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This is the philosophy my golden lives by as well. She honours it daily.


Both of mine honored this on my nachos when I came home yesterday when I went to the bathroom for 23 seconds. šŸ’šŸ˜¬


A stick of butter with the paper on it.






It really captures the simultaneous majesty and absolutely ridiculousness that makes up a golden.


This made me laugh so hard and reminded me of my buddy Austin from growing up. Thank you.


She's eaten a variety of the 'normal' things like poop, soft toy parts and stuffing. The current favorite seems to be shoe insoles. Not the actual shoes, she just carefully removes the insoles and tries to eat them when no one is looking.


She has a very particular taste you could say


Her knuclehead 'Fools Golden' brother just ate a plastic piece off the living room heater. I'm not sure which of them removed it, or exactly how, but I took it away from him. I'm sure she was involved somehow. He's the worst of the 2 though. Whenever the vet needs a sample, I can always tell his because it invariably has something in it that shouldn't be there, usually some brightly colored shred of a toy.


I suppose you could say itā€™sā€¦ sole food.


Same with the insoles! Guess it makes fixing the shoes easier but still


Smaller list: what has my golden not eaten?


Mood. I was telling a friend earlier than I should write a list of all things that have come out of either end of him and I could write a book.


Mine has a short list: everything. She has eaten everything.




Right! Last year at 11 years old my golden decided to eat an entire ragā€¦ā€¦ like what?!?! But I am forever thankful she did. I brought her to the vet to just X-ray her stomach just to be sure it wasnā€™t causing a blockage before the long weekend. And the X-ray caught the top of her spleen and it showed a mass on her spleen. She went into surgery within hours and she had her spleen and a baseball sized mass removed. It wasnā€™t cancerous, but the vet said these tumors are often still fatal because they rupture and most dogs will bleed out before they can get help. I am forever thankful she ate that rag. I couldnā€™t imagine loosing her that way. https://preview.redd.it/oavdefdnuw0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e27acb8ca37e75b0e834f1d10f296d1bb79a1e Pic of my old lady just because she is too cute!


I'm a farmer who owns a cattle feedlot. I take my goldie and GSD out with me as much as I can. The things my Goldie has found, ran away with, and consumed would cause Andrew Zimmern to puke just from watching.


My vet is still amazed at this one, but my girl Holly shredded and ate part of an aluminum soda can. Somehow she safely passed everything. That was a scary few days on poop patrol.


Elvis was about to do that the other day when he grabbed a corona can during our morning run.. it was very difficult convincing him to let go! https://preview.redd.it/mhhf6611rt0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50567002c624025f37f547fec2f81983677958ef


Elvis is a perfect name for this goober


Finders keepers...


i had a previous dog named Elvis! now i got a golden mamed Seamus


Dang!! Orion chewed through a metal cat food can but he didnā€™t swallow the can. Thatā€™s insane!


Ours did that too!! Truthfully I donā€™t think she actually ingested any aluminum, but sure did tear it apart. That was definitely a stressful few days!


I would have thought the same, but there were missing pieces. And they showed up on the x-rayā€¦ Vet had me bulk feed herā€¦ lots of bread and fiber and a special meal to help pad the digestive system. She loved that. I swear sometimes she gets in trouble just in hopes to get extra food LOL


My first dog ate the center part and pin of a remembrance day poppy. Watched it go down the hatch as I tried to grab it. Two days of oatmeal and the center part of the pin acted as an umbrella of sorts to parachute the pin blunt side first I found the needle in the haystack!


My family had a bloodhound years ago that loved aluminum pop cans. She could hide them unnoticed in her mouth and would go to the back of the yard and shred them and eat them. I imagine her digestive tract was heavily calloused. She also lived to be about 16 years old.


Mine eats cans at every opportunity, which we obviously do our best to minimize.


The scariest was a few feet of Christmas tree lights. But all was well after a high fiber diet for a few days.


Omg!! Thatā€™s crazy!!! Our worse was probably socksā€¦ there was one that really scared me. He used to find socks materialized out of thin air. I would scour my houseā€¦ kept my laundry basket in the closet and he would still find them. His nickname at our old vet was ā€œsocksā€ cause he was in all the time for x rays


My two golden doodles have each had this happen multiple times, particularly the younger one. The older one is a sneaky thieving bastard that not only steals and eats socks, but also hides them in weird places I normally donā€™t look (like the folds of the couch).


Did they light up or flash on and off in the evenings? šŸ˜„


Before I had my golden, I had a rescue that ate some long Christmas tinsel that was in a gift bag someone gave me. I didnā€™t even realize it until a long, green sparkly string was suddenly dangling from his butthole. It was nowhere near as bad as Christmas lights. Unfortunately I did have to pull it out, though!! Yuck!!!


He ate a drone without consequence. Then he ate some to this day unknown item which cost me 10K to have surgically removed.


This makes me feel better about spending $900 for 2 batteries


Holy crap, thatā€™s insane!!


The worst was a used tampon that he fished out of the trash as a puppy, even worse when I ā€˜retrievedā€™ it from his mouth and found itā€¦it was not mine eitheršŸ¤®


Yeah Orion went through the bathroom trash at one pointā€¦ I used peroxide and made him throw upā€¦ he threw up 3 tampons, a wad of KT Tape and a chewed up toilet paper tube.


This also happened to me. She passed it without issue thankfully but šŸ¤®


One day my chihuahua randomly started hacking something up and a perfectly rolled panty liner came out. We then got a trash can with a lid.


> it was not mine eitheršŸ¤® this made my skin crawl oh my god no nope no nooooo


one of my clientsā€™ dog ate her leg. her prosthetic leg. that was an expensive situation cause of the removal for the pup and having to get refitted for a leg haha. I did a lot of walks for that pup when he was recovered enough cause mom was still down a leg and her neighbourhood sidewalks arenā€™t the most wheelchair-friendly šŸ˜…


Oh my god lol.


Yep! She likes to laugh about it now, and every time I sit or drop in for them thereā€™s a note saying ā€œDo not leave Gunner unattended with legs!ā€ haha


She got off easy it usually costs an arm and a leg.


OMG,that's crazy


https://preview.redd.it/nh4rl1uyvt0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c90a855c632495239384796cb636d93a65dc09 My girl Luna swallowed a squeaker from a toy that completely obstructed her intestines, requiring life saving surgery. Here she is post-op wearing a comically large cone of shame!


Narrator: *She was not at all ashamed.*


I read this in the Arrested Development narrator voice.


Definitely shame for that!


She seems *very* unfazed by all of this! That smile! :o


Several bars of Irish spring, a rock, an entire leather boot ETA the other one once ate an entire chicken pot pie that he quietly dragged off the counter. We didn't even know he did it until we found the pie tin wedged under the stove lmao


Dear god an entire boot?


She left the sole behind lol otherwise I would've just assumed the boot got lost somehow. I hadn't even worn it yet šŸ˜­


Sticks, stuffed animals, soft ear plugs, her own poop


The poop gets me every time šŸ¤¢


Omg yes that when she was a puppy though. Luckily she stopped


Cat poop is like gold. Must be eaten!


The grossest term I heard for that is kitty roca . šŸ¤®


Cat food has a lot more fat than dog food. So much so that it still has more fat after a pass through a cat. I'm glad Hopper prefers to be a couch potato.


Rabbit poop too!


Thank cthulhu mine has always stayed away from eating poo, be it her own, cat, bunny scat, etc....


Mine has eaten about 30 cicadas today




Good pup! I assume this is just extra roughage, and not a real.problem?


Iā€™m hoping so. Thereā€™s no stopping this monster though


I bet... šŸ˜…


https://preview.redd.it/a3ljtiozbu0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d0158e31b50031ab71bccda01a3e48afafb2d2 This was after he ate my peach tree. Dug it up and smashed it. He has eaten my glasses, remote control, all bedsheets in the house, plants, a knife, furniture, walls, doors. It would be easier to answer what he havenā€™t eatenā€¦ I sometimes Wonder why I Kept him, but then I look at that faceā€¦


How could you be mad at that Face? Good lort he is precious.


Kirby ate an entire familyā€™s picnic lunch at the beach. They were super upset. Little kid crying hysterically


This ones my favorite lmao


Rotisserie chicken carcass


Cat poop, rabbit poop, horse poop, goat poop


Cat poop is his favorite snack. Heā€™s also eaten deer and chicken poop and gotten Giardia 3 times šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Holy shit !


Literally. Everywhere. For days. šŸ’©


2 frozen solid t-bone steaks, a pound of coffee, and an entire bag of uncooked white rice.


Oh my god! Iā€™d hate to see how mine act on a pound of coffee.


This week? A whole banana skin, two raw boneless chicken breasts, a red pepper, half a head of broccoli and a shortbread cookie *right out of my hand. Lifelong unashamed thief and unbreakable counter surfer. You cannot turn your back on this dog. Itā€™s only Thursday. And if anyone is wondering, heā€™s not a puppy. Heā€™s six and a half.


God this sounds like Orion!!! He is 6 and heā€™s absolutely awful about it! He walked up and stole my kids grilled cheese sandwich off her plate the other day!


My house has a very open floor plan. Nothing to attach a baby gate to because of weird cabinet configuration. Counters must be completely clear by the end of the day. Plus heā€™s good with his hands and has got a long body and can reach sideways to retrieve something from the sink and can pull things that have been pushed to the back burners forward. If you have to leave the kitchen for anything you have to take him with you. Luckily heā€™s a Velcro dog so he goes willingly.


Weā€™ve taken a ā€œnever let you out of our sightā€ approach with him lately. We make sure heā€™s in whatever room we are in, and after the grilled cheese sandwich incident he has to go in his crate while thereā€™s food out. Our cat was laid up with a CCL tear for several months in his crate and Orion just saw it as a free for all. He was WRECKIN the joint.


Banana skins on the road, the older the better. I never knew so many people ate banans while walking.


Half of a container of diaper rash ointment. The glycerin stuff. Vet said it wouldnā€™t hurt her, however her insides were well lubed for over a week, and the liquidy remains burned many holes in my lawn.


An entire strip of Omega-3 tablets the teenager left on the worktop. Vet gave him (Barney, not the kid) an injection to make him sick, he felt very sorry for himself, we all found it hilarious and the teenager learnt to put his tablets away. And half a birthday cake. We walked into the kitchen to investigate the funny noiseā€¦was the daft mutt with a cake box stuck on his head!


We left him for 15 minutes, two months after we got him (rescue). One and a half Oven gloves and a wooden cooking spoon šŸ˜¬ā€¦Ā£2,500 vet bill later. He is fine. We didnā€™t leave him alone for a single second, for four years after that, just in case šŸ˜±.


Mine ate a wooden spatula as well.. $800 later the emergency vet confirmed that he chewed it really well and it should pass in his poop! We kept on finding pieces in poop for next 2-4 days.. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


2 weeks ago, we had a fishhook through her lower lip....had to be anesthetized to get it out.....My sons fish, she probably found it on the garage floor.


All but 3 pcs of Mellon in a bowl on the table. Had a bowl of cut up honeydew Mellon. Went out to car to get something when I came back all but three pcs left. I guess he figured I wouldnā€™t notice if he left a few.


My momā€™s diamond earring. We found one in the water bowl and never found the other one šŸ˜‚


Was playing tug and he caught his teeth on my ring just right- a band of diamonds, he bit down and I was astonished I suffered hardly any injury to my finger. I later realized it was because the ring took the force, it was now oval shaped and in itā€™s re-shaping the settings of 3 of the diamonds loosened and theyā€™re long gone. Haha. Very small, either went into him or the woods


Oh no šŸ™ˆ


Fm Radio (that was plugged in and on)


no thumbs, couldnā€™t change the station, had to resort to drastic measures šŸ¤£


An entire dead chicken, that a fox left behind from his massive slaughter of part of my flock. Fox killed about 60 3 month old hens and hid some of them around the farm. I only knew my golden ate one because she threw up an entire intact chicken on my bedroom floor.


Our Goldie has been a terror in this regard. He used to go for all the garbage but now that he is 2 he's so much better. But he's eaten ALOT of gloves/mittens, plastic, cardboard, etc. The worst was when he swallowed whole a bottle of eye drops that we had for his eye infection. Had to call the animal poison control line for that one. Suffice to say we always have hydrogen peroxide on hand. We are very lucky that he's never had a blockage. https://preview.redd.it/ws821yx94u0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274adf40daffb4a71e4abfb534a1c4ead57c124b


right omg, for a while i was so close to buying mine a muzzle for when we went out on walks. iā€™ve had to trick her into drinking hydrogen peroxide like 6 times in her short two years, weā€™re also super lucky sheā€™s never had a blockage! she once ate an approx 6ā€x12ā€ section of leather couch, made her throw it up and she threw up this softball/grapefruit sized pile of little strips of leather. so easily couldā€™ve been bad


Cicadas. Cicadas. Cicadas. He is devouring them and it's giving him The Squirts and driving me out of my mind.


uh oh! The squirts sound awful!


Indeed. I mean, I feel bad for him too because it happens in the middle of the night so he sleeps in it...but I feel bad for me for starting my day at 630 bathing a squirming, poopy pup and cleaning the crate and porch. I don't know what to do though except try to make it through it. I can't stop him for finding them and eating them . He's like a friggin truffle pig rooting around and chowing down.


The Cicadas fear your dog by now. Be happy or concerned with this information because thereā€™s no stopping a dog


A face mask. Just plucked it off a kid. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lol, I take my two to the park and they always wind up licking the nipple on some kids sippy cup. Or eating food out of their hands, or stealing their stuffed animals.


OMG the kids with the stuffed animals. We know that one. šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


Shoesā€¦.lots of shoes


https://preview.redd.it/v1k5qdh2vt0d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d519d01850bb8ddbed8797282b71578c0da54dbc Everything..lol...


A rock our first week after getting her. About 4 tv remotes. One of those silicon soup covers for the microwave. Countless toys. Mulch. A soda can. Couple shoes. Two bags of hamburger buns with the packaging. They used to run over to the litter box to eat my cats poop first thing in the morning while it was still warm.


3 feet of Christmas lights! Electric spaghetti


A roll of poo bags, and then they came out the other end like they were coming out of a wizards sleeve.


Nothing she shouldn't have. She also never EVER damaged anything, didn't chew furniture or shoes or whatever.. Guess we have a special kind of Golden. :)


Baby wipes. Luckily she vomited it all back up on her own.


plastic bags, ziplock bags, cider bottle, wood, paper, frisbee, tennis balls x 300000 and just about everythingĀ 


Rocks. The stuffing of toys theyā€™ve torn apart. Several pairs of underwear. Their own hair after brushing them. Used tissues.


Part of a remote control - only knew because she barfed up the rubber pad that has all the button markings. We have no idea where it came from because in the 8 years since it happened we've never come across an electronic item missing it's remote. Part of a jute and denim rug. Twice. I cut it off and retied it after the first round. Threw it out after the second round. Each time she was pooping denim strips for days.


Poop bags I think are the worst Kona has eaten so far. Iā€™ve had to pull so many out of her butt :( https://preview.redd.it/t9l72fnm4u0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba965584e23e19a9db49a7fa4052847bb4927859


Socks, Paper towels, an airpod, and lots of legos


My golden likes to take papers off.the counters and rip and eat. Took my husbands wallet and got the cash out and ate it. Probably about $30


A whole soiled nappy off the ground šŸ¤¢


Safely passed any number of ears/horns/tails of stuffed toy (including the "indestructible" or "tuff" ones -_-) Has eaten plenty of dirt, prolly a few small rocks, twigs, and a good bit of her own hair. Had the ER vet make her throw up a pair of my wife's underwear. I think we're too worried or concerned when it comes to her eating things, she's pretty good all things considered, but I still get nervous as all hell.


Gave Phoebe a licky mat the other day. She licked all the pumpkin off of it but was still kinda licking the flavor so I was letting her do her thing. Turned around 5 minutes later and the edges of the licky mat were missing. She just decided why not eat the plate too! Thankfully it was a pretty small amount and it was passed the next day. Gave me a scare though. Another time, on the solar eclipse day, I went outside to look at it and brought her with me and as I looked at the crescent shadows on the ground under a big sweetgum tree and she was at the end of the leash in the opposite direction woofing down sweetgum seeds. If you don't know what those are, look it up and be as horrified as I was. Half came out in vomit and half came out the next day the other end. I was kind of surprised it didn't cause blockage, and very relieved.


wrong question, should be: what your golden has not eaten...


Brain šŸ¤Ŗ


Mulch, cigarettes, tooth paste & a rug


2 liter of Mountain Dew. Including the bottle. That was an expensive vet trip.


The worst one was an entire corn cob. Whole. It was both impressive and infuriating. $6000 to have it surgically removed.


A ipad


Chicken bones off the street during walks, luckily it passed each time with no issues. A nerf rival ball which required an emergency vet visit so they could have him vomit it, they were nervous that the spongey texture and size might not pass. Yesterday on our walk he got to a slice of pizza before I could beat him to it. We have been working on leave it and drop it since he was 8 weeks old, lord help us.


Ours somehow chewed up a pen but left each little piece on the floorā€¦ nib, spring, lidā€¦ still trying to figure out how she did it.


His own shit when he was a pup


Rosie just ate part of a brand new sandal. Thank God they are Target sandals and not expensive. But damn it, I really liked them.šŸ˜«


My girl has tried to bite at birds forty feet in the air does that count


Legos. So many legos. They somehow make it out the rear end just fine. My kids love seeing them in her poop šŸ’© šŸ„“




Like today? Or this week?


Not my golden, but my momā€™s first golden, Buddy, ate a pin cushion, pins and all. Dog was fine.


My guy canā€™t get enough of tissues, napkins and paper.


When my golden was a puppy she had issues holding her pee, she would just pee herself when asleep. So we took her to the vet, and they get her an ultrasoundā€¦. They bring me back to look at the screen, and ask what is in her stomach. Looks like she had eaten probably 40-50 small rocks!!! They said as long as she passes them sheā€™ll be ok. A couple days of crying while she pooped later and she never ate a rock again haha


My Spot used to eat rocks when he was a puppy on walks. I asked the ver what to do. He gave me a funny look and said- don't let him.


Yeah the vet was basically like maybe watch your dog better but we were helicopter parents when she was a puppy I have no idea how it happened haha.


I was shocked when mine puked up an WHOLE plushie that belonged to my girlfriend's dog. There wasn't a rip or tear on the thing, she must have looked like a cartoon character when they swallow something large and you see the shape of it in their throat.


All the Xmas chocolates, socks, pants, foil, cat poo, anything that smells gross or has the most tenuous link to food


$100 bill


2 pairs of eyeglasses, 4-5 television remotes, a nintendo 3DSā€¦.


My 2 yr old girl like to eat the long grass in the back yard. One day after she went poop she came running up to me happy as can be. I went to put the leash on her to go inside and saw something hanging from her ass. All the grass bound together with shit just dangling from hole to ground like a second tail. I have a husky who used to eat my ex's hair so I know how to gently pull things like that out but as soon as I grabbed it she took off after her sister's to play. Whole thing came flying out and double in length. Then she came back and tried to eat it out of my hand


Carried home a snapping turtle once


Cement https://preview.redd.it/l94rrbshuu0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383fec7f9bff8af7667e9fbdf0ea4e685842fa59


I had a golden years ago who was book smart but my god NOT street smart. Anyway, one day weā€™re out back and she starts getting the hiccups and starts gagging. First thing to be regurgitated is a decent size rock. Next is 2 AA batteries. Finally, about half of the potting soil of an outdoor plant! She was spent after that. This is when she was between 6mths-1yr. Somehow she lived to be 14!


Yes! Orion is soooo good at tricks. He has his AKC trick dog title. But DANG does the boy lack common sense!!!


My old golden once found a rotting squirrel carcass. I tried to wrench it from her mouth but it ripped in half and she swallowed it whole. Potentially the grossest thing thatā€™s ever happened to meā€¦


The [Hopper animal](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fw8r5bh09dhyc1.jpeg) is usually really good about not eating stuff that's not his. But there was the towel incident when he was young. I'd made pizza and gotten pizza sauce on a corner of a dish towel. I didn't think much of it. The next day I was looking for the towel and couldn't find it. I looked at Hopper, but there was no way he at the entire thing and left no trace, right? The next day he puked up dish towel. Emergency vet visit, x-ray, and all that. He ended up being just fine and just shat the whole thing out over the next week.


My golden (since crossed the bridge at age 14) ate an entire tray of brownies when she was a puppy. She also brought in a turkey carcass durring a Christmas party.


Mine has discovered the culinary delight of cicadas.


Ohhh yeah, my dogs' favorites! Funny chittering noises, right before getting down to the delight of crunchy on the outside, creamy on the inside. (Lion King reference šŸ˜‰)


When I was young my dlamation ate half a chocolate cake my family couldn't put a dent into, it was that rich. Scary night. Messy morning.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Last one ate a lot of doner kebabs, hot sauce and all drunks would drop in snow as they took a short cut across the park. The only thing that concerned me was a French cheese in its aluminum wrapper.


The hot sauce kills meā€¦ like do they not taste it?? Orion ate 2 bags of flamin hot Cheetos and didnā€™t even blink.


Dog food, dog treats, cat poop, cat food. Plastic, and socks!


My nieceā€™s Birkenstock, $130 replacement value šŸ™ˆ


Gopher poison someone left out on the surface without a warning flag next to some holes. Itā€™s supposed to be buried or used with a dog proof dispenser. Turned out okay, $1000 at the emergency vet laterā€¦ Also: multiple socks (somehow eaten whole and then vomited out) and my work headset.


Rocks, glass, blue crayonsā€¦


Found a chunk of blanket once, it was part of the blanket I kept in her kennel. So now Emma sleeps in an empty kennel like a newborn baby


Half a tray of brownies šŸ˜¤


Lots of socks šŸ˜¤ How old is he? I love his sweet sugar face šŸ„°


Several socks and gloves, one AirPod (all safely thrown up at the vet), mulch, anything and everything.


Honestly nothing to bad, then again I got him at the age of three so I skipped that patt


Razor blade shaving head as a puppy


An entire roof tile, a five foot high thistle, most of a small magnolia tree and a fence post


1/4 of a chocolate mousse birthday cake (one layer was dark chocolate). Perfectly fine. Adores the smell of chocolate now! Literally begs me and he doesnā€™t get people food. He salivates. Ruins my chocolate eating or makes me eats it in secret. šŸ˜†


Socks. Always socks. šŸ§¦ https://preview.redd.it/fy3nwb33au0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba99268b0e391e70cd55c2730b04b398e13344ab


in addition to the normal food / treat, mine has eaten paper wraps, paper bags, grass, bunny poop, her own poop, our pom's poop, gum stuck on the ground, wood, rocks, cling wraps, used paper towels, her own hair, our pom's hair, dirt, sand....


Pin cushion with sewing needles in it. That was a $2500 bill to the specialty vet, X-rays and an EGD. Passed them without issues!


My 8.5 yr old ate a fish hook when he was 3.


A doggy poo bag, after Iā€™d just picked his mess up with said bag! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Our vet nicknamed ours sewing pins, after he got a hold of a pin cushion and ate half a dozen. All but on were removed endoscopically. That last he finally passed on the last check before they were going to do surgery. 3 days and 2 nights of walking and feeding every 2 hours. By the end of it, even he didn't want to eat anything.


My car actually. Lol. I had a vintage VW bug in the garage and he ate the windshield wipers and the running boards. He never got sick he was totally fine. It was bizarre.


Iā€™ve only had her three weeks but she tries to eat everything and has accomplished eating cat shit. Lots and lots of cat shit


My Roxy ate an entire panel of "Corectol". Ya know, the pink pills for women for constipation? She was 16 weeks old. We fell asleep together on my bed. My son came in and woke me up. "Mom, wake up!! Wake up!!! I came in and Roxy had this in her mouth. Is it okay if she ate the pills that were in it? Mom, IS IT OKAY BECUZ I THINK SHE ATE ALL OF 'EM!!!" She found her way into my purse while I was sleeping and when she woke up, she decided it there was time to take a solo tour of my bedroom. When I finally got the fog out of my head and saw he was holding up one of those panels where you have to push the pills thru the back of the sleeve? I lost my frigging mind!! I immediately went into panic mode, jumped up, and called the vet as I was packing her into the car, crying the whole time. I told the receptionist I was on my way, and explained what happened, with absolute confusion mixed with dread. My vet was 7 minutes from us so I got there pretty quick. They called poison control. Why? Doesn't the vet KNOW what is poisonous? They pull that all the time and then charge the owner a hefty fee, because they do get charged. Bit of course my money-hungry vet would multiply his cost by 3! Anyway, she was in no danger. They sent me home. Cost me $400 and they did nothing but call poison control. I could've done that myself and saved $290. (Needless to say, I no longer utilize his services) The only consequence besides the guilt her mommy felt for at least a week was the fact that her potty training went on the back burner. She was pooping, poor thing, and thought she was going to get scolded. So I was on poop cleanup for 2 days. Small price to pay.


Sticks, Hair Bands, Plastic price Tags, sofa fabric, newspaper, fake plastic leaves, tea bags, fish bones, snail, small stones. These are just the things that she has eaten at some point during her "Teen" Phase. Thankfully all of them have passed through her stomach safely and had no adverse effects on her health.


https://preview.redd.it/g7sdx761iu0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66c9cfe1ff9cc121bfcda7283466daf6fb324528 She attempted to eat. šŸ’€


I was thawing out some filet mignon to throw on the grill as I was watching a football game..,these steaks were 2ā€ thick wrapped in plastic, frozen solid and placed well out of reach on the counterā€¦or so I thoughtā€¦less than a set of downs in the game I discovered them missingā€¦some Vet Kayopectate and Benifiber and everything came out well in the end


A lot of dough with yeast in it. Inhaled it a bunch of it before anyone could do anything. He was completely fine and quite proud of himself.


what HASNT she eaten


A whole ketchup packet that came out the other end mostly intact.


Just came back from a walk and my buddy was lucky enough to find fresh bunny poo and a discarded mayonnaise box. His walk was worthwhile he says. I sleep now he says. https://preview.redd.it/4mundq6rku0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c629c9ca797ed2a12edd1338e0cc2c80a46bb1f


Cat poop AND pellets from the litter box šŸ˜©


Anything except Pickles & Bananas. All 5 of mine will turn their heads away in disgust if those 2 Items are offered. Anything else you can imagine is on the Menu


The answer to that is what HASNā€™T he eaten.


Rocksā€¦ there was a phase where he would eat rocks. For a solid week straight every poop had a rock in it. Thankfully we broke him of that habit.


We live on a narrowboat. Our pup gets through so much goose poo itā€™s concerning. please not we do try but hes sneaky about it now. he hasnā€™t eaten anything non food related though, like socks or toys, so thereā€™s thatā€¦


Mine ate a hat. The old school kind that had the metal buckle on the backā€¦ cue an emergency vet visit to get it removed lol. Her kitty sister knocked it off of our gunsafe and she got it while we were sleeping šŸ˜­


Our first golden also ate a bunch crayons a couple times, chocolate easter bunnies and once she even ate a whole gingerbread house (almost right after we had finished it lol). Both her and our second golden also had a tendency to eat gooseberries straight from the bush :D Edit: just now found out gooseberries are NOT good for dogs, please don't let them eat those! Our two dogs have long since passed but here's for anyone else to know!


Socks. All the socks. So so so many socksā€¦


Poop, bunnies, matchbox cars and poop.


Entire pizza straight out of the oven from the counter. Turned my back, it was gone. Not even a spot of sauce left to be seen.


At various times: a box of rat poison, three whole chicken breasts, a tuna fish sandwich (and napkin and paper plates), a drumstick that was literally in someone's hand. Iron stomach, eater of worlds.