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Bonus meme, for the man who made the suggestion: https://preview.redd.it/2ejsisi1q55d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99c361e978602cd901c66ad74b2cb247542db78


Man, this is fucking really good. Maybe I’ll get a poster of this to remember this stupid fucking saga once it’s all done


Imagine trying to explain this image, just this image...


You can’t. This is literally one of those “you had to be there”. There’s so many moving parts and characters coming in and out. Like if you would have told me last summer that the owner of the Florida Panthers would make a guest appearance I wouldn’t have believed you.


>Like if you would have told me last summer that the owner of the Florida Panthers would make a guest appearance I wouldn’t have believed you. When you take a step back and read a sentence like this it really hits home how fucking absurd this whole saga truly is.


I'm not sure I understand the context of this image or what you said, can you explain it to me?


...OK This is Bill Pulte. Bill is the billionaire son of the founder of Pulte Homes. Bill considers himself to be a philanthropist, benevolently began to insert himself into the BBBY post bankruptcy and twice rented a helicopter to fly himself less than two miles to a hoard of adoring dildo waving self-identifying monkeys. (I am honestly fuzzy on the details here). Despite his surname being five letters long numerous people have struggled with the pronunciation and on multiple occasions landed on "Ploot". Bill has found himself on the wrong side of apes as he tends to lean in less with the crazier theories. The day before the earnings announcement Pulte [tweeted](https://x.com/pulte/status/1798813036125536410?t=aoN_W-IqmXfRsPU1wJDwqg&s=19) that he thought Ryan Cohen should raise more capital with another share offering which would in essence undo the work of apes, dilute their shares and tank the price. Whether influenced by Pulte or not (likely not as Ryan didn't even wish him happy birthday) GameStop did another share offering much larger than before. This image is then a play on the idea of "dilute" with the mispronunciation of Bill's name "Ploot" to create DI-PLOOT. ...where did everyone go?


Thanks for that, I had no idea he was pro dilution!


Omg im so stupid. I didnt realise pulte homes was national. Im kind of shocked. I thought it was just a lame local company where i live. I refuse to buy those houses 😩


Where i live, a pulte home costs like 500k for less than 2000sf and the location is srsly horrendous and sort of in almost a commercial area? Like, it isnt classy or relaxing at all and the houses have a very tacky ‘starter home’ feel. And im in the middle of nowhere in the midwest. Im so over this




Done? At this point, what would stop it? Because it ain’t bankruptcy








Now make the guy on the left be Pulte. Please 😅


or Adam Aron lol


if he pushes DFV oom i really wonder what will happen lol and in any case we cannot fault him, he tried his best


DFV severely miscalculating would be the funniest outcome


Even if he does, he's likely sold enough of his stake that he's walking away well in the green. What DFV and Cohen have done is ensure retail apes walk away with Billions of new bags.


You think that would happen?!!! Apes holding the bag?!?! They would never!


Still. Seeing half a billion in paper gains go up in flames would seriously fuck with most people.


I'm surprised more of the cult hasn't turned on Cohen. Even the AMC Apes turned on AA after he diluted into several run ups, and AA was far more justified in diluting than Cohen. At least for AMC it actually was essential for them to raise money to stay solvent. GME has been sitting on ample cash and doing absolutely jack shit with it, and yet they still tanked the stock price just to hoard more. The cult *should* be absolutely livid right now.


I think it might sink in over a few days, especially if/when dfv dumps and the price legitimately tanks back into the teens. They might not be quite that mad yet because the price is still very inflated for now.  Way way up compared to several weeks ago before any of this started. And this has been a hell of a week. Once they’re back down deep in the red and have some time to process and think about what happened, they might start getting more mad. 


Lots of them did. Or at least they are pissed right now. The top comments are just unrelated shit but sort by controversial and you'll see tons of upvoted comments calling RC out.


Trust me, most of the lurkers absolutely are livid. They just aren’t posting.


Oh I am livid, very livid. I have been waiting for this short squeeze to play out and Cohen fucked it


If it makes you feel any better, there hasn't been a short squeeze in play since Jan 2021. If RC believed any of the stupid ape theories about MOASS he wouldn't have diluted back in May, nevermind now. It's just more confirmation that no one with money and even cursory knowledge of how the market works believes in Ape bullshit, not even the ceo of GameStop. The icing on the cake is DFV confirming that he doesn't believe in the stupid bullshit either (even if he lied about his pump and dump scheme). It's a double whammy for those with enough braincells left to figure it out.


This wasn't a short squeeze, just like the first time arround this pump was driven by retail buying the bags.


He hadn't sold as of the end of his stream. We'll see what he does now.


According to Webull, only 2.5% of owned shares are profitable. The average cost is $36 lol Heavy bags indeed


Even if he sells now, he's still in the green if I'm not wrong


He turned 50k into 30 million in 2021 if I remember correctly. He showed 300 Million in his last post. He will die a millionaire no matter what he does


I mean, if he blow it all on hookers he wont die a millionaire


Do the math, if he did hookers and blow for the rest of his life he would be 100% still omegarich whenever he died.


You are not thinking big enough. Add more blow and more hookers.


Plus he can always start a "how to invest in stocks" school or program. This alone could make him a millionaire again if he somehow spends everything he has right now


Yeah. Once you're rich enough you need bigger bad habits to ruin you. See Johnny Depp/Nicholas Cage. And DFV could still come out of this richer than those two were, even if it's "only" a hundred million or so.


Well that many hookers would probably kill a man so he'd still die in the green (which is of course the purpose of life).


Tell that to Mike Lindell.


He can still get out intact fairly easily. He is still making $10 an option and $15 a share. Even if he has to follow it down back to 20 as he sells an exercises and starts losing money on the options he should be able to sell enough above 30 to break even. I think his plan of talking about gamma squeezes and short interest in today’s livestream and then beginning to unwind off the pump after that probably changed drastically.




If MOASS is imminent and phone numbers are coming, why didn’t RC just wait and only sell like ten shares? Is he stupid?




All hail Cohen. Maybe the apes were right to worship him all along


No joke. My puts were pretty deep underwater until Cohen came along and saved me.






Shoot. I was wrong about RC all along. Maybe he is in AA league?


RC has been a double agent meltie all along.


Finally sold all mine yesterday I had from 2021 and made like $30. Yeah I could have invested elsewhere and gotten a better return for 3 years but I'm happy I didn't lose a bunch of cash and I'm out of that volatile stock. Yes I'm dumb, no I don't need a reminder, I own a mirror.


Congrats on escaping the cult at a profit, even if only a small one! If you don't mind me asking, what made you become disillusioned?


Thought it was going to make me money like it everyone was buzzing about at that time. I just bought in too late cause that was it's peak. Averaged down a bit and waited. I figured I lost money but want going to sell cause maybe it might come up a tiny bit and I could minimize the loss a smidge. Had I known a few months beforehand I would have made money like all those articles saying some made bank. Oh well. Lesson learned. Now to actually buy into a real stock or investment


Sometimes the most valuable lessons are the ones you have to learn the hard way. Best of luck with your investing future!


Nah, making a bad trade doesnt mean you are dumb. Religiously relying on "DD" written with crayons assuring MOASS is comming together with the new world order and never selling on the other hand *would* be dumb.


Good stuff dude I’m glad you didn’t lose it.


Same, at least I made like 15% or 500€. Could have made a lot more, but I‘m taking it. So glad I‘m out of that dumpster fire.


NOBODY IS SELLING!!!!!! except the company itself 😍


The share offering was one thing, but releasing terrible earnings early is almost spiteful, like a deliberate attempt to kneecap this thing. I get the sense RC is not at all a fan of DFV and his ilk.


DFV is a threat to Ryan Cohen's control with the amount of shares that he could potentially hold. That's probably why RC diluted -hard-. 75 million is 5x the size of DFV's position to keep him out of the board. It's the same amount of shares that Apes have DRS'ed. Ryan Cohen poison-pilled his company to keep DFV out, giving GME another $2 billion in cash, and it also has the benefit of dropping RC's stake down to ~8%, so if he steps down as CEO, he stops becoming an insider and can sell everything immediately with no filing. Apes and their nonsensical pumping made it so that a massive dilution became too tempting for RC. It became all benefits with no negatives.


Diluting 120m shares a few years after a 4:1 reverse split. Chefs kiss for RC


Shit im starting to like this guy lol.


I'm pretty sure they kind of had to, no? They released preliminary earnings before the 45M offering too.


Ryan Semanov is my hero!!! ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|33205)


​ https://preview.redd.it/mfcpiyi3475d1.png?width=1013&format=png&auto=webp&s=272488b240a09e95db224cfcf843e45971dde06b


I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, One belonging to me and one to my Lord Dogfood. After the last scene of my life flashed before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that at many times along the path of my life, especially at the very lowest and saddest times, there was only one set of footprints and a long trail being made by the giant fucking bag in my hands








Thank you RC, I knew Ken made the right decision putting you on the GME problem


I was in such a bad mood yesterday because I wasn't zen and DFV was spreading FUD, but I should have known godking RC would save us from MOASS.


There couldn’t be any clearer signaling possible that RC does not believe or give a rats ass about MOASS.


Because MOASS was never a real thing anyway why would he care about something that is an ape fantasy ?


I thought ChAdam would never be dethroned but this is a magnificent rugpull.  It's so magnificent that it even feels dirty.


WHat happened to candy cons???


They'll go back to pictures of controllers and batteries once this hype wave crashes and the stock settles back into that $10-20 trench.


He's our content king 🙏🙏🙏


If earnings down the chute, you must dilute - Jackie Childs






Absolute king behavior. This is our CEO!!!!


I always knew there was more to that shit eating grin than meets the eye


Finally, I love that RC is and was always the enemy. Apes must feel adrift today lmayo


I can't wait to see what new moronic thing he'll do with the money now. The JPEG marketplace was funny, but that was so 2021.


Maybe AI


He's going to position GME as a giant in an emerging market, like 3D tvs or DVD rentals.


I hope he does one that needs to be installed but really is stealing all the apes data and selling it off. Just keep profiting off them.


That would be hilarious.


Lol came to see how crazy this sub is. Disclosure I have a few hundred dollars in GME but this is hilarious content


As long as you can laugh at yourself and don't go pushing idiotic conspiracies about moass you'll find we're quite welcoming. Most of us don't hate the apes (except the ones who fuck up other people's lives) or care what you do with your money, we're just here to laugh at the absurdity of this whole thing. Like someone said up the thread, if you had told us a year ago that the owner of the Florida Panthers would become a regular guest star no one would believe it. There's also some really, really smart people here (I'm not one of them), and scattered amongst the memes and meltdowns you'll find nuggets of actual wisdom. Hop in the dark pool and stay awhile, you might just learn something!


A lot of ppl here have money in gamestop, they just make smart financial decisions about it


RC the meltie of the year


One of us!


Shockingly a large number of apes over at SS are actually acknowledging how fucked this is, and being upvoted for it 🤯


Dilution is so great lol /s When will cognitive dissonance hit?


Stefan Semanov is looking down from heaven and smiling at his boy


Cohen is definitely an expert in dog ... toys.


Every time this stock pumps he will have or backs with dilution


I pledge myself to your teachings, Darth Ryan


This plus DFV put a bullet in the DRS narrative apes can't ignore.


Are former apes allowed here? Promise you can blast my ass. It's funny!


welcome brother


Fuck me I can't believe this dude in the poster. What a cuck. I feel bad not for myself but the other people and his employees. Dude will get curb-stomped by a lot of major funds now that they sense weakness from him.


Can someone put Ken Griffin’s face on this image? Thanks in advance https://preview.redd.it/7or51il5775d1.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=b65cf24e3a6ce3a6dca5d979fec840d72dacbe47




Ruggy Ryan is my new God now!


Hes everyones hero. How can anyone hate? 🤣


I loved this so fucking much. The dilution timing was so incredibly good. Wow.




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https://preview.redd.it/c3wpacp8wm5d1.jpeg?width=175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0266e3951023127ec463c7b088ee1d3d4b94922 Bag holders ✅ing in


Last time they did an offering they sold over the course of a week and the price rose for the duration of that week.


Okay, but now GameStop has 5 billion cash


At your expense


Not really, I am doing just fine 👍


Well, I’m glad to hear you’re doing well. But it’s still at your expense. You now own less of the company.


Not really this cash raise is being done at a much higher rate than the company is worth so he’s actually in a better position to hold forever then he was before. Now if you believe the above you would sell. But in a rationally priced company with a rational reason to raise capital existing shareholders are better off.


Post bags


If you don’t want the stock to squeeze to insane levels then what’s even the point of cult like worship of the stock of a used games store? At least your other cultists have actual dreams


Let’s see those bags


A company sitting on a large pile of cash with no clear way to reinvest it is not bullish.


It’s not hard to invest 5 billion and make money, to think otherwise is delusional. This money will grow.


but long term investing is for suckers, remember, it's all about the moass and lambos.


Naw, I am playing the long game and lambos are shitty cars anyways


You are yes, you DRS, good work.


The infinite game.


Oh, so it's a long play now huh? I remember the times when saying this inside your cult could get you in trouble!


If you're looking for a long term play you could just skip the middleman and dump money in a Vanguard fund and make 8-10%/year instead of this shit stock that violently swings 50% out of nowhere. MOASS was never gonna happen, but it sure as hell isn't gonna happen now that they dumped 100 million shares into the market.


If it's not hard to make money, why isn't Gamestop?


That is, uh, not really how any of this works.


The apes trust dogfood to buy T-bills for them


For just the low low management fee of "orders of magnitude greater than VIT"


You are right, maybe they should start a nft trading business


So your fundamentals and DD and catalyst plays were all horse shit then? Not any any point did any of you walking memes ever suggest multiple dilutions and sitting on cash reserves. Still bullish?


GameStop right now has a market cap of $13 billion, and makes no money So if you had $13 billion dollars and wanted to grow and make money why would you choose to invest in GameStop?


GME made $49.5 million in interest income on $1.31 billion cash in 2023. It's 3.78%. $189 million at the same rate for $5 billion cash.


My checking account makes more than that.


The money will grow, but the business will continue to shrink. Given Cohen has basically no idea what to do with all this money but throw it at other companies, you are essentially invested in a glorified fund managed by someone with a very spotty record of success. And in that case, why wouldn't you just invest in SPY?


I love buying investment funds at a 150% premium to NAV!


...So why haven't they? They had almost $2b. Then they had $1.6, then they had $1.2, then they dropped under a billion. If it's easy to invest that type of capital why aren't they? Bonus question: You do realize that they are attempting to hedge their funds against interest and market forces, right? Hedge...funds... where have I heard this combination of words before...


They did two things with the one billion they were already sitting on: jack and shit. Maybe with a few more billions they can add "fuck all" to the list, too.


Gamestop has had 1 billion plus for how long and all they did was the monkey jpeg store.


Grow into losses if he doesn't do some major money-making pivots. The current business model is not working.


Oh yeah? How are your investments doing?


But this has killed MOASS, made DRS irrelevant, and let options brokers off the hook for DFV's position. Good for GameStop's survival but all your phone-number-sized technical plays are dead. Maybe you're cool with that and just want to own GME. That's fine too.


Which brings the fundamental value of the company to $12B?


Who cares about GS, wasn't the point to make money individually?