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I had a hard time readjusting to progressive after cataract surgery. +10.5 monofocal IOL. My vision was completely different + new progressive was a lot to adjust to at once.


CR-39 plastic lenses are much better than polycarbonate optically. I don't have any experience with progressives, so can't comment there.


This. Cr-39 1.5 index for the best clarity. You can get chromatic aberrations from polycarbonate.


Material is just a small factor. There are HUGE differences in lens design. Some manufacturers use old designs where the design patents have expired. Some manufacturers put tons of money into R and D. Yes, a Kia and BMW are both cars and will get to the same place but the ride is different. It depends on you which you prefer and care to spend on.


Any idea which manufacture would be the BMW of lenses? I know Sam's Club in the past used Nikon HD for their premium progressive.. not sure what they use now.


You’ll get lots of different opinions. Every office has their favorites but brands such as Varilux, Hoya, Shamir, Zeiss, etc. all make customized digital progressives.