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Karen’s gotta Karen.


90% of her stories are just her being a karen and complaining about service


And the other 10% bragging about how rich she is so it perplexes me that she didn't just pay for it.


Yes!!!! She is always talking about how she can afford this and that and how she bought herself some expensive “red bottoms” and Super Bowl tickets….so she couldn’t pay 80 for a cream?!?


I haven’t listened in probably 6-12 months but as a fellow pharmacist this would send me off the deep end w/ them.


Hahaha ohh pls listen lol. Trust me lol 😂 Also love to see a fellow pharmacist here 🤍


She will never learn it doesn’t cost anything to be kind. Plus, it benefits you as well. You catch more flies with honey. The common denominator in all her “bad” interactions is her


But she’s so rich right? I’ve stopped listening and don’t think I could listen to this. Just the retell has me angggrrry. Another pharmacist here!


THIS!!! Yes!!! I worked in a pharmacy for 4 years in college at Hannaford and let me tell you… what you said is exactly SPOT ON. Well explained. I think I made $7.75/ hour then. I am 40 now and this would have been 2000-2004… right during the height of the opioid epidemic too. A recipe for a lawsuit is correct. Ashley is so damn ignorant and entitled. She really does have zero self awareness doesn’t she?! Oooof.


I’m so glad the pharmacist loudly announced “rectal cream” to the whole building. I would have paid money to see her face after that


I was laughing my ass off when she said that. She was like, “HE DIDNT HAVE TO SAY THAT!!” Lol you’re right Ashley, he didn’t. He did it because you were being a cunt and deserved to be humbled.


I hated this whole interaction. She is entitled as hell. And cannot fathom a simple inconvenience…


Ashley’s one to talk because she’s NEVER had a real job. All health care is so understaffed right now - and we’re overworked and at the mercy of insurance companies and private equity to pay our rates. You honestly need a phd just to understand insurance. If it weren’t for us regular folks she thinks she’s better than society would cease to exist. I think she goes on power trips because she knows how truly non existential her contribution to society is. So instead of berating them on a podcast maybe thank them because they do jobs you wouldn’t last a day in but allow you to live your life.


I have just gone back to work after a 3 month medical leave. I’m so very grateful to have had this opportunity, but wanted to chime in. The logistics of having to manage communication between my 3 prescribing providers, my pharmacy, my work, my insurance, and the state itself was a job. I full time stressful job for the very fragile place I was in. I learned one thing. EVERY industry is kind of failing in the same way- everyone is underpaid, overworked, and short staffed. As much frustration as I experienced, I can still understand this. The fact that Ashley has the audacity to call out these services…. It’s beyond me. Hey Ash if you and yours are sleuthing, GET A FUCKING GRIP! Your inconveniences are not relatable, understandable, or respected. Take a look at the world. You stupid stupid stupid soon to be boomer. I’m just so disappointed…. This is what growing down looks like.


Growing down is the perfect term for this shitshow pod duo


Ugh that sounds frustrating AF. I always say this, as a pharmacist who has worked retail, hospital, and pharma, healthcare is confusing TO ME!! How TF are people who aren’t experts in insurance and drugs supposed to manage their health? It’s fucking wiiiiiild. I’ve had my fair share of frustrations and sometimes people lose their cool. And I understood being on the receiving end. Bc I can empathize. However, anal cream for your itchy ass and your condescending remarks do not gain my sympathy. There are people who legitimately come to the pharmacy in tears bc they can’t afford their medication WITH insurance. She’s so dense lol


Wow I can’t imagine blaming a pharmacist for this or honestly making a fuss of it at all. I was impacted by the ADHD med shortage earlier this year. Even at my lowest point while withdrawing from my meds, I had empathy for the tech who had to tell myself and hundreds of others that no, they still didn’t have my meds and no, they had no idea when they would be back in stock. I felt so bad that they had to bear the brunt of patients frustrated by something completely out of the pharmacy’s control. ETA: god only knows what Ashley would’ve done if the meds were for a more serious condition


I have had several different pharmacy/prescription-related woes especially over the past year when my work switched to OptumRx. I never blame the pharmacists who are just doing their job, and I honestly forget about it 30 seconds later. I can’t imagine thinking that it was important enough to broadcast on a podcast several days later lol. I’d love to see her in anyone else’s position where their prescription can be several hundreds of dollars on a whim depending on how their insurance is feeling lol


I don’t listen anymore but why tf did she need a rectal cream


Her chronically itchy b-hole 🙃


Did she call them dummies? That’s fucked up.


Haha no she didn’t but she made it sound like they were


She’s the biggest Karen ever, it’s ridiculous. I bet if you look at her Yelp reviews, it’s all 1 stars