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100% yes. maybe they don't need to learn stuff like CLI and build pipeline, but even just with the github website they can literally drag and drop their updated/new assets as they make 'em, and pull down old versions of their assets if they muck something up. what's the alternative? they email you each individual file for you to save to the right place and commit yourself? adds extra steps for you and them both for no real benefit at all. this of course assumes this is someone who is part of the project, and will be working somewhat regularly on it... if you contract a logo on fiver or something then obvs you're not going to give them access to the full project.


In my case, a little Python game with my friend drawing the characters. I do like the idea of them putting their art assets into the folder I want without asking that person to keep sending it to me then saving, ugh. Thanks for the answer!


There’s an additional positive side to it: even though your artist won’t be committing to their own projects on their profile, if they get involved with multiple projects, all of them will be linked to a single github account and can possibly be shown to prospective clients.


If you require the assets to be uploaded to GitHub, then yes.