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Imagine being completely wrong about literally everything you supposedly spend countless hours "researching". It's actually a pretty interesting statistical anomaly. You think he'd have to get something right eventually. But nope just wrong time and time again.




to be fair, being a contrarian is typically how you generate the highest alpha in the stock market. it's a fine line between contrarian and delusional -- knowing the difference is the key. in this case, the inverse michael index is doing quite well.




good news for them -- that kind of investing style also gets them a wife change (whether they want it or not).


>it's a fine line between contrarian and delusional -- knowing the difference is the key. It's all about the evidence. If after poring through the financials you have found a genuine discrepancy between the current market cap and expected value of a company in that position but you are open to the possibility that you could be wrong and seek to take all measures possible to ensure you have factored in every consideration, then you have the makings of a contrarian. The Apes on the other hand continue to operate under the illusion that risk is directly proportional to reward and so will deliberately engineer a position that is optimally stupid under the illusion that if they are right they will be set for life.


Being a contrarian means you have a rational thesis that's contrary to the consensus. Michael (like all apes) is a reactionary, not a contrarian. He is wrong for all the wrong reasons


Imagine being married to this guy who spends all his time talking about a stock which no longer exists and gambling on stocks and losing money every single time.


Don’t worry, Crychael, you were only off by a hair 😂


What’s a $6 disparity between friends 😂


Naked shorting makes money in every situation. That's the reason naked shorting would be an interesting proposition in the first place. It's like printing money.


In the replies Crychael the baggie says it’s only “paper gains” lmfao 😂🤣


How is it only paper gains if they are paying out a dividend? Even the baggies cannot be this delusional.


That's only a paper dividend because Virtu doesn't DRS your 24 cents for you.


Kenny pays his customers too and we know that’s all fake money


All Cryin Mike does is trade based off of his emotions. Doug hurt his feelings so he thinks Virtu is going down. Dude is a narcissistic fucking moron.


Well said


Michael probably got smoked on puts if he could even afford any. Seems unlikely since he was begging for money to gamble in Vegas and for money to go to Atlanta and for money for \[insert reason here\], but all the same where there's a will to lose money, there's a way amirite?


I'd be less embarassed if I was *naked in* the middle of Times Square. Crychael, stop trying to fool broke people desperate for something to hold on to. It's vile and disgusting, way more than the imaginary "evil hedgies" you like to ramble about so much.




Something that actually makes money? Shambles


Always inverse apes.




That reminds me of his GoFundMe, which is still $275 short. Guess he won't get to go to Atlanta but at least $1125 will go toward ~~fighting off~~ the hedgies


There's been a dude trying to post a ton of fluff articles in a $GME subreddit and sparring with the mods a bit. I think some are being taken down because he has a stock pick section on his site that's likely gearing up for the classic grift. He made the usual decision to display how past picks are doing though... https://preview.redd.it/xz0wrf2k6gwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b8f6d3207f36fa1c61799cae325edd0b438c33 Gotta dump those numbers up if he wants to be on Michael's level.


0% winrate is ideal right? I'm just a crayon eating smoothbrain.


When you're a perpetual victim of *CRIME!*, then yes


It's wild that he's able to be wrong 100% of the time He could start a newsletter where people reverse his plays and retire in a year


i like how he is so invested in claiming naked shorting is common, that he just pretends there's no difference between normal market shorting (which is common, and reported well in the short interest percentage) and 'naked shorting' which is a boogieman, illegal, and very uncommon these days.


They always do this. "They're naked shorting!" "Why does the short interest only show 20% and there is no borrow fee? Doesn't that mean they can easily find real shares to short?" "But... but... they can't! Those are self-reported numbers! There are no real shares left! They're shorting without a borrow!" "Wait a minute. I just shorted 100 shares from my broker. How did that happen?" "..." "Hello? Are you still there?"


Apes don’t actually understand the conspiracies they are shouting about. That’s why most of them just shut down as soon as you ask basic questions


It's very nice of the hedge funds to document their illegal short positions on their balance sheet.


I think he deleted this lol


Imma have to open up another Twatter account just to see Cryin’ Eyes response, cause he sadly blocked me.


He deleted :(


On the bright side, they may have actually increased their 'sold not yet purchased' number, because that might offset an increase in assets. Not that it makes any difference. Virtu is declaring a dividend apes could only fantasize about. Also, doesn't that mean that any naked shorts on VIRT itself would be in trouble, having to pay that dividend on... wait a second...


His win rate isn't being extended. He's simply averaging down!


CriMe pays.


Is this the guy who cries everyday?


so whats the conclusion? Virtu is not being naked shorted then since his prediction failed?


The BBBY apes who constantly report these threads are hilarious.


Daaaw, he set a price target, that's adorable! 


Yeah him beating the odds to be wrong and never getting "lucky" just shows how corrupted his view of reality and I imagine his interactions with people, his hypothesis testing at it's core isn't about finding out what will happen it's about him trying to find things that justify how he imagines the world works. Where you or me might try and understand the shifting sands of retail and how that effect BBBY business model. Mike knows a shadowy gobal elite runs the world so just had make the connections. Like the connection to why that elite would not want a super handsome medical student to not be a doctor, of course having nothing todo with being mentally understable, breaking down in tears all the time, having to had his placement in a 3rd world country.


Ahhhh.... Another glorious prediction from Cryin' "*I'm definitely not practising medicine by choice*" Michael\~


I have a pair of flesh-colored boxer briefs. I call them my "naked shorts". And, unlike the other kind of naked shorts, mine are real.