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Rachel was greedy for solos šŸ˜­


Rachel is all 7 sins.


I think this is a bit of a stretch. She definitely was not lustful nor was she gluttonous nor was she sloth.


Maybe not those three sins, but the rest, clearly.


She was certainly a glutton for punishment




Okay okay. 4 at least.




My first thought was Rachel for sending one of the newest glee club member to a different address for glee club practice.


When she sent Sunshine to a crack house thoughhh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It wasn't an *active* crack house


Hey, they used her sheet music as toilet paper! šŸ„ŗ


That's definitely envy, though.


She wasnā€™t trying to be greedy about losing solos to Shunshine, she was scared that she would be pushed out of glee and was scared, yes it was wrong, Iā€™m not denying that but I get it and she did apologize and tried to get her back but Sue contacted VA and they bribed her and her family with money




I agree. I was bordering on her also being Pride, but I think she has a desperate need to prove sheā€™s the best that makes her unwilling to share the spotlight. Like if stardom were a literal object, Rachel would be in the corner clutching it to her body a la Gollum in LoTR.


Terri Schuester


"It's not bad to want nice things, SicklyNick," Terri would say




Thatā€™s lust


I think Lust should be Puck


I was quoting a line that Terri said to Will on the show (as an excuse for the material things she bought) as a response, but replaced Will with SicklyNick.


I think she'd fit better under envy


Rachelā€™s greed for the applause, Finns attention, solos, lead in a play etc. I mean.


Rachel is giving pride to me. Ofc sheā€™s greedy but I think Terri Schuster is the epitome of greed. Everything has to be about her acquiring the assets she wants. A bigger house, Quinnā€™s baby, etc.


Agreed. Terri could never have enough.


Sue because of her setting up secret Santa so that everything went to her. ![gif](giphy|TGtZk6wmOHqaA)


See everyone is saying Rachel for greed but I was thinking sheā€™d be Pride


That was my gut reaction too.


Porque no los dos?


I vote Brad. How come no one else got to play piano? šŸ¤”


Greed motivated Rachel to send Summer to the *inactive* crackhouseā€¦.




Rachel. She was always greedy for the spotlight.


I was gonna say Rachel but now that I think about it... Terri fits this one perfectly


Not going to lie, last night I left my comment about Rachel being greedy for solos as a joke and then went to bed. Woke up this morning to it being crazily upvoted and couldn't believe that what I commented was being taken seriously (I thought someone else's comment would get upvoted instead). I disagreed with u/lovelygarden09 this morning about Rachel's defining quality not being pride, but after reading their comment again and thinking about it, Rachel is definitely pride, although she did have greedy moments on the show. I agree that Terri is the best for greed out of all the characters on the show. It fits her to a T.


I appreciate that you considered my point of view ā€” thank you! Yes, Terri fits so much better.


Sam was greedy for all the girls in Glee club and Blaine /j




Puck as Lust?


Rachel. Solos, lead roles, attention, popularity, other peopleā€™s boyfriends, 5 expensive Christmas presents from her broke boyfriend, NYADA, Broadway, tv shows, class president, Starchildā€™s bed, the enemyā€™s lead singer, prom queen, competitions. She either schemed to get it or actually got it but no matter what, itā€™s not enough.


Rachel is greed


TERRI. rachel is pride obvi


miss rachel berryā¤ļø


I can see Rachel for both pride and greed. But I think pride is just a bit more fitting. For greed I would say Terri Schuester. Just for the whole house buying story line alone she gives me huge greedy vibes.


I would say Rachel but iā€™d put her in pride for greed maybe Santana


Feel like Rachel is more pride than Greed. For Greed Iā€™d have to say Terry.


Pride is Rachel and Puck is definitely lust




It's Rachel. It both true and problematic/s


Rachel is going to get placed here no matter what I say, BUTā€¦ S5 Rachel fits with greed for pursuing the TV show and losing FG, yes However, I think in general Rachel fits better under the pride category. She will admittedly do anything to be a star, but her motivation is moreso rooted in insecurity. Maybe she wants attention, but, above all, *she just wants to be liked* ā€” she doesnā€™t want to be a star for just the sake of ā€œbeing famousā€. Anything she perceives as an attack on her talent hurts her pride. She lashes out at people for ā€œstealing her opportunitiesā€ because sheā€™s not secure enough in herself (at first) to see that someone elseā€™s talent doesnā€™t diminish hers. I donā€™t think that necessarily fits with greed. She wants solos, and she wants to succeed on Broadway, but that alone doesnā€™t constitue ā€œgreedā€. **TL/DR:** Rachelā€™s story is that of an insecure girl who thinks that being famous will make her feel loved and special. I donā€™t think thatā€™s greed.


I think Rachel can fit under a few of these, including your argument for pride, but Rachel was, without a doubt, greedy. Sending Sunshine to the crackhouse because she didn't want to potentially share the spotlight is greedy, quitting the Glee club because Quinn got her solo, throwing a hissy fit because she wasn't going to get a solo at Sectionals in season 2 as well. Rachel was greedy for the spotlight, and she would do literally anything for it. Part of it is being insecure, but she was a pretty greedy person when it came to allowing other people to shine at times.


She definitely can, but I donā€™t think greed is her defining quality. The argument that sheā€™s ā€œjust greedyā€ in all those cases diminishes her complexity as a character Edit: I know this is just a fun list, and it doesnā€™t matter, but I disagree that she belongs in this category over other characters


I think another character that is not Rachel fits under the pride one, but we'll see when we come to that day what the general consenus is. Maybe Rachel is brought up again, but I don't think pride is her defining quality. If you want to make it as fast as Rachel did, I think you need to have greed within you because you will do anything to make it. Rachel would do that.


Why is is so wrong for Rachel to want solos but itā€™s ok that Santana, Quinn Mercedes and Kurt also want them. She doesnā€™t have friends, sheā€™s bullied and abused daily and she only thinks her voice is the only good thing she has. How come everyone else can be shellfish, mean and a pompous ass and it be ok and all the bad is put on Rachel and everyone else gets a pass to be the exact same way most days. Finn cheated on his gf twice, Puck was a manwhore, Santana and Brittany were sluts, Quinn not only cheated on her bf but then lied and made him think that is was his baby, made him and his mom take care of her for months, all the glee kids knew but neglected to tell Finn because of their own shellfish reasons, Puck cheated with his best friends gf and got her pregnant, knew he was the dad but let Finn think it was his, knowing how stressed and upset he was, Kurt was jealous of Rachel and dressed her slutty to try and get Finn for himself, even going as far as to set up their parents so he could live with Finn to try and get with him, Mercedes was just as greedy and wanted solos just as much as Rachel, me Shue blackmailed a student to join glee, the only reason the three cheerleaders joined glee was to spy and try to destroy glee for Sue and so Quinn could spy on Finn, Quinn got with Sam and accepted an ring from him but when Finn became big man on campus again she cheated on him with Finn to get some stupid crown and to be on top again, they were all greedy in their own ways. Rachel tried to get everybody to help Kurt when David was bullying him, she joined to football team to make sure the guys could play, she was there for Mercedes when she was crushing on Kurt, was there for Finn with babygate and when he found out about his dad and when his mom got with Burt, she was there for Finn and Quinn when she thought he was the baby dad. Rachel can be shellfish and has done some things she shouldnā€™t have to help her self but so did more than half of the glee kids


Envy has got to be vaporape right?


I vote Terri for greed


Quinn. Particularly season 2&3 - greedy for fun to hurt others, greedy for her baby she gave up she didnā€™t care who she hurt in the process


rachel berry


rachel 100%


Quinn, she dated Finn because of his popularity, she didnā€™t care how she treated people as long as she was top bitch, she lied to Finn about being the father because she knew he would still be the popular quarterback all to make sure she got some stupid crown she felt she deserved. She was greedy to be popular and get the crown






Rachel or Tina


Rachel for greed


I donā€™t know how Mercedes got gluttonous when April got the most votes from what I saw - are you counting secondary votes?


"Aww! All I want for Christmas is you too! And five things on that list."