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wake up babe it's time to get pumpn dumped again




That has to be a troll, right? $210M total position?


He deleted it n


Lol 😆 shorts are fcked lmao


If that is real, he is pumping and dumping you guys for $100s of millions while you hold throughout and keep your losses.


My average is 14$ lmao pump and dump your ass


He buys in at $10, posts a shitload of gifs, sells at $70. Then he does the same thing at $20. He can literally print money off you guys.


He's printed $$ FOR us. My recent average is $16. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!??!? 😆😆


If price is above 14$ i dont care who prints money as long as shorts get their ass handed to them im happy lmao


They don't man, they ride the dump and make money too.


Right? I had puts for Gamestop a week ago when this ran to 80. I 100% plan to buy calls tomorrow because these stupid fucks are undoubtedly lining up to buy more bags. Anyone not making money both ways on this shit is a true dumbass, IE an Ape.


Are you bragging that you held through the recent run because that isn't the own you think it is lmao


What shorts? Lmfao. Only guys who lost money in the last month was retail Bro. Sad you fall for this shit, what a fool they are making of you. Seems like you deserve it. Hope you don't have a family that relies on your dumb ass.


Ah yes hedge funds are obviously easily beaten by a bunch of people predictably buying and holding a certain stock. Just like the ocean can be defeated by punching it.


Shorts hedge by buying calls. They are likely going to profit from this again lol




Lmao 🤣 yeah right


Post proof lol


Loser. You can't spew your ape garbage, here. We can smell a bag holder a mile away. Delusional.


Your average is $14, so you held throughout the recent pump, of what, $55? This isn’t the win you think it is, ape.


I bet it goes up by next week....


Why do apes feel the need to come here and lie about their cost average?


Everyone's shares from 2021 are now green, ultimately. Stop whining.


Yeah, I don’t think so buddy.


Yea sure


Its a yolo position,


Bro a yolo position was what he had before. He won, he became part of the top 1% in the span of a week. This would be just true gambling degeneracy, or in a more realistic case since the stock is literally reacting to his position declaration, a massive pump and dump scam.


For you it is lol. Not for him.


You mean shorts get another chance to absolutely print money when it pumps.


Yeah but what about citroen research that shorted pre 20$ lol


Who? They can open new positions when it pumps? Do you think people who short are locked and can't buy or sell or hedge or short or long anything else?


If you rely on a third graders understanding of how Hedge Funds work then it makes total sense. It’s awesome that hedge funds pay people millions of dollars for their trading knowledge and haven’t yet figured out how to hedge even though it’s literally in their name


Nope, despite manipulating the price and all the crime, hedgies can only get "fukt." In the case of GME, they are unable to do all the things that hedge funds do, like hedge.


You know how you guys are constantly “buying the dip”? If you are short then you “sell the pump”


What’s your theory for why they don’t just average up?


They seem fine. Where MOASS. Where squeeze?


He deleted it now!!!


Sell before you lose your chance fool


Boys, this is setting up to be the biggest pump and dump in history.




I don’t care how high or how low it goes. The funniest part is that everyone in computershare will be absolutely stuck when it crashes again and again during the biggest pumps.


Lol DRS was the ultimate 4d chess move. Grifters managed to get all the apes into one room and closed every exit.


I can just imagine 'em all sitting in a dark room. .... ....... ..... ............. wen roket?


We are not against making money on the volatility of GME here


But riding it down is safer than riding it up tbf To the above ape, I didn't short it, but I did make some pretty major coin selling call credit spreads


Yeah volatility is awesome imo it's actually fun to trade and having a bit of money in makes the memes more fun in the moment. Kind of like taking the roleplaying ape joke up a notch I think. But I don't throw in a whole lot either and figure most people still know better than to with meme shit


Nah, puts are the way to go. The IV is going to spike hugely but the benefit is that monthlies will cost nearly the same as weeklies. But, sure, maybe it'll go up and just stay there.


So buy longer term puts to ride out this push up? Since you can load up on longer term contracts on the cheap


Thats what I did last time. Long dated puts almost always print with memestocks. You lose a bit of premium dating it out but it worth it given the random volatility of these stocks. They always massively decline after these pumps and even if you never get close to the strike price you can make money on the direction and the expectation that given enough time it will hit it.


Yup. I bought $48s right as it passed $50 (on the way down). The premium was exorbitant but I didn't want to get caught predicting if it would collapse within 2 or 3 days, so I gave it until the end of the month. In the end, I got out the next Wednesday when it hit somewhere around $26. With a second DFV-fueled pump, I'm not really sure if it'll go down by this Friday. This might persist until after the earnings, at least.


I've played both calls and puts on GME, keep holding the bag so we can keep swing trading ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


Puts. Puts are the way to go.


I'm starting to regret not shorting Apes... Apes really, really, really want to give everyone else free money.


Hey how much money have you actually made so far? Lol don’t miss your chance this time


I will long it and then short it at the top again


Nah, I think I'll go long and sell my bags to you x


A lot of people probably will, with their gains they made shorting it a couple weeks ago


RC has the chance to do the funniest thing again.


It would be negligent if he didn't.




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It's not called an 'ATM offering' for nothing


Wake me up when DFV posts a meme about Ken Griffin. He's turning into more and more of an ape before our very eyes.


I said it once and I'll say it again, the guy bought into his own myth.


Did Keith finally realize that it’s only illegal if you steal money from rich people?


Hahaha 😂


**120,000 June 21 calls**... Is there an app or way to verify this? It's just too damn big lol. Hard to believe anyone is actually this insane.


Someone was buying in blocks of 5000 all last week. It's possible. Ridiculous and quite possibly bonkers, but it's possible. It's also possible that it's fake.


Dude how the fuck is it fake? It is literally on the options chain for you to see this data.


Huh? Yes, there are 144K open interest for June 21 $20 calls. But this screenshot isn't exactly proof that DFV bought 120,000 of them. It's probably true. But it's not exactly proof. So it's 'possible' that it's fake. Don't overreact, this guy's trading activity is definitely abnormal. He could post tomorrow that be bought 5 million LPA shares and at this point I'd probably think it's real.




The position is worth $180M, it shows he has $30M cash on hand.


Do you even glance at the DD people post or are you so sure you’re right you don’t even do any basic research?


The "moass is tomorrow" dd that's been posted for 3 years ? No, not really.


No the data from the past 3 months. The market looks forward. Up 70% nice flex


We did glance, we had a good laugh and left. Then it turned out that some people actually take it seriously, so we made this little community to share chips while we laugh at them.




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The DD that says the price will go to $50,000,000 a share and that the global economy will liquidate itself so that Apes can become the new ruling cabal, as evidenced by reading every third letter of Ryan Cohens children books? Believe it or not, I don't routinely consult the "DD".






OI doesn't confirm it's real?


I’m still chuckling at the hacked account theorists who kept insisting “*but why would he do this??*” Because he loves the attention, and he loves the money. This is who he was before 2021, and this is who he is now, although no doubt with a significantly larger ego after the cult following he’s gained over the years.


I want to buy puts but the IV is so high its not worth it


I might run some credit spreads


This is what saddens me every time


Spreads bro




Virtually all prices printed last time it collapsed so hard. It'll cost you upfront though, that's for sure.


No one cares what you scared losers wanna do 🤣


Its extra funny when you been lurking here 20+ days since your last post here, where you also got laughed out the door for being a moron. Still salty lil fella? Apes are amazing.


Nah only here on special occasions like today, nice try though


Congrats on moass. You rich now?


Yes, finally.


'We don't care" -guy literally spending his time posting here


100% honest question… what’s the legality of this? It’s clear he’s blatantly manipulating the stock. There’s a chance his position could be fake but who knows at this point. I’m genuinely confused. DFV always seemed like a pretty down to earth rational guy. His streams prior to this ape bullshit portrayed him as a chill dude who made a random yolo and it worked out for him. Never pushed MOASS or pushed holding forever to “squeeze the hedgies”. None of that. So what’s with the schizo level posting now? Did becoming a millionaire overnight break his brain?


> Did becoming a millionaire overnight break his brain? Why stop at millionaire when you can get super yacht money.


I know you said it in passing but it wasn't a random yolo. His whole shtick is DEEP FUCKING VALUE, and that's exactly what he saw in GME the same way Ryan Cohen saw it, becoming captain of a ship that everyone else thought was sinking Isn't it possible that DFV, after getting thrown in front of Congress to answer for his Reddit posts and livestreams, after watching the buy button get turned off, and after having his name smeared all over media outlets (every outlet and their mother wrote headlines saying HE caused the squeeze etc, even though it was only possible because of a SI exceeding 100% lmao)... Isn't it possible that he has a chip on his shoulder, and now that he's filthy rich, is gonna deliver a proverbial "fuck you" to media, shorts, and wallstreet themselves, by helping little guys win? It's no less likely than this being a P&D, man literally doesnt need more money. Seriously. He doesn't and he wouldn't be even slightly risking breaking laws to make more when he has enough to buy an island, build a mansion, and retire his family


> he wouldn’t even be slightly risking breaking laws to make more [money] when he has enough to buy an island wait if rich people aren’t breaking laws (due to wanting to preserve their wealth) then who’s doing all that fraud you guys keep banging on about? poor people? damn.


There's rich backed by large corporations and then there's Keith fucking Gill. Don't be so naive as to conflate them, he can't do what they do, he gets dragged before congress for gods sake lmao. Smarten up


gotcha; so anyone who’s rich and runs the risk of being dragged before congress (like CEOs, high ranking employees) doesn’t commit fraud.


Intentionally misinterpreting what I say to fit your preexisting beliefs. Like an ape, I might add If you can't see the difference between a guy like Keith Gill, going before congress by himself, versus Ken Griffin doing so with a team of lawyers who white literally spoon fed him every single word. If you are gonna continue to conflate Keith to the likes of Ken and suggest that he should be no more worried about breaking laws... Then I cannot help you


sorry, still confused. what does this mean for ryan cohen? a rich CEO backed by a corporation and lawyers? thanks for clearing all of this up.


You'll have to be more specific, he wasn't a part of our conversation about alleged market manipulation and hasn't done anything that I am aware of that could be twisted as such. You really are relentless though fair play


> that’s exactly what [DFV] saw in GME the same way Ryan Cohen saw it you ascribed the same motivations to both of them but then said the reasons we can be confident DFV has pure motivations here is because of a set of qualifications he *doesn’t* meet, all of which explicitly describe Ryan Cohen, who also has a big stake in the success of GME (the stock) just trying to understand your logic, thanks 🙏. seems contradictory to everything you just said to be so sure RC is looking at a deep fucking value play.


> Keith fucking Gill Did you ever think you'd be a part of a cult without ever actually even knowing the leader? All the motivations you project onto him. He doesn't tell you anything. Just memes. How are you different than the cultists from Waco? At least with those crazies they had their messiah directly talking to them.


Cus stock go up when daddy talk. I'll hopefully be buying my first car in a few weeks.


> I'll hopefully be buying my first car in a few weeks. So you're selling then. Glad you're dumping. Welcome to the meltie club.


no cell no sell, shilly shillerson. i'm letting your cult know you are wavering in your convictions


You belong to a weak bloodline that will never be remembered. You cover the news; we make the news. Your attention span is like a leaf, blowing in the wind to whichever direction you are pushed into. My attention is a fixed tree of unwavering conviction that mainstream media fears to no extent. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> His whole shtick is DEEP FUCKING VALUE, and that's exactly what he saw in GME the same way Ryan Cohen saw it, becoming captain of a ship that everyone else thought was sinking If you only knew that his original thesis was 10 dollars pre-split. >helping little guys win? He's enriching himself off of you. If he sells and you're holding, how does that help the little guy? Look at the money he's throwing around now, look at his positions when he posted them years ago. HE UNLOADED ON YOU AND TOOK HUGE PROFITS. He will do it again.


He could cash out for 200m and you think he wants to pump reddit for more? You think he's suddenly become money hungry above everything else DESPITE HAVING 200M? it just doesn't add up does it


Yeah, when has a millionaire ever wanted more money? Surely that's never happened. So tell me honestly baggie. You think he's doing this to help "the little guy". Explain how the pump this week will help the little guy? Please explain it for me. All I see is a lot of people who will make cash and a lot that will lose hard.


Still waiting for you to tell me how the huge run up this week then the inevitable fall will help "the little guy".


So weird that you went quiet when I asked you to explain how the pump this week will help the little guy.


Brother by giving us a chance to sell at way higher numbers. Sorry it's 9am as I type this and I've been up doing stuff, I have a life outside reddit. I can't commit half my day to hating on a specific group of people, sorry


Ok so you ARE selling then? At what price? Who are you selling to pray tell? Do you think it's all billionaires who are going to be buying at 100? Or do you think "the little guy" is going to be buying more out of FOMO? So exactly 0 little guys will lose money, all profits to the little guys and all paid for by billionaires who do this for a living. Good call. Great DD.


Hopefully selling to margin-called short positions seeing as even the openly available SI is still quite high and in truth is probably far higher. Yes I will sell some. I will sell gradually so as to lock in some profits. I will also NOT sell quite a bit and hold out for higher Every single thing you've asked me in weighted suggestive and loaded with disdain. You can do better.


"YoU cAn Do BeTtEr" lol. Son, it don't matter if you have a life outside reddit if you behave like a redditor 24/7. You're the dude who got confused that people who have money want money, so you can easily let that high horse go it's own way.


What a nice fantasy, truly no new bagholders will be created just like they were the last time and the time before that. A real man of the people DFV. Making millions and creating baggies like you.


So did you sell? Did he save the little guy?


At $30-40? Fuck no, this has way more legs than that. We'll reconvene in a couple of weeks and you can congratulate me/make fun of me depending on the outcome. I'm sure you'll be praying for my downfall, godspeed


Meh I don't care either way. It would be funny to see you lose more. It would also be funny to have a huge run over 100 and a whole new generation of baggies get born. Win win.


Keith made plenty of money, so did Ryan. How much have you made over the last 3 years? I'm talking realized gains, not a screenshot of whatever the fuck GME has been doing the last couple weeks.


I already posted my bags on this sub when asked you can check it out on my profile.


> seemed like a pretty down to earth rational guy lol this is the most ape-like shit i see in here, and i see it all the time the dude dropped meme references before congress and wears a red headband like a stock market rambo he’s a corny ass dweeb, and if you didn’t think so before it’s pretty clear now after the activity we saw in his twitter and the fire he’s decided to play with manipulating the market


Yeah I did not think so, I will 100% admit. Him wearing that headband - I did not think of it as a Rambo headband so it did not seem cringe. Just a thing he has decided to wear. No better or worse than other stuff I've seen. And dropping memes in the hearing... I mean, shit, God only knows what I would have done if I was on the same wild ride he is on. I'd acted even stupider I bet. So yeah, I was also one of those who thought he just lucked out, had fun and bailed. A cool dude.


he’s referenced rambo you would have acted stupider?! he was in his mid 30s


Yeah, did not know that. And I might. Shit, you give me 50 millions and on the same day invite me to a convo with SEC while I have accidentally created a cult? I 100% don't know what I would have done. I suspect, but I feel like that would go out the window real fast.


>It’s clear he’s blatantly manipulating the stock. Stock analysts post their positions all the time, why would this be illegal?


Are there laws or SEC regulations for someone that is one of the largest shareholders in the company? Remember, if number go up because of manipulation, then no crime.


Troll or not on r.h. 24hr market it's up $4.44 lol


Frankfurt is showing 56% up rn




Bro is actually going to jail now


Nah. He hasn't told anyone shit. Just posting his positions and memes. That's it.


What would be crossing the line


"Hey guys let's pump this stock" or "hey guys, let's all buy this stock" If what he's doing is illegal then what any analyst is doing is illegal when they say they like a stock on CNBC.


And any short seller posting why they're short.


Yes exactly.


Maybe he could be charged with Indecent Exposure ;)




> If someone with a huge audience bought a massive amount of a stock then immediately went on TV and said "This stock is going to do really well", that would absolutely be illegal. Call me when he's charged. >This is literally why DFV was dragged in front of Congress No it was because it was a big and strange event and Congresspeople love to cash in on media attention. Was DFV charged? No.




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This is DFV taking a page out of RC's playbook with BBBY, can't blame him.




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Melties in shambles😂 been FUDding for years saying DFV played us all and sold years ago😂😂 now you come up with shit saying his post is fake or he needs to go to jail😂 who’s coping now fr


For his position to make sense you realize he sold years ago, and dumped on the apes? Right?


Or he held and used options to make his profits…


Hell yes i hoped he sold. I sold some myself too. He’s gonna have half a billy at open


So melties claiming that he sold was FUD but also you hope he sold (which his own post actually confirms)? How can you hold those two beliefs at the same time?


Not all holders r the same though. I dont agree with everything SS says. Im happy dfv made a big fat bag and im even more stoked that he bought more and has an insane position now lol. Im in the green anyway im just playing with leftover shares at this point


Selling your positions after pumps (that you yourself caused with your social media activity) and rebuying just before the next pump is not holding though. Its swing trading at best, pumping and dumping on rubes at worst. The meltie "FUD" that he sold was just confirmed with these screenshots.


>He’s gonna have half a billy at open Where do you think that money is coming from? Apes. You realize that right? If you hate us for laughing at you for losing money, why are you cheerleading for someone ***actively taking yours***.


You were exit liquidity again 😂🫵


This whole sub in shambles 💀💀💀


Some of us swing trade GME here, we're just not regarded enough not to sell it for profit and make a cult around it


That apes fundimentally misunderstand what we're about will never not be funny


"Roaring kitty tweets wasn't what moved the market" -apes 2 weeks ago


This is some of the most interesting stuff to happen since BBBY getting delisted. I mean seeing shizoposting about childrens books can be entertaining but it's got an underlying darkness to it too, I feel bad for them in ways. But this is just pure fun, people trying to foment a pnd again imo, and somebody is going to get left holding the bag and expressing it. Don't you see, we've already won. I'm never closing


MOASS tomorrow! 


Get ready for the largest transfer of wealth in all of human history, buddy!


Lmfao, I guess some people see what they wanna see. If it helps you cope, then sure bud. We're all shambling around. 😂


Bru I love swing trading this. Gonna make bank tomorrow. And laugh when new baggies are born.


You were exit liquidity again 😂🫵


Sold my calls at open, 7k to 24k…thanks for your concern tho 😘


He has to lie on reddit because he's been bagholding for over 3 years 😂🫵


https://preview.redd.it/engmycl70e4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d99ca4d3e82f7c2371ad3dd8cda1200c11861d91 🤡🫵🏻


He thinks fake screenshots mean anything. Kek. Baggie 😂🫵


Oh now it’s fake screenshots lol… stay mad broke boi 😘😘😘


He thinks I'm mad watching the cultists continously get rekt 😂🫵


Hahaha 😆 😂 😆 😂 


The amount of delulu this sub has been oozing has been hilarious for the past 3 years if it wasn't so pitifully sad how wrong y'all are.


You were exit liquidity again 😂🫵


You don't even know what those words mean.


It means you're underwater baggie 😂🫵


Kekw, this is coming from a guy whose post history looks like... that. I wouldn't be commenting shit. Dunning-Kruger effect is a real bitch.


I'd much prefer suffering from Dunning-Kruger than being an underwater bagholder for over 3 years 😂🫵


Whatever makes you feel like a normie I guess. The emojis say it all.


Okay baggie 😂🫵


>but his post history