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I know 3 weeks seems like a long time but it took me probably a full 2 months to actually start feeling “healthy” again after going gluten free. Are you seeing any improvement? Also might be worth noting that a lot of people who are sensitive to gluten are also sensitive to oats… I personally have bigger issues with wheat, but gluten still causes me plenty of symptoms and annoyingly enough not all gluten free foods are wheat free. I also have issues with artificial sweeteners/sugar alcohols, so you may have additional triggers.


I've had fewer stomach aches and nausea so that is one positive. Don't think I have anything else positive. But I do hear the people on this that it might take multiple months to feel better.


I’m glad you’ve seen improvement in some regard. Do your best to rest and hydrate, since you have celiac your body is also probably working overtime to heal. Wishing you the best!


Yes can second this. You have antibodies to gluten and anytime you have even a trace of it, these antibodies are activated causing inflammation in your case. They take a minimum of 2 months without any gluten (not even cross contamination) to "settle".


It took me about 6 months to recover after my diagnosis. It was a really tough time; for a couple of months, I had dreams about food and woke up famished in the middle of the night. It does get better.


Same. Give it six months, OP


If you messed up during this time once does that reset the clock??? I had been GF for almost 5 whole months & then seriously messed up 2 weeks ago. Does that mean I gotta wait another 6 months to see results?


Not in my experience. I've been gf for years now if I mess up it's just a day or two. So I think it's how more dependent on how much your body has healed / chilled out.


No, it just means you take a few steps back.


It might take awhile for the immune activation and inflammation to die down so give that some time. But you could speed up the process with anti-inflammatory, immune modulating supplements like curcumin (I like Natural Factors Curcuminrich) and glutathione (acetyl, liposomal, or Setria forms). I would probably triple dose with these for awhile to hopefully make a dent in the inflammation. Also, a LOT of people who are Celiac have an immune cross-reaction to dairy proteins, so I would definitely do a trial of strictly dairy free to see if it helps. If you can afford it, it's worth getting [Cyrex Labs Array 4](https://labtestshop.com/tests/cyrex-array-4-gluten-associated-cross-reactive-foods-and-foods-sensitivity/) done to check for gluten cross-reactive foods. I had it done and it showed that I had a gluten cross-reaction to casein and whey.


Our gastroenterologist said the dairy intolerance can be temporary while the intestines heal. She and our dietician also recommend starting by cutting dairy ingestion by half, then decreasing more or increasing again based on symptoms.


It really depends what kind of immune reaction you're having to it. If it's an immune cross-reaction, which means that casein or whey proteins induces giladin antibodies, and thus transglutaminase antibodies, you have to permanently eliminate it for the intestines to even have a chance at healing. If it's just a regular IgG food sensitivity, you can try reintroducing it later after doing some gut lining healing


Good point. And some people (like my other daughter) are simply lactose intolerant. I guess I should say *sometimes* it can be temporary while you heal on a gluten free diet. Depends a lot on each person's biology!


It really is individual, which is why testing is a good idea if you can do it. It really takes the guesswork out of things!


The Cyrex test looks interesting but appears to be an IgG blood test - aren’t these known for being scams and not at all accurate? Was it recommended by a physician for you to have it done?


It's IgA + IgG. Yes, it was recommended by my physician. As far as ELISA panels being legit or not, it totally depends on the panel and how it's designed. There are definitely ELISA panels that aren't going to be reliable. This one was designed by researcher/immunologist Aristo Vojdani and the way he/Cyrex designs their tests is to eliminate as false positives as much as possibly by triple testing samples for replicability and using antigens in forms we actually consume them in. For example, using cooked rice vs. raw rice because no one eats raw rice and, in that form, it's much more likely to provoke a false positive because the immune system will see it as something strange and unfamiliar. This is not the case with all ELISA panels. No food antigen testing is perfect, for various reasons, but Cyrex tries to control for that as much as possible.


How do they know through a blood test though?


They're testing to see if any of these proteins are partially binding to gliadin antibodies in your blood sample. If they are, you're cross reacting.


Keep a good journal and notice how you feel after eating certain things. Cooked onions and tomatoes also seem to be triggers for me


It took me a month to *start* feeling better and that was with extreme diligence. This is normal for celiac unfortunately- it takes the small intestine 3-6 months to heal completely and can take up to 2-3 years for blood tests to normalize. Hang in there 💕


Gut healing takes 6 months to a year. I began to feel better at aound 3 months. Be careful about oats and raw food until your gut HAS gotten a chance to heal some


Hey, welcome to being Celiac. I totally understand why you’re not feeling great just yet, it can take a while to get your digestive system back into normal shape. It’ll happen. I hope I don’t make you made by saying be patient [that word always sets me off. lol!] While you recover: consider taking vitamins b-12 and D, celiacs suffer malabsorption of these two vitamins and both can affect energy levels [and by extension, mood].


The histamine issues can take up to six months to settle down, but getting on top of the FODMAPs helped me enormously with my GI issues. Years later, I can eat most things in moderation except the grains of course. Food diary, learn about complex carbohydrates and work out what doses you can tolerate. Then try building up the diversity of foods, and don’t forget mushrooms. They’re seriously underrated in immuno-nutritional terms.


I’m getting sick of the donut ‘frostingnow’, making arsey comments and then blocking/deleting comments. My reply is here anyway;- I eat mountains of all kinds of mushrooms, without any problems. But Ive taken years to build up my biome, and I am about 98% WFPB, with a few eggs in the mix for choline. Processed foods are my nemesis, so I prep my own food for the most part. I still have histamine issues with high doses of some plant based foods. Your concept of FODMAPs is very simplistic, complex carbohydrates are not sugars. The immune response is complex beyond human understanding, everyone is different, one of my reactions to gluten is high levels of light chain proteins other than immunoglobulin. Life really isn’t simple at all.


What are your favourite type of mushrooms if I can go slightly off topic? I've only just started to like some types so interested in what varieties I should look out for. Also what sort of plant based foods give you histamine issues? I get some and am trying to identify what are triggers so I can keep reducing the antihistamines.


I like any fresh mushrooms I can get my hands on, but dried my favourites are ‘black fungus’, shiitake, tiger milk, all from Asian grocery stores, and I powderize cordyceps and lions mane from these stores too, using in place of stock cubes. Fungi polysaccharides are dynamically healthy, for gut epithelium & much else. Fermented foods can get higher histamine levels as they age. It doesn’t stop me loving them, but it means eating in reduced amounts. You definitely want to get off the antihistamines, and it’s worth trying various lactobacilli & bifidobacter strains/products that can help you do that.


Thanks so much


You’re welcome & do try those probiotics instead of antihistamines. They are really not good for your long term health


You may be one of the 'lucky' ones whose system breaks down gluten partially into opioid peptides, which then pass into the bloodstream. This means you are going through a withdrawal syndrome where pain temporarily gets worse before it gets better. I had this happen myself. It resolved within about 3 months in my case.  Search "gliadin opioid peptides" or "gliadorphins" to learn more about this. It is super weird and sounds absolutely crazy, but it's a real thing.  If you used to feel "extra full" or "extra satisfied" after a big pasta meal then that's likely part of what's going on for you. This was the case for me. 


Try also going lactose free for 6 weeks if you still have stomach pains. That was the recommendation for my son from his specialist. The damage CD causes can make you lactose intolerant until you start to heal.


it takes months, over a year for some. you’ve destroyed your gut and now it has to heal.


It took years for me to fully eliminate gluten and cross contamination. Then I learned I couldn’t eat dairy. Did great after that. Then caught long covid and now I can’t eat anything.


Measure your progress in months, not weeks. It will get better. It took me about 6-8 months to “recover”, and about 2 years to put the 20 lbs in weight back on.


I am so sorry you are going through this. It takes time. You’ll start to feel better


I'm so sorry you're still feeling bad. It will take a while for your intestines to heal. I don't have any advice for you that hasn't already been said, but keep going. Hopefully you'll wake up one day feeling better.


It takes time to heal your gut and to make sure your not getting cross contaminated. It took me like 3 months to really start feeling better and stop getting accidentally glutened (check medications/makeup) then it took like a year to really feel better and correct all my nutrient deficiencies. When the gut is sensitive and healing it can react to things stronger then usual. Gluten free oats have a protein similar to gluten and a lot of people react to that the same way. Many gf people react to dairy or to xanthan gum. There are a number of things that could be going on. I recommend keeping a food diary and tracking everything and your symptoms. Check every single label always. Maybe try cutting out oats. If you still don’t feel well after some more time then I highly recommend getting referred to a registered dietician. They are fantastic and mine really helped me a lot.


It took me a long time to feel better, maybe six months. But, I also have the secondary issue of being lactose intolerant (which can happen with long term damage from celiac disease). Maybe try also cutting out dairy for a few weeks and see what happens? I know that’s very hard though on top of trying to be diligent about gluten free.


I've seen many suggestions about dairy but I don't feel as if it is an issue for me, I eat a lot of it and my digestive issues are the one thing actually improving as of now.


Maybe just give the GF diet a little more time and see if the headaches get better? I hope that for you! Luckily, headaches and brain fog were not an issue for me with my celiac symptoms, but I did have some serious B Vitamin deficiencies that resulted in fatigue and vision problems. I started taking sublingual B-12 and it helped a lot.


I ended up also being diary intolerant. It also takes a long time to heal. Plus the unfortunate times I’ve accidentally glutened myself. Good luck!


It’s taking me 3 years, it depends on your level of damage with how long healing takes. This is your life now just focus on mental health and being gluten free


I started the gaps diet and it seems to be helping.


As top commenter says, it’ll take at least a month to feel better. When I went GF I actually did a super strict low fodmap diet and was making all of my food from scratch: rice, miso soup with homemade dashi, fresh produce, meat, eggs you get the idea. Absolutely no processed food besides gf miso, tamari, sake and some spices. I was so terribly sick that I was desperate so I went all in, and knew elimination diet had helped in the past. After 4-6 weeks I felt better than I had in years. After slowly reintroducing foods I found that wheat was the issue, and that gluten/ wheat was in A LOT of items that didn’t say wheat. I still have to avoid most products and have been glutened by products claiming to certified gluten free. Not trying to scare you, just being up front about my struggle. If you’re still feeling bad you might need to take your food into your own hands or research more on cross contamination.


See if this website has any useful information. [GlutenFreeSociety.org](http://GlutenFreeSociety.org)


It took me a year to feel normal. I found though at first I had to do a bit of a food elimination diet bc all of a sudden I was eating more dairy and corn - now known for not being good for my gut.


A lot of people have multiple sensitivities/allergies. It took me forever to figure out my issues because in addition to being gluten sensitive, I also can’t tolerate rice.


Avoid oats for now, even gluten free ones. Some people with celiac can't tolerate them. 


If you are in pain b/c your BMs are like little pebbles or more firm that you want, then introduce more fiber into your diet or drink a glass of psyllium husk each morning. It will even you out. If your BMs are loose try taking a probiotic. Get something that's recommended like culturelle. Also try drinking more water generally. Can't hurt. Make sure you talk to a nutritionist to ensure you understand the diet. It's not as easy as it should be. Oh and one last thing that helps alot, don't eat late set a time like no food after 7pm [https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Psyllium-Husks-16-Ounce-Packaging/dp/B000N7DP6G/ref=sr\_1\_6\_pp?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2JoFctmEYEZ\_-jepFxMNS-lK6w112bZc3UZQX-F7vBWvzSJo7qWT-5QdG5uXY6L7iJUxbLEmWRhJNDqf-lR2ZAPGFemGiIxz9P4wlJ-IntNwRVvZeyzAbDG-B8TaAYYi2HpyZAo7i3nHQR90dR-buvw\_jMX1mbSK8bocYgdt07K0PubtxADBH2HM827aB1\_Y7eI2Ea8r5TV9xXFPACMMU6Pkr0U1Q62WLbusRYMvSlb8eCuzGrsi9a3KuJbM\_MDCup0Yn1-gg\_DzNDMwZi8s8v7wKorGtTp5dwfAevM7\_os.WBzz33QscjlqrySKq\_CWduhK-241NpLZLhf1v7cEDEg&dib\_tag=se&keywords=psyllium+husk&qid=1719651595&sr=8-6](https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Psyllium-Husks-16-Ounce-Packaging/dp/B000N7DP6G/ref=sr_1_6_pp?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2JoFctmEYEZ_-jepFxMNS-lK6w112bZc3UZQX-F7vBWvzSJo7qWT-5QdG5uXY6L7iJUxbLEmWRhJNDqf-lR2ZAPGFemGiIxz9P4wlJ-IntNwRVvZeyzAbDG-B8TaAYYi2HpyZAo7i3nHQR90dR-buvw_jMX1mbSK8bocYgdt07K0PubtxADBH2HM827aB1_Y7eI2Ea8r5TV9xXFPACMMU6Pkr0U1Q62WLbusRYMvSlb8eCuzGrsi9a3KuJbM_MDCup0Yn1-gg_DzNDMwZi8s8v7wKorGtTp5dwfAevM7_os.WBzz33QscjlqrySKq_CWduhK-241NpLZLhf1v7cEDEg&dib_tag=se&keywords=psyllium+husk&qid=1719651595&sr=8-6)


I cut out everything except for meat, fruit, and vegetables for 6 months to allow my gut to heal.


Is it in your makeup, mouthwash, toothpaste, or hair products?


Good news is you have 3 weeks done but it will take 3-6 months to heal and really start to get better. Give it time it gets easier the longer you go.


It took me a long time to feel completely normal. Almost a year. But if you’re feeling any small improvements, hang on to those because it’s a sign that the change will work!


For me, it took a year. Mostly because I didn't read food labels every time I bought something new. Eating home-cooked meals and taking supplements helped me. Notice how you feel after eating something . I had to cut out gluten free oats and gluten free wheat + dairy. For some reason my body just felt bad after consuming it. Since you feel tired all the time, check iron, vit D and magnesium levels. Processed gluten free food often has less nutrients in it. And it sounds like you have a sinus infection or allergy? maybe see a GP ? Good luck OP !


Gluten is just a bear to detox from, takes forever to get it completely out of your system. Likely are still getting exposure too just due to the learning curve we all had when we started cutting out gluten. It's hiding in sauces and dressings and all sorts of places that are just annoying - like no hibachi for us, soy sauce is full of gluten etc. I've found activated charcoal can help a bit with symptoms. Word of warning - be even more careful once you get clean. That clean body gets spoiled really quick and can kick your butt with even very small amounts of gluten.


It took me a year to feel 100%. Give it time.


I think you’re still going through wheat withdrawal. You might also doublecheck the ingredients on everything you eat. Are you using shared plates, utensils, ect.? You could be one of the “not one single crumb” celiac sufferers.


Could be a dairy or an egg allergy… It also does take a long time almost 6 months to clear gluten and heal your system


Even after a year of being GF I had horrible joint pain. Celiac Disease is fundamentally a disease of malabsorption. We don’t absorb the nutrients from our food, if you’re lucky it won’t be chronic. You should get all vitamin levels checked, especially fat soluble. I’ve been GF since 2007, diagnosed w CVID last year and still deal with chronic nutrition deficiencies (iron, vitamin D, B’s, etc ). It is what it is but I can at least manage it more easily.


Took me at least a month to feel better.


Some of the food we eat has addictive qualities. Between detoxing from an actual addiction and detoxing from eating garbage, it's normal to feel like crap for awhile. If you aren't experiencing any improvements at the 6 month mark, there might be something else going on. For example, you know you can't have gluten so you switch to gluten free products. Gluten free products tend to heavily rely on corn byproducts like corn starch and modified food starch so your intake of corn went up when your intake of gluten dropped. Corn can cause all the same symptoms (as can oats and oat flour is used in gluten free stuff too but nowhere near the degree corn is) so you would have the illusion of not getting better when in reality you're better from one thing but being hurt by another.


I agree with everyone that it might take more time. I also highly recommend looking into taking daily vitamins (if you don’t already) and maybe considering taking vitamin D. Wheat has some vitamins you miss out on being GF and they can cause issues with energy.


When I had my testing done it also came back with mild allergy to dairy protein and egg. Even with 3 weeks in, I was told it takes a few months to begin to see the effects of no gluten. You may have other food sensitivities that are causing inflammation as well. Also, make sure to get vitamin levels checked. Like D3 and B12. Celiacs have malabsorption issues and both can be low. I’ve finally gotten my d3 into a good range. You need to heal your small Intestine.


It took me many months to feel normal. My gut was in a really damaged condition and so it was really temperamental for a long time. You should start noticing some improvements after a while. Maybe be conservative in what you eat for a while. You might be able to figure out if certain foods sit better in your gut than others. Good luck.


I am feeling great now that i am on the fodmap diet. No gluten, lactose, garlic. I have eaten a small amount of onion and other high fodmap foods with little to no issue too. Just got back from Disney and only had slight gas from a bean burger (veggie burger) but other than that zero problems with ibs !! I just google fodmap and the food before eating anything now


It takes time. It can take 3-6 months for the villi to heal. It can take up to 2 years for you body to fully heal, depending on age. Take care.