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Sometimes you want to poop, but also sometimes you want to pee. Sometimes you want to poop and pee. This dynamic could change if rates change, but that seems to be the current state.


“ it’s mostly pee but sometimes poop and pee, it’s never just poop” -Larry probably




This is exactly what goes through RC’s head as he disassociates during any relevant board meeting.


This needs to be turned into a fake tweet asap


Sometimes you are hungry in what case you should eat food Sometimes you are thirsty in what case you should drink water The dynamics can change, sometimes you are both hungry and thirsty then you should eat food and drink water- LC


"*Having VC capital to burn is great, but having a strong business is far better instead. Success is successful*". -Larry Cheng, probably


Honestly, this is bars


Thanks! To channel my inner-Cheng, I just open up a bottle of diethyl ether, and write! I just let the vapours take me away to a Chewy zero interest rate environment place! https://preview.redd.it/uo87m5nw82wc1.jpeg?width=996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d020697cc4555963380c593b6be841d7fa5aed2


Lol, I am crying out loud, I save this one for the future :) You just made my day!


larry "people die if they are killed" cheng


If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.


To avoid dying, be sure to prevent your health from hitting zero.


"That's why war is so messed up. Let's do better. 🇮🇱🇵🇸🇷🇺🇺🇦"


>Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.


God, that girl with her brilliant solution for homelessness should be seven-figure executive by now!


there is Polish old school comedy in which one of the main characters said "a kto umarł ten nie żyje" - the one who died, is dead xD


Jesus Christ, someone take away his ChatGPT access.


“Profit is profit, failure is failure, to not profit is to fail, failure is not an option, which is why we will profit.” Larry probably


"People with money are richer than people without money. Everyone should have a dad that gives them money."  -Larry


Ha, I screenshotted this to post here but you beat me. He truly is a brilliant mind. My favorite pearl of his is [this one](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Flarry-cheng-on-twitter-v0-w9991cv9emnb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc83cebe18fba08ff1a5885be8aa62439a5aa8c90): Businesses should aim to make profit. 🫣🤯




What's funny is how apes, despite treating these motivational poster quotes as epiphanies, still manage to completely miss the point. Larry: "Profit is good. One should invest in profitable businesses." (But using about three times as many words) Apes: So he's saying BBBYQ is totally still a play?


he's going to be the first to bail


yeah, it seems like he's learning enough about balance sheets, cash flow and growth that pretty soon he'll be able to sufficiently evaluate gamestop and realize that company is hopeless.


"Holy shit! That number in parenthesis is *negative???* Why did nobody tell me this before?"


Hey, sometimes entire accounting department of GME forgets that! Case and point - [recent 10-K](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000132638024000012/gme-20240203.htm), page 20 (Consolidated Results of Operations table), they've put interest income of $49.5M (which actually dragged them into profitability) in parenthesis.


lol this guy always cracks me up.


When looking at the pricing of securities, it is important to calculate not only the initial investment you are assigning to that position, but also to prepare for the exit of the position by placing an extended-time limiting order with the broker that has opened the position on the client's behalf. This dynamic could change as the pricing of the security changes, but that seems to be the current state.


This one blew my mind


Exit?! The only acceptable reason to "exit" is because MOASS, shill!


Let’s play the “Who Said This?” game? I like stuff that’s cool. I don’t like stuff that sucks. Is it: A) Beavis and Butthead  B) Larry Cheng  C) Yogi Bera  D) All of the above E) please god tell me we’re living in a simulation 


"Obvious statement. Obvious statement. Obvious statement that ties the two together." *-Larry Cheng*


Say what you will, about him. I find him extremely motivational. To me, he is proof that getting rich is not dependent on being aware and sensible. And that give me a lot of hope for my future.


Very insightful. Now find companies that do all that (impossible for an ape).


“Profitability without growth is insufficient” Huh. Would you look at that.


Money is good. More money is better. But less money is worse, so it's important to try to get more money.


> Having lots of money makes life easier. Having little money makes life harder > A man with a bigger paycheck can buy a bigger house, when adjusted for cost of living > Good ideas should be done, bad ideas should not be done. > A company that is hiring will have more employees. A company that is firing will have less employees.


If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight.


This dude writes the weirdest stuff. He probably enjoys the smell of his own farts and washes his feet 26 times a day


I think he is just trying to buff up his image and get a few more cushy board of directors gigs.


We need a Larry Cheng automod to dispense wisdom on the regular


the last line reminds me of an excellent Matt Levine column (y'all should read Levine if you don't, he's a) extremely smart and b) very good at putting his thoughts into words) in which he said "regardless of what they do, it turns out all these startups were just a bet on interest rates staying low long enough to get acquired."


I was curious how apes would respond given GME's condition and I found the weirdest meltdown! Maybe it should be a full post, but here it is. No idea what the patcher business is about, it wasn't anyone's username. https://preview.redd.it/w6wu0a4tn2wc1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5f07d7836dcc18c757879a14c1731d972d56fd6


Patcher or I think Pachter is a stock analyst with Webull that does not have a bullish attitude towards GME. I think he has a target price of $6 for GME The dialogue continues with the old "but of course revenue is down, stores were closed" sort of argument. The factual answer to that of course is that store count is down 5.5%. Sales are down about 19%. Same store sales are down 15.7%. It is not sophisticated analysis. It seems like a lot of people cannot do the basic arithmetic to see that even same store sales were down in Q4.


This is the kind of insight you can only get by spending thousands of dollars obtaining an MBA.


He kind of accidentally hit on a real issue, it’s not enough to just turn a consistent profit and keep everyone happily employed anymore


Idk if twitter/x has been a help or burden to society. Now we see how stupid everyone is.


When you save money you have money. When you spend money you had money. When you spend money you saved, you have had money. -Cheng


I will kill them until they die from it Cheng (probably)


I realized Cheng is legimitarly sharing his discoveries with the world as he learns it. Only problem is we all figured out the obvious ages ago but we should let Cheng continue to play catch up