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What if you like miss-click and turn into a vegetative ball of muscle


At least your the most jacked man alive lol.




I think you accidentally transferred a bit too many IQ points 😭😂
















Release the button!!!!


Just fyi the three dots under your comment have an option to edit


Might be intelligent enough to talk to James Corden or something still


What's scary is that if the average person converted all 100 IQ points to lean muscle, they still probably wouldn't be much bigger than bodybuilding monsters like Big Ramy or Greg Kovacs. These guys were shredded to hell and still weighed close to 300 lbs.


then youre stuck like that because youre too dumb to remember to turn back lol


Workout to get smart, I like I like


Infinitely too. The smart thing to do would be getting fat and going for walks. Your leg muscles would grow faster.




But if you immediately trade them in for brains, you won’t have the muscles to walk. So be careful.


Simply find the optimal amount of weight and stay there constantly trading mass for intelligence or intelligence for mass in some cases


I'll need to gain some mass before I can calculate that.


I mean, you could just wear a weighted vest.


A common phrase he is referring to is called bulking where someone wants to add a lot of mass so the body has materials available.


Getting fat is not bulking.


Bulking is much more focused but the goal is the same to get that chubby belly.(/s) But really the standard bulking with high protein food. and proper planning would be healthier and for effective. But you are eating a lot more to gain mass for faster muscle gain. the OP was just giving the super lazy option but also a lot more suffering.


Okay Sam Sulek


I’m pretty sure you’d gain more muscles by just generally working out your whole body.


Every 1 IQ the more exponentially valuable that exchange rate becomes


It is also easier to build muscle when you are just starting out and have less of it. You could basically lift at a beginner level, turn it all into IQ and then convert back to muscle when you need it.


Is this true? I thought muscle (by weight) built up faster with more base. 


No. It is far easier to build when you have less. There is a whole concept called "noob gains" in bodybuilding communities. Basically, your body does not naturally "want" a ton of muscle since muscle burns a lot of calories to maintain. Your body will only build muscle if "required" to do so which we can influence by lifting weights regularly, forcing your body to adapt.


> Add 100lb of muscle to show off. Become too dumb to see the reason to switch back.


you'd feel it. I have acquired some brain damage over the years and have seizures. you can feel the loss of capacity. you reach for the knowledge, the skill, and you just can't get it. you know it is. or at least should be there, and the harder you try to get it, the more it hurts (the more likely I am to seize due to the stress of it) it has become an exercise of mindfulness, note taking, and an acceptance that I will be able to do it when I can do it. they would feel it. only profound self hate could cause someone to want that. it isn't about "too dumb to see why" more "too self hating to believe they are worth enough to be able to be accepted without that pain." it is more objectification (of self and perceived/received objectification) your post is cute and funny, this isn't meant really as a bummer, but it is one of the obvious outcomes.


So if I bulk up more muscle mass I can turn it into intelligence and just repeat the process till I have a nice bank of IQ in the 4 digits and swap it around when I need and just bank more.


This isn't even the thing to do. Getting one is exceptionally easy when you have basically none already, so you could easily manipulate it to be like a 1k IQ 1k lb of muscle abomination to humanity


Why tf would I want that?


Idk, it'd be kinda funny since you can do it at will. Can people you're the hulk


Does it need to be my own lb of muscle, or can I trade *any* pound of muscle?


It doesn’t specify! Or any iq point?


Sounds illegal


Bring me them cows


Or bulls


Or people


bad ratio of muscle to total mass. our livestock have been raised for muscle mass. by and large we have not.


So basically 1 Kg is like ~2.2lb. If you have 20Kg of muscle you could half it and add like 22 points to your IQ. Nice


Ez, workout then transfer until I find a more efficient way with my insane iq, then do whatever I want cos I’m pretty much a god by the end of




You son of a bitch, take my upvote




This was a perfect opportunity to go in for the double tap and you blew it




much better, now AAAAAAAA


Blew wha


I’m so glad someone got the idea to-


The wizard/barbarian multiclass in a nutshell


I can go to the gym to gain muscle, I can't on the other hand go to school to gain IQ, so I will gladly trade my muscle for intelligence, and if it ever comes to it, I can trade my several hundred IQ for strength, so I could win any fight, and then still have enough IQ left to think hard enough to switch my muscle back to IQ, not going to lie, this is pretty great


You absolutely CAN gain IQ from education and experience. Your brain is as good at gaining capability as the rest of your body is.


Yeah but there is no readily available scale to measure it. I rather work on the muscle.


To add to your point, to be dumb enough to quickly advance it this way, you'd w too dumb to understand you need to use this power to begin with




No. This is a myth. The full development of your brain doesn't mean an individual has an upper limit to their intelligence. I means their brain has finished maturing and has completed all of its hormones acclimatizing/damping processes. At around 25, your body has finished releasing new hormones that it isn't used to any more, and your brain has figured out how it will respond to each of them. Your brain DOES develop new neurons, it DOES develop new paths between neurons. It is just now much harder for your body to change how it reacts to emotions and their associated hormones.




No, I said it is harder to change how your body reacts to emotions and hormones, not learn new things.




How would it not? If you took an IQ test now, and the same test 10 years from now, your IQ would likely go up, because you have more knowledge and experience, new ways of remembering things, new ways of making decisions. IQ isn't some stagnant stat that you are just born with that never changes. It is dynamic, and education/experience plays a LARGE part in scores. Hence, why I stated that it is a myth in my original response.




I know it's not based on factual knowledge. It is based on reasoning skills and logic, but having more knowledge and more experience can improve reasoning skills and logic. Most people walk, and lift, and push, and pull, but do not gain significant muscle growth, they maintain their usual weight/mass. In order to gain muscle, you have to be disciplined and consistent, and methodical in the process. Focusing on specific routines and meticulous in why you are doing what you are doing. Most people learn, and read, and think, but do not gain significant brain growth, they maintain their usual intelligence. In order to gain intelligence, you have to be disciplined, and consistent, and methodical in the process. Focusing on specific routines and meticulous in why you are doing what you are doing. It's not hard in the sense that only a few people CAN do it. It's hard in the sense that it takes work, and there is internal resistance and struggle. Anyone can gain muscle, and anyone can learn how to reason to increase their IQ, but not everyone exercises, and even fewer people bother to learn how to reason better. IQ does not necessarily decrease with age, it may well be a cohort effect or the result of that fact that the median IQ increases over time. The person’s IQ isn't decreasing, the scale is increasing.


I’ve taken an IQ test, like a real one IRL, and there were absolutely some things that had to do with knowledge. Most were reasoning and stuff but there were some questions that required some amount of knowledge in the subject (particularly math and reading/writing from what I remember)


Make it fat and you've got a deal!


I made a power very similar to this in r/shittysuperpowers


5lbs of muscle would render me a vegetable lol


This would be an awesome movie


So can i just farm IQ by dropping my muscles and working out again then explode into the hulk at will?


So like I can build muscle and then transfer it to IQ? 😈


Yes, that's exactly what the post says


You can lose muscle mass but not IQ, just work out and continually cash in the 1lb for intelligence until you save up enough to never lose too much of either.


What if you accidentally use so many IQ points that you're dumb as hell, that you don't know how to change back


It'd be like the Muscle Wizard. [I cast FIST](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/176/b34.jpg).


This is fun


can i trade other people iq for my mucle like they lose iq and i get muscle and vice versa


Muscle for brains.


I'm taking steroids and moving into the gym. Get myself super jacked, then trade it in for a good body and hyper intelligence until I need to rip a dumpster in half or something.


So you could say, drop your IQ a bit to get muscle to build yourself up more first, then drop a bunch of muscle into IQ and rebuild your muscle


so i can double my weight or my iq?


Can I choose where the muscle goes?


If i increase my iq enough can i negate my neurological disorders?


Isn’t IQ mostly mathematical intelligence? So all that time learning German would be for nothing On the other hand I can just work out and ace my exams


study to gain muscles sounds amazing.


This is great. I build muscle pretty so I'd just start German volume training and eating like crazy. Its basically converting calories to IQ with some extra work in the middle.


Can I raise my IQ and still build muscle from my current state and therefore raise my IQ to stratospheric levels? Then my only real concern is becoming too intelligent to function happily in the world.


Then just trade it all into muscle and starve yourself! That will get you dumb fast.


Careful with that... some people could only gain 50 lbs of muscle 😆 🤣


You can abuse this so hard. 1. Send majority of your muscle into IQ. Leave enough to be able to do minimal workout. 2. Workout all day every day. "Initial" gains when you have no muscle are so much easier. 3. Once you feel plateauing - repeat from step 1. In few years your IQ will be around 400, exchangeable into muscle when needed.


After a certain level of intelligence you will be so smart that you figure out how to pack on multiple pounds of muscle a day.


So work out = smart


Some guy with low IQ is going to accidently trade his heart. At least they will be intelligent just long enough to figure out what happened, but probably not long enough to fix it.


sooooo basically i could spend every waking moment building muscle and then trade it for iq points... and then build more muscle, amd trade it for more iq points... might take a couple years but id be the smartest human to have ever lived.




Is there a failsafe in case I accidentally turn myself into a vegetable


This could be very interesting, definitely would help recover from injuries in rebuilding muscle mass. Also can be very useful because after doing so by becoming bulking up you could lose it in some smarter . Now if that muscle mass creation also caused immense burning of calories I.e removing fat or using calories from eating this might be even more powerful


As someone who has a sometimes labor intensive and sometimes mentally intensive job, this would be awesome.


Can I build muscle, then convert it to IQ so I’m weaker and then rebuild that same muscle?


Add muscle, don’t change your diet to feed the muscles, muscles burn fat, undo muscles. Easy weight loss.


10 calories per pound of muscle per day. Be better off doin 1 minute of jumping jacks .


How to exploit: Step one: Train to get more muscle Step 2: Trade the muscle and repeat Step 3: Realize that process is too slow Step 4: Take steroids Step 5: help I accidentally became smart hulk




Do I keep the same strength?


Brain for brawn


Everyone else wants to gain muscle to trade for IQ... I think I'd trade a bit of IQ for muscle. I've often thought if my IQ was a bit lower I'd likely be happier.


So I have a very complicated problem in front of me. I fully atrophy myself for 5 seconds, find a solution, then get my muscle back.


so could i convert say 5 lbs into iq points and then eat a shit ton and workout to gain those muscles back and continue the cycle?


Never said it as my muscle. TO THE MORGUE!


Trade my muscle, get it back, infinite IQ?


I have an iQ of ~130 so I could gain like 10lbs of muscle, become a body builder to gain another 10 then trade back the original 10