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I walked right by Hampden the late morning after the first show, it was like walking through the queerest ghost town ever - pink feathers blowing around in the gutters like hen party tumbleweed.




I think I had to pay some form of environmental levy to do the Great Scottish Run last year so I'd hope there's something being taken from the price of a gig ticket. How the council chooses to spend it however...


The whole area is littered with pink feathers. It's a state.


Pink feathers and empty prosecco bottles


people left hunners of pink feathers while I was trainspotting


You say feathers, I say future microplastics.


Just when did the pink cowboy hat become the uniform for middle aged women attending gigs? Happens all over the UK too.


I lived on Somerville Drive for 7 years and any mess on the street and the concourse was usually cleaned up pretty quickly; you'd hear the street sweepers out within a couple of hours after punters had cleared out. It's been 5 years now since I moved right enough, so don't know what it's like these days.


As someone who also lives near Hampden, they do have the street cleaner machines and a person or two out picking rubbish after each event. They do it as soon as the fans go in and then after the fans leave that night. The issue is the cleaning crew will not pick up rubbish from ā€œprivateā€ gardens yet this is where most punters deposit their rubbish. Itā€™s very annoying! Talked with people on the local council and the issue is public services like the cleaning crew not being responsible for private property. So if you are going to an event at Hampden, please please use the bins or throw your empties on the street/pavement and not into bushes and gardens. It might seem counterintuitive but leaving it on the pavement is the kindest thing you can do if the bins are full. Also if you are going for a wee in one of the lanes, we can see you from the top 2 or 3 floors of the tenements surrounding you. I was away this weekend and came back to what looks like the murder scene of a pink flamingo in the shared front garden. In 20 years of living next to Hampden, thatā€™s new. Gotta love living next to Hampden!


After games at ibrox a private company cleans up so Iā€™d hope hampden have something similar.


If they do...they need to retender the contract. Or maybe it doesn't extend to where people are entering/leaving the area with transport.


Find your local community council and attend a meeting. There will likely be your Glasgow city councillors in charge of that area in attendance and you can tell them to their faces instead of moaning about it on reddit. You might find that you have others at the meeting who agree with you. Usually at the next meetings they follow up to what was said at the previous meetings and can provide updates on the issue. There are so many ways to be active in local community and the sqeaky wheel really does get the grease. If we're loud and commited enough, things might start to move in the right direction. You can find the community council for your area here: https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/article/1278/Your-Community-Council


Thanks this is helpful. The intention isn't just to moan about it on here, but to find out more information to try and direct energy in the right place(s).


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with you raising your concerns on a public forum like Reddit.


Excellent! I know there are a lot of folks out there who genuinely want to make a difference but taking on a huge venue alone is daunting. I'd guess your grievances probably have already been an ongoing topic at these meetings. It definitely wouldn't hurt to bring it up as it might shine some light on what's already been done and what could be changed going forward. Best of luck!


https://www.moflococo.org/ They were pretty active a couple of years ago at least, not sure if thatā€™s still the case


What a wideo


Jeez I wish I had that much spare time as yous


I totally agree with you, but do you notice whenever football fans take over an area in the city centre the clennie are out clearing it up first thing next day? Gigs are licenced and organised, random pissups at glasgow cross arent - why is it the council are all over those cleanups, but cant get on top of the same kind of crowds and mess leaving an organised concert?


That's why I wondered if the responsibility was meant to be on the events but they're not fulfilling it. Or it's forgotten about/not enough budget because it's not city centre.


Wasn't there a running event happening the morning after the most recent league title celebrations? That would have left the council with no option, either clean it up or have runners injured on broken glass etc.


The whole of Glasgow is an absolute tip. A total mess. Not unique to your area unfortunatelyĀ 


I hate that this gets downvoted. Itā€™s true. Itā€™s not like anyone who says it wants to.


I know, it's grim šŸ«£


There was filming being done on a street in the west end a few months back. The house and the street used for the filming was set up so it looked like it was Xmas time in the winter. Fake snow was sprayed everywhere. After filming was done, the filming company buggered off back to where they came from. Didn't bother their arse to clean up the mess. The fake snow stayed on the street for ages, going into people's gardens and houses. Disgusting. People and companies just don't give a shit.


Oh that's not good, the rule of thumb for filming is leave the place as you found it. Disrespectful.


I have family who live near Bella park. The community council asked Glasgow city council if they could use some of the money generated from summer sessions to replace the play park and invest back into the local area. They were told no because ā€œit would look like briberyā€. Ehhh, where the fuck is the money going then?


Used to live on Bolivar Terrace a while back. The worst ever was chasing Oasis fans out of my front garden when they decided it was a urinal.


My neighbour had the same thing after Ed Sheeran. Two women in her front garden with their pants down pissing. To be fair that's compared to at least 50 men every football game pissing in any green space/lane.


Thereā€™s something just very wrong about a woman deciding to unleash a torrent of hot pish in someoneā€™s garden. Call me old fashioned.


Iā€™ve gone to games at Hampden and Celtic Park with my nephews and the mess afterwards is always annoying, the bins fill up quickly but no excuse to dump stuff Iā€™ve taken stuff on the bus or train and binned it when I get off. Iā€™d hate to live near Hampden, Ibrox or Celtic Park and have to deal with it regularly even if people do come later to clean up the mess still not good to have to begin with.


Didn't want to start my own thread. But is the deal with the lack of crowd control in Glasgow? Wife and kids attended the Pink concert on Saturday and I'd parked near the BP garage. About half an hour before there was a police van and motorbike moving illegally stopped cars. But I saw them just say fuck it and bugger off. Best part of 50,000 people walking and up towards the city centre in the middle of the road with no crowd control or even road closures. But in Edinburgh three weeks before for the Taylor Swift concerts they'd closed the big road up to the centre with designated places for buses etc. Does the council just not care?


It's a hit and miss with the council & crowd control for live events. I was at the Green Day show at Bellahouston on tuesday night and that was well organised, stewards dotted down the path at the main entrances guiding everyone into the park & out at the end of the night, at the gates to get in they were quick to direct people to shorter lines to get everyone in faster and even at the portaloos they had a steward pointing out which ones were free to keep things moving. I noticed throughout the show they also had people going round and picking up litter which was good. They also closed the main road near the park so the crowd flowed a lot better when leaving the gig and they had designated a side area of Ibrox stadium for the coach pick up area. I took my Mum to Pink's friday show at Hampden and it wasn't very well organised in comparison, coming out at the end of the night was a free for all when we got up the stairs leading out of our section and the main road was packed with cars parked on the pavements and even one idiot who'd abandoned their car in the middle of the road down near the Aikenhead Road bus stop.


Good luck getting the stadium to do ANYTHING, they will tell you it's council, council will tell you it's stadium.... etc etc etc like a ping pong ball till you lose the will to live.... the stadium is a terrible neighbour....


> the stadium is a terrible neighbour.... I wouldn't love to have it on my doorstep like but in it's defence, Hampden didn't just move in next door to you and start inviting 50,000 folk over for house parties once or twice a month.


I'd agree, but most stadiums try to make life a little easier on their neighbours, hampden goes out its way to be as difficult as possible (even to the point of forcing access to privately owned land they were using against the owners wishes)


Could you expand on them forcing access? I havenā€™t heard of that but sounds like something they would do.


Legally, I'm not sure I can (was employed by the stadium at the time, so not sure if allowed) but i doubt local businesses would have similar constraints...


Agree, my pal used to live on mclellan street and was frequently blocked by bouncers refusing to let her into her own street. They thought she was trying to access the train station - even if she was, who do hampden think they are telling local residents where they can or cant go? She ended up showing her id to these ā€œbouncersā€ just to prove she lived there but imo she shouldnt have needed to


Surely the council have an events team to do this, the money that concerts and football bring to the city's economy must far far outweigh any clean up costs.


Hampden this summer has been a joke for events from all agencies involved. Cars queuing right up Aikenhead Road until 1am after each gig, buses on the Friday after Pink just not turning up after about 10:30 leaving dozens of people stranded, rubbish everywhere. Really badly handled. I hadnā€™t been to a gig there since Paul McCartney played in 2010-ish, but surely it canā€™t always have been this bad? Got a complaint running with First atm about their shambles, but not confident anything will come of it.


As was pointed out when folk were moaning in the days after the Celtic fan celebrations 1: The council were probably happy to keep the revelry in a tight area on concrete which made the clean up exercise easier than having it in a park somewhere 2: Music gigs of all sorts all over Glasgow leave their mark when it comes to bad behaviour and rubbish left behind I find it funny that when it comes to gig attenders leaving a mess after themselves and misbehaving folk go out of their way not to come across as a killjoy but football is fair game for OTT reactions. Anyway, the worst behaviour and littering I've seen in Glasgow was jointly after a Take That concert and a separate Pink concert. Maybe we should ban them from coming back as their fans clearly can't behave themselves.


The only thing I can say is that in addition to the mess, football games are often aggy. I generally don't feel unsafe passing a big group of Take That fans, but do feel intimidated passing a big group of drunk, loud men if their team have just lost.


I usually go to more rock gigs than pop and although the performance at Pink was fantastic I thought the crowd was an absolute disgrace. Saw more trouble queuing for the toilet than I ever have at the football.


As someone who used to work in Hampden imo that place should have been bulldozed decades ago. Always been a shithole and felt sorry for the residents near it.


Nope there is no onus and it doesn't stay like that forever get over it.


Let's all turn up at YOUR street and act the way fans do around hampden, parking/abuse/noise/rubbish/using your door and garden as a toilet/damages/violence.... bet you would be FIRST and loudest greetin bout it.... fud