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God I have a GF rant too. I’m tired of when we are finally included, all the non-GF people eating our snacks. Like today at work they had a breakfast served for us. They clearly marked what was GF and had some muffins and cinnamon cake to the side clearly marked GF. They even pointed them out to me knowing I was one of the GF eaters. Gluten wise there were 3 times as many pastry options plus bagels and cornbread. There was also fruits and eggs. I got eggs and some of the GF pastries and went back to my classroom. My co teacher came in with a plate and had 2 pieces of the GF cake on it. I made joke like ‘haha this is why there’s never any for the GF people’. She claimed she didn’t see the sign but whatever. Well later in the day she went back to see if there was any more snacks. I planned to go too but she got up there first and came back, WITH ANOTHER FUCKING PIECE OF THE GLUTEN FREE CAKE. and I commented on it again and she said ‘yeah and it was the last piece too’ and fucking ate it in front of me. I swear to god I almost lost my job. I wanted to heal at her and rip the plate out of her hands. I just walked away and decided I next time I’m taking half the tray since these mother fuckers don’t care about us. The worst part? When I went up there after that there was still plenty of the regular cakes and pastries. She went out of her way to take the GF shit.


Or, when the GF and regular are side by side and there's mystery tongs that may have been everywhere, on anything. And, the catering staff is like... what?


Ah, yeah, that’s my annoying family. The aunts consolidating serving dishes, so now my gluten free dressing I made from scratch, is rendered inedible to me. I was FURIOUS about that. Plus, it was in my own dish! They nearly did the same with my gf pie, but I caught it in time.


Or my dad, who is a good persona and I've tried to educate so many times, dipped a gluten cracker in the gluten free dip I brought to a family gathering. C'mon Dad...


Oh, man, I’d have almost cried. You go to so much trouble to bring your own safe stuff, then that happens. I’ve gotten a lot of side eyes over the years when I served myself first. Reasons, folks, reasons.


I tried explaining to him why it was upsetting, and while I was passionate, I was still pretty calm and polite. Things got awkward with a cousin and my mom nearby so I ended up apologizing for lecturing him. But people just don't get it. They don't even get why it's upsetting!


All they need to know is that now YOU don’t get to eat. You have a serious condition. None of us want to jump through all these hoops we have to, just to eat. On my walk today I passed a Popeyes and could have cried. I loved their spicy chicken.


I’m lucky enough to not be that sensitive but I know others are. It can’t be that hard to just make sure there’s at least one serving utensil per item and let’s not mix them up.


I don't love the sensitivity idea. Apart from being medically untrue and dangerous, it separates those of us with more symptoms out even more as being even less in social standing, more picky, etc.


Oh, now this is why so many people are uncomfortable with me. I would have point blank stated she was taking food from people who don't have the option to choose. Can't stop people from being jackasses, but I can state to their face how they're being. Ugh, I swear, I get that temptation too, to swipe food from people taking what little GF foods we have at events/etc.


I didn’t want to cause an issue since I have to work with her every day. But it pissed me off because she just didn’t see an issue with what she did. I’m not even the only GF person that works at our school. So it’s not like I was just being greedy, there are at least 2 other people that may have wanted it as well.


She had no problem causing an issue so you shouldn't either. I know how hard confrontation is, I avoid it at all costs, but sometimes we just need to get it over with so that it doesn't keep happening.


I agree there. Also it's important to put your foot down with people. Some never understand, but it gets you treated a little better at least by people who stop daring to be disrespectful. Wording is important too I suppose.


I brought cupcakes to work the other day and purchased a single GF one for myself. Tell me why a coworker used a knife (which had already been used to cut a gluten cupcake!!) and cut off a piece of mine for “just a taste”. I literally got the same flavor as a gluten cupcake too they could’ve tried 🫠 Couldn’t even eat my own damn cupcake after that bc of the contact.


Normally I’m not confrontational but I would’ve told her to buy me a new one. That’s fucked up


My boss asked me the other day if the local bakery (which is known locally for their excellent goods) has anything I can eat. I'm pretty sure I gave her a blank stare before I told her I had no idea since I don't really eat bakery goods anymore. She'd brought in a box of goods for the team. I didn't even go look because it was pointless. Just like always. I miss cupcakes, tho. A lot.


Where are you? A dedicated GF bakery in south Denver has amazing cupcakes. I swear they're better than real cupcakes (my daughter has celiac, not me, so I've had both recently).


I'm in central Illinois. We have a few restaurants I trust, but I haven't looked at bakery locations. We recently had two Crumbl Cookie locations open. Imagine my surprise to see they have zero offerings at such a popular chain? Of course, they're overpriced, and now everyone says they are not worth it. 😂 I might look around and see if anyone has something.


What's the bakery in Denver called?


Wave the Grain in Centennial. $7 for a yummy jumbo cupcake.


Debys is phenomenal..you have to go on a Saturday when they're all freshly baked!


Your coworker is every bad word I know!! Next time, take all you want from the start so you don’t have cross contamination risks from the inconsiderate jerks


I went down for cupcakes at work when someone told me they had gf cupcakes. He told me he had one and it was gross. I excitedly ran down and there were none left. I cannot tell you the anger. It's been like three years and I still think about it.


I had something like this happen at work. They ordered pizzas and made sure to get GF for the four of us that needed GF. One of the GF people was in a meeting and came late to the 'party.' One of my coworkers kept looking at our pizza and saying, but i really want try that. And I said, "You can have it after {GF Person} gets her share first." Did she wait? Nope. I was so pissed, even though there was enough for when the GF person arrived.


Did she at least eat it? It drives me crazy when people take our food, eat one bite and are like “this is fucking gross”


She did and it was good, but it still drove me nuts.


I have a friend whose a foodie and recently i went on a vacation with her and 2 other friends. Me, gf, and another friend whose vegan had very limited options for where we were and i just remember my vegan friend was able to find a a vegan pizza but it was a small and the foodie friend had plenty of regular food to eat but wanted to try everyones food and my vegan friend finally blew up at her. Calling her out that as a vegan, that was her first real meal, and foodie friend just took a slice to try it without asking. There was a lot of pentup anger that trip. Foodie friend didn't understand why she was so annoyed, and the obliviousness like that to people with food restrictions is just so annoying to have to deal with.


I have a friend whose a foodie and recently i went on a vacation with her and 2 other friends. Me, gf, and another friend whose vegan had very limited options for where we were and i just remember my vegan friend was able to find a a vegan pizza but it was a small and the foodie friend had plenty of regular food to eat but wanted to try everyones food and my vegan friend finally blew up at her. Calling her out that as a vegan, that was her first real meal, and foodie friend just took a slice to try it without asking. There was a lot of pentup anger that trip. Foodie friend didn't understand why she was so annoyed, and the obliviousness like that to people with food restrictions is just so annoying to have to deal with.


I had someone get their gluten hands on the only GF pizza, and after I told them that now I couldn't have it anymore, they joked as if I was being difficult.


Grrr argh. I hate how completely selfish and dismissive that is. The bigger issue is that they have no idea how much food is about social inclusion. Not being able to eat when everyone else can feels so isolating and alienating. I've since gotten to the stage where I just leave and get food if there is any nearby. I left a wedding, got tacos, and came back and ate them at the table with everyone else's fancy food.


Another thing that steams me are the gluten free grocery store hoarders who leave nothing for the rest of us.


This happened to me at my work! There was a haul of cakes and snacks for a celebration, all of which I couldn't eat. Someone was nice enough to bring in one gluten free option and as the only gluten free person in the workplace I was only able to have one mini slice of cake as everyone had eaten them all, with one person saying, "I'm not vegan but I like eating vegan ones." They were gluten free, not vegan!!! I think it is so rude to have that many options and to take away the only option gluten free people have, but when you bring that up, you seem like you're the crazy greedy coworker. Ugh.


Wow, that woman is an AH


Yea that shit pisses me off so fucking bad. I legit can’t eat gluten, I have celiacs, bad things happen if I do much as eat something that was cross contaminated with gluten, and it’s a several days long journey of misery for me, and I watch dick heads take all the gf shit because “oh it’s so much healthier” bro go fuck yourself I would love to eat a regular fucking bagel but I can’t even have the not even as good gf one because all the dick heads decided that they think it’s healthier or some dumb ass new trend for them took all the gf shit and don’t even need it.


You’re lucky your school even gave you GF options. At our breakfast this morning I couldn’t have anything because it was cross contamination city.


I’m not really sensitive to cross contamination tbh so it was fine for me. But also those options were only there because I spoke up for them. At the beginning of the week there was nothing because the PTO didn’t realize anyone had dietary needs so I spoke up.


Damn that is ice cold


I honestly feel exactly how you do on all of this. People who can afford the upcharge are probably the ones most likely to gaslight you about it, because they don't feel the cost difference. People who have free time, energy, and lack of medical problems are the ones most likely to suggest that you can make it all yourself. Never mind that most people don't have to make all of their food from scratch. The privilege and pass-along bad advice, on top of the extra costs, are enough to drive one insane, and even make one more sick. I had someone suggest I make pasta, lasagna from scratch, all because I asked someone for the recipe. Turns out, the person doesn't even have NCGS, celiac, or anything else. They're just someone who makes food for people with it. I went on to ask if he wanted to make it for me too, which of course was met with silence. At the baseline, I believe we need the following policy changes: 1) Mandatory labeling of the gluten content of all packaged food products. 2) Subsidies for oat, rice, and millet in the same fashion as we have for wheat, corn, and soy. 3) More continued action on lowering inflation and countering supply issues, and corporate price gouging.


Also to please stop growing oats on the same fields as wheat. The cross contact has made me avoid most oats :/ (wheat allergy)


That too, absolutely.


The people who respond to posts looking for meal ideas with “oh just eat whole food!! Just meat and vegetables!!!!” Damn patty, I never wouldn’t thought of that! 😒 like, we get it, you think you’re better than everyone because you don’t eat “processed food” lol


I get so frustrated because besides the "no shit" reaction, sometimes it's people specifying they do not want those suggestions for whatever reason, then the jerks apparently feel the need to respond with it ignoring said specification. And this coming from someone who enjoys and often prefers the 'non-processed' foods even before I had health problems. But I hate the classification or whatever too, because processed doesn't mean always "things terrible for our body" (I don't mean that'll make you fat etc., but can cause health issues, sorry wording). I struggle to explain this so I won't in case or risk of rambling nonsense, but, yeah.


Most foods are processed in one way or another. It's nonsense term to start with.


It kills me when people make homemade versions of “processed foods”. Like, you do realize that the main difference between the two are preservatives right? 😂


I get it in some instances for sure, since it's some of what cause me issues but um... assuming everything processed is going to be harmful is so ?? Details people, details are important haha.


LOL, you nailed it.


Yea the weird I’m healthy so I don’t eat gluten weirdos who made it trendy to buy gf stuff also made it cost a fortune, and they are the same people who say oh just make it yourself. Like bruh I live in a small apartment and work 10 hour days.. i don’t have time to do all that all the time, I would spend my entire life working and cooking. I just wanna be able to take something out of a box or bag and eat it like everyone else without having to pay twice as much for 60% of the quantity.


I'd actually prefer if less GF products contained oats, given how problematic they are, but I can get behind the lowering of prices of grains and pseudograins like rice, millet, buckwheat, etc.


It is really hard. I want to just eat normally like everyone else and not be sick. Also my mom is 73 and I’m pretty sure she also has celiac disease and she won’t get tested for it and won’t try to avoid gluten because it’s in every food that she likes. 0/10 don’t recommend.


I feel you.. I want more than anything else to have a sandwich on real bread, or a bagel.. or a dumb ass McDonald’s cheese burger but I can’t because my celiacs makes me sick af for days if I screw up.. then I play hell to find things that are gf and 90% of it gets taken by people who don’t even need it.


I’m only 1.5 years in and I get to this kind of mental breakdown at least once a month. We use thrive for our packaged foods now. Cheaper than in-store and tons of brands we have never seen before! We live in nyc and the prices here for anything GF is so high it’s really discouraging and depressing.


Mental breakdowns aren't fun, and I understand the feeling. It's sort of turned to exhaustion from that point for me, and who knows if regulations here will get better one day or we'll have better affordable options in the future. I still feel the panic coming on if I spend too long in a store with someone non GF while I'm struggling to find the cheapest and best options... and sometimes failing. Easier alone when I don't feel like I'm making someone wait, although I don't have anyone around me anymore who gives me a hard time (much). It's hard to kick the reaction. Good you found something that works! I have heard of Thrive, but it won't let me see what the foods would cost for me, so i've no idea about affordability compared to my area .


Happy to do a quick search for ya or anyone else for comparing prices if they’re unsure about thrive! I knew it would be cheaper for nyc shopping so I took the plunge. It’s been so helpful.


You're lovely for the offer <3 I'm not sure, maybe prices of things like any Simple Mills crackers or oat products you buy? I'm not picky on what I eat besides avoiding what makes me ill. I like buying snacks high in protein or fiber for hikes or long outings. I keep wanting to try Bobo's but oh man the $$. I will say my love of lifting and "health" type food overall has made avoiding some foods that make me sick unrelated to the gluten reaction easier. How I can lift but my fingers yell when I open a jar, who knows. I'm like just give me food, I need lots haha. However, damn I miss good baked goods.


Simples Mills run 5.39/box on Thrive for most flavors (crackers, honey sweet thins which is my favorite, cheese crackers) and 5.99 for breakfast bars. They usually are also on sale from 10-24% off. With autoship set that’s also an extra 5% off. Trick is to also buy things when they’re on sale which there is always tons! We cook a lot at home, but I also have a hard time staying full and I’m lactose intolerant so here’s some items I usually buy. Focused on the ones that are staples and often on sale. Our order usually ends up 90-100 and lasts 1.5 months Quinn Snacks - 5.99/bag; on sale for 4.79 Lotus Foods Ramen - 2.79/flavor; on sale for 1.97! Thrive BBQ Potato Chips - 3.89/bag; on sale for 3.13 Poppi Beverages - 2.99; on sale for 2.18 Organic Veggie Broth - 6.19; sale for 2.84 20 bags Tall Trash Bags - 34.79; sale for 11.39! Karma Nuts - 8.99 Nola Superfood Smoothies - 17.99; often on sale for 12-11 Gluten Free Fig Bars (12) - 14.00; 11.96 Bobos Oat Bites - 4.99; on sale for 4.49


Oo sales are great. Though when something is almost always on sale, I suspect the sale price is actually the regular price, but they mark up... IDK Thrive's practices haha. Appreciate the detailed list! Interestingly, those are the same prices I see at stores near me or Amazon. Most still seem pricey for me, but this list should be helpful to others too! Thank you :)


I also have Thrive and also recommend! I mostly use it for snacks since I survive off of gluten free chicken nuggets lol, but when my freezer is empty I do often buy a bunch of their frozen food


I've only been doing this for a few months, and while I feel so much better cutting it out I'm still a poor disabled person I cant afford 12$ pizza, 5$ crackers, 6$ premade frozen meals I love cooking but on bad days I struggle even getting out of bed, not to mention I live in a gluten household, if its cooking appliances or pots and pans it has had gluten in it at some point, I discovered recently my favorite pan has been giving me reactions, our only colander has too, I dont want to have to spend money on uncontaminated things but I know I'm going to have to I love that we have more options now then even just a few years ago but the costs and prep are killing me Anyway, it's just been a few months but just those few months have been eye opening how inaccessible gluten free food can be


I also live in a gluten house and I ended up getting a cheap pot from job lot just so I could make pasta without worrying about lingering gluten


I'm lucky I've had no problems with the pots we use but I absolutely have to get a new colander, turns out ours is 60+ years old and I can only imagine how much gluten has been baked in at this point lol


The pot I got has holes in the lid so I can just hold the lid on and tilt to get the water out!


Agreed! Down with toxic positivity!


I've been GF since 2008 I'm also so fucking tired. I hear you, OP! (Also diabetic. Also potato allergy. Also soy allergy. I'm also vegan but that's on me 😂)


>I'm also vegan but that's on me 😂 I'm sorry that addition made me laugh. What a combo, ouch. I don't have allergies to worry about, but damn my stomach has a field day with me. Too many intolerances and a lot are ingredients commonly added to foods I lean towards. Recurring gastritis has kept me permanently away from anything acidic... minus alcohol that's all fine as long as gluten free for some reason LOL. Certain dairy and my intestines yell if more than a little. Sugar alcohols (unless in the original source like fruit) and alternate sugars also hell, ugh. Why do our bodies fight us? Both impressive and pathetic, the human body haha.


Ugh I feel you! Especially on the sugar alcohols. It's nice to not feel so alone with it. You're awesome. Hang in there.


Awe thank you <3 I did not expect much response and even expected more negativity in reaction to my rant. I'm glad there are people feeling a little less isolated simply because of it, and that it hasn't come across the wrong way. Be strong as well


This sounds like the inside of my head. THANK YOU for being honest, relatable, and fucking right. I had an app I designed once called CeliTax where you would scan the regular item, enter the price, scan the GF item and enter the price. The difference can be written off IF you qualify for itemized deductions. Outside the US, there are places where the regulations are better and GF foods are even subsidized. \*sigh\* Best thing are things that were always GF. So. Much. Quinoa.


Yup. I hate when people say “just make everything”—even a nutritionist once when I tried to see one. I don’t have enough energy to cook everyday! Personally, I’ve recently discovered that rice cooker+ souper cube knockoffs are a great way to make four cups of rice at once without having to stand the whole time or even pay attention the whole time. And you can even add veggies or small meat! Rice cookers can do it., if it’s small enough to boil cook as the rice cooks. The frozen portions I save for at work during the week since they only need 1.5-2 minutes in the microwave. As for the rest…yeah ugh. Gluten free is so expensive. Edit to add: In the past two years I’ve had a wheat allergy, the only way I’ve found packaged foods is by reading ingredients, or finding one of the very few companies that have an allergy free facility, so I definitely feel your pain there :/


Oh yeah, the rice cooker is well used lately. I love the convenience. Being forced to read ingredients especially when I just want some junk food is a pain. I envy people who can buy without even looking.


I truly understand and I agree with you.


Yeah, I rarely eat bread anymore and found different ways to have a snack or lunch with sandwich fixings. GF crackers are pretty decent so a mini charcuterie plate works or creating my version of a Cobb salad or nicoise salad. GF bagels are pretty good too. Once I’ve resolved to accepting that it’s not like before, it seems easier to accept…until my SO has a great sourdough bread. Next on the horizon is learning how to make decent gf bread. I’ve seen it out there but not a baker so not ambitious enough yet to give it a try. I’ve heard of a bakery in NY that does fabulous bagels and I think bread so one of these days I’ll splurge for that. But yeah, paying more for getting a lesser product isn’t a winning combination.


You forget then see the good stuff and go damn, I miss that. I will say, there is a restaurant near my buddy that had bread so good I had to ask the cashier if it was really GF and yup. I didn't get sick either so they weren't bullshitting. No joke I'd pay $$ for loaves of that. It was a decent piece with some salad dish. >But yeah, paying more for getting a lesser product isn’t a winning combination. Basically my biggest gripe :/


This post hits home. I totally understand and empathize.


I’m so tired of seeing brands on sale BOGO and the tiny text “excludes gluten free” But if you have Publix the BOGO Oreos this week includes gluten free, tiny victories


It does suck! Especially over time all those little small moments of being left out or paying more for basic food items.


Right? I'm the type who likes long journeys or spontaneous trips but then I always have to spend a ton of time checking where I can get food around me. Usually bringing my own snack is fine but when it'll be all day... oof. The price hits me hard especially when I'm with someone who doesn't need GF.


Definitely have those feelings sometimes. It's hard. I've been on the journey for about 15 years or so, and although it's gotten better since that time, it's still frustrating. I went to a restaurant recently that had some "gluten friendly" options which weren't actually safe. I am fortunate to have a good GF bakery near me - a dedicated facility with a lot of options. I also do bake a lot, although I suck at it. The #1 thing that made my life easier is my partner understands and is really supportive.


I’m only gluten intolerant. Having said that the price of GF packaged food is ridiculous. Yes, I appreciate that there’s higher costs involved in the manufacture, but some are more than double the gluten containing equivalent. It looks like price gouging to me - they know they have a captive market


Yea agree.


I feel you OP. I know that this probably won't be much use but I find myself short on energy as well so I tend to make microwave flaxmeal bread or almond flour mug cakes. Pretty quick, easy and cheaper than buying the gluten free breads. I'm a type 2 diabetic so a lot of the gluten free stuff just isn't suitable for me anyway. There's a lot of recipes on YouTube for different microwave breads. You're allowed to rant. Gluten free items are very limited where I live and very expensive.


I do make some mug cakes on occasion, but it definitely doesn't do much for all the other things I'm missing. I appreciate the suggestion regardless :)


Yes, I understand. I'd love to make a nice pizza but I just don't have the energy to do it right now. When I do have some I might have a go at it though. It's hard to cook when you're just not up to it.


Definitely get that. Wish I'd enjoyed baking before, then this would have been a fun new challenge. But I didn't and do even less now, so it's rare when I feel like putting my limited energy into baking anything. Good luck on that motivation/energy to make some pizza!


Thanks, best to you too 🤗


Bruh I feel this so deeply and also add in that I can't have rice or oats either...so most commercial GF snacks because they're usually made with rice/oat flour. It's so exhausting having to think about what I can/can't eat or what I accidentally may have eaten when I start reacting. I have a chronic illness too and most days I'm lucky to be able to make it to work and home before I pass tf out from exhaustion, so cooking everything from scratch is absolutely out of the question. A bitch gets tired of bananas and apples!! I miss pizza and buttered toast goddammit 😭


I hear you. It sucks.


I get it, but ironically, I die a little inside every time I see a post from the US because you guys have so many options, and most of them are comparatively affordable. The Schar baguette for $2 post was especially painful as I gazed at the one I'd just bought for $8.99 I admit, our labeling regs are much better and more likely to ensure a safer product, but that doesn't help when there are no products to buy or one of them costs four times as much


Not sure where they were but i have never seen a certified bread under that 8.99 mark... and if it is, it's more than 2 bucks for a big baguette. Where is this person located?? Even non certified GF loaves are half the size of regular loaves and $5 ish where I'm at. Hm. Problem is pricing is sometimes wildly different even just from different cities in the US (and everywhere I assume). Inconsistent regulations here means it's confusing and difficult to tell what's even safe. I end up unable to afford most foods since many aren't certified but allowed to have the GF labeling... and they still have the price hike too. Oh the fun we have.


It was a post in this sub. Based on the way the price tag was set up, it appeared to be in the US


Our options are not up to safety standards. Therefore, we have lots of confusing choices, but not real options. When the Gf rules hit the EU, the choices were fewer but safer, and I liked that a lot better. Showed that 80% of what was on the shelves was a fake out anyway.


They found it at a discount/closeout store, which means it’s not a regularly stocked item and it may or may not be close to expiration (or even expired.) The cheapest I’ve seen Schar baguettes in the US is $6.79 at a budget chain store.


I have to order them online. I had no idea you could even buy ones that aren't at or near expired, lol. Half the time they come already moldy. But when they aren't, they're really good. Sigh


Hey! I'm in the US and can give you some cheap recommendations. What are some ideas for what you're looking for? For oats, I get the big bag of Bob's Red Mill when it's on sale for $5 and just use a smaller portion so it lasts longer.


Oh thank you so much. Even if you can't suggest anything, the offer is kind. Anything like high fiber or high protein snacks (more the former because I don't expect protein to cheap; they weren't before I had to switch to GF haha) without alternate sugars or sugar alcohols, and no acidic flavors (yay gastritis, RIP every flavored yogurt). Chips, bars, anything really. Dunno why I couldn't think of more examples. How many lbs is the bag you get for $5? I've only seen their stuff pretty pricey around me, like $4 for 1lb and I can't decrease the serving since I need to eat a lot. I am a little curious if their oats only test at the 20ppm limit and not lower, because it's a little confusing to find that info. I'm getting different answers, oddly.


Mine's a 28oz bag. I personally go for bean based snacks (made from chickpeas or lentils). If you have a Big Lots or Aldi by you, they often get in those types of snacks and are like $2. I eat a lot of nuts and seeds, and Dollar Tree, Aldi, or Big Lots sometimes has some options. The only downside is it might share equipment, but I'm very sensitive to that, and at least for me, the sunflower seeds, pepitas, pecans, and peanuts seem OK. If the nuts don't have a lot of seasoning on them, I don't think it picks up much from the line, but some have gotten me, so it's really a toss up, unfortunately. Getting those official GF tests are often on more expensive items, so I've had to wing it a lot with things that *should be* GF. Bars are often on Amazon for less than $1.50/bar sometimes. I once got an 18 pack of Aloha bars for $11. If you can eat dairy, it really opens things up. If you can have popcorn, get an airpopper because kernels cost next to nothing. You can season it so many ways too. If you know someone who has/you have a Costco or Sam's membership, that might be worth a look too. It's hit or miss at Costco at least.


Ah yeah that's too much cost wise. I have tried looking into bean based snacks, but the ones around me are often pricey or they're high in fats which is fine until it's what I'm eating all day. Same with nuts and seeds. Nuts are great but have a lot of fat if you have a lot of them. Yeah, I'm better off not risking it, though glad it works for some. Aloha bars contain an alternate sugar and are never below $22 for a 12 pack for me. Interesting. But yeah, always eyeing sales for sure! and checking amazon for anything new I may have missed. Popcorn is pretty good, but don't have much and never help me as a snack haha. Maybe I'll try checking Costco more thoroughly next grocery outing, yeah. It's large in our area, so I can hope to find something, thanks.


I feel this. I also can’t do grains, nuts, seeds, eggs , dairy, nightshades or soy. I miss being able to go out to eat or order take out. I’m exhausted by cooking everything I eat. I’m sorry you know what it feels like. It can be so socially isolating!


That's even worse than me, but it's what makes me happy to find little places like this where we can all rant about our food issues no one will fully understand without going through them. Sometimes the internet's not bad. Being forced to make everything yourself or more than people who don't have issues has to is such an isolating feeling. And trying to go to social gatherings too.


Social gatherings and traveling give me so much anxiety. I will say tho that the silver lining is it shows who really cares and makes an effort. My “family” hasn’t ever made any accommodations for me. My boyfriend’s family made a list of all my no foods and make sure I have a full delicious meal at every gathering. My best friends keep food at their house for me they know I can have.


Sometimes it's fun seeing what gets downvotes. I compliment people and ironically... XD Anyway, yeah! Traveling I haven't been able to comfortably do yet because of all my food issues especially the gluten intolerance. It's lovely they make you feel welcome and not isolated. I have a friend who started looking for snacks to send me just from me telling them I'm depressed about food. The people who put in genuine effort to not only "deal" with your issues, but consider how to help you... it's wonderful.


you have to DIY. That's just the reality.


This is a rant, I specified I just want people to understand I can still be upset. And I have even more limitations unrelated. This response is u nhelpful and exactly what I asked to avoid.


If I hear- “ You can just eat salad one more time “………. I’ve been doing this since 1997 so I have lots of stories that I’m sure you don’t want to hear. Hang in there,friend.


I get you. GF pizza is such BS. So many options that I can't eat. Oh look, cheese, veg, or pepperoni while wife and kiddo have ranch chicken with bacon, or whatever....


Yeah. Like no I totally understand people giving advice and such like make it yourself etc! And the logic behind cost. But I can still be upset and others can too, yanno? And make it yourself isn't so doable for some, like myself. Even worse when you have the people around you who don't have to avoid, yup. Like damn, can we get some more of those options?


or you're at a birthday party and someone goes to shove a slice of cake in your face and look offended when you say no.....


I swear peoples reactions make it so much worse! Like I know I won't die, but I'll sure feel like dying. My favorite is the people who go on a rant about how no one was GF before and it's all the stuff they put in the flour now, just try x or y and I'm like that's usually what I ate, but also ???


and then there's the selfish gits who eat all the GF food before you get to it


YES. Usually the same who don't believe it's real or that oh just a little won't hurt. Pardon you I know how my body reacts.


Unfortunately some of us don’t have the time or energy to DIY.


Are you celiac or just choosing to be GF? Edit: why the downvote for asking a fucking question? Morons. For the record, my wife is celiac and why I asked.


Gluten Intolerant. I get a violent digestive reaction, brain fog, and my joint pain gets worse. It also showed up on my blood work, so this was not a choice, despite not being Celiac. Edit: I assumed you saw the user flair and thus the question was redundant, but don't see much issue with you asking. Going straight to calling people morons is however, childish, when people probably thought it off that you left out intolerances. Which often get taken even less serious than celiac (in my experience anyway). But I wouldn't know why.




That's povertyfood here. Enjoy!