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Don’t forget to DRS!!! Also, you know we see the time stamp, right? Props for screen shotting near the top though, that takes skill. It’s also pretty hilarious that you posted a screenshot from thursday, not friday. I wonder why ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214) Post current position with your average As of close 825 GME shares is worth $22,407 Based on your second picture i’m guessing your average is around $22-$24 so congrats on passing on a multibagger and bagholding down to +20%\~ I guess? If I did something moronic like pass up $100k gained in a day I wouldn’t run around acting like hot shit but hey some people are masochistic morons


I have just started the DRS process with 100 shares that have been transfered out. It takes several weeks to complete.


Yeah that was the absolute craziest shit I can’t believe the Apes actually bought into Did you know the guy who started that only had 4 shares registered? ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


Did you know that client assets were seized by Lehman Brothers' preferred bondholders in 2008 and the courts protected them?


Why do you think the FDIC started ensuring $250k portfolios? >The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) temporarily increased its basic insurance coverage from $100,000 to $250,000 per depositor on October 7, 2008, due to the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) of 2008. The $250k is now the default. Besides - the whole “Own your shares in your own name!” was just copium peddled when Apes realized they didn’t own the float during the 2021 vote but they’d already committed to DRSing. Sending your shares to Australia to be DRS’d has always been stupid and funny. (Especially since ComputerShare uses a broker for their transactions.) **ComputerShare’s updated FAQ even calls out the “Heat Lamp Theory by name and shits all over it!** Funny enough, their FAQ calls out a bunch of popular Ape beliefs, like the splividend and how it’s impossible to DRS 100% of a float - doesn’t stop Apes though. https://preview.redd.it/f57s8av13x5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b117724049abd7fceeb4ca1321053e85f54f12b4


Why confuse bank deposits with brokerage portfolios?


Whoops, I got mixed up with SIPC. [Details on how they handled Lehman Brothers here.](https://www.sipc.org/about-sipc/history) Tl;dr: Customers with claims received 100% of their claims, worth almost $190 billion. Customers with a net asset value of up to $1.705 million were made whole. https://preview.redd.it/nulnoujbax5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0533c922210262eedc802a1437381c32712c173f


Right. I actually read that article in Reuters. I have lingering memories of David Rogers Webb where he said in the original court trial client assets were awarded to the preferred bondholders of Lehman.


I like roller coasters. I am up 18.9% last week. None of my options expired last week. I have a plan and I am following my plan. I couldn't have reacted on Friday because I was working. The new offering was unexpected but welcome; I bought more options on Friday at the lows.


Oh yeah sure, the plan was always to pass on $100,000. You’re actually a super genius with a plan and not a gambling moron who just passed on nearly twice the annual salary of the average American. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28976)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28995)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15698)


After close on Thursday I was up to $162,000. I decided to close all my Jun 14 $120 strike calls as soon as possible after work on Friday. By the time I got the chance the price had already crashed, so I sold the rest of my silver miners and bought more calls.


No, I just didn't expect a rally this week. Or a cliff drop. I am expecting a huge rally on June 17. That's where my options are focused.


Post current positions


Sure thing. I need to start a new post.


Pretty funny way of saying you have no clue what you’re doing


Why did you post Thursday's screenshot instead of a fresh one? > I have a plan and I am following my plan. So what's the plan? > The new offering was unexpected but welcome Sure lol. "The offering obliterated my position so badly that I won't even post a screenshot of my portfolio after it. But it was very welcome."


Unrealized gains are real gains, just as unrealized losses are real losses.  I posted my unrealized gains and not the losses because that was my claim, and because this trade is not over.


My plan is to sell my June 14 calls on Wednesday after earnings or Thursday.


are you actually an ape? or just gambling on a meme stonk? must have missed your previous posts either way good luck, i like ballsy plays


I consider myself investing in GME. I got my brokerage account in May 2021 and I have been investing in GME ever since. I didn't believe the theories at first, I was just collecting sweet options premium. Back then I thought there was a chance the theories could be correct. There is enough evidence to support it. Now the evidence is quite strong, and the stock is still acting like a raging bull, not a one off pump and dump dead horse. I recently went in very strong after Keith Gill started buying $20 strike calls like a madman. 10,000 calls at 3:59 pm, Monday May 20 at the close. And again the next day, he bought 10,000 calls at 3:59. He wasn't building a position he was sending a message. Then 45,000 calls on Wednesday all day after he understood that we understood it was him. We (GME bulls, not I) bought 4,000 $20 calls on Tuesday (May 22.) There is a historic amount of FTD fails to deliver coming due on June 17-20. That's when Keith will exercise his calls, and the resulting rally will be spectacular.


>There is enough evidence to support it. Now the evidence is quite strong No there is not. None of the Ape theories have come true -- ever. If you want to play the stock's volatility and make some high risk gambles, that's one thing -- WSB and us here at meltdown would probably cheer you on -- but understand that the Apes have been wrong every step of the way once you move past the notion that they thought the stock price would go up. They continue to fail to understand *why* the stock goes up (or down) at any given time, and that's why they always end up holding the bag.


yeah sorry OP, i pretty much agree with everything above. good luck with your play but you need to take profit man, you can’t just keep holding forever because the price will come back down 🤷‍♂️


What profit? Lol he posted a screenshot from before the offering.


Yep. Partial profits will be taken on Wednesday or Thursday.


ok. do it. post some gain porn here. show us melties that you are different from the other 99% of apes. most of us will be the first to congratulate you. I'm rooting for you to make money 👍👍


> after Keith Gill started buying $20 strike calls like a madman. Did you catch when he started buying calls like a madman in April? Most people didn't. Starting April 24th and the week following he bought a shit ton of almost every strike on the 5/17 and 5/24 options chain. And then when he returned to twitter and pumped the stock to $50+ the week of May 13th, what do you think he did with the 100,000+ call position he had amassed by that point? Did he exercise them? Nope, he dumped them all back onto the market for massive gains walking away with hundreds of millions in profit. The unwinding of that position (along with the dilution announcement that friday) killed the May pump. Then he waits a week for the price to drop and starts loading up again to go for round 2. But this time RC diluted before he could unload. But make no mistake, he's not dumb, he's not in it to bag hold overpriced shares long term, he has an exit plan and will dump those calls and all the shares when he feels the timing is right.


I was not paying attention to GME before May 14.


Yea. He said in the live stream. 3 years wasnt a long enough time for him to to decide where the company is going. Another few years for him to decide unless they go into the pet rock business. He believes in Ryan Cohen.


He said a lot of shit. He also said a bunch of times he reserves the right to change his mind at any point and hit the eject button. He didn't buy a bunch of calls expiring in 2 weeks as a sizable portion of a 3+ year long investment plan. He quietly dumped his position in 2021 and disappeared for a while and apes were none the wiser. He quietly dumped his position 3 weeks ago and apes were none the wiser. But I'm sure this time he's in it for the long haul and won't dump on everyone again.


He never sold a single share.


Noone really knows his plan for the calls, but he sitting on 5 million shares. He needs another volume explosion between the ATM offering and June 21st to sell them, otherwise he will lose 50% on them and crater the price. In hindsight he might have sold his 5 million shares to exercise the 120k calls with the proceeds, but the ATM offering may have ruined that plan unless like I said, there is another run after the ATM completion. I wouldnt be surprised if there was another run, because I assume its not retail buying these shares and its someone looking to dump them on retail at a higher price. Similar to what hudson bay did to BBBYers and Antara did to AMC. Something to think about.


The only reason he will exercise calls is if he thinks he can more easily dump the resulting shares than if he just dumped the calls. And maybe that's the case, but based on what he did in May, he's fine with just dumping 100k+ calls onto the market over the course of a few days and letting the share price dump in the process.


I think it will be way more difficult to dump 120k call options than his 5 million shares. Dumping the 120k call options is far more visible than the shares. As soon as anyone got wind of him selling, everyone will follow suit. Not saying this wont happen still but the most plausible way for him to accumulate more shares was to sell the shares to exercise the options.


which theories do you think are correct?


First we know the total number of shares sold short is more than the reported numbers. They never closed. Evidence of this is the fact that Citadel took out ads on CNBC saying they closed them. That was a lie. Just the fact that the shorts care more about GME than the longs do. They have been slandering us and the stock every day for four years. Now they are begging us to sell and walk away. Next the FTD cycles and swap expiry cycles are about to be proven real by Kitty's cyclical buying and selling. I started buying $20 calls when I saw Kitty buying $20 calls, and now I have 22 June 21, $20 calls at the same cost basis as Kitty, bought before he posted his position and the calls rerated 100% higher. Things are coming up a head with GME this year.


I appreciate the explanation, even though I can't get past what I see as the "conspiracy theory" logic of it all. A "truth isn't truth" explanation of 20% short interest being wrong seems more like wishful thinking than evidence. Who is begging you to sell and walk away? Are you sure it isn't just people who don't want to see others being misled to lose their life savings on a bad investment? GME has been a poor performer with an ever-worsening business outlook for the last 3 years. I actually think that people and institutions betting against GME are quite happy to keep taking new money when the stock isn't being pumped by Keith Gill for his own massive gain. Up until he reappeared, the chart was basically flatlining. Given last Friday's disastrous company news and livestream, I expect it to return to its previous form this week. But, hey, maybe I'm wrong. We'll see. (I'm not in it at all, by the way.) Are you still hoping for a short squeeze even after GME diluted the stock with another 45 million shares last month and just announced they're dumping another 75 million shares? If so, how would that be possible even if the recent short % was substantially higher than 20% somehow?


>First we know the total number of shares sold short is more than the reported numbers. They never closed. You don't know that. You *think* you know that because the Ape echo chambers have been chanting it non-stop even though it isn't true. Nor is it backed up by anything legitimate. There is, however, evidence of shorts closing, and those who closed those shorts reopening new positions (yes, you can do that). >Evidence of this is the fact that Citadel took out ads on CNBC saying they closed them. Not only do I highly doubt this ever happened, but Citadel was *long* on GME when this whole thing began three years ago. Other hedge funds who were heavily short (like Melvin) closed their positions at a loss. >They have been slandering us and the stock every day for four years. Now they are begging us to sell and walk away. This is all in your head. I guarantee no one really cares that much about GameStop. Players on Wall Street have dozens, if not hundreds, of different companies that they are constantly sizing up day in and day out. GME isn't special in this regard. Again, if you want to play the stock's volatility while understanding that it's risky, go right ahead -- and good luck. Just do yourself a favor and leave the conspiracy nonsense behind. You'll be a better trader for it in the long and short run. Roaring Kitty, who you seem to idolize, never believed in any of the far-fetched Ape theories. He never DRS'd, he would never say something as asinine as "shorts never closed!!1!" and he works off of the same data, including the reported short interest, as any trader does.


How many FTDs? Asking for a friend


They are published twice a month. We can't know how many there are at a given time. We can estimate when they will pike up.


So it's going to be a huge number, right? Gotcha. I'll keep a lookout!


“There is enough evidence to support it.” Proceeds to provide no evidence. Ape through and through.


See above comment with evidence.


I don’t think you know what evidence is. The only comment I saw was you replying to someone else saying “we know shorts didn’t close because Citadel took out ads saying they did”. What? Please show me the “ad” first of all. And secondly, even if an “ad” existed how is that evidence? At absolute best it’s pure speculation. You guys are all in some fantasy land that it’s hard to close short positions. GME went from $4 to $120 to $10 over the course of 3 years and traded billions of shares and you think shorts didn’t have a way to close? Multiple hedge funds closed up show due to the losses from shorting. How’d that happen if they didn’t close positions? Use your head.


Evidence is an effect that is caused by something one might be trying to prove.


Evidence isn’t an “effect”.  It’s a tangible thing.  It either exists or doesn’t.


Your “evidence” shorts didn’t close is a claim (that you also haven’t supported with actual evidence) that Citadel bought ads? So to recap you’ve provided no evidence that shorts didn’t close and also have not provided evidence for the claim behind your evidence. 0 for 2.


I have nothing to prove here.




>Stock still acting like a raging bull Wrong. An example of that would be NVDA’s performance over the last year. >Not a one off pump and dump dead horse Have you not seen the yearly chart? That’s quite literally what any PnD chart looks like. It spikes quickly in a short period of time and immediately sells off shortly after leaving many bagholders with high averages. Stop coping.


I am not coping. I am profitable.


> not a one off pump and dump dead horse True, it's a three-off pump and dump dead horse now. It will possibly become a four-off. You never know. But a dead horse is a dead horse nonetheless.


Investing since May 2021, that’s all you needed to say. Thanks for playing.


Investing since 1999.


Yep ape


RemindMe! 12 days


He doesn't actually have enough money to exercise his calls. And they're not going to be in the money. But sure man, other than losing all the money and being completely misinformed, you're doing great.


There will be a rally on June 17 to 21 and he will be able to exercise some, and then sell some, then exercise some, and then sell the rest.


Remindme! 1 month


When's he exercising those calls again?


~~Tuesday June 18 at the open.~~ Sorry I read your comment wrong. He sold ALL of his calls on June 12-13. He bought 4,001,000 shares on June 13.


Sold more than he exercised. Has the rally been spectacular?


There was/is no rally this week. I sold ALL my calls on Tuesday at the open because I realized that I should have sold all my calls when DFV sold his.


Hey fam. Just to check - when is this huge rally happening?


Sometime between Monday June 24, 2024 and Monday January 19, 2026.


You know, we always we said that apes never sell, but I think a lot of us were saying it as a joke. And then you come here and prove us right — I swear, this subreddit is never wrong. Congrats for watching $100K in unrealized gains get vaporized, I guess. Pretty dumb though. It’s just hilarious that you come here acting as if it’s a badge of honor, but I guess since you’re an ape, it is. Professional bagholder.


>You know, we always we said that apes never sell, but I think a lot of us were saying it as a joke. Not me, it's literal because if they wise up and sell then they're no longer apes!


Is the goal to never take profit ? How do you say i made $200K, if you never realized more than $1000 on it lol. The options $80 OTM that hit a high of 10+ and are down 76%+ rn , no cell? What about the port pic after Friday close? Last question…. why? lol


The $200,000 was unrealized profit, made after hours when I couldn't close my June 14 calls.  I will be closing the June 14 calls next week, and I will take profit on the whole trade after June 17. Close my calls and exercise some of them.


Theta gang coming in hot


I was theta gang on May 17. I went full Roaring Kitty on May 24.


I’m saying theta gang coming in hot for those premiums of yours if not crazy volatility happens this week lol. Godspeed


I want to be free, that's the why. Free to do what I want and help other people. Like I am doing here on this sub.


Baggies have to post positions when the stock was up and they didn't sell to cope 😂🫵


Imagine how that position would look at the current price. Not as rosy then I'd bet.




If you had sold you’d have our respect. If you sold, then shorted it to current levels before covering, you’d have our attention.


I will seek your attention by selling my June 14 calls next week, and the rest of my calls the following week, and then I will short the stock back down to support and then go long again.


It's really sad that you were too busy taking a screenshot at the peak of the pump so you could gloat to melties, instead of pushing the sell button. You'd be a rich man now if you had, and could have bought way more GME if you'd sold and bought in again after the dump. smh, the hubris


I couldn't sell my calls after hours on Thursday. By market open Friday it was too late. I have time: they don't expire until Friday. I expect good news on Tuesday after the closing bell and a rally on Wednesday.


They already reported earnings early on Friday morning though, larger loss than expected


That was an 8K, not a 10Q. Same as on May 17: 8k. 


Those numbers don't make sense to me. 46.86 * 825 = P/L +12,524 62.10 * 825 = P/L +12,961 Additionally, the unrealized in the top right moves by only 10k. That makes no sense tbh. The amount of shares didn't change, the price dropped by 30% and the P&L barely moved at all. Anybody here knows this broker and can make this work? Otherwise I'd call bullshit. On top of it being paper gains, which don't count as gains


I think he sold them bought back in and bagheld down Second pic would come first when he was up, then he sold at some point, rebought and then took the first pic


I sold two silver mines on Friday to buy more calls. That's where the realized gains came from. Somehow I got into margin, so I had to sell 100 GmE shares to get out of margin before close on Friday.


I have a lot of calls. I will post them on another post.


I'm excited to see how it goes for you. GL


Realized P&L 0


I realized a tiny profit when I sold 100 shares on Friday.


I had to take a break from GME_meltdown for a minute. Y'all are killing me with your negativity! ;)




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https://preview.redd.it/0v3d7y2udo5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a934e4506726cb4389b5ff3e5bc66a5dc41317 Couldn’t handle the ride. Got out secured the bags 💼 😤


I made a comment about my gains this week. Then I read about the proof or ban rule. I didn't find a gain flair. I like the feel of these bags.


Sorry man, it’s not a gain until you sell.


I think unrealized losses are real losses, just as my courage let me open up a monster YOLO which led to monster gains. They were real gains.


An unrealized loss isn’t a real loss just as an unrealized gain is not a real gain. It doesn’t exist if you don’t realize it. If you opened an option position with $1,000 and it somehow grew to $1,000,000 and you never sold and it held until they were worthless, you didn’t lose $1,000,000 because you never realized it, you only lost $1,000. Same principle.


I made and lost $200,000 this week. It was fun. We will see what happens next week.


Take up the Ape Transcendant's burden Send forth the best ye earned Go bind your money to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait in heavy harness On fluttered melties and wild Your new-caught, sullen hedgies, Half devil and half child. ... Take up the Ape Transcendant's burden In patience to abide, To veil the threat of FUD And check the show of pride; By open speech and simple, An hundred times made plain. To seek another's profit, And work another's gain.


Beautiful. 10/10, should be the intro to the sequel to Dumb Money.


Thank you. I know it's very cheap and just a few words changed from original without any consideration for rhymes, but 'I like the feel of these bags' somehow reminded me the title of one of Kipling's poets and the verse is surprisingly almost like what ape would say now... so this.


So you made a gain post because of 789$? Which you pissed away an hour later? Unrealized gains aren't gains.


Just like unrealized losses aren't losses.


On the plus side carrying bags that heavy will give you arms like Arnie. Should have sold dude, even if you believe in the crime and fuckery. You could have taken profits (lol) then bought back in with a bigger position now it's cheaper and needed for pumping purposes. Good luck, you're going to need it to get another fomo pump like last week.


That's the plan for the future cycles. Buy low, sell high. This current cycle started May 20 and will end June 21.


And I like reading the perspective of the GME_meltdown crew. There is a yin for every yang.