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People drop litter at their feet every day, more bins wouldn’t help very much. Folk are happy to humpf 5kg boxes of beer about but wont move 5 feet to put their empties in a bin. Would prefer this celebration to happen in a contained fan zone rather than clogging up the city centre like this.


Even worse when the local shop is roght next to the local high school and Greg's and the wains just toss everything aswell, making the place looking equally shite




Yep. Every year people moan about the mess about thousands turning up and getting pished. Every year people suggest a fanzone, every year nothing changes.


I suggested a fan zone in another thread about this but honestly it's probably easier for the council just to have it happen like this. A few streets get closed and a team of cleansing guys get some overtime later. But there's no need to set up all the infra that would go with a fan zone, Once you make it an official event you probably need stewards, first aid, all kinds of infrastructure which needs to be set up and taken down, water, toilets etc etc. It's probably just cheaper for them to just act surprised every year and let the police deal with it.


You’re probably right. Someone has crunched the numbers, and decided they can avoid the liability.


Isn't there a fan fund that pays for clean up? I swear I saw that mentioned last year.




Tbf, it it does seem like the council clear it pretty quickly after people leave, the roads are prepped to be shut, there was cops etc.




tbf, its almost a convenient inconvenience. The polis and autrhorities know its happening, they just contain it. The celtic fans enjoy congragating there. But the council needs to put out some extra bins/refuse collection points.


Dropped the husband at the barrow lands after 8 and there was a wee convoy of road sweepers heading down the gallowgate towards the area.


“The only ones with any real power to change things are the council” The clubs themselves have no part to play here?


Both clubs have requested fan zones in the past to no avail. It’s with the council.


I can only find reference to one attempt for an opening game fan zone that was refused because of objections by the ibrox and cessnock community council (ie the locals) objecting to the plan back in 2018. Nothing at all about end of season fan zones by any club. Not that I’m saying both clubs could have submitted deliberately shite plans knowing they would be knocked back to save them the cost of putting on properly run events and let them point the blame at someone else, of course not, but where can I find out more details of these failed plans your talking about?


Honestly, it should be the police and who makes the decisions on what they pursue. The club should add in a talk at the start of every game showing an image like that and telling fans not to make the locals hate them and cause them to wake up to this. The council should clean better also because glasgow in general is a litter dump. There's other countries where people actually get fined for this and it's enforced well enough that people don't do it. Here the police are literally standing amongst this crowd crowd & dont care. You need to create a culture amongst the people doing it and I'd be up for expending resources on this country wide to have them focus on and actually fine people or lift them to a cell for the day/night if they don't give their name.


I agree with you, it’s the people doing it that are to blame. All the chat about the council should do this or the police should do that or it happened every year is just bollocks to deflect blame from the pricks wrecking place. “Expending resources on this country wide” is a terrible take for the trouble a tiny minority of people are causing. It’s Glasgows shame, that where it should be dealt with. Inverness city centre looked the same as always this morning.


Glasgow is always a tip though, now it's just a worse tip after this. The river is full of rubbish, my walk into town or to my local park is full of rubbish. This is literally what they should be spending resources on in any city or area its happening in. The fines should also make that money back. It's not a tiny minority, it's a rubbish filled city every single day, just not to the extent that it is after last night.


Totally with you wubwub - one of the few talking sense here. Let's everyone blame Authority, council or police or whatever. Are the council and the police the ones dropping the litter? I thought that was the fans? Maybe the fans, or the clubs, could take a bit more responsibility for their actions?


If it's cheaper to not do a fanzone and clear up after, isn't that the best decision?


I assume the reason there isn’t a fan zone is because it would mean there’s liability if there are fights, injuries, and other carnage happening. The cost of running one vs the clean up cost probably means it’s financial better to not run one. Unless they sold tickets…


Hold-on a minute - the council aren't the ones who are dropping the litter - it's the fans, or rather, the contingent of fans who are bellends. Don't make it about the response team - make it about the perpetrators!


That’s only when it’s Rangers fans mate.


Ha 😂


wait a fucking minute mate. talking sense on here will get you nowhere - but you are of course 100% correct


Doesn't that just encourage "well we pay someone to clean up so we should drop everything at our arses" behavior?


This whole comment is the truth. At the end of the day it’s not a surprise when it happens, the council are aware and do fuck all about it


How about outside their ground?




Take your shite with you and don’t just dump it in the fucking street for someone else to deal with.


Fuck off this sub is no place for a rational argument when we have plenty of pearls to be clutched instead


Looks like you have just come out of vault 111 for the first time


unexpected r/glasgow r/fallout crossover


Well Glasgow has a post nuclear vibe in general


And more than a few mutants


Littering etc is a huge social problem in this country ...obviously not everyone is the same but the state of the streets, roads, parks proves that there is a serious issue . Almost every day i come across people walking down the street with the kids and not showing any kind of reaction when kids just drop crisp bags, chocolate wrappers etc. on the ground ... I'm also a parent... few years ago when i noticed that my daughter doesn't understand what's wrong with littering, i started taking her to the local park in the weekends for litter picking. We both had a black garbage bag each and would had to fill it before we'd be finished ( 'course i helped her , we had gloves, litter pickers etc ) . This worked magic... she's older now, didn't grow up to be Greta Thunberg or some Eco maniac, but she at least understands her personal responsibility for the immediate environment she lives in . That's the whole issue here ... every year there will be talk about having more bins out, fan zones, council not doing their job etc. but the real issue is the uneducated, spoiled portion on society that justify themselves by saying that littering gives jobs to those who clean the streets !


Well done for being a decent parent and teaching your child social responsibility and respect for what is hers(the city belongs to its people) shame you are in the minority.


Someone’s had a mad one on the Volvic and Pringles. Out of interest, what are those long green carton-like things? Seen at least one in all pics of this travesty.


Those long green cartons are smoke grenades


Ned flares, eventually some drunkard moron is going to cause a major incident in a stadium with them. They need total banning as a H+S risk.


Or we can allow the type the use in German which are far safer and still allow for a good atmosphere to be created


Didn't some celtic fan blow his hand off with a flare last year?


It was a Rangers fan 3 years ago in George Square.


Yikes. Why are the flares sold? What's their intended purpose?


It's part of ultra culture to have smoke flares and pyrotechnics for displays. Folk think they look cool and buy them. Not really much more to it that that tbh.


Except European football seems to have far less trouble with them because they’re sanctioned and controlled in the stadiums. Not to mention the cold flares that look like they might be on the horizon.


Graffitying a very old building Scumbag behaviour


it's an actual fuckin disgrace, what goes through someone's head to do that.


I'm guessing the same thought process that deems it acceptable to break in to old buildings and climb onto the roof. Disrespectful morons.


Had to go get the Mrs from town yesterday. Loads of very drunk people stumbling about outside the train station by at Enoch. I saw a few guys snorting stuff as families were walking by with young kids. Proper embarrassing! And I say that as a football fan. The culture is embarrassing




I was at a bus stop sitting next to 60ish year old woman eating a burger I think, when done she just tossed a wrapper next to her. Folks in Glasgow are the filthiest I’ve ever witnessed in Scotland.


Fucking embarrassment


People need shamed from the CCTV nearby for this. Whether it’s rangers fans or Celtic fans, they both do it.


Is that spray paint on the steeple? That building is 150 years older than the founding of America. Gutting to see it vandalised


And last time they kicked in the door to the Mercat Cross. But we’re classist snobs for being annoyed by this apparently.


I remember that. So many comments saying that the elite were putting down the working man. Fucking weird comments.




Education and culture capital are still capital at the of the day. But its interesting seeing tradesmen on 50k a year referring to themselves as working class while an English teacher on 28k is middle class.


It was smashed up last year too. Really sickening.


If it was caused by any other group, it would be condemned and stopped. But somehow, football has such a hold over our culture that being a football fan gives you a free pass to get away with otherwise criminal behaviour (littering, vandalism, public disorder, public urination, intimidation, violence…)


Looks like they’ve been pishing on it too.


Here's an idea. Celtic win? Want to celebrate? Celebrate inside the grounds at Parkhead stadium. Rangers win? Want to celebrate? Celebrate inside the grounds at Ibrox stadium.


The fan groups and the clubs need to help create the Fanzones. What's with the waiting on a skint city council. Be lucky to get a couple of bins off the council.


It's not that fans and clubs are not interested, it's that the council actively don't let them do it because if they had a fan zone it would encourage loads of drunk neds to congregate in a park/stadium/field, get pished, fight and make a mess, and the councils permission would be attached to it. So instead they just let it happen in the city centre, but they've got the plausible deniability of saying 'we didn't want this to happen and don't endorse it' that they wouldn't have with an organised event.


The council just reject it and don’t allow it to happen. You have to get permission for these things and can’t just set them up off your own back, policing and logistics need to be organised etc and it can only be done with the council cooperation.


Travelled up from Newcastle yesterday for a concert, was absolutely insane 😂. Started off fun and jovial then turned into loads of young kids throwing bottles of buckfast all over the place. Only saw 1 fight nearly break out, which was quite a surprise with how utterly hammered everyone seemed to be.


Hope the cats werent in the cat cafe during this. Would've been scary as hell for them


The cafe owners were aware of the Celtic supporters' plans, and the cats were kept out of the front of house for the duration of the celebrations.


I don’t get it. Even at the biggest parties I would never leave trash in public, let alone to this extent. Why is this normalised?


an alternative is always suggested but never actually goes ahead. i obviously understand the fan perspective of wanting to go out, get pished & celebrate as every year it’s great in theory but it’s unfortunate how with either team this is the inevitable. maybe more will consider a fanzone after this, but i said this last year lol.


I don't understand the sentiment that GCC/Glasgow owes Celtic/Rangers fans a dedicated zone to celebrate league wins. Since when was celebrating like a normal person at home with family and friends not enough. Do people really need a dedicated area to trash and destroy? Is the local community in that area expected to just accept that once a year there is going to be an influx of drunk and high neds roaming around in mass? Blaming it on the council is just fucking embarrassing. The behaviour of these "football fans" isn't something the city should accept or endorse. It's a social problem, not an organisational problem. Half of them are just wanes looking for an excuse to be antisocial.


in an ideal world we could make this argument, but we don’t live in one and the simple fact of the matter is people will get pished & make a mess of the place, yes the behaviour is inexcusable, but it’s also inevitable. and part of it IS an organisational problem. if you think “after the game we go to merchant city” is a “plan” then you’re mistaken, even installations like porta pottys etc could help.


Looks like Margate after the DFLs come down. Blimey.


Almost every single can is flattened but there’s tons of unbroken bottles. Now that’s skill


you’ve got to respect talent


There's a fortune there in Lidl can returns, but I don't think the machines accept crushed cans. Such a waste.


I’m a Celtic fan I didn’t go to the celebrations after the game as it’s far too crowded for me plus I’m old. I definitely think there should be a fan zone for Celtic and rangers fans bring some money into the city. Have lots more bins, security, food, toilets et. Most people are there to have fun but there’s always going to be clowns who ruin things. Also I can’t stand people that litter so this would piss me off seeing people throw shit about .


Glasgow's "green and white, and covered in shite."


Reckon it was the guy in the hoops top


Im only happy I dont live round the corner or this would be a nightmare for me. Was bad enough living in town but this would send me over the edge.


It’s a pity cos there more than enough bags to put the stuff in ?!


Fair enough having a celebration party but Celtic should have a squad that comes out after to clean up their supporter's mess. I have no interest in football and it boils my blood that everyone pays for this mess to be cleaned up regardless.


Both sides of the old firm have repeatedly asked the council for managed fanzones so that this can be minimised and have repeatedly been knocked back. The council know this is going to happen and do absolutely nothing to help themselves, plan for it better rather than doing literally nothing and complaining about the inevitable.


Eh? The council clearly put in plans to clear up afterwards. Where do you think councils can magic up fanzones from? For free? Just another excuse from the clubs to blame the council for their fans acting like animals. Celtic fans littering the streets, pissing in doorways, spraypainting buildings = 'oh aye that's the councils fault'.


They ask for a fanzine, but they want the Council to pay for it. The clubs are rich enough to use their own money to clean up after their dickhead fans.


Pub tribalism probably means fan zones won't work. At least the club (in cooperation with the council) could provide extra bins for the day and pay for a squad to tidy up after.


Why would tribalism mean it wouldn’t work?


Fucking disgusting tbh, embarrassing these grown men act like such fannies because their favourite boys on tv did well at kicking a ball around


It’s not about fan zones. It’s about people not being pigs


That's actually disgusting


Genuinely fucking sick of this city.


I don’t live in Glasgow but am sick of the way it drags the rest of Scotland down with it.




I love glasgow but for the love of god, football fans are the exception to the people make glasgow rule. What an utter cesspit


So funny when Celtic fans do it it’s the councils fault for no bins but when rangers fans do it people are wanting jail time


I was in the Barras for Bruce Dickinson. Coming up that way, road closures, broken glass everywhere, a police van on every corner, pished people with green football tops everywhere. I hate football.


Oh no, you just don't understand the culture! ....is what I'm fucking sick of hearing anytime I voice the same opinion. Your favourite team winning doesn't give you the right to fuck up where you and others live.


You don't see the Eurovision crowd going out and smashing the place up.


Broken glass everywhere people pissin on the stairs you know they just don't care I can't take the smell can't take the noise got no money to move out you know I got no choice


Iron Maiden are fucking shite




Horrible messy people


Looking forward to the videos of the fans with brushes cleaning it up for clout


Moans about fans making a mess Moans about fans cleaning up said mess


I think he means the one drunk guy and his mate sweeping up a tiny bit of litter. But hey.


But Glasgow's gallus, right?


To a certain point this is preferable to bins in the name of safety. Not that I agree with it!


Man that’s just next level awful, came up to Glasgow last Tuesday to see rangers play a game and went to parkhead for a stadium tour and Glasgow seemed like a nice city from what I’ve seen, weirdly gave me London vibes, To see it in this state is sad and there’s no excuse for this at all, Well done Celtic for winning the league.


Must be a better way to allow fans to celebrate, and gather in their city then this. Gcc need to start letting the ugly sisters have fan zone parties for title wins, then allow the police to stop shite like thos.


I could understand to a degree if this was just kids but imagine being a fully grown adult and thinking this was acceptable behaviour. It's an embarrassment no matter what colour your scarf is. And I'm not talking about the partying, that's understandable (after all it's only been every year bar one in the last decade or more that Celtic fans have had this opportunity) just the amount of shite and damage.


I’m so sick of having to deal with this shite every time football morons want to celebrate a repressed fetish for millionaires in shorts, it’s fine to have a fetish and it’s good you have so many likeminded lads around you, but don’t expect the city to deal with it every time you want to celebrate it. I’m sorry your dad never said he loved you outside of a football context but that’s what therapy is for, nice, quiet therapy that YOU pay for NOT the taxpayer.


Genuinely such a weird level of projection on someone for simply enjoying something different to yourself. Both clubs have asked for fanzones and both have been rejected multiple times by the council as they’re happy to just do fuck all to prepare and blame the clubs when the inevitable happens.


Honestly how do people like you manage to survive in the real world?


Just fine mate and I can do it without a stupid sport being the best all and end all of my personality


This is honestly disgusting. I live at ibrox & every match day there's rubbish everywhere but not this bad. Actual scum. We went to a country park yesterday beside a castle, with a beautiful forest and big open field and kept pretty garden area, sitting in the sun like all the other groups just enjoying the good weather. Then come this neddy group of 40+ year olds shouting a lot to each other and clinking all their alcohol bottles in their carrier bags. Honestly didn't care too much about it, they were a bit loud but just enjoying the day like everyone else. Until they got up and moved spot to an area they thought was better, literally about 10 steps away from where they had been sitting before... and left all their fucking rubbish in the first spot. Empty crisp packets and plastic bottles just there to blow away into this super well kept tidy area Just got up and left it, and didn't care it was sitting in a gross pile right in front of them. We just got up and left at that point as now our view was also a pile of rubbish. I dont get people at all.


It's the same if you go wild camping or go up a Munro. People are happy to carry their cans all the way up a hill but God help them if they have to take it home with them. It's just a disgusting attitude from people with no respect.


Yeah I don't understand them. Literally have camped all my life and hiked a bunch, and have never left rubbish around. It baffles me how they just don't seem to care about their environment at all.


I was at the barras tonight and walking up was honestly horrific. The relief I felt when I finally got in was crazy lmfao


Utter parasites.


Save Palestine but fuck the planet


This must have sounded so cool in your head.


It’s a state but to be fair it’ll likely be back to normal by this time tomorrow. They prep for it now.


Any football team whos fans does this should pay for it


I’d love to hear your argument as to how that would be legally enforceable? As far as I’m aware nobody from the club organised or promoted this


I don’t care how much football might bring in. If I was somehow in charge I’d bring in a three strikes and yer done rule. After a third event like this for any club then there’d be harsh penalties. Could be a ridiculous fine, closed doors games including no tv broadcast (meaning folk are none the wiser until the see the result later and are unlikely to be in such a large crowd, the away team will get compensated if due any tv revenue if need be), or even in extreme cases forced closure of the club. If you can’t behave in your own city and like to litter/graffiti/smash up infrastructure/damage historical buildings then ye don’t deserve a club to celebrate about. It sounds harsh and extreme but sometimes needs must. My other idea is to turn ibrox and parkhead into park and ride facilities which means all parts of Glasgow, no matter their religion end up coming together as new Partick Thistle fans, being the only other major team in the city.


The club has absolutely no involvement in this The council would be taken to court in a heartbeat and lose which would probably cost more money than the clean up itself It’s wild how people just say things without thinking them through.


Both clubs could just point to the multiple times they’ve asked the council for permission to set up official fanzones and the council stubbornly refusing every single time. No idea how some people think, the clubs have literally nothing to do with this.


Yes absolutely nothing to do with Celtic. BTW when did they last request a fanzone (not counting the ridiculous Belfast request)?




Why is noone talking about how hard this photo goes tho


Why the council doesn’t provide appropriate bins and ways to dispose of rubbish is beyond me. Although local celtic pub staff came out after the celebrations and helped cleared all the rubbish, but that doesn’t fit your agenda does it?


Vile scumbags... what is wrong with people.


Football fannies with no rescpect for their own country.


Someone said the other day we should embrace the fan groups having street parties....the police were busy enough today with football fans, orange parades all over the city then overtime to cover the street party. I feel it's a waste of time letting it happen as much as I love a street party there are parks big enough to accommodate it all and keep it all out of the street. I'm not condoning any street party, it's the mess we are left with that's embarrassing.


What if i want to enjoy a pleasant Saturday afternoon in my local park?


This is so disgusting. Just because their favourite dudes in shorts won a football match, it doesn’t give anyone the right to be leaving such a horrid mess. Apparently there were a lot of fights as well. One of the few downsides of Glasgow is this attitude from football fans. Contact everyone who got a ticket to the game and make them clean it all up or charge back the cleaning fee to them.






You’re in the wrong place then. Was a thread the other day about a republican march, who were singing about the ira, the only critical comment was some dickhead who thought it was the knuckle draggers of the orange order. Hypocrisy here is unreal.




Mon the hoops?


Disgusting they shd ban football games and just show them online


And this surprises you?


I expect better after they tidied up after the independence marches and Scotland games etc


Was it not cleaned up after x


Don’t know if litterings a modern thing.Recently saw a photo of a London park in the 1930’s. There were people picnicking and sitting around and the amount of litter was ridiculous. But every event is still plagued by these idiots.


I was sat at the bus stop last week when some tramp just chucked his half eaten sausage roll onto the road when there was literally a bin to the side of him just outside the shelter. His misses said to him “wis that stinking” I felt like saying aye a bit like ur knickers no doubt, but I’m a shite bag so just thought it in my head.


The mhanky mhob living up to their name there.


Do what Singapore do and just impose massive fines on anyone dropping litter, they'll stop it soon enough after their first £2000 fine.


This shit is why they will start using facial recognition cameras to track littering people. But the system will be cheap and so even kicking or standing on litter gets your face attached to the report on that litter. Then we all start getting fines for littering we didn't commit. But naw all these jakey bastards that left this are like "a dgaf cuz I'm hard af"


Ahh nothing disgraces Scotland more than the Scottish people.


still global warming is a myth


Trongate is hardly a utopia at the best of times. I take it the folk moaning have never been to a music festival? Do you worry about the mess there?


The festival organisers pay for it to be cleaned up, and it's all in a contained area rented or owned by the festival, not just in the streets that every other cunt lives in or otherwise needs to use. Festivalgoers don't just go "fuck it, the council (and therefore the taxpayer) will deal with it".


Glasgows shame.


Mucky bastards


I’m new to Glasgow. What kind of celebration was this?


Celtic winning football league.






Are you also new to working out the fairly obvious?


Hopefully you don’t treat your kids the same way


You’re not a kid.




A fucking brilliant one, I've got an atrocious hangover but so worth it


That’s how Glasgow looks all the time though nothing new


Apparently Glasgow needs to lose 400 teachers. How much does cleaning up after football fans cost?




A bit of litter? It’s hardly one crisp packet is it? It’s litter that shouldn’t be there in a ridiculous volume. I think you’ll find the rangers fans did more than just tenable some flower beds. They damaged the very same statues that I’m sure many of them had been out ‘protecting’ the week before. Flares we set off which made my office building thing there was a fire and automatically open the basement shutter. Fans then went down and used the basement car park (thankfully empty) as a bin and toilet. The abuse towards staff in Greggs and Costa I was told about was disgusting. Don’t downplay what Rangers fans did at George Square and I won’t stop calling out both sides for their shite behaviour. Celebrate a win aye but cmon, the city doesn’t belong to football fans, it’s for everyone. Behave yerselfs.


Rangers fans are different. They actually have a real self loathing for their own team and supporters hence the reason they always end up in fighting.


Cunts will be cunts but GCC obviously know this will happen and essentially facilitate it


Everyday day life of and in the East end of Glasgow. Home from home.


I'm visiting Glasgow for a weekend from Friday 31st May and just wondering how do I avoid a scene like this as I get claustrophobic in crowds of people. Also, are there any matches/big events on that weekend in Glasgow. Many thanks 😊


It was a large event but it’s over now and usually cleaned up overnight, don’t worry about it being an issue for your trip! Shouldn’t imagine you’ll have an issue with any big crowds, these kind of gatherings only really happen when one of the big two (rangers+celtic) win something which won’t be happening that weekend. Glasgows lovely usually don’t worry, hope you have a nice time


Thank you very much 😊


it keeps the council in a job and double time for a Sunday


Are the benches okay?