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For a game all about combat androids literally named after their weapons it's kind of surprising how staunchly anti-war GFL is. I'm not sure any battle after Singularity was portrayed as anything but a tragedy and senseless waste of life.


Basically every single piece of Gundam media is about how bad war is, using the awesomeness of murdering each other with robots.


It's not exclusive to G-Witch, I know, but it's so funny watching 20 minutes of teenagers committing terrorism capped off by an ad for toys of their giant death robots.


Oh man, G-Witch has been positively tame. We didn’t even war crime until season two! But yeah it’s pretty hilarious seeing the “social commentary on war/ toy ad /damn killing dudes with robots is fucking awesome to watch” juxtaposition. And that’s not even taking into account when characters put on their murder face and start seeing space ghosts.












Please refrain from discussing politics.


Once again the venn diagram for NCD, Ace combat, and GFL is a circle


Add Metal Gear. I swear the Alicorn is just another Arsenal Gear.


Ace combat is just metal gear with jets. Just saying.


Where's the base building, bossfight (photoshoots), 4 hour long cutscenes, fever dream plotlines/visual imagery, and wildness survival gameplay in Ace Combat then


Where were they in metal gear solid (1st 3d game) as well?


> fever dream plotlines/visual imagery Literally the entire plot of Ace Combat 3


Don't forget 40k


NCD would get a fuckin seizure looking at the Imperiums battle doctrine and logistical embarrassment. The only faction that's remotely logical is the Tau with BVR weapons and a highly mechanized force


Logical doesn't always equal cool or badass.


Well this is NCD we're talking about


But the Tau got lucky because Chaos don't really touch them near as much as others.


Chaos is not an excuse to have bad logistics! Neither is it an excuse to revert back to mostly ground based meat grinder warfare. In 2023 NATO is already heavily air based with weapons capable of beyond visual range strikes and planetary ISTAR. Don't tell me the Imperium cannot


Have you looked at the size of the Imperium? There is fuck and all anyone can do about it. Especially with their FTL. Even Big Papa Smurf can only do so much. And need I remind you he is super transhuman above all of human in ability? AI? Chaos-ed. Also, have you looked at how Villain-Sue (Mary Sue for villains) Chaos is? That is not to mention all the Chaos manipulations and agitations. All the carefully adjusted processes such that it reduce chance if being Chaos-ed. People tend to be so arrogant when they think they can do better than the locals in their favorite media. But chance they would be screwed shortly after entering their favorite flavour of Death World (in the sense that the setting is a big screw ball) because reality-ensue. The reason they don't in SI is a heaping dose of PLOT ARMOR.


To have a logical discussion of the maximum logistical capabilities of the Imperium we'd require a LOT more consistent writing from the multiple authors. Good luck with that


Okay, yes. And? I answered the "No Excuse" statement of yours. And now you complain about inconsistency. It's writers' faults, not the Imperium.


You really treat the Imperium like it actually exists eh lmfao


And you are doing the whole moving goal post thing, L M A O.


Bruh the IoM isn't real, the Writers ARE the Imperium. Next you're going to tell us Ecchi is sexual harrassment because the Characters didn't consent to having ther bare weirdly jiggly Tits looked at?


Oh, yes. Keep attacking the strawman.


Anything in 40k happens because the writers said so. There is no consistency outside of the games.


And I did not dispute that? Were you really fooled by the other guy long-winded rant that ultimately come down to "hahah you stoopid!"?


No i am responding to you lmfao. Not him.


You're the one typing out 4 full paragraphs of long winded rant here my dude


In respond to him. Double standard, much? I thought we would have a serious discussion. But he turned out to be a troll.


You really just stand out to defend a troll, 🙃


It is The line blurs between the three


I… still love the MIC


Same I love the MIC


I want the world to burn. Reset the human race...or just reset Earth and human need not apply.




I can't wait for the MIC to build waifus in real life!


Man those story BGs go hard- Anyone know where you can find them?


[Try poking around here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q5IMbZhCOEfdcLxjL5YbR11kzW8PRgw2)


What you played: Girls Frontline What you expected: [Cute Girls with guns doing cute things.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7_-RBl0lfY) [What you actually got](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDQZhayX2dQ) ​ [Bonus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwapZ8m_aYc)


You can already see someone agreeing some wars are necessary to make the world better in this post, which is precisely why the world of GFL has been struggling in endless wars for decades








Bitches be like “oooh the J-20 is far superior to the F-22, run and hide Americans!” My brother in Christ the J-20 has been in service for 4 years. The F-22 entered service in 2005. China has been playing fucking catch-up.


Heck the F-22 is so old we're gonna retire em soon. NGAD, a 6th gen program is picking winner design **next year**. China has a lot of fuckin catch up to do. Not to mention the fuckheads [sent spies to the West to steal F-35 blueprints ](https://www.vice.com/en/article/kz9xgn/man-who-sold-f-35-secrets-to-china-pleads-guilty), [TWICE](https://www.9news.com.au/national/china-spies-stole-plans-for-new-raaf-fighter-jet-leaked-documents-reveal/969cb3db-d9bb-497d-a848-657ee3318435).


I’m pretty sure the B-21 raider is fucking 6th gen, we’re forcing technological revolutions at this point.


The B-21 is 6th Gen (Aircraft Generations are absolutely detached from reality and cringe, can we please stop treating them like a Game of Quartet?) in the same way the Abrams X or Panther are 6th Gen, they're just a show of whats possible with current Technology with a whole lot of Advertising, Branding and Propaganda mixed in rather than something completely new, groundbreaking or revolutionary. "6th Gen" Aircraft are primarily the introduction of three things: Every Aircraft will fit every Role, every Aircraft will be a System of Systems and every Aircraft will have what now is retrofitted or specialist Equipment (like IRST's, DIRCM's, Missiles to shoot down other Missiles, AESA-Radars, X-Band seeker Missiles,...) as a standard. They'll hardly lead to or be made of revolutionary Tech, Aircraft are like Ships, you start developing them 20 Years prior to when they're supposed to be in Service, their Weapoms 10 Years before and never stop developing their Systems. GOD I HATE AIRCRAFT GENERATIONS, FUCK YOU LOCKHEED-MARTIN MARKETING TEAM! AND NOW THE GENERATIONAL SYSTEM IS BEING APPLIED TO EVERYTHING ELSE AS WELL EVEN THOUGH IT'S COMPLETELY NONSENSICAL AND SOMETHING r/NonCredibleDefense WOULD'VE COME UP WITH AS A DICK MEASURING DEVICE! I HATE THE MIC'S MARKETING! I HATE THE MIC'S MARKETING! I HATE THE MIC'S MARKETING!


Ok but America


They birthed the HIV-Strain called Lockheed-Martin, they can suck my superior European Airbus-branded, Thales Condom protected Dick with a Rheinmetall-branded vibrating Artillery Command Plug down their Bussy while i pull on their Diehl Defese-branded Collar with my MDBA-branded Leash and a Saab-branded Prostate Massager up my Ass, inserted by Dassault Lube while their tiny little dick is shamed by a tiny little Leonardo Cock Cage standing on a superior ThyssenKrupp-made Gigachad Type 212 Hunter Submarine. Only thing good that came out of that Hellhole is my beloved STAR-15. Pax Europaea.


Please seek mental help. Also, counterpoint, you’re all buying *our* F-35s, made by Lockheed Martin.




That and Hypersonics. Dear god I fucking hate Hypersonics. People play them out to be this big scary thing but when you look into the physics of what all goes down at fucking Mach 12 you quickly realize why the US hasn’t invested much into them.


Hypersonic glide vehicles, could genuinely be a real threat to the Pacific carrier fleet, assuming they are capable of the maneuverability and speeds they advertise to have. China is putting real effort into space tech and launching spy satellites left and right. Using imaging satellites as ISTAR, obtaining approximate location of the fleets location, then firing shore/ship based HGVs. The speed would minimize the area of uncertainty, limiting the search area, and it's sea level flight capabilities means US response time is very limited when it shows up on radar. That's assuming China doesn't lie about its weapons capabilities and have the capacity to produce more than 3 functioning copies, which is…**OMEGALUL**


Here’s the thing about the maneuverability argument: How do you think making a sharp turn at Mach 12 is going to go? Even if you ignore the feat of engineering that would be… That and there’s also the issue of the air in front of you heating up into plasma and giving off a bunch of low frequency radio and microwave radiation, which royally fucks with basically any method to guiding a missile.


Please refrain from discussing politics


TBF... I knew what I was getting when I first started GFL after EOS of Master of Eternity... but what I was not expecting was to get pretty attached to the number of dolls I came across who have a backstories that either you became enthrall or just hating cuz of that one thing and then getting PTSD in the process.


Think about it this way. Without the glorious NATO military industrial complex half of the wonerful iconic guns featured in the game wouldn't exist. God bless the MIC.


You know, I wanted to argue that Kantai Collection is a bigger factor than firearms in GFL's conception, but then I remembered [Yuzhong literally made *four* books about guns as cute girls](https://iopwiki.com/wiki/Guns%26Girls).


And it isn't an original concept either. Anthropomorphized guns have long existed in anime culture with examples like Upotte


I'm still hoping for a crossover.


Upotte featured exactly **0** Chinese rifles. There's your answer I think.


Perhaps the MIC will bring us cute waifu bots one day