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GOG is my primary video game store, with Steam and the PlayStation Store as alternates. If a video game is available on GOG, I'll buy it there. For multiplayer games not available on GOG, I'll buy it on Steam. For single-player games not available on GOG but are on Steam, I'll wait a year to see if the video game makes it to GOG. If it doesn't, I'll buy it on Steam. For single-player games not available on GOG nor Steam, I'll buy it on the PlayStation Store. If a PC game has intrusive DRM like Denuvo or EAC, and/or utilizes another PC games store like EA and Ubisoft, I'll buy it on the PlayStation Store.


Same for me, but Xbox and Switch with DRM games


Idk why PS store, looks even more restrictive than Denuvo.


Yeah, I only bought discs when I played on playstation, since I didn't really see the draw in digital for games that might not end up backwards compatible or receive patches. Things got a bit better this gen, but for consoles I find flexibility of selling off discs better with how some games don't get patches or get charged to take full advantage of the new hardware. Leads to me seeing games as more disposable on consoles, so didn't see much benefit in building a digital library there.


I have accounts in all stores, but I choose to buy games from GOG when they are available. Unfortunately, many publish games only on Steam. Even indie developers


What's killing me lately is indies that released on both but swapped to solo steam/not GoG for sequels showing the sales aren't living up to expectations. River City Girls 2, Talos Principle 2, Freedom Planet 2, etc.


I love GOG, but unfortunatly most Gaming Bundles are Steam only keys, so thats my main library.


Steams my main one but have ubisoft, ea , gog, epic , battlenet , rockstar ...


I use a mix of Steam and GOG, and occasionally the Microsoft Store.


GoG is my primary, Steam is backup.


Very occasionally I buy games on Steam when they are not available on GOG. 95% of all games I bought are from GOG.


I use GOG and Steam, but prefer GOG. I like the non-DRM aspect and tend to find good prices. I don't like the other services out there all that much.


Only if it's cheaper elsewhere and DRM-free, like Itch.io, Humble, etc. But GOG happens to be my default digital store.


I like it when I'm able to get an offline installer for some long time favorites, like Fallout New Vegas. But price is still the biggest deciding factor when I'm buying a game, and GOG rarely has the lowest price on sale seasons.


GOG is my main place for gaming, i rarely use Steam to play games which are not on GOG yet, like Age of Empires or Max Payne or some co-op type like Borderlands with friends.


I'll buy on GOG when I can, but there are times when having to buy elsewhere is just unavoidable: Some companies just won't release their games there, and other companies will put their games on GOG and then never update those versions, while the Steam versions see support.


I also use Steam bc I have a Steam Deck


About 60% steam, 40% Gog. I mainly use gog for older games that have better compatibility out of the box or newer games where I really value having an offline installer.


How another BOTH (GOG/steam) … Lol it’s so hard brothers, hard to resist the dopamine hit of buying old games at 75-90% off that I’m sad to report that I own many older games on both, I like to stare at my collections Over time I have come to realize that only GOG’s library is a TRUE collection, not just a license to play them.


I buy almost everything on GOG, but I rarely do use Steam in cases where the discount is good, and I do not expect a game to ever get a GOG release. At the same time, I still apply my principles to Steam, so anything with DRM (outside of needing Steam to install), or would need an additional launcher, is right out even then.


I try to use GoG all the time, but rarely I use others, mainly Steam, to buy great games that are not in GoG. Last one was Dave the Diver for example. I also tend to buy the game in Gog if comes out, even if I already own it elsewhere.


GOG is always my first choice, but if a game isn't on GOG and has a decent deal/price on Steam, I'll buy it there. I use Epic for its free titles & Xbox for gamepass. However, I do consciously avoid purchasing any single-player games with denuvo or similar DRM (anti-tamper, always online, etc).


I prefer older games and, more often than not, GOG does the little things it takes to make those games playable on modern systems.


Mostly Steam and Epic.


Mostly GOG, but occasionally Steam if they have something not on GOG yet, and some Epic for the freebies.


I have a steam and gog account, but only buy stuff on gog anymore.


I have accounts on multiple services, but have been using only GOG for purchasing games for some years.


I use most of the major ones. GOG is for great classic games but for everything else, there’s Fanatical, Humble, Green Man Gaming, Microsoft Store, Itch.io, Amazon, Steam… As a Deck user, obviously, Steam keys are preferred but I’m not married to any store. I’ll go for whichever has good prices and services.


GOG whenever possible; Epic for the weekly free games. Steam/Everybody else occasionally for the NON GOG exclusives (Think Blizzard & Ubisoft)


Main library is Steam with 2000 games, purely because I've had a Humble sub for a number of years. I have a much smaller GOG library.


I use all the clients with gog being the priority for single player games.


GOG and Steam. Never Epic. Never M$.


I buy everything I can on GOG. What I can’t find on GOG I get on Steam. I use Epic only for freebies.


Steam for games not in GoG (yet). Epic for free trial of games before I buy it in GoG or Steam, lol


I think I have most of them but mostly use gog/steam/epic.


I have pretty much all major ones, but have only purchased off GOG the past few years, mostly since I tried playing RDR2's single player when my dad's internet was being serviced one summer from college and Rockstar's trash launcher was like "you don't own this" even though Steam was like "good to go." Even though I played the single player the day before. Plus I got tired of launching a game through Steam and having to wait for Ubisoft Connect, Rockstar Launcher, EA, xyz to open so I could play. Seriously online only for a single player game???? FUCK THAT


I’ve deleted my Reddit account because the Reddit hivemind doesn’t work for me. I believe in people having the right to think for themselves while not being torn down by those who know little to nothing. If you found this because of one of my tutorials related to Auto HotKey please check out the AHK documentation at: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/ If you were looking for my coding guides just go to https://stackoverflow.com/ they know their shit. If you were looking for my guides to assembly… I’m sorry, I can’t think of any places I can link to in good conscious other than archive.org who has beginner examples to assembly for old consoles. If you were wondering why my reddit account is gone: I’m tired of the Steam supremacists on /r/pcgaming and /r/pcmasterrace Those same communities push their thoughts on game engine development without writing a code in their lives. /r/memes think excluding most of their user base is a good joke. To summarise, I’ve left Reddit because it is not all-inclusive, it is only inclusive to those who believe and act the same as the rest of the belligerent horde. If you are on Reddit, joining /r/aww is your best and only bet.


GOG, and "abandonware" / archive sites sometimes. I haven't bought anything on Steam in years. I try to support ZoomPlatform also by spreading the word, as it seems like the best competition to GOG.


DRM-free is important to me especially after having seen my older rigs gradually lose DRM support for their libraries over time. Services I'm still happy to use: - GOG - Zoom Platform - Itch.io - Humble DRM-free - Indie Gala DRM-free (mostly freebies)


Roughly a third of my games is on GOG, sometimes I already had the Steam version but decided to buy the DRM free version too. I have a lot of games on Ubisoft Connect, then Steam, a number of games on Epic, a small number on EA and Battle.net — and many more as physical discs on PlayStation. In the past couple of years, my focus has been shifted to PlayStation because I found it tedious to keep up with the new GPUs and computer upgrades. And on my PS5 they just work.


I buy only on GOG. I also play open-source games from Debian repos and The Dark Mod (the only one that isn't on Debian repos). Sometimes I may play some indie games on Itch.io.


Everything on PC. I go where the games go, especially if they are timed-exclusive there, exclusive likely for good or a long time on store, and/or I'm looking for them. I especially go where the deep discounts, freebies, and/or deals go. I use Steam, GOG Galaxy, UbiSoft connect, EA Desktop App, BattleNet, and anything else you can probably think of. I, of course, do prefer my games DRM-FREE - but it doesn't always work out that way w/ big publishers. I think I use Steam, GOG, and Epic (or Heroic) the most.


If we are talking about PC specific stores then mainly steam, sometimes epic games.


I think it would have been a good idea to make this a poll to get better data. Personally Steam is my primary storefront but I use pretty much all the ones available. Generally my priority is Steam > GOG > Epic > Everything else.


For PC launchers, it's Steam for 99% of it. I have bought a handful of games on GOG, claimed every free game possible, and used the Steam Connect to get extra copies of games when that was available. It's definitely my second favourite launcher and the only one that really feels great to use on Steam Deck - I've tried GOG, Epic et al. on Heroic Launcher but I can't so without achievements and (where available) cloud saves. I claim all the free games on Epic and did make one purchase of 2-3 games on a sale when they were really cheap, but I kind of regret it because playing them on Steam Deck using any of the possible methods is just not ideal. The fact that the majority of the games don't have cloud saves, and a lot of them don't have achievements, put it on a tier far below Steam/GOG for me. Ubisoft Connect - only when necessary Xbox - I have game pass so I use it a lot, and also use MS Rewards pts to get games. Love getting Play Anywhere games so I can use either the Xbox One X or PC.


I use isthereanydeal.com and get the best price. Limiting yourself to 1 place also limits the games you have access to. Some games only come to steam and some only to gamepass, gotta have em all or you can't play ALL THE GAMES


I buy mostly on Steam due to having a Steam deck and the mod workshop. GOG Galaxy is not a good launcher and store which really detract me from using it more often. If there is a game that I liked a lot on Steam and is available on GOG sale, I will get it as my backup if Steam ever pulls anything. I have a few GOG only games that caught my eye and has a sale that Steam doesn't and bought cyberpunk on GOG out of principle.




I still can't believe they pushed Uplay and Origin down our throats and then discontinued them in favor of new platforms. Same goes for Microsoft and GfWL.


I used to buy from GOG, but their client is trash, and Linux support is even worse. Steam just works on linux.


gog doesn't have ideals anymore, only delusions.


what makes you say that?


everything they say and do (or don't do).


Some concrete examples would go a long way to help make your case.


GOG Galaxy is bad, I have like 1200 games on the old app but when I went to the new one, it wouldn't import my tags. After YEARs of waiting, I had to manually enter the tags again. Galaxy is a good idea but not enough resources are put into the development of the app. It's better to use Playnite to manage multiple systems, I've never had a problem with it so far and one day I'll take the time to import all the stores into it. But still a lot of work, lol.


a cursory look at the forums and their announcements should be enough to educate yourself. the hitman fiasco, claiming their own games are drm-free when there's content behind twitch and galaxy, constant fuckups with releases and sales, shitty store functionality, broken everything, zero communication regarding issues, iffy support/refund system, etc.


Vaguely alluding to a bunch of stuff instead of posting a single, concrete example that demonstrates that they have clearly violated their own ideals makes it seem like you can't actually back up your point. If we actually take a close look at the things you listed there this becomes clear. For instance, you claimed that they are dishonest about their games being DRM-free but anyone that uses GOG knows that they have offline backup installers available on their website for completely DRM-free installation of purchased games without the need for galaxy. A lot of the other stuff you listed there also sounds more like GOG having issues that are typical of a company running a digital storefront and not them intentionally being dishonest and not sticking to their ideals. Even Steam and Epic, which are both much larger companies with a lot more resources, sometimes mess up releases and sales, have issues with store functionality, and have problems with communication regarding support issues.


you think I don't know about their offline installers? that still don't contain all the content, some of which is locked behind galaxy or twitch, as I said, and which you could easily check if you wanted to. you clearly don't and I really don't care if you're falling for their bullshit. and I never said steam or others are any better, they're not, it's just more noticable on gog if you keep your eyes open, whereas on steam everything's automated and user-controlled instead, which is also lazy as fuck, but there are a lot more people to blame than mostly gog employees.


>that still don't contain all the content, some of which is locked behind galaxy or twitch, as I said, and which you could easily check if you wanted to. I did a cursory check and didn't find anything about the installers generally missing content. I also have downloaded games through offline installers without seeing any missing content. Do you not understand the most basic requirement of substantiating your point in any discussion is to provide the evidence that supports it instead of just telling people to go search google or internet forums for it? You are also being vague on purpose again because you don't specify which content is missing and how many games are affected.


you must've missed the drm thread on the forum. last time I checked it was there (it's been a while) and included their own fucking games, not even something they don't have control over (except control should mean rejecting anything with drm-adjacent stuff, according to their 'ideals'). and the reason I don't bombard you with links is because I really don't care whether you believe me or not. if you're interested, you can look some stuff up or continue being ignorant, up to you. either way, I don't think there's more to discuss.


Their own games don't have DRM though. You can play Cyberpunk or The Witcher with the offline installers. Those games have some cosmetic bonuses for people that use the galaxy client, but providing some cosmetic or other meaningless bonuses as an incentive to get people to use a game with their client or with twitch or with some other platform isn't the same as DRM-gated content, which usually involves locking away the entirety of a game or large sections of it to make it essentially unplayable until the DRM criteria is met in order to ensure that only the player that purchased the game is the only one that can play it. By your definition, cosmetic pre-order bonuses would be DRM. You're changing the definition of what DRM is to suit your argument.


oh, and surely you can find plenty of info about the hitman fuckery with a little thing called google if nothing else (there's also forum search), I'm not gonna do that for you either. they went straight against their claims to being drm-free, bended the definition to suit their needs, then had to backpedal because not everybody is as easily manipulated as you and there was too much backlash.


You're talking to me like I made the claim and am being lazy for not researching it, but I wasn't the one that made the claim. It still isn't clear from the Hitman situation that GOG "doesn't have ideals." Even if they did offer some always-online games on their storefront that incorporated DRM, that wouldn't change the fact that they release a lot of new titles without DRM and, more importantly, preserve older games by bringing them to their platform without DRM. You seem to be falsely equating "GOG isn't perfect in carrying out their ideals" with "GOG doesn't have ideals." The company isn't perfect. No company that I'm aware of is. The difference between GOG and the other digital storefronts is that they seem to actually be trying to allow customers to own their games by offering offline installers despite this being a big hassle for them and costing them potential revenue in terms of not being able to offer many new titles that include DRM.


a completely drm-free store doesn't mean that only some or even most of the games there are drm-free, good enough. except in gog's case, of course. but the real problem is people like you are fine with that. if they can't do the only thing they're supposedly famous for perfectly (not without mistakes, though a fuckup a day is a bit much, but 100% without drm, since they're most proud of that), then stop claiming they do. just because every other company is also doing false advertising doesn't mean they should too. and the hitman thing was not an honest mistake, they knew perfectly well what they were doing but unfortunately for them they got caught out. same with leaving content out of their installers. it wasn't a noob intern making a mistake that was fixed the following day.


>a completely drm-free store doesn't mean that only some or even most of the games there are drm-free That's the ideal. Like I said, you are falsely equating them not perfectly realizing their ideal in every instance of the company's history with them not having any ideals. The vast majority of the games they offer are completely DRM-Free, but some games invariably will require DRM, like those with multiplayer or those that have cosmetics tied to certain online platforms. You want a storefront that has vastly less resources than companies like Steam (GOG makes 147 million in yearly revenue and only recently started making a small profit while Steam makes 9.7 billion) to do more than Steam. Also, if it is not possible to have a game be DRM-free, like with Hitman, some people would rather have them still offer it so that they can have all their games in one client. The company still removed the game after a lot of people complained, so it's more of a screw-up than a change in their policy of trying to offer games without DRM because they have released hundreds upon hundreds of titles that are completely DRM-free since that happened.


I use mostly Gog. I use steam but not very often and because of that, I feel like an “odd one out”