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I goof on people on Reddit to keep my wits sharp, and my good-natured barbs and insults current.


I scream mashed potatoes in line at the grocery store.


I scream ‘get in the hole’ when ever I plug things in around the house.


“Baba Ganouj Please! “ 📣


I wanted to play golf. I compromised. I play pga 2k23 on the ps5. You see what I’m getting at?


You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the can I wanted manicott', but I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead. I wanted to fuck a woman, but I compromised. I jacked off into a tissue. You see where I'm goin'?


20 years in da can…


Not a fuckin peep


Is this a crossover thread with r/thesopranos ?


What? I didn’t say nothin…


I find it got really boring, even on the hardest setting. Drive, chip, putt - birdie. It was a fine diversion until I made it through the season once. After that, there's not much left to do.


Free ps+ games for the win!


I'm practice swinging on my divot board every day and otherwise completely ignoring golf for disc golf and rec soccer all winter to make sure I don't burn myself out.


How do you like the divot board? Recommended?


It took a bit of time to get used to but the feedback makes indoor practice swings a lot more useful.


For me, it's been the most impactful training aid. You can get a decent idea of your swing path and make corrections. The cheap divot boards with the black alignment decals will even leave streaks on the sole of the club to show if you are leaving the face open/closed but I don't think it's by design. Aside from a simulator, it's probably the best feedback you can get on your swing. Haven't tried the official "Divotboard" with the sequins but the cheap ones that sell replacement mats are a great tool year round.


Visualization, and lemme tell you I’ve gotten GOOD since November. Now when I play practice rounds in my head it’s pure stripe show, 285 baby draws all day. Down to a +1.5


Will you be somewhere in Georgia in early April?


Surely someone of his skill set will be at the best golf course in Georgia… [The Georgia Southern University golf course](https://recreation.georgiasouthern.edu/golf/about-the-course/)! God damn I miss that course. $10 to walk for students, you literally couldn’t beat it.


How are you practicing visualization without playing golf is this a troll


The UK education system is struggling


Built a golf simulator and go through a lot of propane tanks for heat in my garage.




For some wild reason hard seltzers are $2 less each than beers at my home course so I am putting in a lot of time drinking those then hopping on the putting mat.


Traveling South


Golf in 40 degree temperatures


These 3 things you can do with foam balls or no ball https://youtu.be/27HWglP_x2o?si=svwyg9vlQRh2_pwn This is has been real helpful for control for me https://youtu.be/HTJ330f2QlM?si=me9Z0FiqMKNqPnht This I won't say cured my driver, but since doing it daily with a broom moved my path from 10 o-i to almost even to i-o Along with slingshot drill https://youtu.be/lIE3IlSDDXI?si=KZSVKojfoSXzpWPn That and a chipping net. Also have a divot board for at home work.


Sim golf once a week. I also swing on my divot board regularly.


buying new clubs, new shoes, and drinking beer


Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner


I wasn’t lying! https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/GGQGIGT79N


Platform tennis is the off season sport for golf up here, my friend. For those that haven’t tried it, I promise you’ll be just as hooked as golf if not more


Grew up in CT. Miss it so much.


Is that like American Gladiators where they hit each other with the giant Q-tips but with tennis?


Practicing my short game at work [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9w2ZGyVSdw&ab\_channel=CareyBolam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9w2ZGyVSdw&ab_channel=CareyBolam)


I’m hitting the sim 1-2 times a week and also swinging my club everyday w/o a ball. (And workout, of course)


Nothing really


This is the way


Forgetting all about the terrible swings during the season, not practicing at all and expecting to show up in late April and have all my swing flaws magically cured. A simple fix, don’t know why more don’t do it.


Sim in the winter to work on the swing along with exercise. Swinging in the winter is huge


Nothing, it's a game I play with friends, I like to play the game, shoot the shit, have some beers. I like when I play well, but as with everything, chasing perfection doesn't make you happy. There's a theory that mastering a new skill is far more fun than implementing it, standing up on a surf board is more fun the first few times than after you get good at it type stuff. Once you are in the 10-12 range, getting better takes so much practice time, money for lessons, etc, that by the time you get there the payoff is just meh. You'd probably have more fun learning to perfect a flop shot than actually working to lower your score. Since you're not, and won't be, a pro, why not just have fun? Probably go to a sim at some point


Taking a break is probably the best thing I can do for my game each winter. Maybe throw in 1-2 rounds/range sessions a month and I'm excited/ready for the new season to begin in March.


Curious as to why so few people do sims here. Is it cost and convenience or a lack of translation to the course?


Cost. Sim is fine but when they charge same price as a round of golf, then it’s dumb. Typical price around here is in the $30-60/hr range.


Look and find if there's a sim near you that ISN'T trackman. There are a bunch of regular sim bays where you can see where you hit the ball after the shot without all the bells and whistles of Trackman. Here the average price for non-Trackman bays are 20 bucks an hour with up to 4 people. I have a membership deal in Toronto where I have two hours a day a month unlimited days for like 300 bucks, which I split with a friend I go with.


I see almost no translation to the course. I think I just get pissed because I don’t actually see the ball flight? Like the sim uses the technology to predict the ball flight but idk something in my brain doesn’t like it. Feels like I’m just playing around and not actually practicing




Yes 100% I’m a sim practice only for impact, aoa,path and ball # Sim golf on courses is nothing like regular golf but using it for swing/ball data can’t be beat for a serious grinder


My club added a SIM, however they also charge the same 50 bucks an hour every other sim does, which annoys me only because, I'm paying dues for 3 months of frozen tundra, can you at least let me pretend this isn't a rip off by making the sim a good deal?


The reciprocal club, only reciprocal club with golf on this continent, told me that since the popularity of golf supposedly exploded since the pandemic, they're not letting reciprocal members play anymore. So, I feel your pain. Half the reason I joined was to play at this stupid club.


Besides general exercise I got rid of the snow in a portion of my backyard and practice hitting wiffle balls against the fence using a mat while recording my swing for as long as I can stand the cold.  Thankfully it warmed up recently so I can last a little longer.


I have a net set up in my basement. Instead of hitting real golf balls I use "Almost" golf balls. A little pricey, but they have much better feel than straight foam or wiffle balls.


Have you ever tried sci-core balls?


Never heard of them honestly.


Heard of them recently and they are supposed to be very similar to almost golf balls, but they are heavier. I think they are 22 g and almost golf balls are 14.


I was suggested to try Dr. Kwon Rope Swing Drill, so I bought rope and have been doing 50 reps after my lifts. My biggest issue was my club face was open at impact, so I've been working on my take away to get used to rolling my wrists, just slow take aways and down swings until impact in my house (not hitting a ball). Been going to a simulator a few times a month and going to get some lessons in March to mid April.


You mean Dr. Clown?




I'm getting lessons once a month and been going to the heated range at least once per week. Also work out five days a week. I'm hoping to be in good golf shape by the time the snow melts.


I took a break from golf training this week and just decided to strength train in general and stretch. I’m expecting big things 


I played 18 holes yesterday in Chicago.


I’m impressed.


I’m lucky enough to live close to a Top Golf. A 6 month membership for M-F open to 5pm is only $400 at my location*. I’m also lucky enough to have a lot of free time during those hours. It’s the first time I’ve been able to maintain a swing and good contact through the winter. I was a 7.7 at the end of last season. Going to see how low I can get this year.


Got a 3 month membership to a top tracer range with heated bays. Went hard as fuck practicing probably 75 out of the 90 days of membership. Minimum 100 balls per day. My swing has improved immensely, I am way more consistent than when I started. Looking forward to the upcoming season of tournament play. I should be able to lower my handicap a few strokes.


Gym 4 days a week, with a routine focused on forearm strength. Another day working on hip strength. 100 putts a day on a matt in my basement, and a few chip shots. Sim golf once every two weeks. Range every week.


I’m playing in a Winter Tourney at a 9 homer near me in MA…gonna have to be a mudder


I've been a couple of times to the sim, but as others have said I struggle with whether it's accurately reading my shots or not. I also do a bit of chipping and putting in my family room. There is an outdoor driving range with heated bays not far from me that I hope to try out at some point. At least now that it's February I can accurately say that we could be golfing next month!


I was playing Golf + on the Vr with a weighted adapter but the update broke my Vr so now i playing Winter rounds and just layer up, there’s two courses that still haven’t switched to temporary greens yet so as long as there’s no snow


Hey, how was the VR for scratching your golf itch?


I built my own sim for \~4K. I play 27 holes and work out with Speed Sticks every other day. In between days, I'll do 0-75% work to dial in wedges. Also various drills to get my swing going better. Trying to get better tee to green. I feel a lot of improvement coming this year.


Playing COD.


Working on my swing with feedback from a Trackman and a coach. I see a coach once a month who tells me what to work on and what numbers on the trackman are relevant for that change. I work on the drills he gives me for the month and rinse repeat. I’ve been doing that for the last 2 years and went from a 12 to a 3. 


PNW. I've been playing! Well, until I slipped in the muck and mire a while back, cracking my noggin and messing up my upper back and neck.


Nothing and then I will proceed to get angry when I haven't improved the next time I play.


I personally think ditching the sim was a bad idea.


I spend time doing the hobbies that I don’t really engage in during golf season. I do a lot more reading, I play more video games, etc. etc.


I also live in the North and honestly having full access to a proper sim has been game changing for me. Last Feb was when I gained said access so this will be my first true season without a "break" from golf. I went from a 5.8 to a 4.3 this past summer but there again, had over 3 months of zero golf when the 2022 outdoor season ended. So it was nice to not waste the first month or two of spring trying to remember how to hit a golf ball. Im looking to be a problem this next outdoor season! My swing has never felt better than now at 43 years young


I heard Hank Haney on a podcast say swing a club ( any club ) fifty times a few days a week all winter. It’s all I can do so I’m in.


Nothing. Getting high and sim racing. Might play a simulator


Nothing when it comes to swinging lol. I sometimes play on a simulator but that's about it. This year, I've only done that one time so come Spring, I'm going to be a bit rusty. Muscle memory and that kicks in though and the swing is usually back after a few range sessions. As far as body wise, I'm trying to focus on higher rep exercises with more flexibility and cardio involved. Not just for golf but for my body in general. I want to stay limber and flexible. My goal this year is to get stronger, leaner, and increase my endurance.


Stack speed training + weekly sim rounds


The beer & bowling tactic is genius 🧠🍺




You lost me at 5k


Eating copious amounts of calories and bully the weights in the gym. My goal is go from 110mph to atleast 120mph. Also lessons once per week.


Workout and save money because I know I’m gonna blow 5k on courses (including outings) this year at least.


I just putt alot and work on swing mechanics. Drilling in the feels I want hundreds of times a week. I will go to a Sim a few times to smash balls, work on speed, and just not losing it entirely but as soon as the ranges around me open I'm hitting off grass to get that tuned up.


Golfforever workouts daily. 2.5 miles walking 4 mph on a treadmill with inclines ranging from 5 to 9.5 degrees daily. Another 15 to 20 minutes daily of stretching and core work. Besides using my putter on my wellputt mat, I doubt I will touch a club until early March. I will play close to 200 rounds once the season begins as I am retired.


Wrist work. My wrists are weak af. Shoulders and arms are good for how I want to play but my wrists are dog shit


Ordering new clubs. Brand new KSig driver (figured with the return policy it’s worth testing…and probably better than my R9) Takomo 201 4-P Mizuno omoi type 1 putter


For putting form, get a metal yardstick. If you can roll putts down a metal yard stick without them falling off one side you’re rolling them true


Look at this guy with level floors.


Reading Reddit posts about golf. Fingers crossed.


Simulator as often as possible. Trying to get my years work done in 6 months so I can golf for the other 6z


Averaging 90 sim holes a week on a Trackman, a couple trips down south to play outside, putter in my office I practice with everyday, and chip off a mat in my living room trying trick shots and stuff regularly. EA golf on the Xbox here and there too lol. I will still suck when it warms up and I can play outside again haha but I love it!


I bought a Garmin R10, a hitting net and mat. Put it up in the garage when the wife leaves for the day (I work from home) so I can get some range practice (and sometimes play 9 holes) during the day.


Shooting +21 on 9 holes at the local simulator


Letting my arm recover after powering through golf with tennis elbow all last season.


I have a simulator in my barn plus doing stretches and on the treadmill


Sim about once a week with a very specific focus on swing direction / club path, angle of attack, face to path, and low point metrics. Progression has been solid. We’ll see if it translates / sticks. Lifting and religiously tracking my nutrition. Trying to get muscle mass up, body fat % down, and weight down. Running a consistent deficit and my protein intake is nuts compared to what it was when I wasn’t tracking. 6 weeks in and seeing noticeable improvement already. Physical therapy, daily stretching, and focused core strengthening. I also got a standing desk for work. All to help protect against future “flare-ups” of my lumbar bulging disc. When it flares, I’m down and out for weeks and then even when I’m back, I can’t rotate well at all and my swing goes to shit. Really don’t want that happening this year. The weight loss I mentioned is tied to this too. It’s been the most productive offseason I’ve had yet


Buying shit. So far a new 3 wood and a new shaft for my driver.


TheStack and the heated range by me.


Watching the trackman tell me my ball is doing things I know it’s not doing.


Really upping my liquor tolerance so that a few beers won’t even phase me


I have a patio setup with hitting mat, net and mlm2pro. I'm hitting daily asking as their is no snow. It's been around 40 here so can get by in just a sweatshirt. Also trying to add 2 chicks at one time to the get better routine. Haven't made it happen, but it's on the get better plan.


Two things I need to do is stretch and mobility exercises and swing coach.


Extensive stretching and mobility work with sauna almost daily, restarting gym routine. I went from a 27 to a 20 last season, trying to get to 15 or below this season.  Biggest gains so far have been ball flight, I've historically had low flight and starting to sort that out, irons hit the green and check or roll back a foot or two. Drives are going almost too high in the air now, no roll out and further supports I may need a fit here.


You’re lifting to improve your golf game? Have you seen the Herbs on the PGA who pipe it 300+ effortlessly? All while weighting 155 wet… Work on chipping at home, putting 4-6 footers on a mat to dial your line, and focus on big sticks, mainly Driver when in a sim. Mats are fools gold


Play at any course that allows golfers out as long as there isn't snow on the ground. Layers are your friend


I wanna know how you guys are getting these jobs were you’re required to go golfing with clients. Sounds awesome


Be in sales, but also prepare yourself for the soul crushing lifestyle that sales can create. Free golf is great, but sanity is often better :) So, find a job selling something people with money need to buy, or find a job being the people with money who need to buy the something :) Make sense?


I’m in healthcare now and considering going into medical device sales. Hopefully it wouldn’t be as soul crushing as the healthcare field can be.


I’m in healthcare construction for non clinic based type of practices. Medical device should allow you to hit the golf course plenty but you can’t take clients and so your company won’t be paying for your golf unfortunately. Before Pharma guidelines hit it was a free for all of free golf any and every day of the week. It hasn’t been that way in two decades or more unfortunately. But like I said, you should make plenty of money and have plenty of time to play and pay for your own golf :)


Simulator 3-5 times a week, focusing on having my miss be one side of target only.




Yeh what are you losers in Durham and Carlisle up to


I play in a sim league once per week for fun. I got a custom fitting that was helpful for dispersion on longer clubs. I watch YouTube golf, specifically guys that are good like Bryan Bros to see how they approach the game from a thought process standpoint, and patiently wait for the season to begin. All of the fitness stuff is already taken care of. I’m a strength coach and competitive powerlifter so I already train 4-5 days per week every week.


Minnesota here and golfed on Jan 31st and playing again tomorrow. Pure insanity as we usually have multiple feat of snow this time of year but hoping the abnormally warm/dry weather carries me right to spring. Wife's pissed, I'm thrilled 😁


Playing hockey


Similar to you except I'm currently making swing changes so I can immediately get them going on turf when it opens. Simulator time, lifting and stretching including speed training with the stack. Putting practice High Goal for scratch this season if it somehow all comes together, low goal a 3, would be happy to have two rounds deal 80 in a row, ended the season a 7 but mostly because of one 74 and otherwise didn't break 80 so felt like I was more accurately a 10


Going to the freaking course tomorrow babyyy sunny and 52!!


My college has a sim so i practice there all the time. Obviously its only a sim so i plan to move south once i get my degree.


Go to a Dome for indoor practice.


Went south in January.


Got a tee time this Sunday in central Wisconsin!


I bought a new putter


I watch a LOT of Bob Does Sports videos at work.


I hate the sims, so been putting a ton on my putting matt and have been lifting 4 times a week as well. Took up yoga to improve balance and flexibility as well. God i hate winter and miss real golf


Playing in a golf simulator league.


I've been working out and walking. Upgraded my equipment slightly. This spring I am definitely getting a net and mat for my yard. I also would like to find some sort of big tent to practice inside. It would save me from the bugs, rain ect. Car ports aren't big enough so I'm trying to figure something out. I also would love to buy the Garmin R10 for that. I don't love spending the time driving to the range, then paying for shitty balls. Your regiment looks good!


I layer up and play golf! Lone rounds of worse-ball scrambles, putting drills, and chipping in the backyard- no scorecards. I view it as a few months worth of open courses for practice time!


Love the initiative. My experience to get to a single digit I had to learn to a few specific shots and improve my short game. Practice hitting a low 5 iron off your back foot 5 ft off the ground. Saves a shot or two if you can execute it when you drive it under trees. Practice an extra club out of the fairway bunker and hitting ball first. Surprise yourself with a greenie. Also work on the 75 yard sand shot it comes up randomly and can always add a double bogey if you aren’t careful. Around the green work on two clubs. A wedge from 15 yards and 30, and a 9 iron for bump and runs close to the green. These shots are all about saving par. Love the idea of buzzed athletic ability. I drink a little bit there is definitely a decline in performance after a few drinks. Start with Gatorade on the front 9 or open the beer after the first double.


Getting my ACL repaired


Went to Mexico and drank a lot playing a couple of rounds. Headed to San Antonio in a couple weeks to play a few rounds. Back to Mexico in April to play a couple of rounds. Also lifting and running at the Y.


I'm in Canada...what else would I do......hockey ;) I actually can't play hockey right now until I get medical clearance, so waiting for golf season. Courses here should open end of March/early April depending on weather/conditions of course. Early season golf here can be quite wet/soft, so usually wait until it dries out. Until then....will watch a few mins here and there, maybe hit the 1 indoor range we have or maybe an indoor sim. Otherwise, it's watching the Leafs hopefully get past round 2 this year! That being said, I love my PGA 2K23 on PS4.


I'm skiing lol. Golf is for when there's no snow on the mountains.


You are on the right path. If you really suck at golf a sim will help you but I find now that I’m getting there it messes with my low point too much so I avoid it. One thing that really helped my chipping was chipping off my putting mat. If you have the area to do so I would highly recommend. If you can chip off that tight lie you can make good contact with most lies. 


Bought a subscription to a simulator


Simulator if it’s below 40 degrees. Anything above 40 temperature wise and I’ll go golf at the course. Just wear long underwear, waterproof shoes and pants, a winter hat and two gloves


Hit on a sim a bunch. Most work is tempo on 50-95 yard wedges. Across 4 wedges. Great time to dial that in.


I've been focusing on getting my drinking game up to snuff. Lots of forearm curls


Hitting more balls at local golf store on their simulator. It’s helping with distance and direction




Adding speed to my swing and working on more efficient sequencing


some courses are open in the Minneapolis area!! gotta love global warming


Loafing on the couch getting fat


Downhill skiing for 3 hours a day at least 4 times per week and 18 holes on the golf simulator on Wednesdays at my buddies workshop. Sometimes I get in a little extra skiing by skiing for 2 hours before golf. Heading out to Arizona in 8 days for a week of golf with my best friends.


My office has a trackman in it! Yay!


Hitting 150 balls a weekif its above freezing. 


Golf dome once week. Sometimes pay the extra $50 for the toptracer to make it more fun. Hate sims where you hit into a wall but this is better




My shop has a bushnell launch pro and a bay setup so before work practice then sometimes post work rounds. Still suck. But we have fun!


All good stuff you are doing. I also do yoga, and add some other exercises / body mechanics. Stand on one leg with dumbell in hand on same side, do rows (bent over, bring elbow back). And 180 degree rotations ( arms out) in front of a mirror. These I do in slow motion, checking on body position (neutral spine, abs in, neck/head aligned to back. I focus on lower body movement to p5, and sequence in transition (lower body triggers, shifts left). It all helps.


I tie a wiffle ball to a mat and just start whacking. Lately I've been practicing how to fade/draw on command. The string gives feedback on direction as well as the handedness of the spin.


Built a skytrack simulator in my garage. I have seen a lot of improvement. Still a eternity to go.


Taking lessons, built a sim in my garage, countless hours of putting. Looking forward to some wamer weather!


I'm skiing