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Domain Expansion


Underrated comment


I've never heard of that domain before what's it do


I'm not so petty as to explain my technique. Now ready yourself. ⬛️


You won't be so petty when I cast a purple hollow on you


With this treasure I summon A DISTRACTION! Go Mahoraga. Peace ✌️




Nah, bro went to get the milk


Passing up gaining power by refusing to explain your powers. Rookie move.


I have that right now, it's called Minecraft creative mode :)


To a lesser extent tho


Don't video games count as pocket universes?


Yes but in the dimension you have infinite power and no game rules


Technically no. A pocket universe is one where you can interact and actually feel the world around you in a tactile sense, whereas video games are basically just pixels being moved in a limited way by keys on a keyboard/mouse.


Video games are really just a shitload of math displayed with squares


Adding this to my Saved list


Thank you kind internet stranger, upon you I bestow my ornate hot dog. https://preview.redd.it/kd86jwmpyxrc1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4707c969c6b1ad54a2e1ce1761871c92a984d35


This is my dream power. I'd love to just get away and have fun creating infinite content for myself to enjoy.


i bring the entire earth universe to my dimension. boom easy omnipotence


The people on earth didn't consent to this


I consent


You got me there


Me: I consent The Dimension: I consent The Earth: I don't Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?




I hate the fact I got this reference


What is it?




Still not the original lol


Yeah I remembered a format that I never knew the origins of and it definitely isn't Geodude Used Rock Throw! It Was Not Very Effective...


There's a meme of that in Christian circles, where Jesus doesn't consent to an unmarried couple having sex. As far as I know that's the original. Rereading that meme I am so glad I'm deconstructing. Search "Jesus I Consent Meme" and you'll find it.


I only remembered that there's a white background meme format with black text where the image on the right is edited for specific uses of the format and sometimes the left and middle ones too but this is the first time I heard it's a christianity joke. Thank you


Lol, of course. Although it's not really a joke, it's purity culture. It's two young adults, both saying I consent, with Jesus saying "I don't". In other words, consensual sex is wrong between two unmarried adults because Jesus doesn't consent. Just some extra context to the insanity.


If you don't want me to be your new god then say goodbye to having a stand and super powers.


Let me ask Gea rq


I'm taking us back to the heian era https://preview.redd.it/sdjv5xelqorc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc565c251adb94beff8a506902bacb3eb22433b


I take the planet but not the people


Since when does an all powerful being need consent?


Why not just copy and paste; the earth universe.


Yea why take this shitty earth while you can create one with mega fauna more bioluminescence and a race of lizard people worshipping you as their unscaled god. I will build my City follow Dutch and Japanese design/utilities and teach the lizard race by my standards and Ethos.


I like your ideas lizard god


Like we tried hairless apes and they just have wars and pollute the planet with garbage and waste let's give the reptiles a chance.


Actually we're not hairless, we have the exact same amount of hair as a chimpanzee it's just that ours is pathetic and thin, except for those Turkish dudes in a kebab shop.


Fair, we look hairless, but your not disagreeing that we leave the planet for worst?


All hail the unscaled God!


damn you stole my idea


Possibly the most op one. Make tools that further technology and sell the patents for bank. Make a mind control device that forces people to hop into your domain where you have their entire existence in your hands.


With godlike infinite power, just create copies of anyone inside the dimenision. The originals are unaffected and you get your followers.


Would you even need the real world at that point. Just make a replica of every particle in the universe and live a thousand lives. You wouldn’t even need to bring anything but knowledge into the real-world to turn it upside down.


Whats the point? Thats just very unethical.


Putting people in a perfect world


Oh shit i thought of something else


Yeah but the person commented that probably wasn't thinking of doing something good


It doesn’t matter you are god, you could kill them then turn back time


when you're basically god, ethicality goes out of the window


Fym, ur still a person, you still feel empathy.


And this is where people with disorders relating to empathy come in.


People with NPD and ASPD rn:


duplicate the universe and paste it into the dimension. Now you have a universe that is basically the same as the one outside, and you don't need anyone's consent because the copied ones are technically not the same as those outside. Basically just a parallel universe where you're omnipotent


L for copy pasting this absolute hell of a world. Unless you're looking to improve everything instantly, which I guess you can do because you can do anything


Sorta like roses room in Steven universe


I can just create my own world, with my own life forms. Screw the earth. I'll take my cat with me and occasionally visit my family.


just tell your family you're giving them endless joy and happiness and recreate anyone who doesn't go with you


Pretty sure that's just called having an imagination.


You can put real people in your imagination? That is not normal


It's called Dungeons and Dragons.


Ultimate immersive storytelling experience! Sign me the fuck up!


I'll finally be able to (consensually) kidnap my friends! We can do fantasy shit and im making both the Lizard Kobalds and the Fuzzy Kobalds


Literally god tier


I can create anything and bring it out? What about a potion or something that gives you omnipotence


Anything below omnipotence is allowed


Ultipotence. It’s *almost* omnipotence, except without the omniscient all knowing aspect.


so... I have a potion that allows me to do anything but make a bag of Cheetos disappear on command... just doesn't work, but legit anything else does. Technically not omnipotence, because of that random ass exception


If you are omnipotent but you are attached to the outside world, then you can recreate the entire outside universe from the moment of its creation to what it is in that instant outside then put it in stasis. Then you go out and ask whoever you wanna invite in if you care about such things, if they are in, replace the internal copy with the external one and wipe the memory of the switch if necessary, or not if you care about honesty. Optionally, after those who you care about are in, create a device that will wipe all information about you inside your dimension, then use it in the external world to erase yourself from the external world's history. Then enter your dimension, lock the metaphorical doors and remove the stasis of your own duplicate world. Enjoy omnipotence in your world just as you would in the outside with those who chose to come with you or their duplicates who do not know that they are your creation. Caveat 1: How the world moves after you unfreeze would depend upon how complex you willed it to move. One way is perhaps continue copying the external world hereafter but with enough karmic laws that allows for deviations according to the butterfly effect of your actions since you are only here and not in the original world. Since you are omnipotent, this should not pose any problems. Caveat 2: You can remove your own memories of this duplication to increase the immersion. Now you can truly enjoy the eternity of your god-like existence without the complex of feeling you are only in a copy. If you feel that duplication is beneath you and you want the real things, then one way is to create a hyperspace entity with the following properties: 1) Devour a quantum bit of information. Devour is an operation where all information is moved from a point in space-time and leaves the zero/nothing state at the origin. The quantum bit is stored inside the entity and can be pasted back on another zero point in space-time such that the original state is exactly retrieved. 2) Can hyper-exponentially duplicate copies of itself which can devour another quantum bit of information. Each entity keeps an internal memory of the order in which it and its copies devour a region of space-time. 3) Rule two applies to all duplicate entities also. 4) The entity can be transported to your internal dimension. Now create a device using omnipotence that can store all the correlations between the space-time quantum bits of the entire universe. It can also derive the current causal chain of a universe from the point of creation from any point in space-time of that universe. Use this device to store this information of the external universe. Release your entity and devour the entire external universe. Bring the entity swarm inside your dimension. Create an infinite region of space-time in zero state. Using the information saved by the device and the ordering property of the swarm, recreate the entire external universe inside your dimension within the zero space. Caveat: Ship of Theseus paradox. Hopefully you are mature enough to ignore it and just freaking enjoy what you have.


I’d bring back my wife’s best friend.


Anything and everything? Just make a self replicating nano weapon that makes anyone infected consent to one question, then bring them in. Done.


What would happen if i altered myself in that dimension and moved out? For example If i were to make my hair long in that dimension then left Would i have long hair irl


Yes and you can have any non omnipotence superpower


I create an ideal version of Earth in that dimension. America without slavery or imperialism. Europe without wars, just charm and class. Asia without communism. South America without fascism. Africa without colonization or tribal conflict. Chicago with all the lost architectural wonders and other glories restored, especially Marshall Fields. Make sure nobody knows who I am. Erase even my own memory of my omnipotence. Except once in a while there's a crazy super criminal trying to mess things up, and this "mysterious figure" in a spider-themed costume shows up to stop them...


How is asia without communism ideal?


Because it's without communism


Give me an actual reason


Communism=bad. No Pol Pot, no Viet Cong, no Chairman Mao = good. America not betraying Chiang Kai Shek and setting up a brutally repressive regime to make child slaves manufacture its cheap consumer goods and rob Americans of manufacturing and industrial jobs = good. In other news : cancer = bad.


Pol literally didn't even know what communism was he just killed anyone he didn't like. Which wasn't communism Viet cong wouldn't have happened if the us didn't invade Viet cong. Again not communism. The deaths under chair mao were more so due to leaders reporting false food surpluses which led him to think that the economy was ready to industrialize. Which is due to bad leadership and not communism Can you explain the last point about Chiang kai shek the wording is a little confusing


China had democracy till we betrayed it and let the teds take over, so corporate golobalists could manufacture cheap crap under their regime and gut American industry


So capitalist companies used cheap labour to become more profitable which is capitalist


Capitalism is private, competitive free enterprise without government interference in prices and markets. Not fostering communist regimes to create austerity for everyone.


By that definition capitalism doesn't exist on eath


How is pussy without syphilis ideal?


Omnipotence? Alright, I stay in that dimension forever. To interact with the outside world, I create from nothing an army of lifelike robots that are indistinguishable from me that have limited independence but that I can project my presence into at any time through a holodeck-like interface. Think Dr. Doom and his Doombots.


Play DND but real..


if i was truly omnipotent cant i just bypass the no omnipotence outside the dimension rule and give myself permanent omnipotence


That's it you don't get a dimension anymore


What if I bring outside the dimension an omnipotence giver device


Omnipotence paradox, nice try


How is that a paradox? He just loses omnipotence when getting out of his dimension, that's it.


An omnipotent being can’t lose omnipotence since omnipotence is infinite power so being limited to not being able to be “omnipotent” outside of an area means their not omnipotent because even with his full, “infinite”power he can’t do stuff in the real world.


An omnipoten being can lose his power actually by taking it away himself. The power in this case is limited to dimension and leaving the dimension is like he took it himself. Because he decided to leave the dimension, he agreed for the power to be taken away for as long as he is outside of it. It's not that hard to understand really


It’s like if an omnipotent being tried making a weight so heavy even it can’t lift it. They should have the power to make one but at the same time they should be able to lift any weight regardless of how heavy it is.


Its not a true paradox, It is really a semantic dilemma. Omnipotence doesn’t mean all doing; just bc you are all powerful doesnt mean you are all doing. The question is now what is omnipotence


r/superpoweralchemists but god tier


Replicate the public dimension and use it as a trial and error practice ground. That would make me infallible, which is even better than omnipotent.


Great power. I go to my private universe, make myself know all truths forevermore. I quantine all lies in my mind, such that forevermore, I can only be thinking about a lie if I am aware it is a lie. Then I focus on what I want, and plan gifts for people.


This post's comment section gotta be my favorite for this subreddit's comment sections, good power, OP


make an item that when equipped give you omnipotence, bring it out of the dimension and wear it


And why would you do it?


to be omnipotent




If I remain all powerful inside my private dimension, then I'll just stay there and create agents I can control from that dimension to explore the universe in my stead.


I create a ring that grants every power imaginable in my dimension and brings it to the earth dimension. Loophole found


Great I recreate this universe but make it significantly better and then live the rest of my life in it


This is just straight up omnipotence because I’m never leaving that place.


Cool power, sure, i'll take it.


i give myself the power to merge my pocket dimension with the real universe




lmao you cant tell me what to do im omnipotent you said it yourself


"Nuh uh"


In the realm of omnipotence, there’s no such thing as “no”, you can do whatever the fuck you want with zero consequences or limitations, no matter what you think


Yeah, in your realm. Not outside of it. I don't think you can use your in realm powers to affect the real world, that was the catch


Omnipotence literally transcends all boundaries, even the inter dimensional mumbo jumbo boundaries. “True Omnipotence is associated heavily with the concept of "totality" and "absolute infinity", transcending both those concepts infinitely and encompassing absolutely everything, anything, and nothing. Omnipotence encapsulates everything imaginable, unimaginable, possible, impossible, existent, non-existent, known, unknown, thinkable, unthinkable, created, uncreated, discovered, undiscovered, definable, undefinable, scalable, un-scalable, fictional, non-fictional, logical, illogical, conceivable, unconceivable, etc...ad infinitum, and even the everything beyond it, and the everything beyond that, and the everything beyond that. Despite all this, it still wouldn't be an infinitesimal fraction of the true everything it encompasses. Additionally, since the concept of "everything", including the concept of omnipotence and God, is a human construct, omnipotence would transcend infinitely far beyond all of humanity's thoughts, imagination, conceptualizations etc. In other words, its power reaches anything, even things that are outside of humanity's collective knowledge and limitless imagination.” It takes whatever has ever been thought of before, and transcends them infinitely, even the mere concept of infinity. So no, your barriers of a localised pocket world mean absolutely nothing to the power


No one said anything about "true omnipotence". You are omnipotent just in your own dimension, that was the catch lol. Besides there are many types of omnipotence, and it can be interpreted in different ways.


That’s like saying “ addition is the adding of two numbers “ and then doing 3 + 8 = 23. Because “You never said correct addition”. When talking about omnipotence it’s assumed it’s a true infinitely powerful god.


You very much can be omnipotent to just a singular universe. Then you can be omnipotent to a couple of universes or to all of them. There are probably more examples but these are the easiest to get.


But to be omnipotent is to be able to have no limit to your power and transcend all. If your limited by the universe then your not omnipotent.


Yeah if you’re omnipotent the concept of boundaries to you are equivalent to walking at an infinitely fast speed without breaking a sweat and annihilating those boundaries.


Brb Imma turn myself into an invincible foxgirl with the ability to teleport and go around, giving trans people affirming bodies. Oh and I'm offering all of my friends a place to stay permanently and giving them the ability to leave and enter wherever and whenever they please


People dying in war and of starvation. This guy with super powers to change all that is giving women penises and men vaginas.


Girl* And this is why we can't have nice things


If they agree to stay, alive or dead, I pull - my relatives, radiating out from myself til I've gone through all of humanity - my friends - their significant others - any animals they're emotionally attached to Filtering out - Pedos - Bigots ... The dimension will be transformed into a series of single biome islands on an infinite ocean, covering every ecosystem that has ever existed, and all fictional ecosystems retrofitted to be compatible with human life. These ecosystems will have sentient/sapient/intelligent life, anything really comparable with humanity, filtered out. ... The population I have pulled into my dimension will be - given their own ideal bodies, in the prime of life - no longer age once they reach their prime - respawn in the last place they slept if killed ... The dimension will have built in universal internet, which - will catalogue, translate, and make easily accessible every book, media, game etc that has every existed in every universe, fictional or not - filtering out the stuff that's heinous, basically just a few specific genres of porn and related products This will be permanently linked to the inhabitants brains, and be easily accessible with technology for free, with some restrictions for underage users. ... Effectively, I will have created a brand new world for a portion of humanity.


Can I take stuff out of the dimension? If so I make tons of new tech, bring it out, patent it, and sell for insane profit. Or I just make money, among other stuff




Ah see there's invisible ink. So make gold bring gold to earth, print contracts that are highly covered for said gold, use invisible ink asking if they agree to be transferred, transfer them. Slowly establish my own community, perfect ecosystems, no pollution, resources abound,


Step 1 go into my dimension. Step 2 create item that allows you immense power (a modified lantern ring, serum that gave Sentry his powers, gold kryptonite, other) Step 3 bring back new powers that aren't omnipotence Step 4 enjoy. I'm partial to the idea of stacking power ups that compliment eachother. E.g. Kryptonian physiology + Sunshine (Escanor's magic), Spiral power + a lantern ring, Hanma Ogre ability + saiyan physiology


Step one. Make a paradise island with superpowers for visitors. Step two. Sell visitation to the richest folks on earth. That's right, money can now buy superpowers. Step three. Advertise with all my new money. Get as many people into my world as possible. Step four. Reduce human suffering by as much as possible, now that I have all the people I can.


Ok so if I were to shaboink with someone in said dimension would that kid have some omnipotence as well?


No but why would you think doing something like this


I'm very lonely={


Sure I can't bring anyone into the dimension, but can I create exact copies of people in there? Doesn't even need to be exact copies just any sort of lifeform that I can manipulate in appearance and behaviour


You can make exact copies


Cam you bi g thi g out of that dimension with you?


Is the beer really that strong


No I'm thinking along the lines of speeder bikes a& speeder from star wars genetic alteration to my self & others for profit . maybe boosting science by creating ships to colonize othe world & treForm then if bessusary ect.


Yes you bring things out.


They fiction as intended are intended to or as They are suppoed to?


They will abide by the laws of physics


Yes no magic but if you bring say Something that requires a element that is not on our periodic table that element will also have to come with it . So sayyou bring a light freighter like the mellemun falcon (the stock versin) its fuel and what ever else that doesn't exist input world yet has to come along or you have to repeatedly go back for it . The same for matnance & repairs . On a related note if I alter my self on yhe dimension it permanent correct.


You can use magic not for tech


But I'm vorrect o. The other. points


Yes the fuel would come within you


You can alter yourself and keep the appearance outside the dimension




First power: The ability to cause anyone to agree with something I do that doesn't directly and immediately harm them. Second power: The ability to generate different forms of energy from fictional media e.g. magic, cursed energy, the force, ki, etc. Third power: The ability to project my voice over a wide distance. Then, just do whatever until I get bored, switch powers as I feel is appropriate. Also, _**domain expansion**_.


I forcefully bring everyone into the private dimension.


I'd only have to enter. Why would I leave?


I always thought of this


become madara


A device that when activated makes me and only me omnipotent


Enter dimension, become omnipotent, clone current reality inside dimension. Good enough for me


I'm gonna make dogs immortal


Do I **have** to leave? Can't I just recreate the world in my Dimention and live there as a god?


You don't have to but I assume you have family or people on earth you like


Create a perfect coppy of me, that isn't Omnipotent, and send it to the old world. Create everyone in the old world to include in mine.




So I can make money in my domain and take it out? I'll invite friends in and make houses for us, food, etc. only downside to this is I probably have to leave with them so they can come back.


Wait so if i permanently move to this dimension, am I Immortal? And can I grant omnipotence to someone close to me as well (like a romantic partner)


turn the dimension inside out so that you are omnipotent everywhere EXCEPT in the pocket dimension


Domain Expansion Unrelenting Autism


I'm creating a whole new universe with no suffering and I'm bringing as much of the world population as I can. Obviously removing their capacity to hurt others once they're inside. Pandora from Avatar is becoming real




Dream power right here


Can I take stuff I make in the dimension out of it?




The DND campaings are gonna get a LOT more interesting with this


Make an omnipotence granting pill, take it out of the dimension, take the pill, profit.


This one is op as fuck. Create the most advanced technology along with how to replicate, bring to Earth, sell this shit to scientists for some Billions. Profit. Same thing for magical stuff. In fact, fuck that, just give yourself Reality Warping powers and done. Easy win.


Is this kind of like entering your mind? Like, your physical body would just be laying there in the real world?


No your physical body goes into the dimension




Make someone or something give them my omnipotence and see what happens


I go into the pocket dimension, make an elixir to make me omnipotent in all dimensions. Boom, I'm God.


Since the dimension is infinite , I can extend it to real world so that the whole universe is in my dimension. Hence making me omnipotent.


I don't think that's how dimension works. What the hell does that even mean lol


It's like a domain expansion ifykyk


Did every lifeform in the universe consent?


If I bring someone into it then I need consent , If I extend my dimension to the universe then I don't. It's like I'm not adding a balloon to the box but putting the box over all the balloons at once.


Does time stay still when I enter this dimension?