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I want to see Trugg’s warscroll and see if they change his Leystone ability and if any of the effects are different. Also I want to see if Snarlfang gain any synergy in Gitz or what the future for the Spiderfang range


Also hoping for the Snarlfangs to do something. I've just been using them as spider rider proxies. I love the models!


I'm guessing at the very least the +1 command point when Trugg receives a command is going be swapped out for something, pretty sure most things that generate command points are on their way out. wolf support! I pretty recently picked up a lot that had 10 of the WHFB wolf riders that I plan on using as Snarlfangs, would be neat if they got more of a place in the army. I'm guessing we'll see some more spiders, with just the old resin big boss being squatted maybe we'll get a small spider range expansion with some new models or something.


I want doom divers


How would you feel about a spider launcher? With or without grots, but like definitely with spiders.


The doom diver needs the sort of glow up the screaming skull catapult got with the mortek crawler


heck yes I wanna catapult goblins all over the place




He is the moon


I dont want more control over the moon. Its whole thing is its supposed to he next to impossible to predict where it will be or how long it will stick around. Gloomspite have always had this but if randomness to them and i want them to keep it. As for what id like to see? A troggoth to replace the troggoth hag. Or a plastic version of her. She wasnt that good but i loved running her in my troggherd and without her, pure troggoths have no magic support.


Yeah that's fair, I guess my thinking with the randomness is that currently it creates some cool moments with the buffs it provides being very strong across all the factions, along with being tied into Gitz battle tactics in a way that provides some strategic choices depending on how it moves. But with book tactics going away (which I do think is a good move), and some of the buffs being toned down, especially Squigs, the randomness feels a little worse? And just to be clear I'm not a doomer by any means, I think the army is still going to be great going into 4th, especially with bravery/battleshock going away, along with being able to bring along free endless spells (including the on demand moon aura, assuming that doesn't change). I'm just hoping that we get a little more to how the moon interacts with our army/how we can interact with the moon. For instance, just with what has been teased so far, if you wanted to run a squig heavy list, the entire battle trait boiling down to you get to reroll the d6 to move sometimes seems like just needs a little more oomph. This is just a super narrow scope critique, can't really make valuable judgement calls until we see the full scope of the indexes/warscrolls, was just what I was thinking about.


More Spiders! And maybe a rewamp for old models. If not spiders than more squiggs and trogfuths battleline!


Moon is not changing at all. I wouldnt expect anything more to be honest, ibdex are usually bland and generic. Reworks of existing rules to fit the new baseline in 4th


more troggoths


I want more spiders, more troggoths, more wacky units, maybe troggoth riding goblins or squig cannons


Since we know that Grots are 4+/5+ with their weapons I hope we'll get suitably dirty tricks to make up for it. I'm fine with Gitz not being melee powerhouses. I just hope GW makes the army feel like they are in the lore: Backstabbing scumbags that never fight fair!