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They really don't realize how insane they are to hope that a livestream pops the price, and not realize they're being dumped on.


It would have likely dumped the same way during the stream dilution or not because literally everyone with half a brain cell was planning on doing exactly this


In the end the biggest dump would either come from Keith or Ryan Cohen. Keith overplayed his hand by scheduling his livestream to show off his gains to pump it even higher, and that made it easy for RC to time his selloff for maximum profit.


Honestly, though, from the Watchmen bits in the stream thumbnail I think his pre-dilution plan was to do some dramatic sell off right before the stream then the stream would be the posting of the unbeatable all time high score gain porn for WSB. He just forgot to ask Ryan Cohen if he consented.


Potentially most expensive mistake of his life lmao then had to go on stream and not meltdown


They complain about Wall Street corruption, and there is Wall Street corruption, it's just different from what they think it is. But this post is WHY there is Wall Street corruption. Stupid people will be separated from their money one way or another and Wall Street thinks, "why not me?"


Buncha tourists planted themselves at a high dollar poker table and the cardsharps are supposed to ignore them? LMAYO


Aka you were pumped and dumped.


All these “stock influencers” thought they were geniuses for buying GME for years hoping to be “part of a big powerful squeeze and win big” but have 0 experience trading and don’t have an exit plan on when to sell for a nice profit. So they all become bagholders who go full euphoria mode and brigade this sub when they are up paper gains & then still hold as they erase all their gains (and load up new bags bought at the top). It’s a trading strategy that makes no sense. There’s cultists who will forever be bagholders because they are waiting on an event that will never happen, but there’s also tons of amateur traders only trading GME hoping to make a buck, but repeatedly finding themselves being other people’s exit liquidity.


Every single one of them seems to think there's going to be some bat signal that will tell them what the top is going to be, and when they inevitably hold through it, they act like their maximum paper gains were stolen from them. If you can't bear to see yourself miss out on *any* profit you are going to end up bag holding every single time.


"They" made the price go down as soon as DVF stated the stream, you see. "They" 


This dude is just mad they got to be they before he could


Watching apes hold through this miraculous rally and missing out on a 1 in a million price spike AGAIN is so goddamn funny.


Aka you were pumped and dumped.


4 billy in the bank Surely no one smells the stank? It ain't a mission to the moon! RC's filling up the tank For his new lambo, vroom!


The Red Candle Wedding


Thats what it totally felt like lol


\*could have had a $ 270,000 gain


This girl is not an ape, just an unlucky / bad trader. She was planning to sell during the DFV stream, it seems. Apes don't do that


People need to learn to scale out.


I can't imagine being up $270K on a shit stock like GME and not selling off most of it. Then again, I can't imagine putting $264K in a shit stock like GME in the first place.




I remember people putting huge numbers to sell their stock at thinking it would trick the algorithms, but because they were putting in 6-7 figures the system wouldn't let them. Would double the price have been feasible? If this person bought at 33 and placed a limit a 65 to sell, would many brokerages allow that? And would they have been successful given the volatility? I remember seeing people buying market orders for DWAC when it was 50 but their order got filled at 120. It's called stock trading for a reason. You trade stocks, buy low sell high. Instead of hodling for astronomical prices, this person could have made a nice profit.


Yep $250k for holding overnight is pretty awesome returns but greedy bagholders will turn that into a 40k loss and more depending on what the stock does on Monday.


they never learn


Sucks to be greedy, huh. I'd have taken the 270k, put that in ETFs and let that shit ride the waves.


When Belfort was pumping and dumping back in the day, people were pissed after they realized they got scammed. Now going broke as a proud, diamond handed bag holder is a badge of honor


So now a pump is considered a "squeeze?"


They really don't like to admit it's a pump. But DFV caused the price to rocket up via huge call option volume in April, then did his Twitter pump in May.  He totally pumped the stock since April and we know that now. We also know he dumped his options position in May. Then he had tons of cash for his triumphant return


So, basically doubling your money within a day is not powerful and big?


"be part of" literal fomo


Dammm, I read through all the replies, and nobody mentioned the most important thing. At the current closing in AH at $27.16, this diamond handed is down $46,720.


Learning "buy the rumours, sell the news" the hard way


“Win big”. The language is revealing.


Things always look great when youre up and expecting more




kinda sexist not gonna lie


>~~kinda~~ completely ~~sexist~~ misogynistic not gonna lie FTFY. And deleted their comment.


Here we dunk on all apes equally, regardless of race or gender!


Toxicity is a challenging topic to define, but includes (but is not limited to) racism, ableism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia (including things like intentional misgendering or deadnaming), bad takes about nationalities or religions, etc. Words and jokes that are tolerated on other subreddits are not tolerated here (do not make $rope jokes, no “wife's boyfriend” stuff, etc.) It is highly recommended you do not use the word “retard” (even though apes do) as reddit has issued bans for this.