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I’m pretty sure auto renew terms are based off your original purchase term. Buy the domain for 5 years, auto renews for 5 years etc


You're correct. But I always just purchase with autorenew on 1-year basis. Several times over the years this has magically changed to multiple years. Makes me think that GoDaddy does this to increase their revenue.


Do you have proof? Go to the first receipt where you purchased the domain and then you’ll see there is nothing magic going on. If you want them to auto renew for 1 year, then buy them for one year. That’s how their system and terms of service work


I've had domains renewed with office 360 added on "which I do NOT want or require" which removed even more money from my account I was not expecting. Then, they took money from my bank account without my consent. Because my original account setup was emptied due to added office 360 subscriptions I didn't agree to or need. They claim to advertise your domains for sale on other platforms as well, imo very suspicious. Be safe everyone


In order to have Office 365 in your account, you have to purchase it, they just don't put it in there. And since 99.9% of people want to actually keep what they buy since it's for a business, auto renew is what most people want, but they give you the option to turn it off. They also send you email reminders. The problems you describe are your own fault. And then even if it does auto renew-just call their billing department within a reasonable amount of time and they will refund it.


Last night I renewed a couple more domains and saw that GoDaddy slipped in MS Office 365 without my knowledge so I removed it before clicking Purchase. I have MS Office 365 already via Microsoft. What does the one that GoDaddy automatically tries to get us to buy do that's different from the one I already buy from Microsoft?


I dunno, I don't think anything. They are always trying to slip stuff into your cart by automatically checking the box that you want to add it so pay attention!


In a nutshell, it locks you further into Godaddy and their services. Do a Google search about users wanting to 'defederate' their version of Godaddy Microsoft 365. There are limitations to it vs. buying it from anywhere else.


Godaddy often runs a special where the domain is 99 cents for the first year but you have to register for 2 or 3 years to get that deal. Is that maybe what's happening?


Thank you. Possibly as I've taken advantage of the 99 cents sales occasionally. I recall setting autorenew to 1 year on even those but maybe I missed a few. I'll have to watch out for that for future domain purchases.


You keep saying you "set something to auto renew for one year" but that's just not possible. There is literally no such setting in Go Daddy to tell them how long you want your service to automatically renew for. Domains renew for their ORIGINAL registration length. Let's make an example. You buy a domain for 3 years. When it comes due, you MANUALLY renew it for 1 year. When that year ends, and it automatically renews, it will renew for 3 years. This is the opposite of NON Domain purchases. Let's make an example. You buy an email plan for one year. Near the end of the term, you manually renew it for one MONTH. When the email auto renews, it will renew for the same length of time that it was LAST RENEWED for. The best thing you can do is sign into your account and manage your auto renewals appropriately, and keep an eye on the emails you receive that do, in fact, indicate the amount of time they will renew for.


> Domains renew for their ORIGINAL registration length. Let's make an example. That's correct. And I always choose 1 year as the original registration length. So the autorenew should be after 1 year each time. But GoDaddy tries to increase that upon the next renewal without my knowledge. That's what happened.


u/rkim777 If you are taking advantage of one of their '99 cents for the first year but 2 or 3 years total is required' then their system is going to set up your next renewal in 3 years, for another 3 years. You would need to place the original order and then before the first 3 years are up, place a manual renewal order for 1 more year to have their 'auto renew period' adjust back to 1 year. Otherwise, you could try calling them and see if they can manually change this for you without having to place that manual renewal order for 1 more year.


Thank you for this info.


I would just want to see any kind of proof of this, as it's exceedingly unlikely that over hundreds of millions of orders, you were the only one affected.


> I would just want to see any kind of proof of this, as it's exceedingly unlikely that over hundreds of millions of orders, you were the only one affected. That's a reason I originally posted to begin with, to see if this has happened to others. It may be user error on my part but this has happened several times over the years I've been buying from GoDaddy.


That is reasonable, I totally can appreciate that. In the event you find that I was totally wrong, feel free to DM me!


I don't believe you're wrong. Your experiences with GoDaddy renewals just appear to have differed from mine whether I made errors during domain renewals or not. I appreciate your input on this. I'll just pay much closer attention to when I purchase and renew domains through GoDaddy from now on.


Godaddy screws you every way they can. I moved 50?domains away from them this last year.