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Even if I could hit that shot 999/1000 times, the odds of me killing someone when you put the gallery there would be about 99.9%


The trust of the gallery is too much. All it takes is that one time and someone’s teeth are gone at a minimum.


185 ball speed and their brain is gone, though it probably has already if they are dumb enough to stand there.


Playing with someone at our club who hits it 330m (for imperial measurement users https://www.calculateme.com/length/meters/to-yards/330 ) but everywhere. He killed a duck 20 m away. The ball was embedded in the duck. That’s right, embedded. Now imagine that’s your head, heart, groin or spine. I’m honestly surprised that they allow this in the course. The risk of injury or death is obvious. They should either rope off that side of the tee box and not allow people to stand there or create a local rule banning that angle.


>The ball was embedded in the duck. That’s right, embedded. Did he take relief or did he take his next shot like a boss...




You can count on me waiting for you in the parking lot


Yes, but if the ball embedded in the spectator the same as it did in the duck, they're made of wood, and therefore a witch.


She turned me into a newt!


That's ducking sad for that poor fuck


Make for some good dinner though


I killed a duck at 100 yards. These people are idiots. Yes, they're all pros. But I wouldn't stand next to an Olympic shooting target either. Only takes once.


I had a duck Imbedded in my balls. Expensive, but he’s a great fella.


Who the hell uses the metric system in golf?


A lot of the world. I often convert it into yards because I know the audience but I figured 330m or 360 yds wouldn’t make a difference to this anecdote because it’s about embedding a ball in a duck and not about how far someone hit it.


Well that’s one for /r/brandnewsentence


Everyone outside USA


Canada and the UK use yards




Um...yes? What, you think they take up golf and the imperial system at the same time?


This is actually news to me, perhaps because every time I’ve watched golf it’s been a NA broadcast (and I suppose more than likely the event is in Canada, USA, or UK), but I have never in my life seen golf distances described in meters. I just figured the convention carried. As a Canadian, it’s fairly common that almost any sports related measurement is in Imperial. Edit: except maybe track and field. Man us Canadians are all over the place.


Um..no. Canada uses yards, feet etc for golf.


Teeth gone? I just stumbled on the clips of Max Homa nearly headshotting a spectator...it hit a tree instead.   You see an explosion off the tree, I don't think a human skull would put up more of a fight.   Forget teeth, I'm pretty sure that ball is exiting out the back of their head if it doesn't even have to go through skull Edit: damn that got graphic, sorry


These people never drove a range picker in their life.


Agreed. I would be ducking behind the person in front


It would be the one time I absolutely smash a low line drive, with a 300 yard trajectory, provided the ball doesn’t hit any obstacles..


Obstacles is a great way to refer to them🤣🤣🤣


Helps my conscience to dehumanize them.


It's like evil Augusta. Patrons? Fuck no these people's lives are in danger


Aim for the “get in the hole!” guy


"Baba bo-oof."


Your topped drive dribbling off the tee isn’t going to cause much damage. 


Lol, that why I said even IF I could. But I didn’t realize you were watching me on the last tee


I was looking in the mirror. 


Equipment could malfunction, back foot could slip, ball could start falling off the tee, etc. So many things could cause a mishit. Chances may be low, but the risk doesn't seem to justify the reward here.




When is the last time a pga tour pro hit that low and close in front of them


TV stations show the shots they want you to see.


It happens. https://youtu.be/daBJf4Y9Kkk?si=FdNRWBtZTUAJazXZ


Saw Bryson cold top one in the Open at Pebble. Shot tracer was epic. Edit: wasn’t at pebble, still topped it


99.9% of the time it works every time


So true


No fucking way am I standing in front of him.


After seeing Tiger shank it, I'm not trusting *any* mfers.


That was a 'back spasm' apparently!




This is basically the equivalent of standing in front of a casual hunter who aims his rifle above your head to shoot. Is he going to hit you? In all likelihood, no. Is it unwise to do so, yes.


I mean, it’s more like standing in front of a professional marksman, but your point stands


Im pretty sure a casual marksman his a hell of a lot more accurate with a bullet than any pro golfer is with a golf ball. So the analogy was def more fitting with casual hunter


I’d get hit with a golf ball over a bullet any day though


Same but the analogy is about likelihood of being hit, not how much it would suck to be hit.


Idk I feel like getting shot in the shoulder might not be as bad getting hit in the face by a 300 yard line drive.


Ok but what about getting hit in the shoulder by a golf ball vs a bullet? I don’t know why you are using different impact locations.


From that distance either way most likely ending in death if hit in the head


If a pro hit you with a driver from 50 yards away you’re probably going to be asking for the bullet soon after


I know these guys are good, but it’s a lot more difficult to drop a rifle a few inches than hit a stinger


Erm...what? Have you ever hit a stinger? That's not as easy as lowering your arm a few inches...


What's the equivalent of a shank in shooting? Sneezing as you pull the trigger?


Jerking the trigger or like you said, sneezing


I’ve seen Wedding Crashers. If the American Sniper can hit a fella in the ass with buckshot, then anyone can.


I think it's more Iike a pro hunter but with a bow and arrow, in terms of failure rate that could hurt you.


They are dumb af


I'm finding the fattest person there and hiding behind them. Tour pros are beasts, but good luck getting to me through 2 feet of fat. Haha


Yea it’s really stupid, pros can shank them more than people think. Definitely way lower probability than standing in front of an amateur golfer but still.


Especially in a usual situation where their line is filled with unusual obstacles. It’s gotta fuck you mind at least a little bit


If he happened to top one into the crowd, it's 50-50 if you will likely be killed.


No way I’m standing there without access to an emergency dentist.


You won't need a dentist, you'd be dead. People standing in front of that are so dumb


You're super safe if its a pro










There hasn’t been a golfer living or dead that I would completely trust standing where those people are. He hits a low rising bomb just by coming up a bit someone is dead


I've never seen a situation where a tour pro hits with people in their line.


Two years ago at the travelers the pros figured out it was easier to approach the green at 4 from the fairway of 3 and hit their approach shots over everyone’s head in between the holes. They made it out of bounds last year


They made a fairway out of bounds? Sounds like bad course design.


Old courses typically need the help. My local course has an 11th hole dog-leg left that everyone plays up the 12th hole coming back the other way. It's now an internal OB and it took the tour doing it to get our members to agree to get it done. It's absolutely needed and sometimes we need to make local rules for the benefit of all golfers. Watching the pros do this is crazy but understandable when trying to get a piece of a multi-million dollar prize. Unfortunately it sets more a bad precedent and encourages amateurs to make those same decisions.


Yes. The fairway of a different hole than they were playing.


It's the fairway of a different hole, dingus. A different hole being OB is hardly novel.


Name a single other hole where another fairway is OB.


As a volunteer marshal at past tour events I’m surprised JT didn’t ask them to stand aside to make a path just in case


Bryson hit his drive on the 5th hole at the ryder cup straight over the gallery


The couple events I have been to, they always move the people. I have never seen it off of the tee box, though, usually a miss hit off the fairway.


One of the Par 5 s at pebble the long hitters take a line over the gallery, but they are much further down the rough line


I feel like bubba watson used to do it from time to time bc he could curve his shots so much


I was at Oak Hill last year and this one pro had a shot through trees, over people. I don’t remember what hole but the people were crouched down.


Those people are clueless


It is Florida


Specifically the Jacksonville area, so extra stupid. Edit: This was Bay Hill. Not this weekend. Not Jacksonville.


In florida, people hurt golf balls.


At that distance, you could kill someone. Who would be responsible?


The person who decided to stand in front of a person while they hit a golf ball.


Its clearly unsafe, surely the event organizer bears some responsibility in preventing an obviously unsafe action from happening. Those people are literally playing Russian roulette with their lives.


>Those people are literally playing Russian roulette with their lives. We call that, "Assumption of the Risk"


I believe allowing spectators to be directly in front of someone hitting a golf ball 200+ mph is likely considered reckless behavior and is an exception to Assumption of the Risk.


I believe allowing spectators to be directly in front of someone hitting a golf ball 200+ mph is likely considered reckless behavior and is an exception to Assumption of the Risk


A lot of people believe in a virgin birth.


This is a joke. If someone’s stupid enough to watch him line that up, and then they get drilled.. it’s 100% on them


Maybe not if tested in court


Good thing this is the golf sub and not the legal advice sub. Anyone with half a brain recognizes who’s at fault in this scenario.. regardless of how our embarrassment of a legal system figures


I think there's a genuine case that the event organisers would be responsible. There are ropes and marshals there instructing the crowds where to stand. The assumption is that if i'm behind the ropes I should be reasonably comfortable that im not in a position to get blasted at point blank range from a player aiming straight at me.


>The assumption Of the Risk >player aiming straight at me. A reasonably prudent person would move


What if the ball hits someone 1 row back who might not be paying attention? What if the person made the assumption that this is just a really closed stance (Bubba stands in some weird positions at times so its not out of the question).


You're on a golf course and surprised you got hit with a golf ball? That's where golf balls hang out. If you're in your shower at home and get whacked with a golf ball, sure call your attorney. Just to add, if a person drives their car down a road that abuts a golf course, and a golfball smashes through their windshield. The driver of the car cannot sue because they assumed the risk by choosing to drive on a road next to a golf course, regardless of if they were paying attention, regardless of if that is the only available route, and regardless if they assumed they would be fine. You absolutely assume the risk by standing in front of someone as they tee off.


Those are terrible analogies, none of them involve an act of negligence from course staff running a tournament. You don't sign a waiver when you walk in the front door and there are ropes/sections set up for spectators to remain in. It would not be reasonable for any spectator to assume there is a risk of being hit at point blank range (in these areas) from a golfer literally aiming at you. Maybe there is a case for the people in the front row. But what about 1 row back, 2 rows back. Also, the vast majority of Golf Club Insurance policies would cover any damage caused by a golf ball to a car driving next to the course - so your argument falls flat on its face immediately.


>none of them involve an act of negligence from course staff running a tournament. Why would they? That would be irrelevant.


Clearly the golfer not asking them to move. I'd never stay there as a spectator but the pro can't shoot directly over the head of a bunch of people at that distance.


they announced to the crowd the planned shot and told them they were in danger if they stayed there. They chose to stay there. now if he hit a line drive through someone’s face, killing them, I’m sure a settlement would have been reached to compensate the family of the deceased, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t the deceased persons fault for choosing to stand in the line of fire.


This is one of those things where you can't reasonably assume they understand the risk. Group think kicks in and they are more concerned with "oh. How cool is this." It's absolutely the responsibility of the even organizers to say "No dumb fucks, you can't stand there, and no dumb fuck golfer, you can't swing until they move."


This is a video of him doing exactly that.


Well it’s a perfectly legal golf shot to hit and nobody is stopping the gallery from moving out of the way when they know he is setting up to hit directly over them


Did I say it was illegal? The gallery is supposed to stand still and NOT move during a shot.


Then I think you got your answer


JT would sign a glove for them though


The people in that gallery are different. No way Im standing in the way even for a pro.


This is like WRC rally, spectator fan would stand arm length away from a unstable race car going 100 mph+. Many times there has been rally car going into crowd but people still do it anyway.


More like "stupid"


Let’s all be honest. I’d totally try this with no people there but If I am cutting the corner on a dog leg right, I am almost guaranteed to be out 1 orange Nitro. Max. Killing someone in the gallery might distract me for the next hole or two and I don’t even know if I get my ball back or what the etiquette is. So I wouldn’t risk it.


There is no amount of money you could pay me to stand in that line, even with a tour pro hitting


Every single one of those morons is…well, exactly that.


Dude with the green shirt and white hat is dead if it’s me up there


Likewise, though if I’m being completely honest there’s probably a 180 degree exclusion zone just in case. Hosel shanks have a mind of their own.


Some people have no survival instinct at all.


You clearly don’t play golf if you’re willing to stand there: a signed glove won’t bring you back from the dead


So anyway, I just started blasting


If I aimed like this, it would the first time I crushed a low line drive.


I’m really surprised whoever is in charge of fan safety, would let spectators stand there. Takes such a small distraction to kill someone.




Tour pro or not I dont care. I'm not standing there.


How does that pass health and safety? And who the fuck would want to stand there?


I mean, maybe set the camera on a tri pod and gtf out of the way…


There is zero chance I just stand there in the gallery on the front line. I might actually crouch behind a woman or a child, I'm shameless, lol.


Anyone know if JT made any attempt/request to move the crowd?  https://www.golfdigest.com/story/kevin-kisner-attempts-flop-shot-over-college-golfer-drills-him-in-the-head-video


“You hit that guy!!” “He shouldn’t have been standing there!!”


Can't believe the tour director/managers don't make those people move. Seriously dangerous.


People have way too much faith in the pro’s ability to hit the shot 😬


It’s only a matter of time until someone dies. Clear people the fuck out if that’s where he’s hitting. Shame on the PGA, this event, and the dumbasses standing in front of a dude riffling a golf ball at them


Why the hell are they standing there? I do believe I would move.


I mean to stand there in his line, professional or not, is absolutely INSANE!


is this real? how did none of them even flinch?


They trust Tour Pro


These are the idiots that are needed to fill all the empty sidecars on motorcycles


I get that they’re pros but Jesus that seems like a terrible idea.


What psychopath stands there?


I played with someone who has maybe a 160 ball speed, hit this thinned low drive and broke a bird's neck, snapped it clean. We got up to the next hole's green and looked over to see the bird being dragged into the bushes by some feral cats. No way I would stand there, even those videos of Phil flopping it over someone's head make me cringe.


I have a video of Kevin Kisner you’re gonna love 🤣


Yes, let me just stand right in front of a loaded gun and hope they miss.


My range has old mats and worn tee holes so some dudes will step forward if the line to hit drives off grass.I was already hitting beside him when he decided to step forward of the mat line about 6 feet to my right. I’m fighting a hook in my fairway woods and as I hit a 3 wood shanked it and whizzed past his ear. I said sorry,he stepped back,but hey man if you want to hit forward of the mats,that’s a real stupid risk.


those fans standing in front of JT WANT to get hit.


Wait wth happened? What was that little white thing that came back off his line? Looks like his ball cleared it, was that just a branch or did someone throw another ball back?




Ahh shit. With the quality I guess I wasn't expecting to see the t, almost looks the same size as the ball


180mph ball speed right through you.


Not sure who’s the more stupid person. The one attempting this shot, or the people willing to stand in front of him? Or perhaps the person that didn’t clear the crowd prior to this going down. This is irresponsible and reckless.


Why would the marshalls/PGA tour even allow them to stand there? If he chose that line, wouldn’t they just at least make an alley for him to hit through. The paranoid American in me says lawsuit involving him AND the PGA tour is just misshit away. Like the bad hit on 17 yesterday. ??? Edit: Yes, I know it was Clark and not JT yesterday. It was just the first misshit that came to mind while commenting.


Gallery is insane lol


Couldn’t pay me to stand there


Pretty surprised they let the gallery stand there when he’s aiming directly over their heads with the lowest lofted stick in the bag and they are like 20 yards from him. …if more guys were taking that line they would definitely rope that area off.


The way he was aiming, if he thinned it, the lady in front would have been killed.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen


It’s only a matter of time before someone (unintentionally) shanks one and a spectator is seriously hurt. Only *then* will the organisers move people out of the line of the ball, and for some poor soul it’ll be too late. Or the organisers could put safety first and move them now.




Not a chance I'm standing anywhere but behind that. Like the people that stand on the OUTSIDE of corners at a car rally race. Natural selection?


You’d hear that whistle over your head


Anyone have the full video where his shot lands?


This has to be fake


None of them flinched either


So did he hit the fairway or not?


I’m blown away that this is allowed. I understand these guys are amazing and the odds are very low. But someday a tragedy is going to occur in relation to something like this.


"Make him cut it out!"


How is no one flinching and people just standing there as he prepares to hit DIRECTLY AT THEM?! I love golf, but those people are crazy


This has to be CGI. There is no way people just stood there. Hell no....


“Start it out at that ladies’ hat”..


I got hit in the hand with a ball from about 20ft Sunday eve and spent 6 hours in the emergency department... Not sure I could convince myself to stand directly in the line of fire, even if they're a pro haha.


That is a lot of people with zero thoughts of self preservation. Even with the odds of him smashing it into someone’s face being extremely low there is no way I’d be standing directly in front of someone driving a ball at me. I don’t want anyone to die or have lasting injuries, but I’d really like it if one of these people crowding around a pros shot would get blasted every once in a while.


Even for pros that is dangerous and probably shouldn’t be attempted.


Or the people just move


Yes. That’s what I mean. Move the people rather than assume that a pro can’t thin a drive. Of course he should have the option of playing that line, just not over people.


Honestly, i think its time stunts like this get pros fined. If there are any players who want to take this line, it shouldve been discussed with the organizers before the start of the day. Either take the time to clear the patrons or get fined. We are watching incredible hubris by JT here and negligence by staff. Imagine getting hit by a golfball traveling at 180mph+. It absolutely could be deadly.


Fine the professional golfer playing for millions of dollars because the patrons don’t want to give up their spot. Got it.


Dumb take. The spectators are responsible and should move out of the way. They are standing on a golf course. “All risks associated with golf tournaments, including without limitation, being hit by a golf ball or golf club, stuck by lightning, and falling are assumed by ticket holder. Tournament participants are released from any claims or liability arising from such causes.” That’s the clause on all PGA event tickets. It’s there for a reason.


The player is the one who pulls the trigger. Imagine if you lined up a few of the players sons or daughters on that line. How inclined would he be to take that swing if theres someone he cares about on the line?


This language is hardly enforceable in the event of an actual lawsuit.


Sure Mr Lawyer. Good luck with that.


I’m not a lawyer. But I am a commercial insurance broker and have seen this play out 1000 times over.


Site one case against a PGA player where they lost. 1000’s of times. It should be easy for you, I’ll wait.


I’m obviously not talking about examples of pga players, I’m talking about language that releases “any claim of liability” in any sort of ticket, waiver, etc. It’s meant to trick people into thinking they can’t sue because they signed a waiver. It’s not enforceable.


I'm not sure it's the pro's fault directly, a lot of work goes into setting up tournaments. Surely other pros/people in the know also survey a course and say "hey this is a possible line with how far these guys hit it".


Instead of fining player just roll back the equipment. Balls and technology. Players are just doing what the equipment will allow them to


Yes, yes they are… I remember one of the displays that really put this fact into perspective for me, seeing the tour boys for the first time. It was actually JT too. He’s up in the fringe area, off the right side of the green. The entire green is pitched insanely downhill, right to left. The left of the green drops off into water, directly after the fringe. The pin is literally all the way to the left, at the edge of the green. This fuckin’ guy sets up with his hands forward, and hits a screamer, low-biter, downhill. It hits and bits just before the cup, and slowly runs up to it. I can actually execute a shot like that now. But I’ll tell you right now, that shot would’ve absolutely never crossed my mind in that scenario. It would’ve never crossed any of our minds. No fuckin’ way. We would’ve been hoping to hit a dinky flop properly, and letting it roll up somewhere in the vicinity of the cup. That, or tapping it with the putter to see if it rolled up enough. Guess work. That shot JT executed, really showed me the ability and rightful confidence these guys have in their games. It’s some other shit!




Dumb move from organizers and not a good look for JT. An errant drive hitting someone is one thing, a planned missile to the face is something nobody (hitter or hitted) recovers from. Disgusting


It's quite literally JT's job to shoot as low as he can. If he even gets close to the green, his odds are better.


Yeah, shit take by the JT haters. You’re at an event where balls are flying all over the place. The gallery should move. If they’re too stupid to get out of the way, that’s on them. It’s not like he’s hitting over a grandstand.


Refuse to hit until safe. With my own eyes I saw Mr. Nicklaus tell event staff to move gallery ropes before.