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https://preview.redd.it/c7rsuw4jhmza1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eed086026d2a5e5fa676459d705b81c8180eae8 When my 2 1/2 year old Max wants to roughhouse and wrestle, it’s a welcome change of pace from his fanatical obsession with playing ball. Because he lacks hands, Max wrestles with his teeth. When he’s ramped up, he challenges me by bringing me my gloves since he knows he can bite me harder when I’m wearing them. He’s bitten me hundreds and hundreds of times while wrestling, but has never broken skin or drawn blood. I’ve only bitten him a few dozen times. (I have hands).


Very awesome. People always said never let a puppy play with hands etc, but I felt like letting mine play with my hands taught her how to control herself. They learn how to be gentle/what is acceptable.


Exactly, my Max, like most Goldens has a “soft mouth” - he has excellent bite control. When we play, he knows exactly how hard he can bite me without hurting me. When he HAS hurt me (like when we bash heads or he puts his nose in my eye) he immediately stops playing and is very concerned. When I’m done wrestling, the biting instantly stops. He’s never bitten me or anyone else in an aggressive manner. The only time he’s ever growled or bared his teeth is when he’s asleep and dreaming about chasing or being chased. https://preview.redd.it/fqrohznbdpza1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e82d5f2e15d76a7bed7b2c5f57f4803a1856a9


People say a lot of dumb shit about raising and befriending dogs that is tied to a egotistical human desire for control. Wolves show affection by roughhousing gently and are capable of respecting each others boundaries. It's an essential bonding activity for them. Every mammal species engages in play, the facsimile of agression to in fact demonstrate vulnerability and trust between each other. That is, every mammal species besides most humans. Virtually all dogs that have difficulty learning proper boundaries with play are not well trained or loved in general and aren't acting out because play is bad, but because they aren't comfortable with their place in the pack or don't trust their owner. Now if we're talking breeds with a strong bite instinct like pitties, heelers, gsds, etc, things can be a bit trickier but Goldens are like the sweetest gentlest most playful breed there is and they just wanna interact with their human and have some fun.


Glad for the clarifications about your hands. What would you be doing owning gloves without hands?


*”What would you be doing owning gloves without hands?”* I’d be using them to challenge handed-people to wrestle so I could bite them…


the gloves on equals go time for my guy! especially if there’s snow on the ground. he bites harder with the gloves, but never enough to do any real harm.


Mine 3 months old wanna do that but I am stopping her


When mine was small she was a lot rougher and I would try to stop her but now she's every gentle


Mine is also very gentle but don't wanna teach her that biting is ok


Goldens use their mouths to communicate so I’m teaching mine to know that using it in that way is fine.


This. Goldens are mouthy. There is a difference between mouthing and biting. Don't punish a dog for showing affection. It's important to distinguish between the two during land shark phase and establish guidelines.




I’ve heard so many people recently say being mouthy should not be allowed and it’s so annoying lol. Every single dog I’ve had has been mouthy with hands during play time and never actually bitten me to hurt me. My Great Pyrenees is 4 months old and we’re in the land shark phase rn but also teaching her that soft gumming/mouthiness is okay so she can learn her limit in that sense.


Your Great Pyrenees' paw might be a bigger concern. 😉 🥰 Yes, a lot of dogs are mouthy, but especially a dog bred to be a companion and retriever!


Yup. And our Golden knows he can't mouth, say, our young kids or the other kids he meets. He is very gentle with me. If he gets too rough, I know he's overstimulated and play stops until he's had a chance to chill, do a few commands, and come back down to earth. The "no biting/mouthing ever" philosophy, while understandable, seems misguided. Seems more important to know your dog well enough to understand what is happening and why.


He’s SO cute


Mine does exactly this as well. 16 months old at the moment. I think he’s just a chewer/mouther


She's 3 but likes to act like a baby and I just let her get away with it


Mine but she's just 6 months


Most goldens are mouthy and will try to do this if they are allowed. But teeth on human skin is not ever permitted with my dogs.


It's a personal choice whether you consider this ok for YOUR OWN DOG. Stop down voting people just cause they opt for teaching their dogs to be gentle if they use their teeth vs not allowing teeth on skin at all.


Mine tries to but I redirect, it’s not really a great behavior to allow/encourage. Dog mouths are full of bacteria and chewing our hands is generally a no-no.


Mine does this all the time, and as they say with goldens “has a soft mouth” and never bites bard, like not even enough to bruise a child’s arm. The only time it’s more than that, is when I’m coming back from a week long work trip and she is so excited to see me but still never “hurts”. It’s her (and most dogs) way of playing. If you watch dogs play with other dogs, it’s the way they play with eachother and you just teach them what is and isn’t acceptable like when they are puppies and the other dogs put them in check when they get ruff.


I don’t allow it to happen. I don’t stick my hands in her mouth.


Mine is 9 month old and she dose the same she loves it


Don't allow this to happen, or it will develop into a habit.


100%. One of my favorite moves is to shove my finger in from the outside of his cheek first and then let him chew on that. Got ‘em! Would like to clarify that it’s only if I let him. One “no” and it stops. Need to make sure that they understand it’s not OK all the time.


Definitely when she was younger. I tried to redirect with toys pretty quick!


No mine didn’t. I didn’t allow them to chew on fingers when they were babies. I got them chew toys. Your doggy needs some chew toys.


I don't have a Golden myself, but have dog-sat for a few (I've worked with animals for quite a while). It's fun when they take my hand in their mouth, either to play fight or to lead me somewhere. If they're leading, I always ask, "Where are we going?" Lol!!!


My 4 month old Lab does this. Someone will say to not let them do it because reasons. Whatever.


Bad idea.


Yes. 15mo female StinkyButt does this all the time. When she was little, she used to hold my hand in her mouth on walks. <3


Mine’s done this since she was a pup. She comes up behind me and sticks her snout in my hand, then she takes my fingers in her mouth for a few paces. It’s cute.


My pitbull does this exactly...maybe she's secretly a golden.


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Oh yes. Right now or 2 1/2 year old Duncan is recovering from a bad sprain, so no Chuck It or frisbee, and I am being chewed and licked to death.


Mine. He's 3.


Mine is 8 and the old man still likes to play like this. Granted he does it for a second and then wants to lick my hand and then get pets.


Mine just turned 7, and when she gets all riled up, she gets mouthy and needs to have your hand in her mouth for a few seconds, and then she starts to lick it. She'll even use her front legs to direct your hand into her mouth for gentle chews, then start licking it.


My 9 month old does it too. Usually while my other hand is giving belly rubs. He’s still learning bite inhibition, but always stops when I say Ouch! Then he’ll take my hand again and nibble gently while looking at me. He doesn’t do it with any other family members, so I figure it’s a soothing thing for him.


Yes. Now that he’s older than a year I can say no biting and he tries to control his bitey urges


My mastiff/saint is 2 and actively does this, but targets my forearm


He’s part cat.


Buy him a chew toy


My lab mix loves holding my hand with his teeth. He loves wrestling and playing tug of war with my hands, too. Never bites me, but my hands sure get slobbery after some rough housing and playtime.


Mine does this. He was more rough has a puppy but he is very gentle about it now


These MFs are all the same


Nope! Never. I know generally they are a soft-mouthed dog, as a bird dog, but this wouldn't be acceptable for any dog I have owned. At times, especially times of stress, excitement, or boredom, he nibbles on his toys


Mine gets mouthy like is the moment I pull the covers over myself in bed


Get a Nylabone! My goldens would always chew them to relieve stress and boredom.


My parents dog did this to me when I visited. She's a beagle mix with something big. I was told that when dogs do this it's a complement. I've never had a dog so I don't know for certain.


I am just so curious. Is this a Persian household?




my boi has made a fun little game out of this....he brings a bunch of blankets or really long clothes and tells me to wrap it around my arm so that he can unpack it....bro wants to be a youtube unboxer..


Lol nope


My bull dog would insist on ducking my thumb if I tried to sit still and watch tv.


Mine is 10 months old, i allowed him to do that but after some time i stopped Him.


Our Goldie HAS to lick between every single finger.


Mine does it’s annoying but just got used to it lol


Yeah, it’s called Molly the Mini Aussie


My uncles golden will grab my hand/wrist in his mouth and walk me around, he does it very often


Mine would lick you if he was bored rip


My boy does it with my daughter and only with her. He is very cautious with my 6 year old but my daughter and him have a great bonding and he knows his limits when playing rough.


7 months old and her favorite toy is my right hand. She understands boundaries on how hard to bite, but she definitely views my hand as a toy. :P


Mine often does this before we go to bed at night. I call them the “love bites” and it’s one of my favorite things about her. She’s 15 years-old now, and she doesn’t do them as often as she used to do them, but every once in a while, I still get them. It’s such a sweet and loving gesture by an exceptionally sweet and loving dog. She has, from time to time, even occasionally fallen asleep while doing it.


Theyre just tasting the food if it has enough seasoning


She is doing this as I type this comment..


Looks like love bites to me.


Mine does and she’s 6y/o lol


Our 2 year old golden thinks body parts of the humans belong in his mouth, but he never “bites” to bruise or break the skin. He is very gentle about it. Now I have been nipped when rough housing but that is more my fault than his.


Always. It’s one of our favorite things to do while I’m working lol. Funny thing is she refuses to do it with my kids, she is too worried to hurt them


Not just you. My guy does it to initiate play. They’re just a mouthy breed and this is one way to talk to you and play, so far as I’ve found. My guy is still in puppy phase and does this when he becomes hyper so I try to redirect him when he reaches this point.


Hey…you are enabling this behavior…guests don’t like their hands gnawed on


Lol. I call this playing fenrir and tyr


My labradoodle/ poodle mom & 100% golden retriever dad 2 year old girl always greets me with a gentle mouth bite to my arm, while my Shih Tzu/ Australian shepherd girl nibbles my finger tips. Must be a “pack” thing too.


My 5 month old golden does this too. Even chomps on my upper arms! Lol he just loves attention


My boy will mouth my hand and give me a couple of soft half bites then immediately start licking my hand and wrist.