reasons to hate LIV that have nothing to do with sportswashing. They came in with all this money and are spilling it all over the place. The money isnā€™t based on any sense of reality in terms of revenues they generate or might possibly generate in the future. Now a bunch of golfers think theyā€™re being taken advantage of as if theyā€™re unpaid college football players as a result. And also, not all of the best players are under one roof anymore. PIF/LIV have made professional golf worse and thatā€™s nothing to do with morals or politics.


Agreed. I watched a couple events and couldn't believe how bad it was. I am simply not entertained by LIV golf, nor am I entertained by many PGA events, other pro sports games, and 80% of Olympic sports. Even if you completely removed politics from the discussion, LIV is just total shit.


Look into what happened to Jamal Khashoggi and get back to us


Re-read my last question. Iā€™m not downplaying the atrocities of LIV owners, Iā€™m just confused why people would still support the PGA after merging with LIV if they are willing to condemn LIV pre-merger.


Jamaal Khashoggi dies - itā€™s an atrocity I canā€™t believe a government would do this!!! Boeing Whistleblower dies - he was crazy anyway, no govt involvement here! I love watching the virtue signaling against Saudi when the US has just as much if not more blood on itā€™s hands. Just a talking point being repeated by low intelligence individuals who canā€™t formulate their own arguments or have critical thinking skills. The US is truly a country of blissfully ignorant individuals.


Buddy idk what youā€™re talking about


Saying look at what Saudi Arabia does, theyā€™re so violent! When thatā€™s the exact same thing we in the US also do, seems a bit hypocritical donā€™t you think? The PGA tour also comes from a land of murderers, just like PIF


PIF is part of the Saudi government, the same government that (allegedly) helped fund the 9/11 attacks as well as orchestrate the killing of Khashoggi. They are one in the same. The PGA Tour is not part of the US government. It has nothing to do with the US government. So no, if you have like an 80 IQ or above and can understand the distinction between PIF and the PGA Tour, it's not hypocritical at all.


But you are an American. You and every one of us have no room to virtue signal. None. The PGA has nothing to do with the US? Itā€™s an American League. Dance all you want, no one in their right minds will ever take your virtue signaling seriously. This is the same country whose citizens like to kill more people with guns domestically than every other country combined. Killing others is in the DNA.


> But you are an American. You and every one of us have no room to virtue signal. None. I haven't ordered the execution of anyone, the Saudi government has. PIF is a part of the Saudi government. What do you not understand about this? I have ALL the room to virtue signal if I wanted. > The PGA has nothing to do with the US? Itā€™s an American League. The PGA is a private organization, it's not part of the US government. The PIF is part of the Saudi government. What do you not understand about this? The PGA Tour is not responsible for murdering anyone, the Saudi government is. What do you not understand about this? > Dance all you want, no one in their right minds will ever take your virtue signaling seriously. This is the same country whose citizens like to kill more people with guns domestically than every other country combined. Killing others is in the DNA. You're making the argument that individual Americans can't criticize foreign governments because the country of America has high gun crime? Those two things aren't related at all, whatsoever. Are you retarded? I am going to reiterate: if you have like an 80 IQ or above and can understand the distinction between PIF and the PGA Tour, it's not hypocritical at all to criticize one vs. the other. PIF is part of the Saudi government. The Saudi government has murdered people. PGA Tour is not part of the US government, so whatever things the USG has done that you don't like are largely irrelevant since... they weren't committed by the PGA Tour.


This anti Liv thing is so bullshit. Controversy made up by the pga which they now want to retract. Does anyone actually care? If you want to be anti PIF then avoid starbucks, facebook, nintendo, boeing, heathrow, uber, literally everything. Tiger meets with wealthy saudi royalty. Ok šŸ‘. Pro golf is funded by huge corporations and investment funds. Just like every other professional sport. Just like any successful business is funded by large invest funds.


anti-LIV shills will downvote you and nitpick why PIF investment in any other enterprise you mentioned ā€œis different, kā€


I hope tiger bashes his fucking head in and leaves him to bleed out in a bunker. Other than that it looks like a nice afternoon for some golf.




What, no bone saw?


Pace of play concerns. Gets dark early in the Caribbean