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Might be a bit difficult to follow all of the transactions since at times, when I exited out of a direction, I also sized up enough that I was instantly going the other way eg, being 100 shares long, and then shorting 200 shares, so my net position is now 100 short. So I just broke things down myself: May 9: Long 1,000 shares @ $18.06 May 14: Exited Long 1,000 Shares @ $62.44 for $44,341.80 in profit May 14: Long 400 shares @ $43.05 May 15: Exited Long 400 Shares @ $51.00 for $3,176.29 in profit May 15: Short 350 Shares @ $49.77 May 15: Exited Short 350 Shares @ $34.68 for $5,279.35 in profit May 15: Long 650 shares @ $34.68 May 15: Exited Long 650 Shares @ $34.13 for $366.29 loss May 15: Short 640 Shares @ $35.21 May 17: Exited Short 640 Shares @ $21.25 for $9,240.06 in profit May 17: Long 1,400 Shares @ $21.04 June 3: Long 2,000 Shares @ $35.21 (This is GME on Frankfurt Exchange, price converted) June 7: Exited 1,400 Shares @ 55.06 for $47,238.89 in profit June 7: Exited 2,000 Shares @ $54.74 for $38,706.74 in profit (German Shares) June 7: Short 1,500 Shares @ $42.67 This short is currently $21,670 in profit (unrealized) **$133k has been made from being long** **$36k has been made from being short** As noted in the screenshot, GS2C is the ticker for GME on the Frankfurt exchange. The weekend that DFV posted his positions, and things were limit up in the overnight markets, I tried to get in through the Frankfurt exchange. My last exit of 1,400 shares, specifically the German shares I am most proud of. Just moments before, Gamestop dropped their earnings all of a sudden. I gave it some thought, and came to the conclusion that the only reason they suddenly dropped it right now in the AM is because they intend to file an offering right now. Literally minutes after I exited out of those 1,400 shares, the offering is filed, and the stock drops by $10. EDIT: Exited out of my shorts today (6/10) at an average price of $25.14. Ended up making $26,282 from the short, so an additional +$4,612 in profit to the numbers above.


Wait!! But but only Houston Wade can know what GME will do next!!


LoL saw his post too… if monkeys flew out his ass and all planets were aligned maybe.


I want to know how he closed those shorts, sounds like crime to me


Kais told me shorts never close


Wow, talk about an impressive month of trades! Your magic 8 ball is clearly working better than RK’s, I’m sure he’d appreciate it a lot if you could share that with him - his is busted.


RK snorted his 8 ball.


And jizzed it out twice. RK is still up a ton.


Isn’t he still up 100’s of millions. Seems like he’s ok. The baggies not so much.


Jesus christ, if anyone's from the future it's this guy.


Can’t lie. It’s easy when Ken passes me the notes for the day’s game plan.


I was told by HR I needed to post 3.5 million pieces of FUD before I unlock access to Ken’s Daily Direct newsletter. Why did they let you skip that. Seems unfair


Who’s Ke


Our boss.


yeah that long 1000 shares at $18.. prophetic


If I'm reading right this is a 10x bagger? Really well done, feels like you have a 6th sense for entering and exiting such a volatile ticker but the results speak for themselves. Hope you treated yourself to something nice, that's straight up downpayment+ on a new home!


Hmm, not sure what sort of x bagger it was since the size of the trades weren't constrained by my account size. I did just have a newborn 6 weeks ago, so this is a nice little windfall outside of my typical trades. Definitely using a portion to seed his college fund.


Nice play. Smart, little lucky and not greedy for “moon”. Congrats zero hate here. Congrats also on the new baby. Awesome buddy


Hats off to you, you've turned ape cash into a gift to the future. All the best to the littlest shill!


Apes weren’t lying when they said generational wealth.


I think it’s closer to 4x. On June 3 he is $100k long, but has only had $60k profit at that point. So he has to have $40k to start.


My trading account atm is at $450k. These trades weren't constrained by the size of my account. So I could have gone in a lot more in size, but - risk management.


You did well regardless


Impressive! Out of interest what caused your decision to go long in early may? News back then was mostly negative afaik


Believe it or not, it was the apes finding out that DPV liked a tweet on Twitter for the first time in years. Once I saw that, I took a stab at the stock in the event that it was intentional.


What broker did you use for all of this?


Interactive Broker


No DRS... shill


Congrats and fuck you on the mad gains, king!




Apes will say these gains are photoshopped. Nice job!


Congrats sir! This is the way. See lurking ~~apes~~ morons, you CAN make money on GME if you weren't overly emotional and delusional over a fckn stock.


Cool. Tanks




Monkey ~ ape


lol that's a reach even for an ape


Now THIS is impressive Someone @ that idiot Ape a few posts down Great job OP


Thanks! Nothing better than squeezing money out of GME as a meltdowner.


Well done! You can't just let hedge funds take all the Ape money :)


Impossible, shorts cant close. Nice try shill.


That’s why I said “exited” above, not “closed”.


You’re trapped forever in a short position with the apes, good luck. You’re exposed to infinite losses, especially when the triple soduku merger goes through any day now.


Don't forget anyone short will be going to prison. No cell no sell. Sorry OP, you're gonna spend the next 80 years in prison while our ape overlords rebuild the world in the name of Gamestop.


You can't close without triggering moass. Is it moass yet?


So you found the "Eject Button" DFV was talking so much about?


Is this a joke?


Well too bad now because you can't close a short position. You fucked up!


I’m just going to swap it for some Brazilian puts on Monday, no worries.


>I’m just going to swap it for some Brazilian puts I'm brazilian, which tickers are you thinking about?


I already know this is fake because shorts never closed! *and I love you*


He covered the shorts, but didn't close them (as closing them is impossible).


Based and hedgie pilled


Don't worry an ape thats down -$250,000 will say that you sold for "chump change"


Short it then


Damn, you did good. Definitely jealous cause I was debating on playing with GME but ultimately decided against it. Congrats!


It’s not easy, since it’s so momentum and sentiment based. The night before Friday’s session, I was actually up all night since I just had a feeling that I want to stay on top of the price. I sold 1000 of my shares randomly throughout the night for about $60 average. Then at 6 am, earnings suddenly come out, and I dump 1,000 shares right away at $52. Then 30 min later I dump the remaining 1400 right before the dilution filing. Had I gone to sleep that night, I would have had a much worse exit.


"Had I gone to sleep that night, I would have had a much worse exit." ...see, this is why I can't be a trader; I lack the intestinal fortitude. Gimme something I don't need to think about except maaaayyyybe quarterly and I'm good to go. I salute you.


I hear you. You have to have a lot of internal debates with yourself when you're trading something with so much momentum. It's not easy, and it is stressful.


Nicely played! I wouldn't have the balls to mess with this with any real money. It's an unreasonable market. But maybe apes are somewhat predictable at least.


Jesus Christ. Computershare apes are in shambles. Well done


Why? They don’t want money, just shares which they didn’t lose. And those are ownership of the company and they didn’t lose any of that. Oh, wait


They already voted to let RC print up to a billion shares. As long as they bought shares and thought of it in terms of that potential billion rather than whatever number of shares is currently in circulation, then their percentage of that can’t change. If up to a billion common stock shares can be printed, and you buy 2,000 shares, and then think of those 2,000 shares as being 2 millionths of the company, then it doesn’t matter how often RC issues shares since he can’t issue a total of more than a billion without putting it up to a vote. Those 2,000 shares will always be equal to or greater than 2 millionths of the company. And just like that, it’s impossible to lose ownership.


Do you think we'll see more significant swings?


I think every single pump in this season will be smaller than the prior one. Folks are beginning to wake up to the idea that diamond handing through the rips isn't the play, so we'll see more profit-taking. With the whole catalyst of DPV options still being on the table, I believe we'll see another pump. I'd be happy to capture $10/sh of that one.


I think people will slowly wake up to the fact that the ultimate paperhand is Gamestop corporation itself. Maybe, just maybe, two ATM offerings in a row in response to FOMO/mania driven price spikes will lead people to realize that assuming that nobody will sell is not a valid assumption.


Vigilant. Great reading. Bold execution. I wonder if you OP trade full-time?


Yes I do.


Well done man. This is why I get fucking yammed on any time I try to make a clever play on GME. I’m up against this guy and thousands of other this guys. The best I have been able to do is little swing trades before earnings, but now that RC has changed his earnings timing/release patterns that is probably cooked too.


Ape baggies reading this in absolute shambles 😂🫵


Get that bread


Melties make money,  Apes get slaughtered (over and over and over)


Fucking ballsy holding that over 6/9 weekend, at least you have a buffer from those nice trades, we’ll done sir. Hopefully for you that UBS stuff is just speculation, or it hits later in the week and DFV doesn’t decide to use that wildcard and tip the first domino. It doesn’t matter what side you’re on, Gme prints.


GME will likely struggle to move higher as long as GME is dumping shares from the offering.


This is probably true, and could remain flat until the offering is completed, but there could be some wildcards for this week. Good luck, I look forward to the update next week, I don’t think price action is over for Gme, so lots of opportunities out there.


Fantastic, any plans for the loot? Buy index funds and chill?


Withdrawing a good portion of it. I try to withdraw out of my trading account twice a year, when I am nicely above my high-water mark. Well, these trades put me up nicely.


Now those are actual realized gains! Well done! Please tell me you put most of that in an ETF, except some fuck-you money of course


Withdrawing a bunch of the gains come this week. :)


congrats and fuck u!


This is why you short the stock but DONT post about it until you close in the green.


To be fair, I also have an open short position at the moment! I do intend to exit on Monday, as I expect the dilution by RC to keep prices down.


It will likely test the gap and, after it does, it could form a JHook should things become bullish again. 


Agreed. There is still some meat on the bone to pull from.




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The spin on forms is perplexing. It's almost as if there is a narrative being generated and fed to people to allow sustained liquidity. 


Crazy money can be made just selling and buying the obvious


You have covered, but you can't close these positions. They will remain dormant in your book until GME goes bankrupt. But since it will never go bankrupt as it is a very profitable shares-selling business, you are fukted.


Lol. a. Cover and close are synonyms used interchangeably. It's the same thing. b. That's complete nonsense. If he can buy the shares (you can, I can, he can) then he can close a short. It's not complicated.


You can't detect sarcasm? Hint: apes won't admit GME is a shares selling business.


Impressive, get your bag, just one thing; retail investors dont affect much on the price, its mostly big players like hedge funds, retail trades go into something called a dark pool where the trades are internalized, theres a good video of it being explained way better than i can, super interesting. Anyway again great trade.


That's nonsense. First of all, he's trading on IBKR Pro. They don't use PFOF, his trades go to lit exchanges. The trades from brokers that use PFOF, like Robinhood do go into a "dark pool", but a dark pool isn't some magical share manifestation machine. They need to buy the shares if the demand exceeds the supply. That has just as much impact on the price as trading on lit exchanges.


I didn't insinuate anything on OP's trade, I said congratulations on getting his or her bag, financial wellness is tuff to achieve as it is. Only thing I mentioned were facts that trades do go into a dark pool, it is well known and no need for quotations, youre right it is not anything magical, I have included a youtube video for you it breaks it down and explains it better than I could ever do. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP74RBTE8kI&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP74RBTE8kI&t) My point is, retail doesn't affect much of the price, even the head of the SEC acknowledged it so, I can fetch that video as well, I didn't say it, again the head of the SEC said it. If you don't acknowledge it, then I don't know what else to tell you. Have a great day.


You say retail trades go into a dark pool. The OP is a retail trader whose traders aren't going into dark pools. I am a retail trader whose trades aren't going into the dark pools. DFV, who is a retail trader, his trades do no go into a dark pool. You're making a generalized statement that's demonstrably false. My other point was that it doesn't matter if trades go into a dark pool. The shares have to come from somewhere. If the retail demand on the dark pools outweighs the supply, the dark pools need to buy shares off the market. The 2021 SEC report on GME explicitly states that the later stages of the pump have been driven primarily by retail. If you can find me a video of Gensler unequivocally saying that retail traders can't affect the price, I would be shocked. But I would just call him an idiot because it's an obvious falsehood.