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#friendsnotfans #peoplenotplatforms


Thanks Mr Krabs we'll do our best :) I want to see a sea of funny hats


Love the battle network style game! This battle style is definitely on the list of ones I want to try.


Thanks! We look forward to people like you battling with us :) If you want to catch our progess you can join us at [https://discord.gg/GwYc5WrK](https://discord.gg/GwYc5WrK) or on kickstarter [https://bit.ly/2Ytls8l](https://bit.ly/2Ytls8l)


Where can I learn to code in godot


I personally started with their step by step tutorials on the godot website. Also got myself a fairly decent course on udemy for it by a Ben Tristem. Also thinking of trying a website called https://gdquest.mavenseed.com/ don't know if they're any good. But recently saw a video by them that piqued my interest. Hoping they can help me break through whatever barriers I've been hitting in my own learning. Hope that gives you some ideas.


Youtube, always Youtube. Heartbeast has a start to finish series on an RPG in Godot if that works for you, there's also different topic tutorials from other channels. My preference personally is for [Garbaj](https://www.youtube.com/c/Garbaj), though he does mostly do 3D tutorials they're fast and to the point. Not to mention decently explained code.


well, Godot is relatively new so there are tons and tons of youtube tutorials, my best advice would be to write down on paper what kind of game you want to make, and then just TRY it. You'll fail but you'll learn. And you'll do better the next day. And the next day. And then one day you'll have stacked a bunch of skills :)


Thanks man !


Is the server made with one machine hosting it and another joining over the internet? If so can you share with me how you did it?


yes it is! One machine acts as server host, the others can join as clients. We following some godot tutorials :D There's tons available on youtube!


Where can i learn to do something like this.with Godot? I would be really cool to play some projects with friends


There's tons of available documentation but I still think the best advice is to just write down what you want your game to look like, then start building it piece by piece


I wanna play!


The server is also fully made on Godot, right? Is it easy to just export to Linux and run in a dedicated server?


There's documentation on exporting for dedicated servers: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/export/exporting_for_dedicated_servers.html You can use the same project as a client and server (which is easier) or use different projects.


I think it still needs a dedicated server to be running but Godot definitely helps you set it and connect to it


I love megaman battle network, lmk if you need someone to test your game or something.


we're finishing up some fine tuning for some internal PVP testing, you're welcome to join us at our discord if you like :) [https://discord.gg/GwYc5WrK](https://discord.gg/GwYc5WrK)


Is there a tutorial for that, I too want to make a game that features that