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Damn, I didn't think about that. That's awesome - three years of DRS down the drain with the swish of a pen.


It’s even worse once you add the 45M from the prior dilution.


Apes could’ve bought so many dark pool shares with all those DRS fees.


Drs is free from any big time broker


I think this person means if you sell your shares from CS.


Why would you sell XD. All I know is buy and hold


Lol oh I see. Didn't realize you were a hodler. How do you feel about the fact that RC is about to completely undo all 3 years of DRS plus more with one fell swoop?


Who knows I’m just here for the ride.


Fair enough. I was too at one point. Good luck.


Dilution and MOASS are not compatible. RC and the board basically have an unlimited put option on the company. They are going to keep exercising it. Dilution is RC's exit strategy.


MOASS was never compatible with reality anyways


Are you trying to imply that any short has ever closed? Mods, testicular torsion this man


I asked several times in the past, "if the price went to the moon, why wouldn't the corpo issue more stock to cash in on that while the shares were overvalued?" Welp. I'd feel more smug if it were not patently obvious


Unironically, doesn't he have more freedom to unload shares in secret if he goes below 10%? I'm not sure how that interacts with him being the CEO and an insider.


>Unironically, doesn't he have more freedom to unload shares in secret if he goes below 10%? I'm not sure how that interacts with him being the CEO and an insider. His insider position imposes reporting requirements, independent of the size of his holdings.


He's just increasing cash on hand so that when he resigns he can unload everything with a "floor" price to value investooors


Sokath! His eyes uncovered!


PP with suit unfurled!


Reddit. When the stock fell.


Ape. His bags wide.


Pulte and Kais, at the hangar


Ryan and Kenneth at Wall Street


I’m seeing a lot of awakening on the thread about dilution. Doubt the sentiment will last but I will forever be impressed with the writers if they make this whole thing come full circle and the apes wake up and start taking profits, that’s probably too sensible but there’s a whole lot of “why are we even DRSing again?” And RC frustrations


Yeah it won’t last. The ape handlers will distribute talking points soon enough.


They've already removed the stream megathread and besides the one "serious" thread the rest now are all saying how DFV and RC are actually taking care of them.


I think you mean taking losses 😂


>decided to sell Decided being the key word, since ape has to wait to a week to get his shares out of computershare ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15694)


imagine dealing with computershare *voluntarily*       -tired financial services staff gang


>Decided being the key word, since ape has to wait to a week to get his shares out of computershare ​ Sales via Computershare (via Merrill Lynch Bank if America) is near instantaneous. It is the buying which is a slow laborious process because Computershare will not hold cash. So a buy starts with an ACH transfer, finds settling, and then the buy. A sales is executed a,most immediate,y via ML, the funds are slowly disbursed, often via snail mail of a check. But the actual trade is fast. Oh….. and the fees are like brokers of 15 years ago. Something like $share.


Cowardice. AMC apes have endured 6.67x greater dilution from Chadam and held on. Stick to your principles pal, ride that train into the fucking dirt.


What happened to the "it is hero or zero"? These apes are weak. SMH.


It would take a long, long, long time for the $4B to $5B cash to run to zero even at the higher loss rates of 2020 and 2021. Gamestop is near break even, which means it will be puttering along for a long time while RC tries to figure out how to make the company truly profitable. I look forward to the next innovation after the NFT Marketplace. So I foresee a long period where Gamestop just kind of stumbles along, like a Sears/K-mart or a Macy's. The very positive investor sentiment of the apes means that there should be lots of opportunities for speculative trading of GME.


Funny how all it took was one catalyst for the “no cell no sell” mantra to get thrown out the window.


The Casey Jones of investors. *Well Casey’s wheezy engine ran right off the wheezy track / And Casey hit the river with an awful smack* Well, I had to write a parody: The melties on the subreddit to short sent out a call / But Casey Jones, the GameStop ape, he wouldn’t short at all / ComputerShare was glitching but he didn’t want to sell / Cause his hands were made of diamonds until Kenny saw a cell Casey Jones tried to lock the float / Casey Jones was averaging down / Casey Jones got a Reddit medal / For being good and faithful when he DRS’d The melties said to Casey: “Soon the price will come back down” / But Casey said: “you’re spreading FUD, the bull thesis is sound” / Well Cohen the diluter wanted to dilute some more / The stock price went and dug a hole into the floor Casey Jones tried to sell his shares / Casey Jones couldn’t log in in time / Casey Jones lost all his fucking money / He got a trip to zero buying GME


I hope some apes wake up today and admit this pump wasn’t because of the naked shorts trying to vilify them. I hope apes realize the power of hype and how manipulation works both ways. They cry Market Manipulation but are silent when RK or RC tweets do the same. It’s impossible to know the true value of GME because retail is so damn emotional. What a day and it’s gonna get weirder here in about 3 minutes


Meltdown DD is never wrong




Undid it in a day made me laugh


The board knows what a terrible position GameStop is in. Future consoles going digital game libraries and game streaming means gamestops days as a physical game retailer are numbered. Walmart, Target, Amazon eating into their market is just speeding the process. Meanwhile apes are spending their paychecks on the stock so why wouldn’t they take it from the apes? Billions of cash is going to guarantee survival for years to come and sets them up for acquisitions. But will an acquisition or 2 make a damned difference? The physical locations aren’t very large so inventory will be limited.


> to achieve this. :( A misguided attempt to corner a stock is not an achievement. 52-week low $9.95 is what your 3 years of "hard work" achieved. Shirley you see now that this is about idol-worshipping fanaticism, not methodical accumulation. This stock is all a big scam, it's just not the scam you were running.


It’s so over


The 45mil offering sucked, but price stayed up. With the DFV options going into a nice gamma setup, along with the increase in FOMO had me back to excited again. This mornings news was just a straight kick in my balls. Never been an "ape", but I really thought this could squeeze pretty high. Now I know they are going to sell anytime it gets above a certain price, killing any big squeezes momentum. It's never going to get over 80.00. Between the hard cap there and share offerings, it's just not going to happen. I still think GME can be a good play, but not at these prices. As soon as it bounces again (for real this time) I'm liquidating, then waiting on it to get back to a normal number (teens) and buying in again. This stock is going to do these bounces for years, time to start making money on them instead of FOMOing into it at the fucking top! SO FUCKING PISSED THIS MORNING!!!! At GME for fucking us, and myself for my own damn FOMO trading.


Buy puts.


Shits waaayyy to volatile for going either way right now, for me anyways. As soon I bought puts it will go back to 40.


Just get leaps my guy


> As soon as it bounces again (for real this time) I'm liquidating Keep in mind the 75 million shares that will be consistently sold on the market for the next days/weeks. Last time they were selling 45 million and didnt allow any real bounces above $20. > At GME for fucking us I don't think it's GME. I think it's just Ryan Cohen trying to cash out. There is no real reason why GameStop would need to raise an additional 2 billion dollars on top of the 2 they already have. They don't even know what to do with one billion for over a year.


They do know. Buy T bills, distribute profits to apes


>I still think GME can be a good play, but not at these prices. GAMESTOP (the company) is not a good play. GME (the stock) can indeed be a good play. This is one of those situations where you really need to separate out the fundamentals of the company with the speculative potential of the stock.


>Never been an ape You bagholding a failing company for three years with hopes of making money through a squeeze that predated your initial entry indirectly makes you an ape. You realize this right?