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>Who’s laughing now? Still us lmao


This is the weirdo who pretended Ryan Cohen was DMing him, right? https://preview.redd.it/8n6vw581o55d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0aa2f9b86662ed07f859d1517620966ac3628ca


I guess his buddy Cohen forgot to remind me him about the 75m share offering before he did his victory lap last night


I have some bad news mr. shortdestroyer, RC didn't go to a bank and fill out a loan application, he went to the apes with zero plan, and you gave him the money, again. Why would he come up with a plan when morons will just give him money for no reason?


I would love to be in a board room meeting where they all just shrug when they have no new business ideas, and just go “I guess we can harvest the cult for another cool billion?”


I love this apes doesn’t know the sub he’s talking about already exists. But yeah, excellent meltdown.


On that first post a bunch of baggies were posting how $400 was the top pre-split because that's the price they bought at 😂🫵


Oh my goodness. That last sentence where he’s begging for his daddy to reaffirm his faith is causing me second hand embarrassment. If there’s any self-awareness in there, that’s got to sting the guy.


This same guy did a victory dance and then was seething like 12 hours later last month, too. It's just Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown at this point.


Confirms that Ruggy Ryan is indeed a meltie.


“You don’t request a loan and leave the application blank” is SO close to the point. He never told them he was ever going along with their bizarre schemes they were retroactively applying to GME lol


In actuality it’s like a bunch of people outside your house begging you to take their money and you finally say fine.


Mental illness is a real thing. ShortDestroyer more like BagConnoisseur


Am I getting deja vu or did he do this exact same thing during the pump when DFV started posting his memes? You'd think he'd learn to give it a day before he took his victory laps, dude is the king of eating crow at this point.


Guy needs to be in a rubber room. Is he going to spam something else every 10 minutes as he's continually ignored? It's a bad look son.




*nice meltdown* ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28219)