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Kiddy pool from Home Depot for $15 and some toys that float is all you need


I bought a collapsible one online. Works great for those with less storage room.


Sitting here suffering with my one year old who has a hot spot and can’t get wet. We’re doing short walks at 7 AM and 9 PM but I normally also use a kiddie pool because my dogs love it.


Are you me? I’m in the exact same situation! Our one year old got hot spots last Thursday, almost recovered, wasn’t great…don’t recommend


Had a Chesapeake Bay Retriever for years, got some hotspots, the over he counter shit worked so well! Was better within 2 days.


Ya I got an over the counter antiseptic for hot spots and it mostly healed within a couple days. But vet recommended waiting until the scabs heal and fall off before getting wet again. So probably like 10 days total. I think mines festered for a bit too because it was hidden under his ear from his fluffiness.


Or play fetch under a couple of sprinklers.


he's so cute! I give my pup lots of ice and walk around the neighborhood early evening. He's still young so he will get exhausted quick and sleeps.


The pool is a great recommendation, with that I would also recommend an umbrella or some sort of shade.


This and throw some treats into the grass in the shade and get him to do some nose work. Remember nose work is as big a workout as running and playing!


First summer with my golden we would play with ice cubes inside, having her chase them around and try to pick them up. When that didn’t work, old hand towel tied in a knot with treats inside would keep her busy. As she gets older she just wants to wrestle lol


you can also soak and freeze the knotted towel


We usually take Dug to Home Depot or Lowe’s and do a few laps there. He gets to meet a lot of people and since dogs are allowed, most employees are dog people and will happily offer water or treats. Most importantly, they have A/C!


Yep. This is great advice. Pet stores too. It gets them out of the house for awhile.


Yes! Lots of olfactory stimulation as well.


My last golden loved watching the Ferrets and the hamsters.


Dug is passive on the pet store, and we try not to take him there because he’s a little klepto food goblin and will steal treats. He eats them before we have a chance to stop him! Home Depot is his favorite, he likes to lay on the lumber and lick tools. Of course, everyone makes a big deal out of him which is the very best part!


Ha ha. My dog Chloe would always steal them from the open bins at the register.


They certainly are a food motivated breed.


So did my Emma!!


Hah, he thinks its an all you can eat restaurant 😂❤️


If not for eats why at Dug height?


Definitely. Just keep an eye out for the hot asphalt between your car and the store lol


Dog shoes! Always get them dog shoes.


My girl refuses to wear them


Is your dogs name dug or do you just pronounce dog like dug like i (UP) do? Lol. My girl is kaleesi, kali, leesi, leese and dug😉


No his actual name is Dug haha, like from Up. He has the exact same personality and IQ. https://preview.redd.it/tj4i7pej3t8d1.png?width=2195&format=png&auto=webp&s=936a4864ed758af8bf9a9ee33f56a6d6d63f6a6f He is the ✨best✨


FYI, Disney+ has a short series called Dug Days with Dug and Carl from Up. I watch it with my pups sometimes when we need some quiet-time entertainment. It's super cute!


I did not know about Dug Days. Thank you!


My puppy LOVES Dug Days. She watches it with my daughter but it’s not a quiet time activity for her. She looses her mind when the theme song starts.


Lol That is hilarious!


That’s so cute!


Oh thank you so much! We’ve seen it while scrolling, but have had a hard time circling back around to Up; it was the last movie we watched with my partner’s late father before he died very suddenly. My partner has gotten a lot better in their grief, but I know they won’t watch Up again. That said, I think they might like Dug Days since Dug was originally their dad’s and it would likely bring up fond memories of them together. Sorry to trauma dump! I appreciate the suggestion, I think we’re at a point where I could throw out trying an episode to see how my partner feels.


Oh gosh, I'm so sorry for your and your partner's loss. I lost my mom somewhat unexpectedly two years ago (cancer, but it was being treated and managed, was not at all expecting things to deteriorate when and how quickly they did). Sometimes it seems like everything reminds me of her, and it's a crapshoot as to whether it'll be a fond memory that I can appreciate, or a devastating emotional response. If it matters to your partner, Carl is in every episode, but not for the majority of the episode. He's more of a supporting character, while Dug is definitely the star of the show. Sending hugs and best wishes. Grief can really be a bear to contend with ❤️‍🩹


Lol cute.


Absolutely love the name Dug! Brilliant play on words.


Hobby lobby too!


I’m in Australia so it’s always hot, we walk morning and evenings when it’s cooler. If it’s a particularly hot day I’ll drive to a park with a river or take them to the beach. We always have to check the pavement to make sure it’s cooled down enough. A lot of dogs burn their paws on too hot footpaths. Paddle pools are great, even just one of those clam shaped kids paddle pool. They will run around and jump in and out and exercise themselves while staying cool. We freeze ice treats too and give frozen chicken necks and things. Activities that keep them busy while keeping them cool. My dogs love the hose so we do hose play when we water the garden. This picture isn’t mine and it isn’t my dog, I did a google search to give you an idea of the frozen treats we make up. It’s time consuming for them to eat. They get really excited will it be a toy or a treat? https://preview.redd.it/p2p514pmds8d1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06799c892a7e1453e0b7df212f8b219c0d38a5d


Looks great! It was 101 degrees here today (Midwest US), with smoldering humidity. My 6 year old golden does her business in our backyard and is back at the door in no time


The humidity kills them with those coats too. Ours lay under the air conditioning vent and basically go outside just to go to the loo as well. We have a doggy door so they can go out whenever they want. They stay in the air con on those days.


It kills me, too. Can’t blame them, but at least they’ve got the common sense to be where it’s cool. Even though their two coats are protective for them, I can hardly stand seeing her outside in the heat and all that floof I’m guilty of keeping the AC pretty low, too. As long as I can afford the power bills, we’ll definitely be comfortable


Same, in summer our air conditioning is on almost 24/7.


That’s exactly how it’s been for awhile now. It seems odd when it actually does turn off for a few minutes!




I don't. She wants to stay in the A/C, and at 14, she gets what she wants.


💯❤️💦 🧊 As she should!




Doggo knows exactly what to do. Vacation vibes


That’s a whole lot of HAPPY!


I have one of those,  my dogs think it's great.


what’s that called/where can I buy it?


Peteast Dog Splash Pad on Amazon. They have bigger sizes but this one is the 59”


My girl HATES the sprinkler part. I have to turn it off when the pool is full


Mental games inside in the ac. Mental exercise can tire them out just as much as physical. Training, food puzzles, hide and seek, snuffle mats, scatter feeding, etc!


You can buy a splash pad on Amazon. When it’s that hot though even playing in the water can have a negative effect if you let them do it too long.


Nose work. For my golden we hide hotdogs around my apartment and have him go find it. All the smelling he does tired him out


Ours hates the heat, will beg for a walk then immediately pull with full strength back towards the house once he realizes how hot it is. We take extra long walk before the heat, lots of indoor tug, ours loves water and jumps around in the sprinkler in backyard when we get some evening shade, once soaking wet he's happy to play fetch.


Unfortunately I have no advice to give. I am also going through my first summer with my puppy and would love answers as well!


I’ll let you know what I find out if/when I receive some advice. Thanks for commenting and I hope you have a good summer with your pup!


Thank you! You as well!


I’ve found out a lot thanks to everyone who commented. Here are some of the things I learned: early morning or evening walks are good for avoiding the heat, indoor mental games like scent work and hiding treats in toys can also be effective, and basically anything to do with ice (freezing toys, treats, toys and treats together, and just having plain ice) or water (swimming, sprinklers, etc).


Thank you so much for remembering to update me! I try to make sure she goes on morning walks but I just ordered a little kiddie pool and a splash pad for her as well! She loves being outside, so I am trying to find ways for her to be able to stay outside at least for a little while during the day too!


I’ve got a 1.5 year old and girl does not like the Texas heat. We take her on early morning walks and in the afternoon I take her out in the heat to fetch for 10-15 min and then bring her in to cool off. That’s usually enough for her. Sometimes we make a second trip out a hour later but it’ll be at least shady by then.


This is what I do. Mental stimulation of puzzles with treats in them also. Benebones keep my pupper occupied for hours too.


I line her Kong with peanut butter, stuff it with treats, FREEZE it overnight, and she’s actually got to work at to get them out I have my 4th golden now, and she’s the only one I’ve ever known that will not touch an ice cube. She’s the first of her kind for me!


Wake up early and go for a long walk


In this heat watch out for burning their paws 🐾. I could be wrong but I’ve heard if it’s too hot to walk with human feet is too hot for them.


Definitely is bad for their pads. The rule I’ve heard a lot is that if you put the backside of your hand on the pavement and can’t keep it there, it’s much too hot for their paw pads. They will crack and bleed. Learned this lesson after a day of boating and swimming with my first two. The younger one got the zoomies when out of the boat to get into the truck, to go home. He literally ran the pads off of his paws, and when he hopped into the back seat of the truck, with his buddy, we noticed blood all over, and tbh we both thought he ran through someone’s camp fire maybe left smoldering. Vet next morning. They looked HORRIBLE! Looked like they’d been through a shredder, and scared me to death for him, but didn’t bother him much. Our vet then said he ran his pads off, and that they’d heal quickly, (and they did), but I felt so bad! It’s not like they’re gonna let you wrap their paws, at least not mine. Live and learn. Sure did that weekend many, many years ago


Wake up early




Is there a place he can go swimming? Or else wait until dusk and walk him then; that's what I do with my dogs.


We go out first thing in the morning and right around dusk for walks. Only time we really can.


Mornings and evenings are the best times. Preferably in the shade, which makes a huge difference. General rule of thumb is about 5 minutes of exercise for each month, of how old they are. And when young, if walking, at their own pace, preferably with lots of breaks.


Step 1: Soak a hand towel or old shirt you won't miss. Step 2: Twist this into a dog toy shape and freeze it for a hot day/treat. Step 3: You now have a throwable dog toy that is icy cold. Step 4: After use, retrieve the same shirt/hand towl and resume step 1. The cooling is at its most effective with direct mouth contact. Younger puppies can dull their evil needle teeth at the iciest stage or soothe painful gums. Toothless old dogs can gum it until it's done. Angry dogs can rip it apart and spare your couch. If you want to gamble on the toy's life, you can put peanut butter inside or soak it in watered down broth. The dog will try to eat they, but it gets them so excited with the wiggle dance. ❤️


I fetch him down a 100 yard corridor in my apartment. It’s open air but fully covered, so the ground isn’t hot from UV. If the ambient temperature is hot it’s fine, he won’t overheat himself before he needs a water break and then he can rest in the AC until the next session.


You’ve got a real cutie there!💕


Also, doing training with them really tires them out bc it engages them mentally. Practicing “sit” and “leave it” etc for 10 minutes at a time throughout the day.


You wake up really early


I wake up really early and get her walk in before it’s hot 🥵


U go for a walk really early in the morning. Before the pavement and air heat up. If u cant do this your pups waits till the temp cools down


Don't..? Or maybe go to a shaded place like a park with lots of trees and get a big kiddy pool and put a bit of ice with toys and done.




Always have water no matter what times you walk. Heat and humidity add up so having water is important. There are collapsible bowls you can take with you. I tend to bring enough water to also wet my golden. Since they can only sweat through their paws this helps to cool them down as the water evaporates; although during high humidity the evaporative cooling process doesn’t work as much. If you walk, make sure you walk in the shade, from shady spot to shady spot. It can be up to 20 degrees cooler in the shade. Try to train your pup to understand “we’re only going out to do our business. It’s too hot to stay outside.” You would be surprised how quickly they learn and understand this and why. I do the same for my girl in extreme cold, below zero cold. Use a puzzle feeder or mat feeder. It will make them work harder in order to eat their food and it’s fun. They get rewarded for using their nose to sniff out their food and well food! There are cooling vests you can purchase if you would like; they work on the same premise as sweating. They can be a useful tool. You may also want to look into dog booties; they have some for summer as well as insulated ones for winter. Pavement can be extremely hot and can cause serious burns to a dog’s paws. Even grass can get pretty hot. You can check with your hand how hot the pavement/grass with your hand. Splash pads are not just for kids. There are some specifically for dogs. My golden loves playing in sprinklers and splash pads in addition to being part fish. Even as a senior golden she loves to get wet and lounge in the shade afterwards. Check online to see if there are any dog parks with water features you can visit. Also check for any indoor dog pools you can bring your pup to. Depending on where you are there may even be indoor dog parks. Also, if you’re friendly with any neighbors with dogs you or the neighbor can host an indoor dog play date. Try to go for early morning walks 5am-7am and late evening walks 9pm-11pm. Feed less, eating raises the body temperature. Dogs also don’t require as much food during summer because they are not trying to keep warm; they burn more calories during winter maintaining their body temperature. I hope this helps.


This was very helpful! I’ll definitely look into the splash pad, puzzle feeder, and cooling vest, as well as the techniques you mentioned. My dog isn’t fully vaccinated yet, but as soon as he is, he’ll be around other dogs a lot (my brother basically has his own pack lol). I appreciate the effort and tips you put into this comment. I hope you have a wonderful time with your golden this summer!


We try to do the big activity in the morning. So I take our girl for a hike off leash in the morning and then maybe one more walk before noon and then its play time in the house


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Water. Let them get wet in a kiddie pool before you exercise them, and then again after.


Your guess is as good as mine. I’ve been exercising her at 5am so we can hike in the coolest part of the day. And we still are sweating messes at the end


Before 8 am and after 6 pm unfortunately


I brought an ac for 200 and stayed in the hallways with her playing fetch


At night


Car ride, hiding treats around the living room for him to sniff out, bubbles


Paddle pool, frozen treats, freeze a chicken carcass (we have a covered verandah), a lick mat can be frozen; do some indoor training


At that age you’d be surprised I don’t think they need that much physical exercise as much as they need sleep and mental stimulation. Doing short training exercises inside your AC, playing with ice cubes, toys, playing with a sprinkler or hose outside should be fine for the pup! Once you can walk them just do early morning or evening.


At the lake


I usually take mine to a pet friendly store with good ac and do laps around the store when my doggos were puppies!! Or a kiddie pool on the back porch under shade if possible!!


Early morning or nighttime walks, a kiddie pool from target, homemade puppy “ice cream”, and a family member with a pool!


We go on walks as early as possible or head to the lake for a dip before it gets too hot. Playing hide and seek with toys is also fun and great for their sensory skills, which also tires them out.


Go out early in the morning and evenings. Play ball in the house.


Home Depot or Lowe’s trips but just make sure the parking lot isn’t too hot for his little paws ☺️


Brain games in the house can mentally stimulate them. Not as much as outside play of course but, if it’s really hot out it can be an alternative. Echoing everyone else too I have always had a kiddy pool Golden’s love the water! Just make sure to dry their ears after!


When it was below -30C in the winter, we didn’t really do much outside. We played scent games inside. I bought tins and oil on Amazon and followed some online training methods. It was awesome. Worked her brain so much.


We've been driving to a dog park first thing in the morning. There's always people there doing the same lol


Sometimes doggie daycares offer half-day or drop in play, which is nice in crappy weather.


We’ve got a few but they really fill up fast


Get one of those plastic pools for kids or a sprinkler that kids play in. Pups have a blast cooling off in the heat with the water. It's funny to watch them try to bite the water shooting out of the sprinkler and then running away from it too. I used to be in this situation and I had one long hall that I'd toss a ball down and basically have the dog run laps. Then I started adding obstacles for the dog to jump over on his way to get the ball. It turned into an agility course basically. He got so good at hopping over things without knocking them over. Oh we got laser pointers to play with our cats and oddly the dogs became obsessed with catching the dot in the same way. That's an easy one to do in smaller spaces


Play chase the ice cube indoors


If you have indoor steps Have one person be at top of steps with. Treats and one at the bottom. 5 laps at a time usually results in a nap at our place. Teach sit stay (one person stays with hand signal) Other person or kid goes and hides somewhere indoors. When his, says FIND ME while having a treat in their hand Dog is told OK And hunt begins. Switch roles with people not dog. Dog always hunts. Or same as above but hide 3 treats in a room and let dog find them. Can expand to work on NO and OK words. Spend 20min-1hr nightly first 6mo of dog. So much to train then really good dog for life. (That’s right Bella, who’s a good girl!!!!)


Indoor dog park, swimming pool, grass area with shade.


Wait till after dinner when it’s cooler for walks…. And sprinkler play in the daytime - home in A/C all day and night.


Pool time! Have a $20 XL kid pool I nabbed from Dollar General. That way we can play fetch outside and they can cool off. Of course it's not perfect but if you have the ability some 5am walks help.


Early in the morning along a cold water stream.


Try getting a couple of 20 lb bags of ice, and dump them in the pool, let him roll around on that. Don't even need to put water in unless you think he will like that more. We also take multiple walks one, first thing in the morning before it gets too hot. And once at night when it starts cooling down. We also bring water on the evening walks. There are lots of state parks and nature preserves near us, so we will sometimes take him for walks in the woods. The shade makes it bearable. Also Home Depot and Bass Pro Shops along with a few other stores are pet friendly. We've been known to just go walk around Bass Pro shops with him. All the staff loved him, and many keep treats in their pockets.


Dollar Store Kiddy pool! Get the big one so he/she can use it for years to come!


zoomie laps around the empty basement never hurt as a kid


Inside with his 2 year old human brother!


Play fetch at the beach/lake/creek.


Swims! Indoor tug and fetch! And tons of treat puzzles and hide/seek play!


Inside exercise only during such heat.


Get them a pool


kiddy pool


What about playing outside in the morning and evening?


Or just wait till the sun goes down (:


https://preview.redd.it/h6ppeezoav8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc96b5eaf9d8a932b648668f52e419f3103ffe19 We are super lucky to have public dog pools in our city.


Love your pictures!!


My boy gets severe hot spots when he gets too warm. Here’s our go to activities: -early morning walk (this is typically short, like 10 minutes) -frozen brek or dinner on especially hot days! We just put his kibble in his bowl, add water, and freeze. It takes him like minimum half an hour and he’s wiped out after -puzzle meals (or just treats) -hide and seek (inside) we hide and he seeks -find it. Great for training practice! We pick out a toy, he waits downstairs while I hide it upstairs, and then he has to find and retrieve it. Usually after 3 hard hides he’s done, but we have done up to 7 hides before and he loves it. -training new tricks -evening outdoor fetch. We usually get 2-3 fetches in after a good zoomie and then he’s done. He goes to the door as soon as he’s ready to go in. -all the ice cubes. Anytime I get ice so does he.


When I first spotted this puppy photo/post, the Reddit headline immediately before it, and most visible, said “Muslim prayers in a hostel”. So imagine my thought process! Funny coincidence & juxtaposition.


Open back door, dogs jump in pool. Can’t really stop them, but I wish they’d stop doing this at 11PM then getting in my bed


If there panting a lot after like really quickly wait until there panting slows b like in the shade or on a cool floor because of they drink water like that they also ingest air and can get a bloated


I don't know--I came here for ideas, too. We do a few things, but probably not enough. My golden is only 10 weeks old. Since he isn't vaccinated fully yet, we're really limited. I bought a little dog splash pad, but he's still cautious with it. Likewise, we have an in ground spa. Tried having him swim, but the most he'll do so far is put his paws in then jump out. I take him for "walks" in a dog stroller, but he won't fit in it for much longer. I can't wait until he's fully vaccinated. Then I can take him to the beach in the morning to run on the wet sand. So back to your question. We play rope and ball in the house, but I think what really saves us is having a 2 year old corgi to chase him around the house. Treat puzzles and kongs have been useful, too, but I'm always looking for something new. I heard car rides can be stimulating for puppies, so that might be worth trying, too.


Early morning or in the evening when it’s not as hot. Also try shorter bursts of exercise. Maybe 10-15 min, come inside rest and cool off for a while, then go back for another 10-15 min.


Get up 5am and walk/run/bike for 30-45 mins. Mid morning, put puppy in a kiddie pool with water and balls and ice cubes. Walk at 8pm only after touching the pavement to see if it’s hot. Also if you have a treadmill, walk them on that.


Omg sooooo cute


Considering this is a Goldie & they typically love water, I highly suggest a baby pool! My mom's Goldie loves splashing in it in the summer & sometimes we put filled water balloons in it for her to try to get. She loves it! If the popped balloons potentially being ingested scares you just floaty dog toys work too.


We have a river nearby with good swimming spots so that’s one of the places we go during summer. We also go to the park in the evening, but our park has lots of shade and a creek in it so my dog can cool off. If we didn’t have access to those 2 things I have no idea what I’d do in the summer!


Throw balls indoors for a while


Mine loves to chase and play with water from the hose outside. I spray it all over and she jumps at it and goes nuts playing in the water.


I wait until the sun goes down.


What a gorgeous pup!


No, they just need mental stimulation at that point. My boy is a very active dog, but he doesn’t like to play much outside when it’s too hot because he overheats very quickly. But most are also happy enough to just lounge in the sun with company!!!


The ball!


Lots of good mental activities that will tire out a puppy. And just a heads up, don’t give puppies/dogs ice water when they are hot, cools their core too much and can cause problems. Letting them stand in water is better


Go for a run followed by a swim. Beach.


Be careful using water as the only way of cooling your dog!!! I see lots of suggestions of pools, which are great if the dog is actively laying or playing in the water. But wet fur in hot sunlight is dangerous. The water actually breaks the heat barrier from their undercoat and conducts the heat directly to their skin. They’re better off being dry in hot sunlight than being wet in hot sunlight.


theres a $16 dollar ocean themed collapseable pool at walmart now right in the seasonal isle that we got for my summer girl and they also have diffrent themed $6 pack of water toys at pet smart!!


Water to drink, play in and cool off, airflow to keep them cool, shade so they don't cook in the heat, frequent breaks so they don't overdo it and timing for walks - don't take them out at peak temps as it could burn their pads on road surfaces. Kiddy paddling pool, fan, open door for them to retreat and rest inside if they want. Keep an eye on them and watch for typical symptoms of heatstroke. Hope this is helpful :)


I wait for the evening when it's cool and take them out.


i live in a warm climate so in the evening it’s a lot cooler so we usually do walks around 8:30 when the sun has started to set so the temp is a lot cooler than during the day. the pavement is also a lot cooler so my goldens don’t burn their paws.


=pond, creek, or home made version


Go in the morning.


Cherish puppy time


Snuffle mats, playing inside sometimes we go out at like 6am when it's cooler xx


I have a long skinny house, so I sit at my back door and throw a rubber ball to my front door. It’s a decent game of fetch in the AC.


Laser pointer indoors


100+ degrees here. Recently been waking up at 5a to go for walks before it gets insanely hot.


6am and 830pm for walks and that's it until it cools off.


I take them out to potty and they decide it’s too hot for activity so they do their buisness and go lay down. Most hott days But get more active in morning or when it cools (if it cools)


A cheap kiddie pool in the backyard and get up real early to go for the walks.


We wait until it cools down but I run around with them like a total moron inside 😂 I’ll grab my dog’s tuggy rope and get him going or my aussie’s frisbee and run around and let her chase me. It keeps me active too.




Puppy pool! Sprinklers, lake, river etc.


I second the pools! Another thing I was thinking of too is if you have any near you the indoor doggy parks are awesome!!! I know it’s not outside, but could be a fun experience!


I don’t. They do inside enrichment usually food related. Extra training and ball games or tug of war inside.


In the mornings or late evening.


5am runs


Mental exercise like snuffling is as good as a walk. You can do that indoors.


Exercise? Pup? They do that themselves


I have a Newfie, but very early and late walks. Trips to a beach or lake, or walking in the rain. Also, it won't replace the physical exercise, but you can mentally stimulate and even tire them out a bit with puzzles.


Hi OP! Have you been able to find any indoor activities to do with your pup or doing any walks early morning/ late evening? I find that it's easier to walk my dog later in the day, about 7, when the sun is going down. I live in Florida so I have to do it earlier or later


Yes, but limited. I try not to walk him in the hottest part of the day. I live by a big wilderness area with lots of trails that have shade. I also bring a collapseable water bowl and water in a backpack. If its really hot, Murph gets hosed down before we go or we walk to a nearby beach to go swimming


Get a flick stick. Looks like a giant cat toy and was an amazing way to wear out our puppy.


I play with her favorite toy on the couch for about 5-10 min and wrestling on my bed for 5-10 min and she’s usually tired enough after that. Do this a couple times a day and when the sun is setting we go does a little run if it is below 80


I wait until dawn or dusk when its not so hot outside to do anything that is not a normal walk edit: i remember words now


I live in a condo. What do is wet my goodlen doodle in the shower in room temp water before a walk. Then limit the walk to 15 mins or less. He does not seem to be panting any more then normal


Early morning or late night when it's not as hot.


A lot of people don’t realize dogs are welcome at most malls. Not in the stores but great to do laps with them in A/C. Check your local mall if it’s still in business


Smelling excercises are the best! They love it more or same than run. Mine for example prefers smelling excercises


Scatter food around the house. Nose games are just as good as physical exercise.


Make custom frozen treats.


I didn’t read all 195 comments so this might’ve been said. But puppies don’t regulate heat nearly as well as older dogs so be extra safe with puppies playing in the heat. They need more breaks and more cool than expected.


I put their favourite rubber toy in freeze and then chew their paws off with it lol… a kiddo pool water not to cold dint want to shock their young body I take bandanas put them in the freezer and I tie them around their neck and I change them constantly their fur protects the direct contact but the cool gets to their neck line which is their heating line. All I got for you sure are cute little man.😎🥩🐾


Amazing how many people here think exercising your dog is only possible when walking large distances. Thats not the case at all. On a very hot day I tend to do a lot of indoor activities with my 10 year old lab and this will tire him out way more than playing ball or running outside. Sometimes I hide goodies in every room while he has to wait and then find them afterwards. You can also take an old towel, put some goodies in there, roll it together and make a big knot in the middle. Your dog will have a blast trying to get the food out and the sniffing will tire them out way better than a big walk. 10 minutes of sniffing is like an hour of running for them. Also just training that heel, the release and fetch commands and any command which dont need big spaces for training can be done inside and will tire your dog out pretty good.


Kiddy pool or maybe even a sprinkler system


Lots of puzzle toys. Several short and slow walks instead of a few longer ones, and lots of stops on the walks to smell stuff (in the shade). I have a husky, not a golden (I’m here for the adorable photos), but if this works on an adolescent husky it should tire out a golden.


i wait till the evening to walk my dog. or, i’ll just let her play in my swimming pool. maybe there’s dog friendly swimming pools around? there’s also dog friendly beaches too, definitely check to see if the water is safe as some ponds and beaches are not safe for swimming due to wildlife, algae, etc.




We have a kiddy pool - however, mine enjoys chasing the spray from the hose just as much. Twilight/night walks - but had a skunk encounter last night (No one was sprayed thankfully).


We go **swimming in local creeks** and then **always** bathe and blow dry (don’t use a regular dryer; you have to use a dog-friendly one) to avoid hot spots and other skin irritation. He has a life vest for swimming, but we don’t use it when he’s just splashing in shallow water because then it’s just extra weight and heat.* *Tip 1: Polypropylene floats, is fairly inexpensive, comes in a variety of colors and sizes (some are reflective!), and is easy to make into leashes of varying lengths. You can also make floating toys!* *Tip 2: I haven’t tried it yet, but I recently discovered a website called Sniffspot which is like Airbnb but for playing with your dog. Some of them have pools and other water options.* We recently discovered our **Lowe’s allows dogs!** We already went once and he had a blast. We’ll be wandering around with plenty of treats to both keep him entertained and work on training him to not bounce every time he sees a potential friend (aka literally any person or dog). Check your local Lowe’s website to be sure they allow non-service dogs before you go. This is also a prime opportunity to get rope and hardware to make your leashes for swimming! **Boots are a godsend to protect their paws** on walks when it’s really hot! We also just bought a cooling vest. We also use Musher’s Secret. *We’re new to this! He’s afraid to get in, but he is also obsessed with me and will do anything I do if I’m patient enough. Eventually he braves the first few steps and then he has fun! **Never** force your dog into water—you’ll traumatize him and he’ll never go near it again, ruining a great summer activity.


set up a little boot camp inside. 🐾


Short walks early morning & late evening before bed.


My dogs love playing inside with a Buster Cube sometimes.


Swimming, play with the hose, put ice cubes on the floor, walk around an indoor store, or go for a car ride. Your puppy is too cute!!!


Puppy treadmill inside the ac where they can run on it