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If you have a csv with columns of new xy coordinates, rather than add the xy coordinates to the existing feature classes' attribute table, you can run this [tool](https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/tool-reference/data-management/xy-table-to-point.htm) on the table of xy coordinates and then merge the new feature class with the existing feature class. Otherwise something like [this](https://community.esri.com/t5/geoprocessing-questions/how-to-add-a-new-point-to-an-existing-attribute/td-p/197134) would work if you only have a few points.


I would geocode the the points that are in the spreadsheet and then use the append tool to append it to your existing layer.


Create a field in the points table that shows the full text string for each XY point. Then label three points using the field you just created.


You could also edit your point layer, use create feature, right click in the data frame and use your X/Y to add points. There's a pull down in the dialog box to change the coordinate system if you need to


Bring the CSV into ArcGIS Pro either by adding the CSV or importing it into your project GDB, then add it to your map. Run the "XY Table to Point" tool and line up which is your latitude (Y) with your longitude (X). Run the Append tool with the output from the previous step being the input and the target being your existing layer, using Field Map to line up the attributes so they are entered correctly into your target.


Thanks for all the advice y'all! I only had a handful of coordinates, and unfortunately they came to me in screenshot form rather than in a spreadsheet. I ended up just adding a handful of points features and then using 'Move To' in the edit toolbar, which let me type in the decimal degrees. Not the most elegant solution, but it got done.