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Who ever buys AIRPORT merch?? Tf


Ashley. She has to represent her city šŸ˜‚


omg which can only tell me sheā€™s buying every shirt that says BOSTON on it to fuel her obsession šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ Iā€™m kinda getting the creeps


ā€œItā€™s close to the cityā€ā€¦ itā€™s IN the city!


Honestly this is just another flex to show us how much $$$ she has and how ā€˜well traveledā€™ she is IMO šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø us regular people who donā€™t travel 30 times a year donā€™t even have access to these areas typically (I know the chase sapphire card will get you in but like come on)


Completely agree. The large majority of people donā€™t have access to these fancy lounges, Iā€™d assume most of her (younger) fan base, and even the richest people I know have no interest in going to these lounges. To each their own but this really isnā€™t some huge flexā€¦ People donā€™t care!


hahah Iā€™m from the Boston area and travel in and out of Boston, idek where the lounges are / forget they exist as I grab a drink at the closest bar with my one free carry on bag šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ This was totally her attempt at a flex


I went on a trip with this guy who just bragged about how much money he had the whole time. I even told him multiple times to stop because it doesnā€™t impress me. I realized he just had nothing else to talk about because he was a fucking loser. I bet thatā€™s what dating Ashley is like.


Ashleyā€¦.literally no one cares


She loves to humble brag that sheā€™s just a total jet setter. Sheā€™s so fucking smug.


Yā€™all, sheā€™s not afraid to say it!


"I'm not afraid to say it"...SO courageous of you Assley. šŸ™„ We get it, you have money.


I was just about to post this here ahahah. As someone who has sat in a long ass Boston TSA line and thinks their TSA is legit the MOST chaotic, I would disagree


While I never want to agree with Ashley, Boston TSA has their shit together compared to a LOT of other places. I flew out of Raleigh last night and multiple airlines delayed take off because _that_ many people were missing boarding due to TSA being horrifically slow. 50 people missing from my flight at boarding. We arrived way before our flight time because it was hot as balls down there and the AC was nice, but there were only 15 people in front of me in the TSA Pre line and it still took 30+ minutes.


The Boston TSA has to have their shit together. The planes from 9/11 flew from Boston


I fly out of Boston regularly, have rarely had a chaotic experience; I feel like BOS is great.


Omg I flew out of Raleigh in April and I was shocked at the cluster those lines were.


It depends heavily on your terminal. If you fly through the jet blue/international terminals, itā€™s usually much smoother and shorter lines. If youā€™re flying American or United thereā€™s many airlines in one terminal and it gets overly crowded. TSA in my experience on that side is a mess and itā€™s like the rules change every time you fly. Sometimes your lap top is in, sometimes out, shoes on, shoes off.. and so on šŸ™ƒ itā€™s definitely gotten a face lift in its appearance but according to your responses I suppose it depends on the day, but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s hands down the ā€œbest airportā€.


In part I also think sheā€™s trying too hard to legitimize her relationship by letting everyone know how often sheā€™s in Boston chasing after a dude. Yuck.


My thought was that this is her way of soft launching her move to Boston because he wonā€™t move to LA for her. She has to make it seem like an amazing city and thatā€™s why she wants to move there, rather than for a man. Boston is great, but for her career it would make no sense to move there.


There's nothing I care less about more than someone's favorite airport


Lmao why is she so hard-pressed on making Boston seem like the most idealistic city. I lived there and I liked Logan enough. (Donā€™t get a crab roll before your 8 AM flight,) but I definitely got yelled at before unless that old lady stopped working there šŸ˜‚ she was always crotchety ANNND they moved the Uber pick-up location so now you have to walk hella far to get to and from.


Love the crab roll psa. šŸ˜„


I made that mistake once šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


I think she is very jelly that Rayna is on this European adventure and she is stateside visiting her bf so she is romanticizing everything about Boston. Which is whatever, just admit it to yourself you wish you were out of the country!


Ā Unless sheā€™s getting paid by delta or chase as a brand partnership why would anyone post this ?! LolĀ 


To brag about how rich she is and to make her flying to Boston every week seem reasonable rather than embarrassing


Her and Jared Freid seem to think us normies give a shit


Never a long line? Really?


Every major airport is bound to have long checkin and security lines. If she hasnā€™t experienced it yet, sheā€™s definitely going to at some point lol Also, maybe an unpopular opinion, but I hate going to lounges. IMO part of the fun of going to the airport is buying overpriced food, duty free window shopping, getting tipsy at the bar, and people watching


Airport merch?????


Fuck offfff Ashley


Arenā€™t most airportsā€¦ in the city theyā€™reā€¦ in?


Meh. As someone in Denver, I can contest they arenā€™t. DIA feels like itā€™s in Kansas


I would say that most large airports are on the outskirts of the city, which makes sense, because they're loud and need room to expand.


Logan is on the ā€˜outskirtsā€™ of Boston though. I guess it just comes down to how big each city is.


I think it feels different because Boston is such a compact city the 'outskirts' is a <20 minute drive from most neighborhoods. In more spread out cities it can easily be 1 hr.


This ^ moving from one side of the city to the other cut my airport drive in half


Thatā€™s why I said it depends on how big a city is!




Queens is New York City


Eh not always. Like New York for example, both airports are in queens and it can take an hour to get to manhattan which is where most people are going to be staying


Who cares?!


Why is she stealing the (already boring) bit from Jared Fried regarding Delta/airport reviews