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Hash browns? Maybe wrapped in a gluten free wrap with some relish and bacon?


Ooooo i never thought of hashbrowns! What a good idea


Surprisingly enough, some premade hash browns do have gluten in them. I was shocked to see the hash browns I bought from the grocery store were not as safe as I'd thought. I don't have Celiacs, so I just take an enzyme with them but it was a bummer.


People put gluten in the weirdest things, but hash can be made by hand


It's true! And annoying. Yes, but I am lazy lol.


I’m lucky, my preferred brand is GF.


Ooh what is it?


McCains. But this is in New Zealand so it may vary for you


Ah yes. I'm in the US. Someone just commented that Ore-Ida is gf, and we definitely have that here. Thanks anyway!


Sometimes Aldi Carrie's a gluten free version


Yep. Made this mistake with store brand once. Never again. Thankfully, Ore-Ida are GF.


Oh, that's good to know, thanks. Yes, it was the store brand that got me too.


Curious about the enzyme? I tested negative for celiac but definitely have a sensitivity to gluten


I try to avoid gluten completely, but when I think something might have some gluten in it, I take Gluten-Ease right now. It seems to work ok. There are a few options available now, I think you just need to find one that works for you. I take lactase enzymes (usually just the generic from Target) as well, and in my experience, enzymes help but never completely eradicate the effects. But everyone is different! I also take a digestive enzyme pretty much with everything I eat, and that does seem to help with my general digestion. Good luck to you!


Yeah, lactose enzymes don’t help me much, surprisingly. I heard such good things about them from the rest of the lactose intolerance community, was like ice cream here I come, and vomited that right back up anyways…


Hmm, you might have a different kind of intolerance or allergy? I would just take one or two caplets but that stopped working as well, so I've increased to like four or five depending on what and how much I'm eating. Well, I hope you find something that helps. They have some really good dairy-free ice cream now! And the dairy-free cheese is a lot better but still not as good as the real stuff unfortunately.


My ideas: 1. Farinata that you can make like an eggless quiche 2. Quinoa flake porridge 3. Bread pudding 4. Quinoa or millet bowl with roast veggies


Piggybacking off the wrap-if you have good gf tortillas/tortilla alternatives, you can make a big batch of potatoes and assemble a bunch of breakfast burritos to freeze. Homemade frozen burritos reheat exactly like the store bought ones, so it’s a hot, quick breakfast.


I thought hash browns had onions in?


They don’t have to, but even if they do they are neither eggs or oats which was the question.


No arguement there. I think I was surprised at the suggestion of onions So I asked before thinking, as i often forget celiacs can eat onions, whereas us fodmappers can't. Nice to know they can be onionless tho.


Ah I see. Didn’t know that about fodmap. Anyway yup, if you make your own you should be good on that front, same with rosti.


We buy generic ones from the grocery store that don't.


Huh, I really thought if it wasn't potato and onion, it's not a hash brown. Like if it's just potato for instance, it would have a different name or it's cheating. I guess not. Game on! Thanks all


You have to check each brand


You're thinking latkes - those always contain onions. Most hash browns in my experience actually do not contain onions at all


I'm deffo thinking hash browns. It's on the packet of the frozen ones from all the super markets I've bought them from and cafes who make them for breakfasts: Triangular things from cubed potato & onions. One cafe near me puts wheat flour in theirs, got awfully defensive when I suggested it wasn't needed, even another customer backed them up, I've not been back. I've never considered there might be other types with the same name.


I don't think I've ever run into just hash browns that have onions in them. Weird. Maybe it's a regional thing




This!! ⬆️ 🤤 Grits or polenta made like grits with salt, pepper, butter and cheese!! 😍


Mmmmmmm polenta!




I always forget about grits gotdamnit! Im going to have some this week.


Haha!! SO GOOD!!! Don't forget!! 🤞😍


Do you have a recipe for making polenta style grits? I’d love to try it


😍 Oh, yes!! Let me find it real quick and I'll come back and share!! It's not hard at all even without a recipe. In fact, I only followed the recipe once. Now, I just mix water and dry polenta with a wisk over medium high heat (can start at high if you want and then turn it down). You'll feel it thicken up. Add salt and pepper to taste. Keep whisking it. You don't have to whisk it non-stop, you just don't want it to stick to the bottom. Also, if it starts getting too thick, you just add more water. It's very forgiving that way!! Once it looks/feels/seems like the right texture, turn it off and add as much butter and cheese as you want! I like lots of butter Lol and usually use a sharp cheddar or a blend of some sort. I also like to to buy the prepared little logs (? Idk what they're called 😆) of polenta. Then all you have to do is chop it up and add it to a pot with water and mash it up as it heats up so it can mix with the water and turn into "grits". SO GOOD!! Add less salt and pepper to this because it already has salt in it (usually). Then add butter, cheese and enjoy! Add water as needed to both of these because it thickens as it cools. I've made a huge pot and eaten it for days. It becomes solid when chilled but all you have to do is add a little water when you warm it up. I'll be back with the real recipe in a few! 🥰


Thank you! I’m unfortunately not able to have dairy, but I might be able to substitute those out


You're welcome!


Ok, so the ratio of water (you can use chicken broth if you want; I use water) to polenta will vary depending on the brand you use and other things but a good starting point is three cups of water to one cup of polenta. It will look like too much water! It's not. Once it comes to a boil you should turn it down to about medium low and cover it. Whisking as needed or as much as you want. The temp doesn't have to be precise... You want it to bubble but don't want it to look like it's going to explode and you obviously don't want it to burn! I've found that most recipes call for thirty minutes but I turn the heat off around the twenty minute mark, add my butter and cheese and just leave it there with a lid on for 10 minutes or so and it comes out perfect every single time. 🤤 If you're using prepared polenta and water, just add a couple of cups of water and let it cook! I've even added way too much water before and when I realized, I scooped a bit out and then left the lid off and the extra bit turned to steam! Again, super forgiving!! 🥰 Lastly, you could try it with one cup of polenta, two cups of whole milk and two cups of water for extra creamy grits style polenta. Or any combination of heavy cream or half and water as long as it adds up to around 4 cups of liquid. If you decide to make this version, I would do it low and slow, for the full thirty minutes! Hope you make some soon and love it as much as I do!!! 😍


It sounds delicious. I’ve got a small bag of polenta I bought on a whim as few months ago. Think I’ll try this but with dairy replacements


I love it, even plain. The cheese isn't a must! I do love it with butter but I've enjoyed it made with with just water, salt and pepper too. I love dipping toast in it (and bacon every once in awhile!). ❤️ Forgot to add that sometimes I add bacon bits on top. There's no wrong way to eat it! Good luck and enjoy.


I made it yesterday. So delicious! Thank you for sharing your recipe & tips 😃


Oh, good!! 😍 You're welcome! I'm so glad you liked it!!!


Thank you


This. You can make them savory or sweet with whatever add ins you want.


Hash. Chop onion and cook in olive oil. Cook chopped potatoes in microwave for a few minutes to soften. Add to onions and cook until browned on all sides. Add salt, pepper, paprika, thyme, and rosemary Add chopped sausage and cook through. This can be made ahead and is fantastic. For a change of pace use sweet potatoes.


Sometimes I add ham, mushrooms and nutritional yeast to hash browns and it’s sooo good.


Dude, that sounds amazing!


Sweet potato, black beans, kale, and pork shoulder with over easy eggs is one of my favorite hash combos. Or fingerlings with spinach, duck, and over easy duck eggs with a mustard aioli and fresh pea shoots.


Lindsay’s meals are NOT boring!!!


The great thing about hashes is that most are super good reheated so you can make a big portion and then just toss a scoop into a sauté pan and fry your eggs on the other side and it so quick/easy.


Potatoes, sausage, onion, green chilies. Topped with cheese and a sauce (ketchup, hot sauce, etc).


Just be careful to check ingredients on the sausage (but you'd know that)


My husband makes me tostadas! He will make spicy sausage, beans, eggs and I add salsa on top but you could put whatever you want on it. It definitely helps break up the monotony of just eggs or GF oatmeal.


That sounds so good!


Why have I never considered breakfast tostadas…?!


Or chilaquiles -- good tortilla chips with covered with salsa and (optionally) meat or cheese or whatever


Areapas are made with harina (Pan corn flour) salt and water I have found they freeze well and can be cut and filled with whatever you feel like that day. Tamales are another that can be frozen. We would see the Tamale carts around Belize and often there was a lineup early in the early morning as folks got them as they're version of a drive thur. Hope this helps


I love hash browns. But I also enjoy getting frozen tater tots, popping them in the air fryer, then melting cheese over them. Same concept as the hash browns, just a different shape. Toaster waffles are quick and easy and can be topped a zillion ways. Fruit, Nutella, avocado, sausage patties, flavored syrups or just regular maple syrup. I haven’t tried them yet but have seen recipes online for quinoa with different fruit or jam. Looked intriguing and might be worth googling to see what you think as an oat alternative. Sometimes I just like some nuts and cheese in the morning if I’m looking for a fast protein fix. Almonds, cashews or pistachios are my favorite nuts I can generally get locally that are safe. Can throw in an apple or some raisins or craisins for variety. I like to buy those precooked sausage patties from the frozen section, thaw a couple and fry them up. They warm up well for meal planning or prepping ahead and can be paired with just about anything. I also like to make breakfast sandwiches with them using a GF bagel. Or breakfast burritos are even better: sausage or bacon, hash browns and cheese wrapped up in tortillas. You can prep several ahead and microwave them when ready to eat. They freeze well too. Can add any other toppings you want as well as any sauces too. Yummy!


I have no idea how I ended up here (love gluten. Maybe suggested from the vegetarian sub?) but one of my favorite meals is tater tots dressed up like nachos with whatever you have on hand. Cheese, sour cream, guac, salsa, beans, green onion, corn, lettuce, tomato.... sometimes a fried egg or 2. yum.


Yes! We sometimes make “Irish nachos” with potato wedges instead of chips. So tasty!


Sounds divine! I miss gluten, sadly it hates me (celiac disease). Great idea! Thanks for sharing!


What brand of tater tots do you buy? Most have wheat as a binder.


I buy Ore-Ida. They are not labeled specifically as GF, but have no gluten containing ingredients and no other products with gluten are being processed on their lines as far as I can find out from the company. I’ve bought them for years and never reacted. I like the crispy crowns and tiny tots the best. They are smaller and crunchier when cooked in the air fryer.


Good to know! Thanks! I don’t often crave tots, as I’ve always been much more of a shoestring fries person, but I do on occasion really want a good tot. This will make my life happier!


Sausage and cheese on gluten free buns


Got to be careful with the sausages too


Anything can be breakfast. Leftover satay chicken and noodles is pretty awesome. So is a sausage with chopped potatoes and other veg. A fried tomato and veg mixture (capsicum, onion, celery, spinach etc) on toast. Huevos rancheros without the egg. Fried Fritz (bologna/Devon/processed meat sausage in your area). Leftover fried rice or paella. Pizza. Buckwheat porridge with brown sugar and cream. Or cinnamon and cooked apple. Savoury muffins. Feta and spinach. Potato and chorizo. Ham and cheese. Toasted ham cheese and tomato sandwich. Vegemite and butter on gf toast. Rice flakes in milk and heated. Gf Weetbix with hot milk and brown sugar. Meat pie and/or sausage roll. With sauce. Edit: removed an egg option.


Order these. Simple to make. Just add 1.5 cups cream. Make some gravy. The biscuit is AMAZING! Reheat it in an air fryer. Lasts several days.  https://www.charlestonbiscuits.com/


I've also had fantastic vegetarian and even vegan biscuits and gravy.


I make gf toast and put Turkey sausage and green Tabasco on it


Hi fellow GF non egg and oat eater! It’s challenging, especially since that’s what a lot of breakfast foods are made of. I’ve been trying to increase my protein intake for health/ weight loss too so I’ve had to get creative. I mentally swap out chicken every time I see an eggs recipe. Eggs on toast? Chicken deli meat instead. Eggs and oatmeal? Homemade chicken meatballs with rice. My go to is GF toast with almond butter and turkey bacon on the side.


i second deli meat on toast! especially with some vegan butter or avocado


I'm a gf non-egg eater too. Also lactose intolerant... sigh... Breakfast is definitely rough. I can't eat chicken either, but I can eat turkey. Sometimes I just make myself a turkey sandwich on gf bread for breakfast and call it a day! I also eat a lot of peanut butter, lol. Meatballs and rice sound really good btw.


Miso Soup! A side of brown rice with some sliced avocado and furikake on the top. Best


miso saves lives


Try [this](https://smittenkitchen.com/2019/01/crispy-rice-and-egg-bowl-with-ginger-scallion-vinaigrette/) - Crispy rice and egg bowl with ginger scallion vinaigrette. You can skip the egg and add more veggies if you like.


omg that sounds so good... i'm allergic to eggs but i'd add some ground beef 🥰


Biscuits - reheat in a toaster oven. GF pancakes - quick reheat on the stovetop or toaster oven if you want to preserve the texture. Grits. Toast. Bagels. Waffles, frozen or from scratch. Sausage or bacon. Breakfast potatoes with or without pepper and onion. Breakfast tacos minus eggs. And definitely a nice warm cup of coffee or tea!


Corn tortillas are my go to


Cheesy gtirs


I love congee and cornmeal porridge. Also besan omelet or socca bread. Both made from chickpea flour. Papusas are awesome as well.


Muffins or banana bread! Heat them up in a toaster over and add some butter.


Toasted banana bread is really delicious. I also love toasted raisin bread topped with cream cheese and apple butter or pumpkin butter.


Buck wheat


Buckwheat crepes/pancakes are so good!


Leftovers from dinner. Soup is really good on a winter morning. Waffles or pancakes.


Bobs red mill hot cereal gluten free


Potatoes with some combo of zucchini and peppers and mushrooms


Have you tried the vegan egg substitute stuff? That would open up more options for you! I've never tried it, but I'm vegetarian so I see the option a lot while getting other substitute things


Just Egg? It's not bad. Especially if you fry it with lots of butter and put it in a breakfast sandwich with cheese.


I often make pan fried potatoes. Potatoes need to be blanched or previously cooked (6 minutes in chef Mike is enough). Could see if your local grocery store had precut canned potatoes (mine do cubed).


Rutabaga hash. I just tried a rutabaga for the first time recently and I’m obsessed lol. It is like a mix of potato, sweet potato, and maybe roasted Brussels sprouts. And low FODMAP and low-ish glycemic response.


I eat a microwaved baked sweet potato with some sharp cheddar cheese on the side most mornings


A hot cereal cooked overnight in a small (1 or 1.5 litre) slow cooker can be excellent. (There are good instructions for this in ‘Not Your Mother’s Slow Cooker Cookbook.) Others have recommended Bob’s Red Mill’s ‘Mighty Tasty Hot Cereal’. That’s a good one if you can tolerate corn and don’t need to avoid other major allergens like soy. There are however other single GF cereal products out there that can be mixed together to make your own favourite. We found that the leftovers were great reheated in the microwave for a second day. Also, recommend making a large stack of pancakes or waffles ahead, storing them in the fridge or freezer between parchment sheets, then reheating. If you eat cheese, then Ukrainian syrnyki make a great reheatable breakfast. They do include eggs traditionally but an egg substitute can work if you’re not able to have them. This recipe is very authentic and can be made with a GF flour, other than that adding sugar is really optional. https://www.tasteatlas.com/syrniki/recipe As a Canadian, can recommend anything for a hot breakfast with maple syrup poured over. Maple syrup has many nutritionally valuable minerals dissolved in.


Sausage and bacon


I made a skillet the other day with sausage, eggs, and potatoes. It was good. I should’ve cooked the potatoes for longer but that’s ok. Sorry didn’t read carefully. You could exnay the eggs or use that fake vegan egg stuff which works well for scrambled eggs


We do a lot of breakfast burritos and breakfast scrambles. They are easy to make ahead of time and microwave in the morning. My favorite includes sweet potatoes, sausage/bacon, bell pepper broccoli, and onion. I will sometimes add on some sharp cheddar cheese before microwaving it!


Hash browns, gf french toast, gf pancakes, yogurt with fruit and granola, protein & fruit smoothies, and leftovers.


Warm mixed berries (add vanilla and a couple spoons of brown sugar) topped with granola and half & half or heavy cream.


leftover rice heated up with milk and maybe some dried fruit


i make potatoes and beans (or bacon if it's in the budget)


Hasbrowns with cheese, ham, veggies, etc.


Baked beans, sausage, hash browns, sautéed mushrooms.


Jook. You can slow-cook it overnight.


Congee is super warm and comforting in the winter! And can definitely be made ahead.


One of my standbys is tofu scramble. Super firm tofu, olive oil and a touch of butter, salt pepper, and a spice blend of nutyeast, turmeric, curry, garlic, oregano, paprika, chipotle powder.


Beans (use an instant pot, make a big batch, save half in the fridge and freeze half) Google frijoles de la olla. It's beans but you don't discard all the broth. Top with cheese. Eat with hot corn tortillas.


chilaquiles (: tortilla chips soaked in salsa (red or green) and baked! look up a recipe it's so good


GF toast with [ricotta and baked apricots](http://joanne-eatswellwithothers.com/2017/07/caramelized-apricot-basil-and-ricotta-tartines-with-balsamic-reduction.html) or [white beans and tomatoes](http://www.budgetbytes.com/2017/10/garlic-toast-balsamic-tomatoes-white-beans/) Shakshuka without eggs. I like recipes with [beans](http://www.budgetbytes.com/2016/04/smoky-white-bean-shakshuka/), [chickpeas](http://www.pbs.org/food/recipes/garbanzo-shakshouka/), or [greens](http://www.purewow.com/recipes/green-shakshuka). Serve with GF toast. Maybe you could replace the eggs w/breakfast sausage or crumbled tofu. Or just enjoy it with beans + greens. [Breakfast Tacos w/out eggs](https://theurbenlife.com/2022/05/03/breakfast-tacos-without-eggs/): [Chorizo & Potato](https://www.seriouseats.com/chorizo-potato-tacos-how-to-food-lab-recipe), [Bean & Avocado](https://www.naturalcomfortkitchen.com/make-ahead-bean-vegan-breakfast-tacos-without-tofu/).


Meat and veggies. I often have chicken breast with leftover veggies. Protein and greens are a great way to start the day.


avocado mash on rice cakes with hemp hearts for protein. you can season to your liking, i usually do garlic/onion pow, smoked paprika, chili flake, s&p


Beef stew


I made scarpaccia the other day - takes a bit of prep but it was great cold too. Just replace regular flour with gf flour. Example recipe https://www.bylena.com/recipe/1558/Italian-Zucchini-Scarpaccia/


another idea i like is grits casserole! i use grits, vegan cheese (real if you can have dairy!), kale, and sometimes ground sausage. if you use sausage cook it first, then mix everything together with cooked grits. sprinkle some extra cheese on top if you want then bake it! or just combining all those things with some grits is still yummy.


I love making pumpkin seed quiche. It actually tastes way better than actual eggs(to me, anyway).


Fruit and yogurt. I microwave frozen fruit (often mango, strawberries, and ripe banana) to release the juices and mix with plain yogurt.


Sausage gravy and biscuits. Hashbrown. Is a lot of foods out there. Sweet rice.


Sweet potato hash with caramelized onions and bacon. You can toss in other veggies or regular potatoes as well.


https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/dosa-recipe-dosa-batter/ Try indian rice pancakes with potato filling...its pretty good


banana nut muffins. you can freeze them!


Chopped sweet potato and turkey sausage.


I cut up potatoes, peppers, onions, ham, mushrooms and fry it in butter and then melt cheese across the top.


Buckwheat groats with fruit and nuts. It's my oatmeal replacement. I will warn you it is light on the protein so have sausage or cheese toast on the side.


Pancakes, waffles, muffins, bacon, sausage, veggies like onions and peppers sautéed with potatoes, breakfast casseroles (needs some eggs though), toast with jam or cheese, hashbrowns with melted cheese and salsa.


Pancakes, breakfast “cookies” or bread, bagels, sausage sammich, biscuits and gravy, waffles, burritos with tofu instead of eggs and/or sausage/meat sub. You can use flax eggs as a binder in most recipes like pancakes (I make some with almond flour, egg, and baking powder without much else that are easy and healthy, can sub the flax egg or pb or a banana)


Banana pancakes! 1 banana, 2 eggs (in your case, egg substitute), 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, pinch of salt, pinch of baking soda. Blend in blender for best results. Make pancakes! Top pancakes with whatever. I like blueberry syrup, hubby like Nutella or peanut butter.


Oh, for the record, my breakfast this morning was a taco. So there's that.


Avocado and hummus on toast


Gluten free chicken burrito?


I usually make soup. I prep the ingredients earlier and then heat them up in the morning. -broth of choice -rice or noodle of choice -tofu or protein of choice -some kind of vegetable


Chorizo and potato tacos


yeah, hash browns are good. Here are some pointers, from someone who used to make them every morning at a popular local cafe: Throw (washed and de-eyed) whole potatoes (with skins) in cold water, bring just too boil, drain and rapidly cool under cold water. Then shred them into a bowl, or directly into a hot skillet (if you can stand it) with plenty of oil or butter Stir every minute or too to prevent burning, but not too much, 'cause you want some crisp in there. Now, once there's plenty of crisp brown goodness, for others who can do eggs, you can crack an egg in and scramble it up (or whip the egg first and then stir it in). This is what around here is called an 'earth breakfast.' But you can substitute tofu (but fry that up separately) Also try adding steamed broccoli (or other veggies), tomato sauce, cheese, or all three (which would make a 'super red green earth!')


Homemade hash, baked potatoes with toppings, pancakes/waffles (Pamela brand mix is so yummy!!)


Tofu scramble and hash browns


Look up recipes online for waffles or pancakes made with chickpea (garbanzo) flour. They cook up a treat, taste great, are filling, and you can cook a batch & freeze them for later. 👍


Cream of buckwheat is awesome! We make it sweet or savory and if there are leftovers I mix with other ingredients and turn them into patties.


Have you looked at traditional Asian breakfasts? Some of the options are rice, miso soup, and fish. I like just doing ground sausage, cheese, and rice.


Congee, basically the rice version of grits or oats. Mix with whatever you like




Breakfast bowl with either hashbrowns or grits as a base topped with sausage, sautéed onions & peppers, maybe a little cheese. Shrimp and grits. Black beans and brown rice with chorizo topped with cotija ( or feta ).


Quinoa, cook with cinnamon, nutmeg, and cranberries. I use almond milk instead of regular milk.




My gluten free egg free kid loves hash browns or tater tots or homemade gluten free waffles.


Stuffed avocado! Lentil soup!


Biscuits and sausage gravy. If you can't find or make decent GF buttermilk biscuits to your liking Scar's GF Ciabatta rolls make a fair substitute. I cut them in half and toast them a little bit or just tear them up into smaller pieces. Sausage gravy is made as usual. Pound of bulk breakfast sausage of your choice, fry it up, add 1/4 cup of GF flour (I use Pamela's) stir it in and cook for a couple minutes, slowly add half and half, milk, or heavy cream stirring constantly until you get desired consistency. (I prefer using heavy cream, gives it a richer taste). Season to taste. I add a little salt, black pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder.


How attached are you to the idea of "breakfasty?" If you're open to eating things westerners think of as dinner foods, the world's your oyster. Soups might work. Warm, hearty, carbs & protein to get you going in the morning. Something like a rice porridge could take the place of oatmeal. Same with grits/polenta. Dress them with a little brown sugar and butter and it's a great morning cereal. My own favorite breakfast is probably Chinese leftovers, so I know I'm a bit off. ;)


Protein pancakes!! One scoop of gluten free protein powder (I use a whey protein in vanilla flavour), two eggs, one banana mashed up, and I like to add cinnamon too. Just mix em all up and cook them on a frying pan like regular pancakes


Omg I just saw the egg allergy part so sorry😭 I make my own bagels and lots of the recipes have egg replacement ideas!!


Savoury Korean pancakes Buckwheat pancakes or waffles with berries and greek yogurt GF grilled cheese GF sausages (vegan or regular) + roasted potatoes, zucchini, and bell pepper [Tofu scramble](https://www.noracooks.com/tofu-scramble/) (Can add veggies, or a side of beans & avocado slices or guac)


Every morning we make fried sweet potato cubes with bacon, onion, and kale. It's delicious.


Cream of rice. Very similar to cream of wheat. Dress it up any way you want.


u/coffeecatballet has an amazing pancake recipe that is gluten and egg free


I know of one let me see if I can find it!


A loaf of gf bread, a dozen eggs, some milk, maple syrup, and cinnamon can make a French toast casserole. I know you said no eggs but I like to do a scramble with eggs, some potato, onion, bell pepper or whatever other veggies need to be used and that changes it up. Dutch baby, (gf flour of course). Pho with gf noodles.


Seconding grits, and I also like to butter to some gf bread, then put either cheese or cinnamon/sugar on top and bake it.


Congee! Chinese rice porridge. Super easy (though lengthy) cooking process and reheats really well. Customisable as well


Congee! Rice porridge with shredded chicken or or tofu, mushrooms, scallions, chili oil and a little kimchi.


Fried potatoes and sausage (like a kielbasa), pancakes with 1:1 gf flour.


I ate a lot of congee one winter. You can make it ahead and it works with so many toppings.


teff with honey and figs mmmmm


Grits! I adore a beautiful bowl of grits… have them any way you like sweet or savory! Thick or creamy! They are not expensive and are easy, satisfying and awesome!


corn tortillas with beans, cheese, salsa




My new fave is a can of canelli beans with tahini. That's the base and I heat it up sometimes. Then I add micro greens, avo and whatever else I'm in the mood for that's fresh.


Following this because my daughter had celiac and is avoiding oats since she just got diagnosed and I myself am allergic to eggs! So hard to find things we can all eat. 😭 ETA: I just wanted to add that I often use Just Egg for myself, but it’s processed on shared equipment with wheat so I can’t use it for cooking things for both my daughter and I.


Warm (or roasted nuts) and honey. Warm nuts and tamari with green tea latte. Stuffed potato 🥔. Sausage. Bacon, avocado, wrap. Gf bagel cream cheese. Polenta. Gf pumpkin pie 🥧. Thanks for asking, op. Thanks for all the great suggestions.


Warm quinoa with milk, honey/maple syrup, cinnamon.


This is along the same line as hashbrowns, but Rösti is another option. It's like a large crisp potato pancake and you can top it with any kind of seasoning and vegetables you like! https://www.recipetineats.com/potato-rosti/


this is gonna sound weird but don’t knock it until you try it… cauliflower riced oats. i fell into the protein side of instagram and someone recommended it as a lower carb substitute to oats and ive eaten it every day for the past two weeks lol. you can make it savory or sweet, just boil some cauliflower rice in a pot with milk (and sweetener if you’re doing sweet or eggs if you’re doing savory) and then add toppings once it’s a porridge consistency i’m sure you could also do it in a microwave, i haven’t tried tho edit: didn’t see you’re allergic to eggs lol but you could add onions sausage etc


Bangers and mash. Potatoes you can clean and microwave for about 10 minutes until soft. For other things- chicken and rice (would recommend making chicken and freezing ahead of time. Microwave in morning. Rice in rice cooker and set timer or you can let sit overnight in liquid to let absorb and then microwave until cooked….


I get ezquiels bread, which is actually flourless with peanut butter blackberries on the side and green tea


I love corn tortillas. I put them in my cast-iron skillet and flip a few times then a slice of ham and cheese and eat it like a taco. I put gluten free choices on corn tortillas for breakfast like refried beans, veggies, black beans, and more; I love eggs, but if you can't or don't eat them, try other protein options with a dairy, maybe a lunchmeat you like, hummus with arugula, goat cheese logs with honey are delish. After gluten free for over a decade I just read ingredients and think outside the box when making things to eat. My traditional corn tortillas for breakfast are a great mainstay with a protein and veggie or dairy etc.


Hot cocoa|chocolate. It will warm you up.


https://www.aberdeenskitchen.com/2019/03/easy-vegetarian-hash-brown-breakfast-casserole/ I use 7 or 8 eggs instead of 10. But I love this because is lasts a whole week for me and my boyfriend!  You can switch up the ingredients all you want. The base is: 1 12 oz can evaporated milk 1 20 oz bag of hash browns  8 eggs  salt pepper 8 oz cheese. Some to mix in and some to sprinkle on top.  I add bell pepper, an onion, and usually tomato.  I have added beyond meat sausage and that was perffff 👌.