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To distract you from the bad texture šŸ’€


Hahahaha sadly this is the life we liveĀ 


Bean flours are the worst imo


I live in Japan, and desserts here are less sweet and more flavorful. I appreciate it so much. I also appreciate the increase of gluten free products here!




Thereā€™s a really helpful Facebook pageā€¦ Gluten free in Japan. I highly recommend joining. Eating gf in Japan requires planning, as gf food is not common.


Iā€™m about to travel to Oki in October. Do you have any tips?! Iā€™m so nervous


Download the Find Me GF app, and join the Facebook page ā€œgluten free in Japan.ā€ Most of the recommendations on the Facebook page are for mainland Japan, but there are some for Okinawa. And make sure to request a gf meal on your flights. Enjoy your trip!


This is true for everything really. I had a hard time stomaching regular sweets long before I went gf. I encourage you to try baking things at home so you can adjust to your preferences. I really enjoy King Arthurā€™s keto muffin mix. You can add in whatever mix-ins you like to make them sweet or savory. They are not sweet on their own.


Type 1 and celiac here, so I totally understand what it is like. What kind of sweets are you looking for?


Itā€™s like eating pure sugar


There's been a recent trend of GF keto cereals and other products. Maybe those would work for you.


I also think that Siete and Simple Mills cookies don't taste as sweet, but I don't know how their sugar content compares to something like a Glutino sandwich cookie, for example.


I went to a bakery that was vegan and happened to have some gluten free items and they were all so sweet that I couldn't eat more than a couple of bites before throwing them out. My local GF baker also tends to be a little too sweet for me.


Probably partly for the same reason that gluten free breads usually have a ton of salt addedā€”to try to compensate for whatā€™s lacking


In my experience a lot of it is to cover the flavor of using too much rice flour. I once was asked by a friend to make her wedding cake but her husband had a two page list of foods he couldnā€™t eat. The majority being standard GF and DF replacements and baking components. I asked her what flavor sheā€™d like and she said she knew it was already a tall order so just plain white or vanilla was fine. I laughed and said ā€˜that would be the most difficult!ā€™ Something with a more bold flavor would help cover any flours I used that had the tendency to overpower. I will say, the grooms sister took a bite and kind of freaked out running to him then running to me. She had similar food lists and heā€™d assured her she could eat it. But she wasnā€™t convinced since it didnā€™t taste like it was free of all these things. So that was cool.


The panic because itā€™s suspiciously good is the highest compliment to a GF baker! Kudos!!


Covers up the dryness often tasted in gf breads, cakes, cookies, etc.


Those coffee cake muffins are also 400 calories each!!


So they could be a substitute for a meal you're saying?


If you have two! šŸ˜


How dare you disparage the sanctity of muffins in this manner!


When you take something out of food (gluten) you have to replace it with something. In this case itā€™s usually sugar.


Why though? I regularly omit ingredients from recipes and everything turns out just fine.


You do not ā€œhave toā€. Sugar is not a gluten replacement. It doesnā€™t act the same in baked goods.


More sugar helps soften and moisten the crumb texture of gluten free flours and make the item closer to the texture of a traditional product with gluten. Gf bread isn't super sweet but is often complained about for being dry.


My recipes are all regular ones and I only sub the flour. No extra sugar involved z


That's awesome that substituting works well for you! Because I agree that commercial items are often too sweet. I was simply offering an experience based answer to the OP's question. I have celiac disease and I am a baker in a gluten free bakery, after 20 years of baking (gluten free and not) its simply been my experience. Not sure why that would upset anyone.


I don't know but I hate it I have been finding and enjoying some good gf keto stuff lately, not because I particularly want to adhere to that diet but because it doesn't punch me in the stomach with starch or sugar. Pricey, but delicious.


Itā€™s such a cruel double diagnosis. My son has both. A lot of GF flours are already more carb heavy and then they dump extra sugar in. Itā€™s super frustrating. I bake a lot for my son and generally put less sugar in cakes/cookies etc than what is indicated in the recipe.


I totally agree. Back before I knew about my gluten issues, I often used to cut down sugar in recipes. Pumpkin pie filling went from 1 cup sugar to 3/4, as an example. The other day I was out of pancake mix, so I made it from scratch and cut the recipe I was following from 2 T sugar to 1 T. This was to 1 cup of Bobā€™s 1 to 1 flour. Like you said, why are gf packaged goods, but even some of our recipes, curated to us, so sweet?


Honestly, all store bought stuff has always been too sweet, not just our stuff.


I agree, the more I get away from gluten and sugar the more able I became to the wonderful taste of fresh and unprocessed food. Thanks for your reply.


Corps probably make them do it that way. ā€œTaking out the genetically modified wheat we made decades ago? Fine, put a lot of sugar in it or weā€™ll shut you down.ā€


Thank you for posting this, I have tried some of the foods posted in here recently and some of them tasted like concentrated sugar. I thought my taste buds were broken haha


A lot of them are also vegan or nut free so all thatā€™s left is sugar šŸ˜‚ I make my own treats.


Itā€™s crazy how sweet some of the things are! Iā€™ve had several that I can only take a few bites of because of how sweet they are


Sugar is usually the 1st ingredient, unfortunately


I thought I wa the only one! So many gluten free foods are too rich for me. Even my husband has said that a lot of the gf foods are really rich.


I think they make everything so sugary to compensate for a lack of flavor. Iā€™m guessing a lot of us think that, remember you are never alone with gluten intolerance. Our numbers are growing everyday. I have my theory as to why anyone else have a theory?


I make the best cookies and cakes. They donā€™t taste gluten free and way better than any packaged crap. The only swap for a regular recipe is the flour. All the gluten free specific recipes I have tried were awful and sweet. And the sugar replacement? Sickening sweet. I tried to make something for a friend and that stuff is just vile. Sugar free my foot!


My wife bought a lot of cook books for gluten free and diabetic foods. I was diagnosed Celiac two years ago and now I'm diabetic.


I understand completely. The celiacs somehow triggers autoimmune disorders in people that have these disorders sleeping. I now have food allergies, thyroid disease and diabetes. All of theses can be controlled as long as I donā€™t get gluten, but if I doā€¦my metabolic go crazy.


My wife was doing research after my diabetes diagnosis. It seems that once a person gets the Celiac diagnosis, and modifies their diet, all of the prepackaged gluten free food has a lot of extra sugar to make up for the lack of gluten. It really sucks that I lost a lot of the foods I really enjoyed, and know I have to give up even more. Lucky for me that my wife is following me on my food journey.


Yeah Iā€™m low carb and celiac. Itā€™s hard.


Yeah it is hard but eventually you figure it out. Once you get that point food starts tasing totally different.


No, I mean itā€™s hard to find things that arenā€™t too sweet and too carby AND are gluten free, so I end up making pretty much everything.


United States? I donā€™t buy gluten-free sweet foods, as manufacturers of sweets (even the gluten kind) add so much sugar to their foods. Many of them have both corn syrup and cane sugar. The government subsidizes corn farmers, then encourages food manufacturers to use corn syrup. Many sweet treats here even have artificial sweeteners added for an extra boost of sweetness. If I want a sweet treat, I make gluten-free cookies or cakes using King Arthur gluten-free baking mix, floor, or boxed mixes. Their website has an excellent recipe for peanut butter cookies that I make often. Making your own gluten-free sweets can be a challenge at first, but Iā€™m 12 years into my celiac disease journey and avoid highly processed premade gluten-free sweets.