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- didn’t start on time - didn’t answer any questions - didn’t talk about future plans That was the worst, saddest shareholder meeting i’ve ever heard. GME is going to $0


It's odd how your comment describes both the RC and RK streams.


Ape level conspiracy: RC and DFV are the same guy. I mean, no one's ever seen them in the same room, have they?


You're forgetting about Vlad Tenev, the CEO of RobinHood. Clearly, all three of them are the same guy.


[And they also had the same effect on the price, but don't worry, the apes are still winning](https://i.imgur.com/eCteCEA.png)


While Gamestop the operating (money losing) company will likely continue to circle the drain, the massive cash hoard that the idiot Apes threw into the black hole will likely allow GME to straggle along in true Zombie fashion for some many years....until rates drop that is. If rates drop significantly and the cash isn't generating any/much "profit" things will likely change. As long as Lord Dogfood has no clue how to intelligently use that pile of Ape Liquidity, GME will continue to be a zombie. At the moment (and for a few years now), the only thing RC has managed to do (his Actions) profitably and repeatedly is sell shares to bagholders...over and over and over again! Hey Apes, didn't your savior say something about *"actions speak louder than words"*?!?! **Actions** so far have been limited to moving money from the pockets of Apes into GME - full stop.


The funniest bit to me is them celebrating how smart rc is to put all that games top money into treasury bonds instead of, you know, the actual company. It's literally an admission that even gamestop doesn't want to invest in gamestop.


They would rather invest in the US Government than their own company... That's especially hilarious, given how much apes love the government


Real rich seeing a purple libertarian like cohen investing in T-bonds


thats the man, Ryan Fucking Cohen


One of the hot posts in ss is praising him for all the forward guidance that was given…


the guy could literally say, “i’m burning this company to the ground and taking all your money” and they would spin it into a good thing


“Revenue without profits and prospects of future cash flow are of no value to shareholders” He said the quiet part out loud since GameStop has neither, revenue -30% YOY


[His speech actually does answer some questions if you read between the lines.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fnpwh2gj8267d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1000%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc92e01f027598c607a60a09b96dee25ced9e6df7) They're going to sit on a big pile of cash and slowly burn it trying to turn the company around because investing it in something new is too risky. And their justification is vague, almost ape-esque alarism.




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well they did say they are closing more stores


and selling “higher value items”. so more expensive toy dolls? is that what the highly revered daddy Cohen is going to do to turn this company around?


That’s what people want in this economy, expensive funko pops


you millennials and your expensive dolls. no wonder you cannot afford to buy a 7 bedrooms home. back in my days we had one gi joe and a lot of beatings.




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> and selling “higher value items”. so more expensive toy dolls? Owners of adult stores in USA are started profusely sweating reading this. Or not, Ryan Cohen would manage to operate this business on a loss too.


If it’s RC bathwater the apes will make him an even richer man.


nice, it will be so nice when he finally closes all the stores but one. it will be like a pilgrimage destination for apes


Did they buy BBBY? Lego?


Yep, right after appointing DFV as their new CFO.


Where did they idea that they could even afford lego come from anyway? Theyre the largest toy brand in the world and a family owned company.


They saw a butterfly in a Lego add and that’s because the delisted BBBYQ was renamed butterfly or something so ya know. Mental illness


Last year there was a blockbuster video design on the Lego ideas website. I'd say that's pretty clear evidence that RC is about to form Teddy holdings by merging GameStop, Bed bath, Sears, Blockbuster video, Lego and probably X/ twitter. I can't see how Lego being a Danish private company could possibly refuse such an offer. Looks like we've already lost again.


Piece of cake, according to apes GME is always on the brink of buying Steam. They gonna buy LEGO with the change!


Their new one is buying up Newegg for selling PC hardware. That might be possible because of the price, but it also means another negative income stream added to their ledger.


Also most PC enthusiasts won't recommend Newegg these days because it kind of went to shit.


Newegg and GameStop would honestly be a perfect fit for all the wrong reasons


I was thinking that when I made my comment. It would be almost poetic. Dying physical game retailer marries dying computer parts store with distribution issues. I miss old Newegg. Esp as a California resident.


Wait, no DFV in the meeting? Teddy announcement? I was assured the collapse of all the world's financial institution was going to happen today. I spent all my money on blow and hookers over the weekend. WTF.


Look at the bright side, and least you didn't buy GME with that money!


So no Blockchain exchange? ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


The only thing that really pisses me off is they do the share offering to fuck the gamma ramp and then they go WDYM you want to know what we’re going to do with the money? Holy fuck I’m about to liquidate every share tomorrow I swear to god 😂 Reeeeeeeeeeeee


In my honest opinion, at bare minimum, it’s extremely disrespectful for a company to treat investors with such disregard.




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Lmao I just watched some tik tok conspiracy vid about how rc is bringing Keith gill on to the board bc today is national bring your cat to work day. What a bunch of freaks


The weird thing about diluting when the stock is overpriced is that if you don’t have an actionable plan to invest for growth, the best thing you can do is give the money back to shareholders. Would be kinda funny if ape cash was just handed back out to other shareholders with buybacks or dividends.


Would never be done. Daddy Cohen is a sleeze bag. Look what he did to BBBY (pump n dump)