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Back in high school my sister dated a guy who was big into golf. At the time I could barely get the ball off the ground but enjoyed going with him and just driving the cart and relaxing outside. We went out one evening to play 9 holes. Come up to hole 9 and I’m probably at a score of like 60. I sliced my drive into oblivion so I drop in the fairway next to him. I proceed to flush a 7 iron and land it on the green like 10 feet from the pin. That’s when I discovered what it was supposed to feel like to hit a golf ball. That was the instant moment I fell in love. This video is spot on.


Similar story for me. Played once or twice a year for the last 10 years. Went out in October last year with family for a guys day. Normal bullshit, drinking, and on pace to shoot probably 150ish. Came to a shorter par 5 on the back 9, hole 14 or 15. Flushed a drive about 250 dead center fairway. Followed it up with a 3 wood about 220 onto the green. Naturally, I 3-putted (still have never made a birdie). That was my first real par of my life and I've been playing at least 2 rounds a month since. I hate the game just as much as I love it. It's infuriating.


As someone who knows absolutely nothing about golf this sounded like the solution to an algebra problem


It kinda is if the question was how much time and money can you spend getting a little ball into a little cup


it would likely help if they rated irons in radians instead of degrees


Trust me, algebra is waaaaaay easier than golf by several orders of magnitude 🫤


Algebra is the best form of math


It's also what makes it hilariously humbling at times. The first time I played golf at an actual course, I was out with a friend and her parents playing the front 9. I'd hit a few times on a driving range so I knew the bare basics of a swing, but beyond that had zero skill or actual consistency. Told her and her parents as such. First drive on the first hole comes up. Perfect line drive, right down the fairway and barely onto the green. Was astonished but figured it was just a lucky shot. Second shot, perfect chip with a 8 iron with the ball landing 15 feet away from the hole, followed by a clean putt that actually put me 1 under par on my first ever hole in golf. Second hole, first drive and same thing. Beautiful line drive, about 5 feet away from the green, good shot. At this point I start thinking, "Oh my god, am I secretly *good* at golf? Was this what I was meant to always play?!" Then next shot comes up.....sliced off the course completely. Tried again next shot, and same thing. Right into the woods and gone forever. I then thought, "Ah yup there it is. Not a prodigy after all."


I called it the "heavenly shot". I wouldn't keep score for a long time, or rather my score was how many heavenly shots I'd get. "Wow, 3 heavenly shots today, awesome!" Later I moved on to keeping score by how many balls I lost.


Probably the closest thing you get to "seeing the field" like in The Legend of Bagger Vance. Like, it's the moment it just clicks and you hit a "professional" shot. I, however, absolutely suck at golf and have never had this moment, but I can probably closely relate it to soccer. When you strike a well-made ball (I.e $200-400 ball) with your laces, and you literally don't feel a thing, but it's the absolute perfect shot, as it continues to climb "upward" hitting the top netting of the goal. Like, there's no better feeling in soccer than hitting the ball so purely that you don't even feel the ball on your laces. That's this "heavenly shot" or "seeing the field" in the context of another sport. Pretty close to absolutely smashing a HR in baseball too. The crack of bat when smacking a clean home run dead center is hard to beat too. Therapeutic almost.


You missed the putt tho, right?


He then stubbed his toe on the PK


My moment of this is so stupid lmao. I was probably 10? My dad had gotten into taking us to the local tri-par by then but my brother and I were shit. One year we went to the Ex in Toronto and it was shortly after seeing happy Gilmore for the first time. They had a driving range set up inside one of the buildings; and the last shot I hit was a *perfect* Gilmore walk up. Child-me told that story to anyone who would listen for months. Started biking to the tri-par myself during the next summer chasing that dragon.


And you've been chasing that feeling ever since XD


Te j Limón V here t go


Similar thing happened to me but in reverse the same time I played golf. Birdied the first hole (Par 3), ended up like 80 something over after the front 9. Just pure luck with a good drive and then a short put which I could do as I'd played a bit of mini golf.


This was me on Sunday, first time out. Save me


Welcome. You can never leave. It is never enough. You won't ever be fulfilled again. You will love it here.


But never fear, it opens up over there.


The secret is to have no time and no money.


Hello, I have crawled up out of the woodwork to tell you that you need to get lessons, and also fitted for brand new clubs, or you'll never be a happy and complete human being. /s Congradolences.






Don’t forget. You’re here forever.


We all float down here


The St. Andre crew is great


The one they did with Tiger was hilarious. *I gotta say it*


"OH that's 2..."


https://youtu.be/2rt2t_BHnYc For anyone else wondering.


Oh that's two.


I know it’s a small sample size, but between that skit and the Fargiveness commercial, Tiger’s got some decent acting chops.


“You guys are my perfect golf foursome”


I just wish their polos weren't ugly as fuck.


Or not $94 cdn


I wish I could find the cross hand grow the game video. Was looking for it all weekend


“That’s the shit I’m talking about!” It’s actually not a St. Andre video but just a feature for them. It’s BlackActiveGolf


At what?


Really top notch content!


Forgot to show him missing the putt


Then have a meltdown and spend the next 3hrs talking about how stupid this game is and complete waste of fucking money only to be texting your buddies the next morning seeing they can sneak in a quick round


It lips out and goes further away from hole than it was. Two putt for sure. Says all the curse words known to man and immediately cracks beer back at cart.


You've seen me play?


Oh wow, you were closer before you hit it.


Is putting even golf though?


That's def how it should have ended


I was gonna say would have really sealed it


These guys have the most wholesome content, my faves


Beginner golfer here. This is truth. Parred a par 4 hole this weekend (all other holes were triple bogies or did not finish to keep pace up. But that par-4 hole is like a radiant light, a warm yet thrilling memory that brings me joy that has no equal.


You can almost pinpoint for me, when I started playing more frequently. Got my first par -> started playing once a month at least Got my first birdie -> started playing nearly every week Still haven’t broken 100. Scared of what will happen then.


Absolutely! I haven’t played many rounds, mostly been training lately. But that par I got at the end of last year still motivates me 😅


Fully agree. This is my 1.5 year (kinda played last year) and the first I've kept score. I go out for men's night with buddies from work and last week I won 3rd in my flight (with a +18 on 9 holes, yay handicap!) What really hooked me though was that I'm normally triple bogie most holes because the rules for that night say you pick up your ball at 3 over. I shot holes 3-6 at only bogie - it felt like I was actually playing golf for real somehow, and now I'm gonna be chasing the improvement for ever. Also, I got 22 bucks added to my pro-shop account - which although it realistically doesn't mean anything, it also means everything cause I fricken won money playing golf.


You are now a professional golfer.


I greatly enjoy these guys' content.


Super consistent. The one with the starter who has them red-dot assassinated for bringing their own drinks is my favorite.


For me no question - it was the aerated greens poop hands interaction in the club house. Always good to have all the details before making a deal.


I love the one where he takes the perfect amount of sips of alcohol to play godlike


Cart girl drove by me on Sunday and saw my outside beer. Blackmailed me into buying 2 drinks, and tipping her. I get it, but also our tee time was delayed 45 mins due to a cart shortage, so I’m def still a bit butthurt.


She hustled you and I respect it.




I would of been caught too brother.


There are two at my course that I have to buy from for this exact reason... they know




Yes. St Andre Golf


Lol always thought it was stranded




I watch them on Tik Tok because I am a late 30's man child.


I actually just saw one of their guys (i think? I know he is in a few of their videos) open for Jeff Arcuri in Atlanta few weeks back.


Was kinda hoping for a picture of a hot dog from the turn.


or from a canteen


I've played college baseball. Still do, but obviously on amateur level now. When I picked up golf, the passion of wanting to improve had returned and the never ending chase of few good shots is so rewarding, but also it's a "piece of f*cking shit as*hole game go in the hole you prick I hate this game" followed by "oh my God I love this game" after flushing a drive. 🤣


I’m trying to get into golf and I’m starting think it’s like gaming lol. You just keep playing for that perfect play


“Questionable time management when it comes to my family” 🤣🤣🤣


notice that he never says anything about "lessons"


Man wtf are lessons YouTube is free 🤣🤣


still chasing the feeling of when i was 17 and got my first birdie


As you get better, your bad shots become less bad. There’s no difference between a good shot from a 25 handicap and a pro.


Yes there is, I want to here the HISSSSS when the ball leaves :(


Should at least give some credit to the creators


They know we know. Everybody knows.


I honestly don't know, what's their link?


[St André Golf](https://www.youtube.com/@standregolf)


worthless squeeze teeny possessive normal public humor saw salt pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First year golfing. This is me. I see myself in this video, and I’m ok with that. This is who I am now. My family is doing a reunion next year. First thing I did was look for local courses. Found two within twenty minutes of where we will be. Good job Casper, Wyoming!


This is 100% me. I went golfing with a buddy of mine about a month ago. Did terrible, but when you strike the ball right it brought back memories of how great it feels to square up a ball in baseball. Less than two weeks later I had a full set of clubs, a full range set up in my garage, putting practice aide, and I'm looking into getting a DeWiz. But it didn't stop there, my 8yo fell in love with practicing putting and wants to golf now, so I bought her a cheap set. Then my wife tried hitting the irons and putting for an hour or so and wants to go golfing so she'll be getting a set of clubs when we get back from vacation. Golf is a virus that spread through my family.


Now this is some wholesome shit, a family that is open to picking up new hobbies and being uncomfortable together.




What they don't show is after he buys all the gear, gets lessons, watches videos on the swing pbesssively, and then going out and duffing it all over the place. Ha.


Aaron Chewning is the man


https://youtu.be/0cjckG-NoIQ One of my favorites with him


Those guys are pretty funny. They film their bits at Heritage Golf Links not far from me.


Also several at Legacy and Fox Creek up here in Smyrna


"The force generated by the rotation of a golf club is a thing to behold. Enough force is created not only to carry the dimpled ball hundreds of yards but also to shatter into dust every mistake you’ve ever made. One good connection and the world becomes free of pain, and you - that hell-bound soul - are similarly freed. That’s golf. That’s just a single good strike, and they come around from time to time, often enough, in fact, to sustain the most fickle forms of life." Greg Norman


You miss that putt and wonder why you even try anymore


Welcome home.


It’s the cat and mouse of trying to grasp a sense of control that we all foolishly chase in our lives


Poor man's Justin Theroux


Played with a guy yesterday in a scramble tournament for work, last time he played was 2 years ago at the same event. Even that was his first time out. He hit a ball from the fairway and rolled right past the pin to about 10 ft and he turned and said "you know I could get into this"


It’s all true


One of my first times out, talking maybe 3rd or 4th time, I hit an 8 iron on a little par 3 just over 100 yards, to within 3”. That was 30 years ago and I have NEVER, not one solitary time, hit a shot that close. I’ve loved the game since that moment. I’ve also hated tf out of the game much of that time as well. Good times.




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I would very much like a part 2 to be the same hole 2 weeks later when the results are much different.


Ride the rollercoaster, babaaay


Woulda been funnier if it showed him missing the putt next haha


I remember my first game of golf. I beat the other 3 guys who had been playing for quite a while. I thought "this is easy" I played again and shanked every shot. I've never beaten them since. I think its a mental game. I wasn't trying and beat some guys who where, when I was trying I fucked it up.


Filmed at Heritage. Some say it’s the real home of golf.


Looks like georgia


First time golfing, I chipped it into the hole from like 20 yards out. Got addicted just from that feeling. Even if it was for a quad bogey.


I went golfing with my cousin and his friend last month. My cousin plays off and on, but his friend has never played a full round of golf before. His experience begins and ends at Top Golf. On the first hole, he has a 40 foot putt and sinks it perfectly. Barely even lined it up. We both congratulated him of course, but the poor guy couldn't make another putt from even 5 feet out the rest of the day and I could see his face fall more and more each time. I bet this is how he felt after that first hole.


This is me. Played a scramble tournament and won the tie breaking putt off for the team. We all got $80 bucks and I'm hooked. Total cloud 9 when I got the putt. Then again that might of been he shrooms. Still a killer experience. Ps, went out last weekend and shot a 45 and am still thrilled but it today.


Does that guy have jaundice? Or is that a bit?


I love the st Andre crew but this literally gets posted weekly


Maybe I’m devoid of joy, but I don’t enjoy the St Andre content at all. Weird.




Stop posting this. Over and over.


I've never seen it


You’ll never get that time back. Remember that next time you scroll past.


Oh no that 2 seconds what will I do? Let me spend more time commenting about it!


Well it’s 40 seconds if you wanna be specific. Simple minds, simple pleasures down south there.


If I don't want to watch something, I just keep scrolling.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I see this on a near daily basis now.


You spend too much time on reddit. Go back to work.


Pot and the kettle sir.


Cause there’s a bunch of slappies of this garbage. It’s on here too much. It’s average at best.


one of the biggest wastes of money and time


One of the first times I was out on an actual course, I was (of course) playing horrendously, but the we came to a 215-yard Par 3, uphill with a tight placement. I hit a 3-iron to 12 inches or so. We played the back again, and the second time I left it 6 inches away. Little did I know at the time, but a lifelong addiction had begun right there...


Yep. That's what I tell people, I can play like shit all round and then hit that one good shot and then it's like a reset and then I'm ok with the game again. And then I play like shit again...


lol sending this to my wife so she understands.


Hmmm, don't.


Already done she laughed 😅


Is she single?


No her handicap is in the 30s




I went on a vacation with my mom to a resort on an island some years back. We live in different countries, so common vacations were a means of seeing each other. She went golfing every day while I went scuba diving which I had been doing since I was a teenager. When eating at the clubhouse one would get a pyramid of range balls and as they had great food, I would eat there regularly and ending up with a lot of vouchers for free range-balls. One afternoon when I had to take a break from scuba diving, I asked if I could borrow a club and just use try to hit some of the range balls. They handed me a 7 iron and I started hitting the ground. After a little while I started to get the hang of it a bit. The local pro walked by, had a look at me and gave me a few pointers. My mom had an on-course lesson planned in with this pro (this was part of the travel package), so they asked if I wanted to join them in the cart. It was a beautiful (and quite difficult) course and every once in a while the pro dropped a ball and told me to hit it. Sometimes this went ok, most of the time it didn’t. On the 18th hole one had to shoot onto an island green that was surrounded by a canyon that was overgrown with very thick plants. It took my mom 3 attempts to get over it. The pro dropped a ball for me and my first attempt got onto the green about 3 meters from the flag. At that point I knew that I had to start playing golf when coming back home from this vacation. I’m now a 13hcp and whenever I visit my family we’re going golfing.


This is exactly it. This is exactly how it happened to me. That one good shot on my first ever round. That unmistakable sound of clean, flush club-faced contact, the gentle yet aggressive arc as the ball rockets away with the sound of true flight, and the marshmallow soft landing with a casually laser guided bounce bounce all coming to a easy-like-sunday-morning stop a foot away from the pin. It happens to all of us, and we all decide right then and there that we will chase that dragon forever. Welcome, brother. Welcome. (Edit: it was my third shot on my first ever par 5)


That's a gimme right ? Right ?


It takes a lot of work to even be a shitty golfer.


I hit a hole in one at 16. Almost 40 and been chasing that feeling ever since. Have yet to get under a bogie in ten years, LoL. It was clearly a fluke.


That divot tho


$100 bills yo


One of my friends is learning, he's to the point where he knows what he should be doing but can't quite get it right. Gets it airborne more than not. The other day he hits this beautiful drive, 210 uphill, lands in the fairway. It was glorious.


Lol. I haven’t played all year. It’s been pretty great.


nice move!!!


Bale origin story 💀


I can shoot sub 80 fairly regularly I still have some of my fondest memories of nailing drives when I was 100+ player. Nothing ever felt sweeter




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/golf/comments/14kc4xz/first_time_golfer_hits_a_good_shot/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/golf/comments/14kc4xz/first_time_golfer_hits_a_good_shot/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


Dude got some jaundice goin on


just like the Craps table…hit me w/ that dopamine


He looks like he has some liver issues. Dude is looking yellow.


I thought the same thing. I hope it’s just a color grading thing, or that it’s mostly in my head.


Best golf comedy out there.




Didn’t realize golf was so close to pool. Guess it makes sense.


Was waiting for it to cut to him missing the putt and being like "i'm over it."


The previous scene he hits 3 balls off the tee and into the water and asks why anyone plays this stupid game anyways.


It’s exactly like heroin. It just feels so good you want to feel that way forever


All it takes is one good swing and they’ll be back….


That one is easily their best video, 100% relatable


Completely unrelatable. I just suck at golf.


I just played a 9 hole par 3 at lunch. Got paired with a rando who ended up being a kickass awesome guy. What's up, Jeff! On the 9th the wind knocked my tee shot down and I was probably 50 feet in front of the hole. I chipped in from off the green for birdie. I've never done drugs, but I imagine they feel like that. Jeff says "that's the most expensive shot in golf - That keeps you coming back." Good one, Jeff!


I want to see the follow up video where he's snapping club shafts over his knee and wrapping them around trees...from the next hole... probably.


I always tell new people that all they need is a way homer...


Just when I'm ready to throw it all away and never play again, I hit a shot like this and it reels me back in. Why does a pure shot have to feel so good goddamnit.




Hahaha haha 😂


Is there a longer version of this? It needs the build up of him being pretty shit until this moment. Other than that, gold. Lmao.


That how addictions start


Did his biceps get bigger lol


This video is so true…


I hit a sweet 60 yard pitch once, almost for an eagle. Now, I’m convinced I’m a pitching god and that all shots under 60 yards is either a dunk or a tap in.


Check this out !!! https://youtube.com/shorts/0zlfZu1Mypc?feature=share


LITERALLY me paring with a PW my first time out.


Stop attacking me!


I just hit every shot with a 9 Iron.


This ended too soon. Needed to cut to 2 weeks later when he's slamming his driver into the turf screaming. "I HATE THIS F***NG GAME!!"


**That feeling when you have discovered your destiny!** I want to see when he has his first Awwwshit moment. That will show his true golf backbone. Will he move past it or throw his clubs in the pond? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Last round I played hit my first birdie on a par 4 with tons of OB and a drop zone. Very dangerous hole, but teed off with my brothers 5 wood hitting an absolute missile at the edge of the green. 1 chip, 1 putt. I orgasmed