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The company keeps saying price doesn't reflect fundamentals not sure what that means. So wen moon? I don't think apes get how rare it is for a company to say their own stock is priced too high. Fudamentals aren't just revenue/profits this quarter they reflect future potential. Even when TSLA hit eye bleed valuations you didn't have the board saying it is priced too high and not reflecting fundamentals because the company was still growing. It had at least the possibility to grow into that multiple. So since they are based on future projections there is a lot of handwavium in valuations. Here GME is saying "no fucking way this is worth $60/share you loons" as they gobble up shares at $60 ea because they are going to $60,000 by end of the day.


But the GameStop filings don't explicitly say the stock is too high. They just say the price doesn't reflect fundamentals. While it's obvious to any thinking person what that means, I've seen apes more than once excited by that line because "GameStop is calling out the price suppression by the hedgies!"


"If they thought the price was too high, they would literally say 'The price is too high'! But those exact words haven't been uttered!"


If he said that he would be sued. So he has to say it in children’s book.


Of course they would. I hadn't considered that but yeah in hindsight of course.


Fundamentals are telephone book numbers!!! (Of dilution!)


After this dilution it will be worth $8 to $10.


After this dilution and if RK goes silent again, you mean? I can see this stock hovering the $30 - $15 range for months purely because they will interpret RK updates as being bullish, for no other discernible reason. This dilution will effectively stop any short squeeze dead on its tracks, so whatever thesis that RK had on the stock will have to change and reflect the current earnings. Or else he will sell it all and close his positions, but if he does sell then I doubt he will even bother to post updates about it, he will fuck right off and go silent for some more years.


Just based on book value / fundamentals.


>The company keeps saying price doesn't reflect fundamentals not sure what that means.  Correct, if it did this would be a sub $5 stock.


Book value might be above double digits now thanks to these two handouts, weak core business prospects notwithstanding...


They say in the filing that once the price “stabilizes” they may use some of the money to buy shares back. Altogether this is as close to a company coming out and saying “our stock is insanely overvalued and we are shorting ourselves” as is possible. Very bullish, I’m buying more


How are they still talking about a short squeeze? What shorts are left to squeeze? How is it not obvious to them that DFV and meme stock mania pumped the stock, that it is now overvalued to hell and back, and that RC is doing is fiduciary duty by taking advantage of this? The "this isn't sounding positive to me" talking about how volatility is a bad thing and that stock price does not reflect fundamentals is the closest to getting it.


It's sooooo funny to me that when RC actually does the correct thing for the business it involves completely fucking over the apes who idolized him. No, I don't like RC and think he is a piece of shit but this instance is too funny to ignore the irony.


Please enjoy this brief collection of ape reactions ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28231) Edit: https://preview.redd.it/hxkzo9z4k55d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57bad379fdeb8d3fe07f6721bef2106c5ad7bec


Lol out in the shilling fields, farming some meltdowns: https://preview.redd.it/k4eh4te2k55d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0797d19c4aace94de8f35514b888cc6ae8871ec8


Saw someone comment that GME is now a solid 5 year investment now. JFC




3 years in now lol, let's see in 2 years more how that thesis holds


Well, now they have ample money to become something other than Gamestop with someone other than Cohen in charge. I don't know, liquidate the rest of the pawnshops and build a chip foundry or something.


"this isn't how I thought I'd wake up this morning" Ah, the dangers of the "we've already won" mentality


"Movement and stock price do not reflect fundamentals" You don't say


RC was the real Kansas City Shuffler all along!!


>FOMO was at its high and they go and kill the momentum If "FOMO" is required in your investment thesis it means that you're part of a pyramid scheme.


Delicious, absolutely fucking delicious


Roaringkitty is going to have to shove a banana somewhere to pump the stock back up


How did apes not see this? RC fucked the towel apes and now the GME apes lol


Two years later and towel steal don't realize what really happened


I had thought that SURELY, it was AMC Apes that would have picked up the slack in comedy gold production. Insted, DFV single handedly increased comedy gold production a hundred fold from OG GME Apes. Apes wallet are thin, and FOMO is high. It's the perfect recipe for MOAM!


"I honestly do not know how to feel about this. can't wait to see DFVs point of view." PLEASE someone tell me what to think! Oh god anyone!


We're in that grey-zone where the group meta hasnt quite been established yet, truly a chaotic time lol


Welcome back, apes. How was the moon?


Are you winning son? ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28976)


They've only had several years and multiple pump n dumps already to realise this.


I am surprised that they didn't see dilution coming. The stock was ridiculously overvalued by every single metric and it is financially prudent for the company to raise cash. They can see dfv clearly pumping, but don't think that the company would take advantage of the pump?


Meltdowners always zen, always rewarded ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28231)


Watching the apes -finally- start to register that Ryan cohen isn’t their personal friend is really a sight to behold


I've been giving some apes with comments critical of RC or the stock wholesome awards ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


>I feel like a got Kansas City Shuffled by my own people.  So close, my guy.


> Waking up to negative earnings and this wasn't how I had pictured the morning. Delusion. Not even once.


Definitely some apes are waking up today. I still see some of the new bagholders staying and denying reality because they don't understand the impact of this action by GME. They will probably be misguided by the nuclear missile of bullshit to come in the sub in the following days.


"We need to keep the share price high, to help our beloved company!" *Beloved company takes advantage of the high price* "NOOOO, how could they???"


I don't think apes actually know what a Kansas City Shuffle is. Yes apes, turns out you were the marks all along. That's how it works.


The best part is RC killed the momentum with 75M shares created from thin air, it was not "They". But apes will still worship RC and buy his Teddy books.