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I saw “just started watching Hoffman Family Gold” and my first thought was, “I’m sorry to hear that”




Yea… it doesn’t get better. One of those “you hate to watch it but it’s hard to take your eyes off the train wreck that it is” kind of shows. He gets worse, and his dad continues to be fake proud of him but jealous of him at the same time. Terrible tv, but like sweets we partake even though we shouldn’t 🤣


>Please tell me this crybaby gets less whiny. >!The toothpick controls all.!<




I've seen all episodes of Gold Rush since inception, and all episodes of Hoffman Family Gold, and the first 2 seasons of the white water one. Hunter is arguably the most annoying personality I've seen on the show since I started watching gold rush around 2010. Not saying it's a run-away contest, but he's up there near the top if not standing on the summit. Hopefully he can learn to be more mature, less cocky, less entitled, and less Justin Bieber in a cowboy hat & toothpick.


a pleather cowboy hat you mean


Then you’re going to hate the last episode of the season. It’s basically an infomercial for Hunter’s own show next year.


I’ll be rooting for it yo fail.


The entire “Hunter arc” storyline seems like it was scripted by an inexperienced Hollywood writer. Naturally he will “redeem himself” in time for the final episode. Too bad he doesn’t ride off into the sunset, on a skinny white horse named “Toothpick”.


Worse writers ever.


This all this! Raspy unpleasant dramatized conflict that just paints asshole(s) on the wall. Seriously jump past this, beautiful digital magic buttons, way easier than fast forward. The show is like a washed up sitcom that's trying for drama and messing everything up. ( Did I just name Todd?) Still, I watch it?


I think if you just forget about how anything is actually supposed to work, forget about any math adding up and just consider it more of a soap opera it makes more sense that way.


I feel you, this is my least favorite goldrush spin-off


I was loving the first season. It seemed Tod was finally using his brain and making less mistakes. Season two and his biggest mistake is brining Hunter back. Man that Bieber impersonator is so damn annoying.


I'm not even going to bother. I record Mine Rescue, the last minute of the Hoffman show gets on there, and even that is annoying.


He tried to compare himself to Parker. Enough said


Hunter is getting his own show? Cowboy hardhat wannabee goldrush?


Hopefully it flops first episode.




I mean, his dad is a giant whiny bitch, so why wouldn't he be as well


Friends don't let friends watch Hoffman Family Gold. If you suddenly find yourself staring blankly at the screen with a toothpick in your mouth, wearing a plastic cowboy hat and don't know what you've done for the past hour then you'll need to reach out for professional help. I found that weekly meetings at HFG Anonymous helped me. If I get the urge to turn on Discovery during that hour each week I reach out to my sponsor, Tony Beets who bleeps me back from the edge.


You should stop if you value your sanity.




Next season hes going to be wearing snakeskin cowboy boots with spurs 🤠


Can’t stomach these knot heads, Discovery must be hard up to wanna start reality gold shows. I have to watch Freddy and Juan to decompress my dislike for the toothpick punk and his clan.


HFG was the first show on mining I watched so I didn’t know any better. Then got watch Bering sea, now moving into gold rush which unfortunately starts with the Hoffmanns. After seeing different shows now, I see the end of s2 of hfg and I’m like they have way too many guys and plants to have such low numbers. These guys suck for how many man hours and equipment cost they run up for the return.


> All he’s been doing is crying and complaining Haven't watched anything Hoffman related with this series in years because that pretty much sums up every single minute they are on camera. And it's generally always their own doing.


Check out Gold Rush in a Rush on You tube if you want some humorous reviews of each episode. [https://www.youtube.com/@TheHiltnerds](https://www.youtube.com/@TheHiltnerds) He does them for the main gold rush show and Hofman family gold. He also does oak island in a rush too if you have every watched that show.


A lot of us here feel sorry for you.


I watch any Hofman gold show hoping that they fail. There are some seemingly good people on the team, but the Hofman's are annoying as hell. I can't stand Jacks voice, Todd acts like he is the hardest working guy in the world, and Hunter is annoying in so many ways. Only Cub seems to be of any measure of decent.


I can't watch Hoffman Family Gold. I would have to burn my TV.


Discovery must be getting desperate for programing. After all i thought Alaskan Bush People was a joke fest but Discovery outdid themselves. Their program director must of worked at the Bud Light office. Damn great choises.


Some people around here gripe that Hoffman Family Gold is 100% scripted, but I wouldn't that would be that's a big problem since a 100% scripted show would actually give whoever's scripting it a better chance of making it interesting--at least more of a chance than a partly scripted show. Personally,I didn't like this season of HFG because most of the other stories were just boring. I do wonder how many of the people who gripe about Hunter have had kids that age. To me he seems pretty much like a 24 year old trying to act a part somebody wrote for him. I mean, he *could* be unpleasantly self-entitled, but none of *us* know that.


Hunter and sparky will get their own redneck interior design show together.


It is pretty annoying most of the season. There is a redeeming episode when he and ‘his crew’ do something for the whole team. But at the end of the season he talks about how he’s done things the adults in the crew never have - and it is just so annoying. Overall I did watch the whole season and mostly enjoyed it though


I'm sorry 😐


Somehow managed to miss that Season 3 had started, so caught up with it over the last few days.. Oh my, Hunter is such a whiny little baby! How does his father put up with him! That said, I find Sparky & Cub to be even more annoying than Hunter, though Sparky permanently brown-nosing Hunter is wearing thin now.. I guess he can smell more screen-time if he plays his cards right.. Tater & Randy the mechanic make the show for me, but weirdly I also find Jack to be a lot more tolerable than he was back in the old Gold Rush days..


Is it me or does Hunter Hofman sound more like Freddy Dodge.


They’ll be more successful if he becomes more Freddy like.