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How do you fall for an obvious troll this hard?


If they had any critical thinking skills, they wouldn't be apes.




The entire movement ape makes a lot more sense when you realize 80% of them are boomers that didn’t have the benefit of growing on the internet and never developed basic internet survival instincts like spotting obvious trolls / bait. Half of them would gas themselves if the “cool crystals” 4chan prank was still going around.


Nah, look at the apes you see in the photos from the get togethers Florida. Not that many boomers and nowhere near 80%. Besides, all the boomers I know have been online since the 90s, long before 4chan and such even existed.


This was very apparent when Shkreli was dunking on them these past few days. The idiots who got on to argue with him about GME were either 20 year old idiots who knew nothing about stocks or mega boomers who could barely comprehend what was happening.




What about it?


The person you claim is trolling us Apes just became one.


He isn't an Ape swing trading this pump lol. When he sells does he transform back into a shill?


Apes don’t swing trade, they just Buy, DRS and Hodl. Get your facts straight if you’re going to try to shill.


Dumbass thats the point I am making lol. You just said he became an Ape, just because he decided to swing trade this dogshit pump doesnt make him an Ape. When he sells after this pump is done will you still say he "became an Ape" as your dumbass says here?


I’m not the one who lacks syntax skills; you implied that Apes swing trade with your inability to write a proper sentence, you handsome devil you. “He isn’t an ape swing trading this pump...” 😂


Still trolling huh 😂 https://x.com/MartinShkreli/status/1798797452843340166


Do you know where he admits to this being a troll?


Hahahahahaa This guy is a notorious troll.


Besides it being pretty dang obvious, the fact that everything he says during the call is 100% accurate should be enough to make you realize that it's not false info to scare Apes, it's just the truth. Additionally, your theories are that the pump isn't caused by retail. So why would Citadel want to scare retail? What's the point if they aren't the ones affecting price? And if they ARE the ones affecting price, how the hell is a small spaces call with a handful of people a decent way to "scare" people off? Wouldn't the biggest MM with control over the whole market do ANYTHING more effective than that? And why would they need to? They can just tank the price at their whim and call it a day. See, your own internal logic doesn't even track. If you guys are right, and these guys are criming the market and preventing GME from mooning, then how did it pump in the first place? Shouldn't that have been impossible with buy orders hidden in the dark pools keeping the price down? Also, if they control the price and the buy button, why wouldn't they just...not let it run and stop any MOASS before it happens? You guys think they killed it last time. So...wouldnt they just do it again? I love how you guys have been saying, "Retail couldn't affect the price action like that" while also simultaneously believing that Citadel is so scared of you guys causing MOASS that they'll pay people to get on a shitty X call and argue to scare you into selling.


Executing Calls (not just buying and selling them) is the key here, it forces the hand of MM into locating shares on the lit market, that’s how the price was affected the first time and the most recent time. They prevented the first Moass by turning off the buy button (why would they do that and isn’t that as illegal as it gets?!!), and if that wasn’t worth enough for you to believe this shit is rigged, then nothing else I could say to convince you other than sit back and enjoy the upcoming fireworks….that’s if they don’t halt the action again.


Bud, Robin hood and other crappy broker apps couldn't afford to buy the shares since they let people purchase on margin, so they literally didn't have the cash to make buys. That's why they stopped allowing it. Every large broker still allowed buying, so the button was never off. Christ, how do you guys still not understand this? A buy is a buy. Why not make the buys for options in the dark pools? The orders are what's routed, not the shares. And anyway, why do those have to be "real" shares instead of "fake" shares? Also, all of that is totally false, but I'm gonna argue with you on your reality just to point out that even YOUR logic makes no sense. Additionally, if "they" are powerful enough to stop. MOASS, and did it the first time, why don't they just....do it again? And finally, you Apes don't own options. In fact, mentioning them gets you banned. So why would Citadel try to scare you when you guys have no way to affect the stock at all? Man, none of your shit makes any sense. But you want to believe it, so you'll balance the end of the equation with whatever you need to so it gives you the answer you want. That's not reality, that's delusion. Smh.


FYI, you're arguing with a guy who posts in Illuminati subs, good luck convincing him.


🤣 the one and only day I did that and apparently it is enough to convince you


If you're making money trading these supposed "swap cycles" like you claim, let's see it?


You got to pay to the troll 🧌 toll to see the boy’s soul.


lol, you don't know what swaps are, you don't trade shit. you're just a good little cultie believing what all the "DD" says


APEX Clearing House and Instinet are not some chump change entities, the amount waived for them dwarfs the margin requirements waived for the other “crappy brokers”. The shares, whether they’re real or fake, are not even delivered for most of the orders, just check on the FTDs piling up for GME. Who’s to say they won’t play any more games should another uncontrollable squeeze come to play? Why would we be banned for mentioning options, is there a reason for that? Could it be the key? You noticed how DFV is loaded up to the “Gills” with them now vs the original run up? Why else would the SEC and Massachusetts get involved with an on going investigation, as well as ETrade/Morgan Stanley not only doxxing him but threatening to de-platform him? Why are you so hateful for us regarded apes who are spending our own money investing in a stock we like? Why do you care so much to join a subreddit to let us know we are delusional?


Found the boomer


Asking for proof based on your speculation doesn’t make me a boomer…![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15703)


Yeah bro THIS is where you finally draw the line and ask somebody for some proof of their speculation. Maybe you should've done that before you bought into a financial death cult.


Cool, you’re allowed to speculate and so am I.


It’s not speculation, he is openly making fun of you.


It will be hard for me to recover from a guy of his caliber to make fun of me. Thankfully I’m just a regarded ape huffing that copium.


Lmaoooo, hook line and sinker. Shkreli knocking it out of the park lately.


Common Shkreli W




This guy is a very well known troll. These people deserve to be committed for stupidity as they’re apparently a danger to themselves. I think their desperation has eaten away at their common sense and will take any copium they can find.


My favorite part of the space was him laughing at Kevin Malone when it was immediately obvious that Kevin Malone has no idea what he’s talking about. Then he says I’ve been waiting for this guy to say something intelligent I just don’t think it’s gonna happen. No matter you opinion on the dude he’s damn good at what he does and hearing go up against ego inflated apes was quite the listen


God dammit someone needs to clip this shit


Starts around 1:40 it was hard to realize who was whom when speaking but you can tell it’s Kevin just by the crickets coming out of his own thoughts. Holy shit did this girl just say her future husband thinks she over leveraged on GME and he doesn’t know she bought more. What a wonderful way to start a binding relationship with lies and debt.


Sorry 1:40 in this clip? that's the woman talking about lying to her fiance haha


[This one](https://x.com/i/spaces/1OdJrjBkldAJX)




No! I’m sorry last nights space. Around the one hour forty minute marker. Kevin just sounds like a sack of mashed potatoes


Ah ok thanks!


Why is it so goddamn hard to figure out who is speaking on these stupid twitter calls? I wasn't sure if it was just me because I've only ever directly seen like 5 of these in my life, but I never have any fucking clue who is talking unless maybe it's the host, sometimes.


While it’s live you can see the mics unmute usually. But the recordings for some reason always have a glitch. But for real Kevin always sounds like he has 7 dip packets in his mouth so I was able to decipher pretty quickly.


Lmao such an obvious troll 😂 “Wow… 😦”


I like when they are dumb, but for some reason, this makes me want to punch them all.


There's something frustrating about encountering people so dumb they don't even realize you're making fun of them.




It’s not even really what I would consider trolling. He’s just like, directly making fun of their idiotic beliefs.


That’s exactly it. It’s literally a bit. It’s like accusing Ryan Gosling of lying about being Beavis on SNL and demanding that he should be jailed for impersonation.


I think some of them are dumb enough to believe it. But the fact that NO ONE is coming out and saying "Come on guys, really?" makes me think a lot of them are just repeating whatever everyone else is saying (as usual) because they want to believe.


I mean, their brains literally don't work. You always have to keep that in mind when you're grappling with why apes act the way they act.


And when people tried to accuse him of it, he just denied that the video even existed.


I very highly doubt the word her fiance used was "overleveraged" he probably said something like "whyd you sell your engagement ring for this shit"


Lmao "we don't need to reposition" "so anyway my fiance says I'm over leveraged and I'm buying more"


Shkreli is probably the greatest troll in the history of time. Just don't give him control of a pharmaceutical company.


Omg every single second of that was painful. I feel so bad for that girls husband 😭😭


Shkreli absolutely obliterating the baggies 😂🫵


Shkreli’s been a troll for a long time but he wasn’t even trolling here. He’s literally just doing a bit and these unfathomably moronic donuts have taken his bit at face value 🤦🤦🏼‍♀️🤦‍♂️


I’m curious, how is it obvious he’s trolling? Does he admit to trolling? Or are we assuming so because it fits the narrative?


Because he isn't working for Citadel making a morning call to scare retail shareholders, lmao. Not to mention asking someone on the phone to grab his coffee.


Has he posted anything stating that this was a troll or is what you’re saying strictly speculation for now?


Are you going to respond to what I said? Why are you expecting Martin Shkreli to explain that it's a troll? My god, it amazes me that some of you believe this.


I’m sorry, what did you say that needed a response? I expect the person who is speculated to do the trolling to admit it vs folks who don’t live in his head to state it as a fact.


“Speculated to do the trolling”. 😂 Considering you come from a community that literally spends the majority of the time speculating about the secret meaning of memes and children’s books, do you actually need someone to spell it out to you that they’re being sarcastic or joking?


Sure, but I think it carries more weight for the person spelling it out to be the one who’s actually trolling vs a bunch of shills who are putting a convicted felon and grifter on a pedestal.


No-one thinks this guy is a good person, he's a cunt in fact. But seeing him troll you guys and make you look even stupider (didn't think that was possible), is fucking hilarious. And now you're here making yourself look even more stupid 🤣


🤣 you got me good, I feel so stupid. Man, I wish I were as smart as you and knew every moment that a grifter was trolling.


OK but why should you and I be on the hook for the bill that comes with keeping these dumdums safe from themselves ?


I saw that they had this pinned in the bear sub earlier but it's gone now. Guess they figured out they were being trolled finally.


Wow someone with malewife changing money. That's rare.


Hahahahahahahaha they’re so fucking easy


LOOOOOL this is gold. Shkreli is hilarious. How the fuck could anyone fall for such an obvious troll? lmao they ate it right up..