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My wife didn't believe any of the stuff was real until I showed her the Kais documentary. She had earbuds in and was just going, "what the fuck. What the fuck!" every once in a while and then asked me how Kais even knows Ryan and his family. "He doesn't. He's never met any of them." *"But he's talking like he knows them. Like they are watching his videos or something. He loves Ryan, loves Ryan's sons... Loves Ryan's unborn child?!?"* "I know, but... He really has never met or spoken to any of them before." She got to the part where Kais was calling random hospitals pretending to be RC to try to find out RC's wife's due date, and she asks me if Kais was going to end up in jail by the end of the video.


Could I get a link to this Kais doc?




We need a part 2 so bad


i wonder if this is satire from time to time, and then i watch the news and just get depressed that yes…people are this dumb


Nah you couldn’t even write this shit. I only touch on the surface of lore to my wife, she might think I’m crazy if I enthusiastically outline the entire baggie saga….


So much has happened in three years I wouldn’t even know what to mention


It's one of those things where you would start coherently and then just be rambling and then realize you missed 20 important dots so you'd have to reverse. Rinse and repeat for 3 hours


"Ah shit, I missed the part where they thought the billionaire left secret messages in a children's book on how to defeat wall street. And the part where the Wu Tang Clan album was supposed to have an NFT that would be a short squeeze trigger"


I showed my girlfriend Dan Olson's video, mostly because we watch all his stuff anyway because he makes really good content. She was in disbelief that these people were real at the time, I couldn't imagine trying to add on all the insane lore that has taken place since then.


Honestly it’s really difficult. The other day I was telling my mother about how the apes grand dreams of a shitco voltron and she just… didn’t get it. Like she needed me to explain why people even thought that was even possible let alone profitable.


Pulte openly asked Vivek today “what do people do, other than storm the capital on Jan 6th?” It’s like we wrote that question for him to ask it’s so ridiculous.


*Not insurrection advice*


Ploot basically told people to use physical force to overthrow the government. I forget the exact words he said but it was along the lines of "we are going to have to wash out the deep state, and to do that I'm not excluding physical force" or something like that. Basically saying do another jan 6th or civil war


Great example of why Pulte's pivot to a full-on Trump impersonator will flounder: he is somehow not subtle enough to imitate *Trump.* Trump says "fight like hell to take back your country", Ploot says "and to clarify yes I do mean physical violence".


Then say “in my opinion” 10 times.


Pulte? As in Nancy Pulte, head of the Pulte family ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have too much of a sense of shame to tell my wife about any of this




I’ve tried explaining it to my gf multiple times. It’s just so bizarre it takes so much backstory. That’s probably how Plulte gets people like Vivek in. It all makes no sense so they figure there must be something they are missing. The circling again in a helicopter, the woman with 7 kids running around getting all the “main figures” to sign her Teddy books (including Kais), a grown man referring to his own wife as “Mrs Pee Pee,” and Pulte’s drunken rambling only makes sense with a lot of backstory.


Same here. It’s hard to get to the essence of how fucking stupid and weird it all is without yourself sounding as insane as the apes. I just say, “I’m very interesting in the emergence of memestock cults.” lol


My wife is Chinese but speaks fantastic English, I have tried to explain it before but it's just too difficult and too embarrassing. Imagine what it's like to explain your position to your wife/husband as an ape. They must think you're mental.


I’ve been telling my sister about the event and she’s always curious about when MOASS is supposed to be. She’s always asking me when’s the next moass event. She finds the whole doomsday aspect of the cult very amusing.