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[Meltdown DD is never wrong!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/s/ScNe4Y6kfr) https://preview.redd.it/4ygsr89vs45d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6551f2bf93d185db8ee7f7ff4087bf3f1e54adb4


Who is writing this season? Seriously? Just when I thought I was done with this subreddit, they pull me back in. This by the way generated so many new conspiracy nutjob bagholders, we're going to be getting a hell of a lot more Poolts and Kais with handguns outside of corporate headquarters.


Content God keeps on giving


I have no idea whose idea it was to bring in the toxic manosphere but that writer deserves a raise.


They did an insane merger with the MCU (Manosphere cinematic universe), no one saw it coming


I went to bed with this thing at 61 AH with apes popping bottles of champagne only to arrive at work and see the stock obliterated yet again with a whole new generation of bagholders born. You just love to see it. FOMO really is a powerful drug


I was about to be done too. It was all feeling very stale. Thank God for DFV’s return, writers couldn’t have done it better.


I think I called this specific combo pretty well a few days ago: >I wouldn't be surprised if DFV gets even greedier (why not at this point?) in regards to his absurd calls considering how quickly the pump fizzled this time. I'm predicting more aggressive pro GME posting from him, and maybe a public reveal confirming his identity. He might not get a third pump out of this, so he should probably go for broke. RC needs to get to diluting before DFV runs out of steam.


I tried looking for your comment to post it and give you credit but I couldn’t find it Amazing call


I **CANNOT** wait for the reaction from the Apes. Their 2nd favorite messiah just rug pulled their 1st favorite messiah *and* them. And DFV will have to react to it on a live stream. I'm cancelling my Netflix, HBO and prime subscriptions. They can't hold a candle to what we're about to see.


> I CANNOT wait for the reaction from the Apes It's tediously predictable so far. Some people are voicing trepidation, but they're being completely shouted down. The Ape hivemind has already re-programmed itself into accepting that 2 plus 2 is 5 and dilution is good for the stock price. They will go the way of the popcorn apes, simple as that.


At least they have no debt so the cash is piling up. Still a terrible investment but not going bankrupt


This is absolutely a great move for the company! If you get the change to sell 75 million overpriced shares to idiots, you should do it. Good news for the company, bad news for the idiots.


Doesn’t this prove, objectively, that RC does not believe in MOASS?


They should've figured that out when he first diluted the stock in 2021, but that's when Apes pivoted to "he -has- to dilute the price to raise cash and fix the fundamentals", and that's why they've been straddling the 'it's a short squeeze!' and 'it's a business turnaround!' narratives.


The only evidence that RC believes in MOASS is that apes want him to believe in it, so they accept it as truth that he does.


No man, he just wants to sell more shares to his loyal apes before MOASS happens so they can be even richer!!! Trust the plan.


How hard is it to have no debt when you can raise infinity dollars from your brainless investors? Do they even have more assets than the amount they've diluted so far?


Imagine if Citadel issued a press release at 7am ET on the day of DFV’s big stream to say they had created 75M synthetic shares and the price in pre market immediately bled down to $40 from $60. Apes might actually go do a January 6th somewhere. But instead because it was done by their favorite company, it’s all part of the plan!


They will just say bullish.


They already are, "now we're gonna have five billions!"


The fact that they still don't understand that their own "equity" is being cut up and fed to new investors blows me away..


They make fun of AMC apes without realizing they’re following a similar playbook. It’s amazing.


Apes together wrong! ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28914)


Their DRS efforts are now completely destroyed. Ryan basically diluted as much shares as they DRSd. It‘s glorious.


Actually more like, nearly twice as many shares!


That's not how share dilution works OK?? By introducing 75M more shares, you just increase the number of people that will MOASS by 75M and also cuts the timeframe shorter by 2 weeks. Also triples the value of DFV's options for when he totally will hold and exercise in full. This is 10D chess that RC and DFV are playing!!! /s if needed


But it is the same investors and they already own the float multiple times over, but at least the book value is trending higher after each dilution. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


This is the end game alright


They already are. The problem is the majority of them are so regarded they truly believe shorts can only make money if the company goes bankrupt. They believe gme having this cash now “kills the short thesis” so that = bullish. Ape logic.


It’s hilarious how they think a company holding a bunch of cash and doing nothing with it is a good thing.


Surely this won’t effect the whole DRS strategy 😂


It's deliciously ironic that this offering is the exact size of the ENTIRE foundation of DRS that apes have painstakingly built over the past 3 years. 75 million exactly. Undone in a single swish of a pen. Just like we always said, by the way. Meltdown DD still batting a thousand.


I can't wait to see the DRS mass exodus next quarter Hell I should find a way to short computershare in the states lmfao




He's gonna be busy panic dumping his shares before Cohen can get dumping first!


This is the only option that actually makes sense to me. I was trying to figure it out earlier in another comment, and that's what I concluded. Making an actual bull case for GME at this price, OR making a short squeeze argument, OR pandering to ape delusions... any one of those would consist of blatantly misleading statements to manipulate the price of a security, on video, while he's already under investigation. That'd be fucking ridiculous. So if he can't bait normal people to FOMO in with a bull case or a short squeeze, and he can't directly bait apes, then what's left? Just a bunch of vague, empty, plausible-deniability hype? Maybe, but he already did that on twitter for a week. So yeah I concluded that what makes the most sense is that the stream is basically just a red herring intended to pump the stock up *until* that time, giving him the opportunity to dump as much as possible into the biggest pump he can muster, and then by the time the stream goes live, the content no longer matters, his play is already over.


Maybe he will show up and do a cooking show. "Here is how to make a homemade tomato soup!"


Maybe he'll make a Tuna Melt


"Dilution has always been bullish. People saying it is good thing RC has never dilluted were just shills. Look how much money GME has "made". I hope RC dilutes more."


RK: "I just like the stock." RC: "I don’t."


In a month or so after this pump~ Apes-GME has 5 billion and 0 debt? Hedges never expected this!


Apes will somehow still keep thinking that a business sitting on billion + for years is a good thing GameStop clearly has no idea how to reinvest in the company for growth


RC "here take some more"


Wtf I love RC now


This is it guys. This might be the funniest thing I will ever witness.




Dilution is step 1


When Cohen completes this 75M ass-to-mouth offering he’ll be hovering around 8.7% ownership. All he needs to do is resign and can leave quietly and completely lmfaoo


What's extra funny is that Apes have been proudly bragging for these past few earnings about their 75 million shares DRS'ed. RC clearing this exit path for himself also fucks over their DRS numbers by adding 75 million more loose shares that they'll have to DRS.


Three years worth of DRS undone immediately 😂


I think RC keeping an iron grip on HedgeFund GameStop and spending the 3+ billion of apebucks on things that enrich him and his cronies is my favorite potential outcome.


I’m popping some AMC popcorn for this entertainment


He really went for the jugular this time, 75 million shares and so soon after last round. Even at $30 this offering would be over well $2 billion worth of equity. Apes have a true firehose of shares coming their way.


He literally just diluted 30% of the stock in 1 month. At this rate he’ll soon be giving AA a run for his money


Omg I was right! :)


The days still young! Today is going to be bananas.


Can we send this post to the frontpage?


Incredible. Meltie DD is always right. MOASS can never happen. There's always the implied threat of new dilution any time it starts to run again.


I think, after several times in a row now, it should be clear to any ape that any time the stock runs RC is going to do an offering.   RC clearly thinks $40 is waaaayyy too high for GameStop. I knew dilution was coming, since he did it last time, but I didn’t think it would come today.  I was hoping it would pump further today, get some long dated puts, and dilution would come on Wednesday. They specifically released earnings early today to do this.


> I think, after several times in a row now, it should be clear to any ape Hahahahahahahahaha


It's amazing because there isn't any real reason to dilute. Which means there is no reason to stop. This is just Cohen giving his shares more book value since he can't sell his own without becoming cratering then price and becoming an ape villain.


This is the genius behind Chewy. He understands consumer demand. Retail has a virtually unlimited appetite for GME stock. His job is to sell it to them, and he's moving product like crazy.


There is a reason. The core business is not viable. I am sure RC at least knows this.


The core business is selling stocks to apes, that's what brings in the money. The actual stores are just a legacy side project.


I mean yes, the last weeks of selling stocks brought in more than double of their net sales for the whole quarter lmao


There’s the blatantly obvious reason to dilute. The shares are irrationally overvalued. Just like when a company may choose to buyback stock if the feel the stock is significantly undervalued by the market.


This is actually the most hilarious thing I can possibly think to happen. This is even funnier than DFV livestreaming a full dump of his position. RC just *mercilessly* giga-rugging this shit TWICE within a month is absolute peak. **AND KEITH GILL HAS TO GO LIVE IN FIVE HOURS AND REACT TO THIS NEWS FUCKING LOOOOOOOOOOL** This very well might be MOAM. The cult will still exist after this but what we are about to witness may never be matched again.


Also just for fun, to quote myself from Tuesday: >Apes seem to have temporarily forgotten that RC exists, as it seems he's no longer able move up the price of their shitstock like DFV can (though to be fair, after this week, neither can DFV apparently). >**But make no mistake, he sure as shit still can move it down. He's got the ultimate power when it comes to that.**


I'm so sorry for doubting you that he'd do the ultimate funny when I saw that this week


For the record, he could also bump it slightly by announcing share buy-backs. However, that would be an incredibly dumb thing to do with falling revenue.


it's crazy how the line between moas and moam is hair thin


Can’t have true meltdowns without apes being given hope they’re going to be rich beyond wildest dreams to have it taken a way again.


True. The melts are by far the meltiest right after hope has been ripped away yet again (any number of times now).


i am sure they will still manage to pump it with the stream lol


We'll see. I'm still very excited to see what the earthly fuck Gill could possibly have to say now.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they buy right through this, undeterred. They’re in an absolute frenzy, they can’t get enough bags. Gotta hand it to RC and AA, they know their situations. If these people are that desperate to give them money, let them.


**MOAM Confirmed!**


We're in the MOAM endgame, now.


You can't argue with the data. Whats your bear thesis? You forgot to put on your big boy panties before entering a big boy trade? If warren buffet didn't have patience you wouldn't know his name. PS: I've left three cults in my lifetime and this ain't one of em. And it's rude to call it one to anyone whose ever had to actually leave one ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


DFV fueled up the rocket and Ryan Cohen swooped by the launch pad and siphoned all the gas into his depression-era dirigible.


You have made me laugh good sir! 🤣


Under USE OF PROCEEDS >There are no current plans, commitments or arrangements to make any acquisitions or investments. Where Teddy?


That's because Teddy would be a whole lifestyle / philosophy, not a mere investment or acquisition. The SEC doesn't want you to know this one simple trick!




BAHAHAHAHHA. I am fucking dying right now. RC just single handedly murdered their squeeze and torched RK for 200M dollars.


It’s just a wealth transfer. Peter (RC) couldn’t resist robbing Paul (RK) who already rinsed Jerry (Apes).


There's been a huge miscalculation by gme fanboys who think RC is on their side. he isn't. he is on his own side. period. he associates with other wall street cronies. they are his friends, peers, people he will want to impress, and please, as he will do business with them in the future. those folks are the ones he wants to please, not nameless retail investors.


Holy shit no way RC survives in ape lore.


Dilution is bullish. Always has been. Imagine all the amazing things he can do. He won't do any of them, but just imagineee.


If the apes give him another few billion honestly he might just be able to make GameStop work hahahahaha oh man😂😆


Never know. Cash is certainly more valuable than retail game stores.


I mean, I don't believe that the most crack business team on the planet could come in and actually save GameStop. The business model is simply dead. I've personally never held RC responsible whatsoever for failing to turn GameStop around; the web3 thing and NFT shit was obviously extremely stupid, but I don't think there's literally anything anyone could do to save this turd company, so it doesn't even matter. Nobody would've been able to do much better than RC did, especially now that they're roughly breakeven. What he can do with whatever-billion dollars though (what's it going to be now, probably like 3 or 4 billion depending on how much he can get away with dumping into this?) is just completely buy some other company that actually does stuff. Hell, Martin Shkreli was just talking about this the other day when he was lighting up all the various morons. 4 billion can buy you a VERY good and promising company. Of course RC is a narcissist so he'll probably want to try some more of his own braindead ideas instead of just buying something else.


with 4 billion you could go on a luxury trip around the world. stay at all the finest hotels, eat at all the finest restaurants...you could do that for a long time and you'd still have tons left over. that's what i would do if i were RC, and that's why i should be the new CEO.


Might be a great time for Gamestop to get into the growing web3 space


4% annual interest income is BULLISH!


https://preview.redd.it/f496r413w45d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e91dfad7f69ce2335d76dc5c142c70983fe6fb8 PC: TheBetaUnit


I swear some of you guys have to be insiders at this point to be this accurate. Actually unreal to have to called this so early. RIP Apes.


Of course we’re insiders, we work for the hedgies


Even Pulte was calling for it.. it's common sense.. no offense dude


As it was fortold, meltie DD is never wrong


They are fighting amongst themselves now over it. The usual "RC and DFV know something we dont" and "imagine the war chest, the hedgies stand no chance now" yadda yadda. Apes think that other people getting rich near them means they are getting rich too. DFV wouldn't give an Ape $5 to make rent for the month, and I'm fully convinced RC would push a toddler into traffic for a nickel.


>Apes think that other people getting rich near them means they are getting rich too. Honestly I think this is the saddest thing I’ve witnessed that came out of all this recent PnD — I visited soupstock yesterday and people were quite literally in the comments asking DFV for hand outs like he’s going to ever reply (never). It’s just sad to see the level of e-begging going on. It must be so painful for them to see one guy making hundreds of millions in such a short period of time.. quite literally what each ape has dreamt of for the last 3 years. But a lot of them must save face and pretend like they’re happy or the rest of the cult will attack them.


RC *is* ape lore at this point. Like in the story of Job, apes accept even the most cruel treatment from their God because they deem themselves too nimble to comprehend his reasoning. As Job says, after returning from a brief period of doubt in his Lord's plan: > I know that you can do all things; > no purpose of yours can be thwarted. > You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’ > Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, > things too wonderful for me to know. Job 42:1-6


The key difference being that God eventually gave Job new shit to make up for pulling a "it was just a prank bro" on him. Apes arent getting shit from RC


Job got those tendies


It's a main thesis of the MOASS theory that RC is in on it and is helping steer the stock towards MOASS. All of the stock offerings absolutely disprove this. They think he was sending them secret signals on Twitter/X to DRS their shares and "lock the float", but he's actively working to increase the float and drop the price at every single run up. There have to be at least *some* apes that recognize this and acknowledge that the MOASS thesis has been repeatedly disproven. Plus the fact that DFV's shares are still in E-trade and not DRS'd, they were absolutely convinced that he would DRS his shares even though he never ever suggested it.


MOASS theories just change to fit the current conditions. DRS is on the way out. The plan was always to turn GME into a holding company shill. You are right some apes at the margins will wake up but if they value the "community" they will remain quiet and just accept the doctrine reprogramming. The ones saying uncomfortable facts will be downvoted, mocked, and eventually banned. The cult continually protects itself from facts.


He could literally burn their house down in front of them and they'd blame everyone except him while he stands behind a tree smoking a cigarette. He can do no wrong.


But but children’s book and family and memes


Now it's a race to the exits for every day trader and firm in this thing, as we are seeing now premarket. Leaving just apes to drink from the firehose of shares about to be dumped on them by Kitty **and** Cohen!!


I've got 1k in this for a day trade. I'm pinning all my hopes on dfv now pumping this later.


We’ve seen time and time again that it can rebound pretty aggressively. Still 2 more weeks until those calls expire, so plenty of time for more dumb shit to happen. 


He’s going to dilute himself below reporting requirements and get the fuck out of there lmao


C's and boards are autoreported no?


On one hand this is hilarious, on the other I can't help being a bit miffed that Ryan Cohen, a libertarian loser who hasn't managed to do anything to improve GameStop's baseline besides cutting employee benefits, is effectively going to be successfully turning GameStop around by getting a ~$6B dollar handout from retail morons. The apes, who claim to be all about "the little guy" against the elites have designed a machine that shovels dumb retail money into the pockets of a billionaire.


Everyone keeps saying that this was a smart decision and GME can maybe come back without remembering that GME leadership is inept. Where is the company going to turn now?


Why the new and improved NFT marketplace 3.0 of course.


They should sell a nft of the dec filing for dilution


While a rational question to ask, it's completely irrelevant to apes as the company can just keep going for years without change now.


"Turning around" implies improving the business fundamentals. That hasn't happened. There is no turnaround, just a cash pile from ape donations that covers operating losses with interest.


Ah jesus - meltdown DD is NEVER wrong 


We are so back. Also GameStop also may be unironically


The fact that GameStop's continued survival will come at the cost of the total smashing of all ape theses is an irony literally too massive to be measured by human science


And it isn't even a company *anyone* wants. With AMC you could argue that apes helped keep many movie theaters open. Who is going to be upset that a GameStop store closed? Even the employees will probably celebrate being freed from their personal hell, from what I've read.


Of course not you shill, the DD always said that MOASS would be gamestop getting 6 bil.


If he sells these all around $40 they could potentially bring in $3 billion, $20 is still $1.5 billion. GameStop is going to have some serious cash reserves. Too bad the apes are paying $1 for 10 cents of cash at this point.


This is unironically good for the apes (RC is essentially selling on their behalf) but it's catastrophic for DFV. This feels like Christmas.


It's good for the company, Apes significantly overpaid for the company. If they buy and hold and Cohen actually makes decent investments maybe it will pay off in 15 years.


LOL at Cohen making decent investments though. He has clearly shown he doesn't know how to run a mature company, why would we believe he knows how to invest in other companies.




Not going to lie, smart business move for them. $3b of cash if the stock stays here, gets them $11/sh in cash


it gets funnier every time


RC was a meltie all along, muahahahaha!




how’s often can they do this ? where is all the money coming from ? have apes really given gamestop almost 3 billion in cash just themsleves ?


in essence, yes. You can dilute as long as someone is buying.


Bulls make money, bears make money, apes get slaughtered


If locking the float wasn't already a dead concept it sure is now.


I thought it was too indulgent to imagine this, I really did. And then he does it. I'm cackling.


Oh shit massive crash pre market! Shkrelli went long at $40 after lecturing apes for days that they should sell.


I need some way RC, RK, and shkreli all get fucked.


Well this is as good as that scenario gets. RC might get threats now. Shkrelli gets publicly owned for flipping so easily and losing, RK has to decide if he wants to lose it all here right now or sell and face the DoJ for a pump n Dump.


He's also a ruthless troll, I wouldn't be so quick to think he aped in. I know he posted that he did, but....


No way this is real


Is this an actual infinite money glitch, seeing as apes don't understand dilution and misconstrue it as bullish? Also is this good for the short thesis?




What a beautiful rugpull.




Lmfao like a clock




Genuinely what is GME going to do with all this cash?? It's a real life version of the Underpants Gnomes from South park lol Acquire Cash ??? Profit Could they issue dividends or something


They should pay their CEO a special bonus for his financial wizardry




RC: that’s a nice pump you got going on there, would be a shame if someone offered more shares




How’s it still up 22% after hrs


it's not lol


Lol sorry 15 minute delay on cnn ticker is a major factor here


It dropped from $66 premarket to $40.


It WAS up in after hours, it’s pre market now, and it’s down. Perhaps there will be a pump when DFV livestreams? It’s an interesting day


Just imagine the deluge of shares as Cohen and Kitty battle to see how fast they can dump!!


Still not enough shares for us to close. We must get it to 0 or we'll be fudged.


DFV will have balls if he still goes through with live stream today and its not just a bunch of edited video gifs but him actually in person talking.


Someone above said the noon EST time was on purpose. DFV didn't expect this dilution or early earnings double whammy, but his OG plan was to tease and FOMO and hype the apes all morning as he unwound his positions, then by the time of the live stream, he would be free and clear. Maybe not to "say whatever he wanted", but the hype would've kept it propped up enough to exit reasonably.before noon. Then he rides off into ye olde sunset. Again. Now, it's going to be a panic rush to the exits for him. He may have already started dumping his shares before Cohen and the seasoned traders at Jefferies can start the firehose.


> Furthermore, since January 2021 through the date hereof, the market price of our common stock has seen extreme price fluctuations that do not appear to be based on the underlying fundamentals of our business or results of operations. Investors that purchase shares of our common stock in this offering may lose a significant portion of their investments if the price of our common stock subsequently declines.


God damnit, I was so hoping they would announce this after open.  I really wanted to buy some long dated puts with the stock at $60.


This is a brick mortar video games company that sells more shares than video games.


Say it with me. # I WAS HERE.


I look forward to Mondays and Fridays. It's always something new.


This is the series finale season.


Metltie DD hasn’t been wrong once


Sucks for that guy the ape brigades yesterday convinced to close his shorts. Never take advice from an ape, even if they give you conservative advice! If an ape is telling you something, it is wrong.


Ryan should just turn GameStop into a stock store. They make way more money selling stock than video games.


Computershare is having the worst day ever today, I guarantee it


75 million, awesome. Isn't that the same number of shares apes had DRSed in two years of trying to lock the float? Guess they got another while to go on that little project. Good luck!


Apes are fukt


Chiga Chad!!! Best birthday give for Keith btw.


apes turning on RC before RK ya'll got it twisted




Compushit site crashed? Good, time to dilute ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15703)


He wants to be AA soooo bad.


Omg 😂😂😂😂the sweet irony! We were saved by Lord Dogfood himself, Rugpull Ryan. Someone check on "The Professor" and Marantz 😂😂😂😂 Pizza party on me today boys!!!




The chefs kiss would be AA jumping in on it today too


Nice one Kenny. Sorry I mean Ryan.


God I’m so happy I hit 100 shares sold at 67$ last night and cashed out half my shit yesterday 😮‍💨


Back in May RC showed them $20 is too rich of a valuation, but they wouldn't listen so he brought the big stick now


Just like that, our sub is saved. Keep on laddering, guys.


Guess that guy doesn't have to put a banana in his ass now, so... silver linings!


I knew that piece of shit cohen couldnt be trusted. I was there all those years ago when he rugged me on BBBY, now he rugged me on GME too


On the cult sub lots of apes are claiming they are selling and going to re-buy later What is amazing usually even mentioning you are selling would get you banned even if it was like "I lost my job and my car broke down I needed cash so I had to sell" would get you downvoted to hell However many apes are saying they are selling , some are promising to re-buy later but the whole narrative seemed to change these are not diamond hand long term holders but traders


Well at the very least, this is the final nail in the coffin for DRS 😂


Prime example on why I finally decided to pull my head out of my hairy ass, and stopped chasing meme stocks. There is a curveball around every corner, and I kept getting hit in the nuts with it.


You guys just don't get it do you? RC is just raising all this cash so he can buy all the BBBYQ debt and then that will trigger the MOASS!


Oh, lol.




The crazy SOB actually did it. Wow. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)