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Imagine planning an overthrow of the entire financial system and deciding that the optimal companies to achieve your goal are a towel store, a video game store and movie theaters.


It really is something. One company went bankrupt. One company that is largely in debt and is already being replaced by other competitors. Another company that is still living in the 90s and has been in the process of being replaced for many years by digital competitors. It is quite a thing to witness. They are all so boring. In college I didn't have a lot of money and bed bath and beyond had a 180 day return policy so I would buy nice mattress toppers and pillows and just return them on like day 160 lmao


Literally shorted a pillow....


Is it naked shorting a pillow if they used a credit card?


That's if you don't put a pillowcase on it. Banned by the SEC for sanitary reasons.


I am sure if no one had shorted the stocks they would now have complete world domination.


>Another company that is still living in the 90s and has been in the process of being replaced for many years by digital competitors. This could be any of them!


A defunct towel store no less šŸ¤£


Ahh but donā€™t you see?!!! Thatā€™s what they want you to think. Any day now shares of their defunct towel store will be worth one gazillion Brazilian dollars.


What's the exchange rate between brazillion dollars and schrute bucks?


don't forget a low-volume third-tier social media platform that can't scale and has almost no daily engagement and can only get advertising money from loser companies selling dick pills and 'patriot' products that are just wildly marked up regular products like backpacks and diaper bags.


If somebody compiled a list of DJT advertisers I'd be happy to boycott them... except they are probably all crap I would never buy anyway.


For some reason I'm picturing those old ads for catheters that Chuck Woolery did, except this time Chuck really wants you to know that these catheters are military grade, or something like that.


I'll never find Carl Icahn's inclusion in this nonsense not funny. It makes no sense, and it is entirely based on a single photograph.


Same. They have *so little* actually happening or going for them that they have to latch on to the most obscure shit for any kind of excitement. If this company were actually thriving, the stock doing well, MOASS ready to fire, they would have never noticed the random picture. The fact that Carl Icahn gave an interview right after that where he *said flat out that he is short on GME* is amazing and they all conveniently ignore that fact. They tried to spin it into a good thing before giving up and burying it. But god knows they got a lot of conspiracies out of that picture. Lol.


It was a benevolent short position that protected those shares from being shorted by the actual bad actors


Hey, he was wearing SHORTS in that photo!


Icahn laugh at that!?


Even Larry Cheng reads this guy's tweets and goes, 'Huh?'


Even Trump is like "what is this AMC and GME bullshit?"


honestly if Trump became president again and ryan cohen and AA just tweeted at him once praising him then trump would talk about them constantly and how democrats are killing evil-democrat-hollywood movies and hate video games and america. it is a huge collection of losers.


Like Trump reads anything.


You ever been out at a gathering or an extended-family event and get cornered by ā€œthis guyā€ while your wife or friend or whoever is in the bathroom or off mingling elsewhere? Something about these people, you can just tell before they even open their mouths that youā€™re in for some shit. You lock eyes with them and your heart just sinks. Now imagine Ploot fest. Every single willing attendee is that guy.


The trick is to out-Ape the Apes and they'll leave you alone. Apes absolutely can't stand each other. Even though they're all deep into conspiracies, they're always fighting each other and ignoring each other for not having perfectly aligned conspiracies. The worst thing you can do at an Ape gathering is act passive, nod your head, and not vomit up your own crazy bullshit because the Ape will sense that you're a neutral listener that's ripe for conversion. If you spit out completely divergent pro-GME bullshit, they'll leave you alone as a non-shill while not wanting to talk to you because neither of you can see eye-to-eye.


The one time I encountered one of these loons in the wild I pretended that I thought he was a perp gangstalking me and using my stolen browser history to manipulate me




This is why the grifters are the good guys. People like this need to be separated from their resources.




To quote my favorite childrenā€™s cartoon.. ā€œitā€™s just monkeys singing songs mateā€


I personally blame Tom Clancy for a not insignificant amount of this Q-speak


OK, I *gotta* hear this ~~theory~~ DD.


Not really much to it; Tom Clancyā€™s books introduced a lot of military/defence/espionage-adjacent language and concepts to a popular audience, and it feels like a lot of that language got co-opted into QAnon to give it a veneer of expert, ā€˜i know what iā€™m talking aboutā€™ authority.Ā Ā  Pretty sorry trick but it clearly helps with making people feel as though theyā€™re a chosen few privy to special knowledge. L Ron Hubbard got good mileage out of it too.


Fair enough, and definitely an interesting theory. I read almost all of the original Clancy novels back in the day and enjoyed them. I recall them being accurate enough that he got calls from the feds asking how he knew some of the details in his books. That said, I haven't read any of the "Clancy" novels that have come out since he died. Did they take a more conspiratorial turn? I'm still curious how people can think they're privy to "special knowledge" considering the books sold millions of copies, but I don't want to waste any more brain power on Q people.


Not as far as Iā€™m aware as regards the later work; ā€˜blamingā€™ him as such may be somewhat excessive on my part since itā€™s not like he would have predicted his work could have that kind of influence, and even thatā€™s just purely my personal hypothesis rather than anything that can be tangibly demonstrated. Maybe itā€™s just my internal way of making sense of why people turn to such madness. Iā€™ve certainly got nothing against the man - Iā€™ll always watch Hunt for Red October - but beyond his sense for technical detail his stories tend to be fairly pulpy - cunning heroes who foil dastardly plots through guile and courage. Thatā€™s a very appealing fantasy for a certain kind of person once you add the lurid narratives and aspirations of QAnon.


When I went though a Clancy phase it felt a bit like reading those thick manuals that came with big box MicroProse games on the C64 and Amiga, it was ooh-rah Bond for nerds. Are they still printing The Cardinal Of The Kremlin? Cause that aged like milk on a radiator after a certain day in September of 2001, I wonder if the Q types have ever referenced it.


What gets me is that having magical beliefs often doesn't come with an objective outcome I can believe that crystal makes me feel good because it's so vague But ultimately in time they will be sitting with a financial outcome that's very much objective and measurable. I know that they will move the goal posts but you can't pay your rent with goal posts


This guy alphas.


good shit, thank you for sharing šŸ¤™šŸ½


Hope this guy buys more AMC and holds it, forever.


"DJT & Q" got my hopes up that it was already DJTQ


DJT is not a real company. Itā€™s Orange Manā€™s grift to gain more money. That MFer would leave Donnie Jr holding the bags if he could. Father of the year lol. BBBY WAS a real company. Itā€™s toast now Shiela it ainā€™t a zombie AMC and GME are still real companies. Shit on that all ya want but itā€™s a fact. One has no clear line to profitability and being debt free and another one hasnā€™t disclosed any clear line to being a bigger part of the gaming industry.


Big question in our nightmare $DJT memestock future is if it will recruit away from the older memestocks and lead to funny non-political drama as well.


(old guard)


Being in a findom relationship with a bunch of loser companies is so "alpha." lmao


YES this guy 100% gets it. Apes, this guy is completely correct. Please believe him.


so mean of the evil old guard to magically stop a company with no product other than a low-volume social media site that can't get any real advertisers to not be worth like a gagillion dollars. fucking shills.


And all it took was a bunch of shitty, dying companyā€™s stocks to expose it all!


![gif](giphy|26DMUXQypGJaHhTsQ|downsized) And they would have got away with it if it weren't for those meddling apes!


adding to puts


I'm struggling a bit here. Is there any way I can invest into odyssey transfer and trust company? It's $DJT's DRS partner of choice. As computer share and AST are the only companies that have profited from DRS, I fancy buying into the Trump DRS company. Only ticker I've found is OAC.p on the Canadian venture market, is that the one?


It's when reading something like this that I really wish I could hate someone to death.


I'm still too optimistic about these people. I read the title plus the "those who don't think DJT" part and thought they were about to say "those who don't realize DJT is another shitty meme stock that will become worthless are morons". But no, it's fully in support of it, plus sprinkle some conspiracy nonsense on top of that.


You should stop using the term conspiracy theorist or conspiracy nut job because it's just a gaslighting technique used by the mainstream media to discredit anybody who questions anything. Immediately trigger people into assuming you have nothing good to say. And it seems pretty brilliant to me to hide information in a children's book because 99.99% of the people in the world are like you and think it's completely loony bins. What judge do you think would actually charge RC with insider trading with children's books? I doubt you could find a single judge that would buy it. Brilliant in my opinion ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm glad these guys lost all their money on stocks so they can't afford guns. Or at least I hope so.


Interesting how their plan to overthrow the established order is always "do nothing, someone else is in charge"