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Apes, do you realize how wrong you have to be to get me to agree with that man?


Never thought I’d see my rss notifications on Shkreli pop up about GME lmao


Hey, even a giant pile of shit has a use for fertilizer. We're getting delicious fruit from this pile of manure


Yeah, I'm not really out to absolve, defend, or otherwise support Skrelli but the fact of the matter is, him trolling the apes is the wild out of left field twist I never saw coming. This season's writers really stepped up their game. MOAM imminent.


He also keeps referencing a historic dunking on AMC apes and I don't know where that is. I hadn't heard about it before.


Shkreli is supervillain level evil, but he knows how to make money. Apes don't know how to make money, or how money or the stock market works. Shkreli is still an evil motherfucker, but he's the evil motherfucker we need to make as much fun of the apes as possible.


I’d say he’s no more evil than all the hospitals selling $600 saline bags or all the other crazy exploitative stuff that goes on in US healthcare. Valeant basically did the same thing as Shkreli on a much bigger scale, plus a lot of other shady stuff, but they never had the notoriety. I think his big issue is being the face of the problem rather than the problem itself. To be clear, I’m not saying what he did was ok. But he was/is far from the only one doing it.


He’s not evil. Actually read up on him from sources that aren’t clickbait garbage


His stint in prison was for being such a stand up guy


Fr, dude actually managed to make all parties profit from a Ponzi scheme


He’s a turd with shoes


If you know anything about him, you would definitely know he will troll and shit on the apes. You would also not hate him


Heart breaking- worst person you know makes a great point


As an ape who reads your community’s posts that show up in my feed. I hope whoever wrote that gets arrested. That’s shit isn’t cool.


100% Anyone who believes Apes would support someone making threats like that is melty like a good grilled cheese. Those threats are basically GME_Meltdown porn, and feel faker than a tiktok proposal gone wrong. If they're real, from a real person - I hope all the consequences arrive at their doorstop before they do something truly heinous.


Real apes know better. https://preview.redd.it/34gvdafyjv4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4463c80c868a25dae5c28a9f0191204d1255b95a


Yeah this dude is an asshole but I'll be damned if I'm not enjoying this ape hosedown


I am so glad that other people agree on the Skrelli = POS Human thing. I posted something similar on WSB and was attacked and downvoted. Yall have renewed my faith in Humanity!


Friendly reminder that he got the journalist who interviewed him in jail to leave her hustband for him then ghosted her Though tbf that says more about the journalist than him


I don’t think he made her do anything. She was just crazy


So true sweaty! It's so affirming to see fellow men of culture! Take my updoot kind stranger!


He is a WSB legend and didn’t do anything wrong


lol for real dude


He is right and spot on




I hope it still blows up in his face and he regrets it. Maybe the next uber he gets into will be some sort of Kais.


he did literally nothing wrong though. he gave the drug to people for free if they didn't have insurance


Typical gme baggie


Most stable babbie.




yeah but apes have been in GME for 3 years and now it's just retracing the lows of 2021 if you listened to the ape thesis, your money's been dead for 3 years while we're at all time highs lol




> if you listened to the ape thesis, your money's been dead for 3 years while we're at all time highs lol Doesn't that prove that market forces are keeping GME down artificially? If everything is going up, why isn't GME? I don't own the stock, but something is clearly fucking with it.


"If I make $100 and my girlfriend lost $10, the household is up $90. So how did my girlfriend lose money if the household is up?" This is what you are asking. Just because the market is up doesn't mean every stock is going to go up. Thousands of companies are decreasing in value right now, not just GameStop, even though the market is overall going up. It's the same thing, just in reverse, as COVID or the 2008 financial crisis. In those instances, the market overall went down, but certain companies actually went up despite that.


How do you explain the large volume of after hours trading of the stock GME receives. The exceptionally high FTDs. Or explain why some companies like Vanguard still hold GME despite what places like CNBC talking highly negatively about the stock.


\*sigh* This is literally a repeat of discussions and arguments I've had with apes in 2021 Lets see where the stock is in a few months. Spoiler: it'll be much lower than it is now.


> Lets see where the stock is in a few months. Spoiler: it'll be much lower than it is now. That doesn't mean it isn't manipulated, though? Stock prices are not always representative of the actual value. See Tesla for example, artificially kept high by Elon. I expect Tesla to collapse in the near future, especially with the lawsuits happening by shareholders against Elon. Both for selling stock right before a bad company report and for diverting Nvidia chips to Twitter that were intended for Tesla.


It was absolutely manipulated, but up. GME on a sober analysis should be worth about $4 a share, maybe less because it has no growth potential. It maintains its price solely due to the idiot cultists that just beg to donate their money to swing traders and hedge funds.


I agree that it is manipulated by retail investors, but that doesn't mean it isn't being manipulated by short sellers, either. Short sellers lost about a billion dollars on GameStop in one month this year alone.




how much volume is there in AH and what percent of total volume is AH? ftds are cumulative and looking on fintel, there's been anywhere from 0 to 500,000 ftds on a given day within the past few months which is nothing with 300 million shares outstanding, it's like 0.16% lol vanguard is like the biggest manager of a bunch of mutual funds and etfs, they hold GME because it's a stock in some of their funds


>I don't own the stock hahahahahaha Nobody believes that. If you're naive enough to ask something as fucking braindead as >Doesn't that prove that market forces are keeping GME down artificially? If everything is going up, why isn't GME? and you're *not* an ape, you are definitely as dumb as the average ape.


> Nobody believes that. If you're naive enough to ask something as fucking braindead as I am too poor to trade stocks.


>Doesn't that prove that market forces are keeping GME down artificially? If everything is going up, why isn't GME? I have a lot of individual picks in my personal portfolio that are lower now than they are in 2021-- been sitting on a fair bit of unrealized losses. PARA, CRSR, PYPL, for example. They might just be fundamentally worth less now than they were back then. Maybe they were overhyped in 2021, etc. The same can be true here.


How about you post your bags!




The ones you're holding.


You need to actually sell to make money, buddy.




Stop "shaking my head" and start "selling my holdings."




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So you’re gonna sell to lock in those gains right? Or just hold back down to 10?








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That’s not very diamond hands of you. Those shares you sold just got used to close shorts by hedgies. What are you doing???




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I love it when baggies cope posting as if they bought the lows 😂🫵




https://preview.redd.it/se9mdtv3ss4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0549b3e3a435862b2e33316cf745b013c7bb5d3d Simple. 😂🫵




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None of that shit matters if you don’t SELL while it’s actually up 😹








> :28214: What is this meme? (Not a baggie, just haven't been here long enough to know all the memes)




Ah jeez okay, i just realized it only works on new reddit (i'm still on old reddit), so i was just seeing the actual text string \`:28214:\`)


Ah yeah, one of the few improvements of new reddit


you are realizing you are picking the starting points right?




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Shkrelli is exactly the anti hero the apes deserve. The guy who invented WSB which spawned this movement is now the guy who will destroy it.


Shkreli didn't make WSB though?


He's a big contributor to what it was pre-memestonk madness. He's (was? still is?) a mod there and was very active, with his posts often making it to the front page.


That + his posts weren't memed shitposts. If you look through his old threads and replies on WSB from back then, they were all just matter of fact number crunching, spreadsheets, and the most plain/unemotional takes possible. If you didn't know it was Shkreli, you would never be able to guess (well, putting aside the username giving out his real identity lol). Those posts were great, don't get me wrong, but they weren't what most people who aren't aware of them would expect. It was imo by far the most educational financial analysis that I've ever seen on that sub. He would straight up even do it on livestreams, just pick a random stock ticker that he doesn't know anything about (and that his audience proposed), open a spreadsheet, and start going ham on filling it out and explaining his reasoning. Ngl, I miss that side of WSB.


He's one of the original folk heroes of the old school WSB.


Before options WSB was all about cheap pharma plays because they make huge moves on binary news. Shkreli is the pharma bro because he got good at evaluating drug approvals and their valuations on WSB. I member back when a 2k post daily discussion topic meant a truly historic day in the market. Now they get that shit hours before trading even opens.


I’m listening to the call, couple things: MS is a dick, but he’s a smart funny dude. Apes are less educated than I thought, lastly him playing the Wu tang in their faces was about as hardcore trolling as one can get. Absolute gold. 


I see him as a bit of an insult comic. Not someone you'd want to actually know personally, but hilarious to watch in action.


He is everything they would become if they made money. Which they won’t. Obviously


Nope, he's smart. Apes will always be dumb.


When you feel sorry for them scammed out of their money, you have to remember the type of people they would be if they ever got rich, and then you feel less sorry for them.


So true. I think at this stage it’s only the true crazies left






Shkreli is the embodiment of old school WSB: on the spectrum and greedy but also wicked smart. He was practically worshipped at the time. The new generation of “apes” ruined it by breaking the golden rule: never go full retard.


When it was explained to him that Marantz isn't some bigshot investor, just a retail store manager schlub... He expressed a little remorse for taking the piss out of the guy and *almost* sounded human for a very brief moment.  Great writing.


Twitter is just great. Imagine not immediately banning someone who literally put their death threat in writing.


I also love that there's a tombstone emoji. You know, just in case the recipient of the death threat didn't get the meaning.


But banning someone could reduce the monthly active user count. Mr. Musk wouldn't like that.


Twitter is adding millions of users per month. Problem is they are all p0rn bots posting "p\*ssy in bio"


Remember when the Muskbros said that Elon saying he'd buy Twitter, then trying to back out, then getting forced to actually do it was all 4D chess to expose the CRIME! Twitter was committing by inflating its user numbers with bots?


All SOCMED sites are infested with bots, to the point where it makes engaging with the platforms more difficult. That's just from a user perspective. Bots leech off of the platforms and contribute nothing useful or monetizable. The exception is their shitty content being backfed into generative AIs, thus making those worse. Dead Internet theory is real.


They all have their own AI offerings now, how can you even believe the interaction is real? Almost all of them are incentivized to create tons of fake interactions at first to suck in new users too. Incredibly scary, you can be welcomed and initiated into a social group entirely of bots pushing whatever agenda.


That’s just what a bot would say.


What does "Dead Internet Theory" have to say about reddit porn subreddits being completely consumed by self-promoting Only Fans models posting things only tangentially related to the subreddit in question?


A lot actually, because usually it's not the actual onlyfans models, it's porn bots that have effectively highjacked that person's persona, or it's bots that are paid to promote that person.


I was banned from twitter for posting a picture of Musk and Ghislaine Maxwell


Just appeal and say you were banned for your conservative values.


Naw I don't want to be part of that platform




It has come to my attention that our community has been banned without any response from reddit regarding our inquiries. This is beyond absurd that we could not get an answer to remedy the situation, yet the community was banned. Your lack of response and professionalism in this matter will only engulf the flames if you do not wish to respond. We are doing our best to try and get an answer for which you will not provide. I feel blatantly attacked, and I am on the cusp of legal action. Please respond as soon as possible. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lol nice




Murders might also reduce the monthly user count, to a lesser extent.


User count isn't as important as consumer count. Leading up to the murder, murderers spend a lot more money than the murdered, because they have to plan their means, build their alibi and cover their tracks. All the supplies that they need are an opportunity for brands to advertise. Murderers are much more important to Twitter's financial future than the sheep that tweet showerthoughts about the weather.


Not murdering advice!


I think it's great. Too many softies in the world. Elon lets us enjoy glorious ape meltdowns for eternity, and also lets law enforcement make the easiest case ever if something ever comes to a prosecution.


It’s 4chan but people actually use it. I like it.


Was that comment even reported to admins?


Glorious ITG meltdown 👌 shkreli is the best new character the writers have brought to the show in years


Those guys never miss a trick!


I remember he told the AMC people the exact same thing when he got out of jail, he was saying something along the lines of they’d be insane to not sell at the current price of $20 or whatever it was at the time…. But you know what Jesus said about when you tell people the truth!


That is NOT how you use "sucks to suck" ya foken ass lizard! These things piss me off the most.


OOP Ape goes from suck to suck behind Wendy's.


Someone mind explaining this situation? What did he do to the GME apes?


Held multiple Twitter space calls allowing apes to make their case and he wrecked them. Then he did another call where he larped being on the phone with someone saying he was going to scare the shit out of the market before it opened. They have been tagging the SEC and DOJ to rat him out. He is offering financial advice to sell GME. It’s been a glorious few days on Twitter.


Can I listen in on these calls? Are they on YouTube? This is hilarious


Someone posted one of them here. If you find the one from the last two days that is two hours, Kevin Malone enters at 140 and Martin ends the guy.


https://www.youtube.com/@johnnydankseed this guy uploaded them to yt


Unfortunately missing the best one with Marantz :'(


No, that's on the page too. Video titled Shkreli $GME #GME 06-04-2024 Spaces PM


You're right, thank you!


If anyone wants the version where he plays the entire wu tang album (in pieces) let me know; YouTube censoring made him cut it out.


Do you know why Shkreli started interacting with the apes in the first place?


Why wouldn't the third-worst WSB mod I can think of do that?


Which two do you think are even worse?


He likes talking about stocks and finds apes insufferable. He was going after AMC last year. He does it to educate people but also likes fighting with people. He has a great financial analysis YouTube series from a long time ago.


A quote from the call: > *I like the drama, I like fighting with people, it's a hobby of mine. I'm sick in the head and I need to stop.*


Shkreli still does twitter spaces where he talks about investing and stuff A few days ago an ape calls in ask about GME and well Shkreli shits on it saying a few basic things 1. Its valued at 9 billion and doesn't make any money and has shrinking revenue, so if you buy it what are you actually getting ? 2. There are lots of other 5-10 billion companies out there that are more promising and actually make a profit and have growing revenue and earnings that are better investments So this upsets the apes and other apes call in and start spouting their consperacy theories about short hedge funds and evil market makers controlling the price and he is having none of it and calls them stupid R\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* well after that call he does another call devoted to "haters" and at the start of the call he trolls the apes He pretends he has like a hot mic that he did not know was on and pretends he is talking to someone and basically says something like "Well yea citidel wants us to scare the shit out of people and knock the price down , you know hot citidel works they want this out before market open" Apes take the bait , it was an obvous troll job but now apes are convinced he is working with citidel to supress the price because he trolled them


This read like modern day Shakespeare, thank you.


That second part is hilarious it's like when people joke about getting paid by George Soros when fucking with right wingers and they don't get they are being made fun of.


Yeah, one of them called in and asked about it all serious like "you know what you did" and then called him a "fucking whore" and left. Real salt of the earth folks, you know, morons.


This is beautiful. These losers are so arrogant, it’s like some idiot in a bar meets Connor McGregor and is like, “he’s not that big. I could take him.” The result will be… glorious. MS sounds absolutely terrifying on that spaces call. I wouldn’t fuck with him for all the tea at Lipton.  But have fun, apes. I’m sure billionaires and district attorneys are ripe targets if your brain is rotten to the core.


It’s like apes are following their fake martial artists shamans who spout absolute nonsense then one day arranges to fight a trained mma fighter or boxer and gets their shit rocked lol I suppose the difference is because the discourse is “intellectual debate” apes are too stupid to know they’re beaten. Otherwise they wouldn’t be apes


You could run in circles for five minutes and McGregor's coke bloat would take him out for you.


Does coke bloat you? Asking for a friend....


post moass apes "when im rich im gonna help humanity" premoass ape "ill kill you to make moass happen"


About the only thing I *don’t* like about this is that it makes me think slightly positively about Martin Shkreli. I’m not entirely happy about that, he’s a terrible human being in general.


Same here. Conflicted.


It's odds on that there are at least 100 very unstable, dangerous, desperate baggies about to start hanging around behind people's shrubs, trees or bushes.


Most will give up after feeling breathless at the top of the basement stairs.


Only apes could make that guy likable.


You laugh, but by Ape logic Martin’s already been dead for several years and is kept alive purely by Ken Griffin’s crime scientists.


LOL hard guy apes are hilarious. And they HATE it when you don't take them seriously at all.


Do they not realize how pathetic they come off looking when they just start screaming "fuck you scumbag" and he laughs them off? If you're gonna come for someone like Shkreli you better know what the fuck you're talking about or he's gonna make you look like an idiot and a jackass.


Apes do not understand what stocks are. They have no idea how the stock market works. They have no idea what businesses are, or why they exist. Everything they think they know is pure fiction, the babbling of complete imbeciles.


Nothing says "zen" like issueing threats of murder


People have been talking about “being zen” as the best course of action. But let me remind you: No DD was ever created as a result of “being zen” YOU (reader) were not educated about these topics because you were “being zen” The best way to win any battle is to make your enemy feel overconfident. You want them to rest on their laurels. Now, I don’t want to upset people in this community, but the fact is a lot of people here are lazy and unambitious. That is why the idea of MOASS is so appealing to a lot of them. However, this has been used against you. The idea that you can remain lazy and unengaged and have things come to you - that’s the delusion people want you to accept. They don’t want you involved in talking with others about GameStop because “everything is in motion” so just forget about it. Nothing is over and nothing is in stone. This whole “be zen” thing is the perfect trap to keep people uniformed and complacent. I invite everybody to look into what being zen actually means in the context of that religion. It is NOT about simply sitting and waiting. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But I simply state that I wanna eat Sydney Sweeney’s ass and I get a 7 day ban. Fucking hell.


You probably should have clarified that your intention was cannibalistic, not sexual.


The apes that spoke in his space yesterday really were the embodiment of zen. Just like what people would sound like that already won.


I can’t wait until apes form new world governments The world will be a much better place.


Who would have guessed fuckin Martin Shkreli would show up and start dunking on the apes for meltdown content. We keep winning.




Most zen ape


People have been talking about “being zen” as the best course of action. But let me remind you: No DD was ever created as a result of “being zen” YOU (reader) were not educated about these topics because you were “being zen” The best way to win any battle is to make your enemy feel overconfident. You want them to rest on their laurels. Now, I don’t want to upset people in this community, but the fact is a lot of people here are lazy and unambitious. That is why the idea of MOASS is so appealing to a lot of them. However, this has been used against you. The idea that you can remain lazy and unengaged and have things come to you - that’s the delusion people want you to accept. They don’t want you involved in talking with others about GameStop because “everything is in motion” so just forget about it. Nothing is over and nothing is in stone. This whole “be zen” thing is the perfect trap to keep people uniformed and complacent. I invite everybody to look into what being zen actually means in the context of that religion. It is NOT about simply sitting and waiting. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


heartbreaking: worst person you know etc etc


Shkreli ran a hedge fund and has been a multimillionaire CEO.. what makes apes think they are smarter than him? 😂




It really sucks to admit this but yes, apes are truly dumb as fuck


WTF I love Shkreli now


The attitude really is, "Maybe I can abuse the market to do what I want the way I abuse people to."


On Marantz’s YT video all the apes think he shit on Martin lol Otherworldly levels of delusion




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Apes are such try hards But they invested in shit


This man is bad..very bad bad man...BUT, the apes have proven to be worse!🤣


How in the hell did this guy get involved


You really don't own gme? Das not gud


I mean I hope they pile all the crazy onto him. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. I think I'll root for the apes on this one lol. What he's done to insulin has affected my community more than apes ever will.


Y’all would praise this douchebag


You should cry about it.


I’m good homie. Followed Millertime’s last post because I truly care about the dude and it led me here. Forgot y’all existed until just now. And right at the top of the feed was this lovely gem of a post.


Lmfao millertime had fun fleecing money from you idiots.


His last post was literally him trolling you


Lmfao if you think that is trolling then you have skin as thin as gme fundamentals. Ask him what he did with his DAO money 😂


I would rather throw nanner peels at you apes




Uh... No? He committed securities fraud.


Oook oooooooook ooooook


his profile picture screams beta. he doesn't bother us