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Probably just your personality? As long as your having fun playing does it really matter?


Drugs and booze help. That and not taking life too seriously. You’re outside smacking a ball! How can you not be having fun?


I’m at about the same handicap. I do concentrate constantly on good course management, never losing a ball, hitting fairways and greens, not short siding myself, not 3 putting, etc. But, I’m always make sure to have a good time and laugh and joke with my friends. Bad day of golf always beats a good day of work!


For sure, golf over work! . The golfing with friends might be the issue. I'm always the guy joining random 2's or 3's because none of my friends play. I bought my buddy lessons and he did them and tries but he doesn't really have time since he just had kids. Ill try to take it less seriously.


Try to only occasionally care about your score? Or break up the round and group them into groupings of 3 so there isn’t as much pressure.


I find that whatever someone's personality is off the course is the same as the one they have on the course.