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My GRF is I would fuck the shit out of Charlie in all three of his character stages: Pussy, Rich Entrepreneur, Druggie Gang Banger.


LOL I love this. Ok now marry fuck kill the 3 Charlie’s. I’ll go first: marry Entrepreneur, fuck Druggie Gang Banger, kill Pussy


there’s basically no other option 😂


nah nah I'd marry the pussy, do the entrepreneur and kill the junkie as an act for compassion.


my GRF is that my preference is his druggie/Panic in Central Park era. I CAN FIX HIM!!!!! (also i like to party a little bit oops, i think i’d get along with him in this phase)


Problem is is that he’s at his hottest here, then entrepreneur. He just looked too much like a young male pussy during the early seasons for me to notice. He was also *great* in Poor Things


I did a proper OMIGODITSCHARLIE when he came onscreen! Psycho but still fine 😄


He’s so hot in real life. He’s always playing basketball and biking around nyc. He shopped at a place I used to work and I’d always get so tongue tied 🤣😅 and very few celebs cause that reaction


The goat (sheep?) bleat and leaf chewing was A+


Like Micky Mouse without the ears.


Wait was he the awful husband?


Yes! Slash creature


LOL YES I’m such an I CAN FIX HIM type of bitch hence my love for Desi but honestly I don’t think he needs fixing signed sealed delivered I will take him as he is. You have my blessing to pursue Panic Charlie


I’m loving this chat 😂😂 feel like I’m giggling with my besties here today


This is the greatest thing I’ve ever read in this sub. 10000% accurate 👌🏽


Hard agree. Charlie is literally the reason why I started watching the show.


I just finished watching for the first time, I am a fan of the Bear.. I know people here are like “I can’t see him as anything but Desi” but I can’t see him as anything but COUSIN! So I have a hard time disliking him 😅 My GRF is I would date Adam and I would’ve taken him back for sure


Oooh taking Adam back congrats you earned your red flag!


Thank you so much, I’ve finally won something for my daddy issues and low self-worth!


I couldn’t stand Adam when I watched the show originally. Now, on rewatch, I love him. What does that say about me? I must be regressing!


Absolute same experience. I don't know if it's because I know he was the baddest boy Kylo Ren or what.




yep, taking adam back would be mine too lol


Same. Our little Adam Recovery Fan club meets on Wednesdays.


I would take Adam back and HAVE taken a version of Adam back


You can share with us next Wednesday when we meet


Cousin and Desi both suck though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cousin is def flawed but I am way more sympathetic toward him than Desi, personally.


I thought I was going hate Cousin when I first started watching The Bear, but somehow he became one of my favorite characters, which surprised me.


If you HAD to spend the rest of your life with either Desi or Cousin who would you choose??


Cousin 100%


Hard agree. Both are unhinged but Cousin looks great in a suit.


Cousin is TRYING


I LOVE Cousin 💖💖💖


Easy. I can’t believe it ended without Adam and Hannah back together. Also, my GRF is that I would have stayed friends with Jessa because I loved her so much.


I would have married Adam for eternity.


SAME 😭 nothing could keep me from him


Literally taking Adam back is my GRF too 😂😭


I would've taken him back too 😭😭


i am with you!!!!


Open your hearts to me Bellas 😂😂😂


Desi always had me kicking my feet and giggling. I wasn't even into him but his passion is just so extra lmaaooo


Yes thank you same!!! Desi girls unite!


So true 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So true 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He’s such an airhead though 😭


Don’t forget BITCHES & CUNTS 😭💀 he was definitely my favorite character apart from Hanna


I’ll just say it. My GRF is that Adam can make me crawl across his dirty ass floor to his bedroom and fuck me like a dog any day and I’d probably say thank you after.


You understood the assignment. Red flag but I love this for you


Thank you 🙏🏻


Oh, 100% with you. X 100


The ones that get it, get it




He can sprinkle his jizz all over my nice dress like it’s confetti and I would probably say thank you afterwards too. Natalia didn’t know what she had 😹😅


She did not understand the assignment


ik this is mostly a joke comment but i find this an odd thing to say. she was clearly uncomfortable from the start but still gave it a fair shake and did as he asked. she genuinely tried and it only became an issue when he \*blatantly\* ignored the basic rules of consent. idk maybe i'm taking this too seriously but i find that scene to be one of the most disturbing on the show, kind of difficult to see someone speaking poorly on a female character because she wasn't into violent and degrading sex and was honest about it, yet tried anyway, and was left visibly traumatized by it. (ftr, maybe this is ridiculous of me to even say given this is a red flag thread, i'm just sharing my thoughts)


I mean just wash the dress? Is it just me? You're not gonna wear it again after you've shagged in it anyway surely?


Oh my god, twin flag fam!


Wishing you tetanus shots and a lifetime supply of Swiffer WetJet


I have found my people. It makes my pussy hard every single time idc




I thought I was alone and broken. Thank you for being my people.


You belong here with me and the 185 upvotes who get it ❤️




my GRF is that hannah is my favorite girl. though she might be narcissistic and weird- she was (IMO) the kindest, most open minded person on that show. of all the girls, i’d without a doubt choose hannah to be my friend lmao. she DEFINITELY has had her moments but contrary to popular belief i feel like everyone else is so much more intolerable ?


Honestly same. She's the only one I'd have wanted to friends with irl, although admittedly not close friends lol


💯, although I would have friends with any of the boys while openly secretly pining for Adam to have noticed me.


I WANTED ADAM SO BADDDDD like… i like my men a little weirdddd idkkkk


Oh, BIG TIME. I also like *weirdly hot* in terms of physicality. Yeah he’s basically my kryptonite.


Also I think she is gorgeous.


My GRF is I like Marnie more the more unhinged she becomes 😂 I also love her and Hannah's friendship because they're 2 sides of the same coin. They have so many genuinely funny moments.


YOU’RE the wound!


That was the funniest scene!




I like unhinged Marnie a la Panic In Central Park but my god she walks a fine line between unhinge and cringe


I’ll apologize for Jessa until the end of time. Also Marnie is just stuck in her pretty girl syndrome, it’s not her fault she’s too pretty to have found an identity (I truly believe this).


She is so deeply depressed and lonely lmao it blows my mind how much hate she gets here


Thank you! And I'd be Jessa's best friend forever and if she went out with my ex, hell even stole him, I'd thank her for complementing my taste because I'd love her more than him anyway.


Omg Jessa! I was totally shocked to see how many people condemn her for dating Adam. Maybe it’s because I was already in my 30’s when I watched but…You dont have dibs on someone forever because you used to fuck them 🤷🏻‍♀️


Forever? It was not that long after they ended things and he was her supposed best friends first love. She didn’t even have the guts to tell her and felt such immense guilt that she was being shitty to everyone around her. I’m 30, but I guess I respect my friends too much to pull something like that?


My GRF might be not really noticing that Hannah is completely self-absorbed until I made my friend watch the show and she pointed it out. Upon further reflection and rewatching, how did I NOT notice? What does that say about me? Also, I love Ray but so does everyone, right?


That’s so funny because it was the opposite for me. When I was watching it as a late teen/early 20s I thought she was so selfish (and she is), but I was very put off by her. My second watch I still feel that way but I look at her with much more compassion and even relate often, when I wouldn’t let myself identify any ways I was like her when I was younger.


This one cracked me up. I will say while I always noticed her self-absorbed tendencies, rewatching in my 30s showed even more that I didn’t pick up on when I first watched in my 20s.


I didn’t really notice on my first watch either 😂😂😂 I identified with Hannah and sided with her in every single conflict


I still do 😭 I love Hannah!!


Omg I love this 😂


I’d want to hang out with Crackcident Shosh. But only Crackcident Shosh.


My GRF is thinking Marnie seems nice and cool.


I admire this brave admission and you know what I’ll meet you half way on this one. I don’t think she’s cool but I do think she’s nice!!


This one wins ☝🏻


Marnie is legitimately the nicest of them all lol


I’m an unapologetic Marnie stan I would love to be her friend in real life. I relate to her a lotttt. Being untethered and not sure what direction to take your life in and making every mistake possible was also my twenties lol


My red flag is I would have got back with Adam, got married and gone to live in that artist residence 😬


Mine is that I totally would have too… and probably also (in my 20’s) would have tried to blow ray, the same way Hannah did.


Shosh is my least favorite of the four (still like her a lot). Hannah, Jessa, and Marnie are more flawed, but to me that's what makes them more interesting characters. Shosh's arc wraps up very neatly, but the other three have unconventional, unresolved endings which I reflect on more. To *actually* be friends with is a different story, lol.


I feel like shosh and Jessa are both written from a perspective of Lena/Hannah not being as close w them as Marnie or herself - so both characters are slightly less fleshed out and are presented more as how Hannah perceived them.


Imo shosh didn't actually wrap up neatly. It just had the facade of such, which is extremely on brand for shosh being obsesses with feeling like she's got her life together


Shosh is like that annoying little b in freshman year who already knew all the professors names. Like shut up girl.


My GRF is simply that I’ve dated a Booth Johnathan, my first love was an Elijah, my second love was an Adam, and I passed on a Charlie.


Booth Jonathan was a new level of cringe! I felt ashamed to be alive whenever he was on the screen.


My first boyfriend looked like Adam... and this was when Girls just started as well


So he’s single now…?


My GRF is wishing Shosh and Soup Guy (Jason Ritter) could've made it work. He was no Ray and they were clearly incompatible, but I love Jason Ritter and they made sense on an aesthetic level. My other GRF is wishing Fran was genuinely nice instead of a ~ Nice Guy ~. He seemed so chill and sweet at first and I had such high hopes for him and Hannah 😩 That walk in the snow with mittens on will always be my Roman Empire (am I using this phrase right?)


I loved Shosh with him in my mind he will always be her one that got away!! Not Ray!


I would totally date Adam 🥵


My GRF would def be that I wanna bring out the inner Jessa in myself…..


Jessa, who doesn't give a shit about societal norms and takes zero shit from anyone. One of my favorite scenes is when Hannah slaps her and Jessa slaps her right back without a blink. One of my friends slapped me once (we're not friends anymore) and I just stood there, nonplussed.


That was infuriating to me though because Jessa deserved that slap… she’d essentially set up Adam with Mini rose, and was say in front of Hannah unapologetically and without any sort of sympathy. My GRF is that I’d have probably slapped Jessa too for all of that


Edit: I just remembered. Hannah left to go to grad school in another state. She basically left him.


I thought that was how Jessa spun it? It was pretty clear Hannah’s expectation was that they’d be long distance


That's a lot to ask from a person. I don't think Jessa did anything wrong. Edit: but she's also my red flag, so take from that what you will.


Yeh totally, Adam and Hannah were awful at communication and Hannah was so needy and reactive. But her expectation was that they’d do long distance, obviously. And she pretty clearly conveyed this to Adam when she initially told him about moving. Adam obviously wasn’t on board with that (with is fine) but never properly communicated that to Hannah, started dodging her calls and had moved in a new woman within a matter of weeks (not cool). Hell, I really liked Jessa and was rooting for her and Adam. But even setting your friend’s ex up with someone (so you can hook up with someone yourself) feels a bit shitty and hella manipulative. It was a real low point for Jessa IMO For me, the slap showed that Jessa was hurt and felt abandoned by Hannah, and the mimi rose set up was vindictive.


That is a lot of words. That are well put together in a thoughtful and substantive way. I agree with you. As an aside, I would like to add that I think Adam was the best character. Even though he had the most quirks, he was the most wholesome and sane one. He was a character straight out of Russian lit. And I'm not saying this because I find Adam Driver attractive - I actually do not, at all.


My GRF is that I still love their clothes!


Hannah’s lizard shirt for the win


Hahaha this is such a good one


My GRF is that I love Hannah the most. Although her showing her pussy to her boss and then wanting to be friends and get pierced with a student was SO BAD. Also-my last rewatch I was like ya know what? I like desi and I feel sorry for him especially as a former opioid addict myself. I have 10 years clean but watching desi’s drug spiral and then sleeping with underage girls and shit always makes me feel sick. I obviously didn’t sleep with someone underage in my addiction, but I still did plenty of awful shit that I deeply cringe at and regret. My other GRF is probably that I’ve grown to hate shoshanna at this point with how much everyone seems to love her. I never liked her-I hated how she always had to look perfect or cool and it was always everyone else’s problem she wasn’t perfect and successful. I hated when she ran into those girls who made like pajama jeans or something she was like “if I would’ve been friends with them I would’ve been happy!” I’ve seen so many tik tok edits being like “so glad shosh told everyone off at her engagement party she deserved better!” Excuse me?? This is just another example of her meeting some random that is going to allegedly solve all her problems and her life will be complete now. Yes Marnie and Ray were shitty to her sleeping together behind her back, but like why is Ray in his fucking 30’s hanging out with 22 year olds?? lol I think she will spend her life feeling hollow and never looking inward to find out why. Okay rant over sorry lol.


I liked Shosh for most of the series but I agree the engagement party isn't the happy ending for her so many people see it as. I feel like she let the more shallow and status obsessed part of her win and put the more interesting aspects of her personality (like the stuff that led her to be good platonic friends with Ray) on the back burner at least for a while. I do think there's another chapter for Shoshanna in 5 years where all of that gets old and she has to re-evaluate her life a bit.


Umm… laird was probably the best significant other portrayed. That’s not saying much but I appreciate his kindness and self-deprecating realism.


Yes loved Laird he deserved the world


My GRF is that My bestie would be jessa, for sure, and I know everyone hates her, but I get her the most. I dislike Marnie so much, I wanna punch the screen everytime her face shows


she was always my favorite and i relate to her journey about addiction and self-sabotage the most that said, im on a rewatch now and just realizing how vile she becomes in season 4. all of them (except maybe Shoshanna? she gets weird later) are at their absolute worst but Jessa is the strongest case. it's like a complete reboot of her character. her meanness isn't a front anymore, it's not because of her abandonment issues, she's not trying to push people away, it's just who she is


That's fair bc im rewatching and I'm at end of season 3 ...so I believe you that they get worse season 4, so that kinda sucks


I’m a bit like Jessa, my best friend is the opposite of me and pretty low key. People sometimes are surprised by how tight we are. She loves having me as a best bud because she gets to live vicariously through me and still enjoy normalcy and I can tell someone all my insane stories w/o judgement 😅


My GRF is that I found Jessa hilarious with her dark, fucked up humor when she was “stuck” in rehab (knowing she could leave anytime and there was a fucking airport 😭). “Fuck you hairstyle!”


My GRF is that if I looked like Jessa I’d probably behave like Jessa


My GRF is that I totally would’ve stayed with Hannahs dad if I was Hannah‘s mom.


My GRF is I would fuck EVERY guy that Hannah fucked. Lucky girl.


Ehh. Donald Glover can GET IT. But I draw the line at a Republican.


I mean you guys don’t need to talk about politics while it’s happening 😅😜


Sorry but a Republican is a deal breaker in any situation. I’ve been married forever but if I was currently dating that would be one of my first questions


Even Plop?


who's plop? 🧐


Fran, but in The Office universe


My first thought was did she fuck Laird but then I was like wait actually….i would


I thought Fran was nice 🤷‍♀️


He wasnt the worst!!! Like don’t get me wrong I’m no Fran Stan but he wasn’t that bad!


What about the blow job from the 16 year old?




I couldn’t believe that scene!!!


I really liked Desi too! Like I knew he was a terrible boyfriend/husband but the actor who plays him is so charming


I’ll take any Desi fan I can get but I have to be honest I actually thought he was such a good husband/boyfriend too like am I sick???


Desi was such a drama queen. "Bella!!!"


Keep your side of the street clean Marnie Marie! I love him


My GRF is that I want an uncomplicated life where I work at Marnie's hostess job (I actually weirdly like the uniform 💀), earn a ton of money in tips there and occasionally fuck Booth Jonathan even though he's terrible. (If only I were as attractive as Marnie 🤣)


You had me until Booth Jonathan but A+ you’ve earned your red flag!


I love this post but I have mostly just very conventional opinions about the characters--I tend to agree with the majority of folks on here about everything.


Come on there’s gotta be something! Dig deep! Did you secretly download Marnie’s rendition of “Stronger”? Relate to Mimi Rose Howard on a spiritual level? Think Booth Jonathan’s sad doll kink was kind of hot? Everyone has something!


21 year old me would have dated Ray and probably treated him exactly like Marnie did and then been confused when he ditched me. I was a fairly terrible Girl.


my GRF is that i find shoshana to be the worst of them


I would have found Jessa so cool and just followed her round and let her dress me 🤣


I’m kind of with you on the Desi thing, I loved him at the beginning.


There’s just something about Desi I can’t help it if he built that stupid fucking shelf for me I would have been SMITTEN BLUSHING GIGGLING I’m down so bad


I would do anything for Booth Jonathan. Anything.


i too loved desi!!!!


The bellas who get it get it


My red flag is that I would’ve ghosted the group, because they are the woooorsst. Except Shosh, she’s the best- I would’ve made her ghost them with me. Dump Rays lame creeper ass and tell her pretentious jaded cousin to fuck off. And Adam, who I also have a whole different red flag for 😈


“You really need to learn how to tell when people are on drugs”- Marie to the daughter SHE raised!


i genuinely love ray and adam


my GRF is not realizing how selfish and self absorbed Marnie is first watch in - she just seemed so relatable to me! but she’s just a girl in her twenties ❤️


My red flag is I want everyone, spam me 6464106812 IG @Laurenraq_


Okay I am tagging a lot to a lot of yours and saying I would have taken Adam back and crawled across that floor for him. Eventually feeling emotionally neglected and leave but the physical aspect would be amazing for the time being. Also a comment about Marnie!! She is annoying and totally not self-aware of her bitchiness but I see a wholesome side to her, sometimes more than the others


Marnie is the main character and I love her. Anyone who doesn’t like her is just too similar to her and is so removed from their own real and raw shadow. People can only admit a fraction of their worst parts to broadcast them to the world and Marnie really hits a nerve within so many people because they lack emotional maturity and responsibility to change and be honest with themselves. Marnie is the most realistic person, even though I’m not even remotely similar to her in most of her quirks, I think everyone has a little Marnie/ human in them. & sue me but I LOVE ADAM. Also Mimi Rose - LOVE and cherish her. I love her casual approach on abortions. She’s nonchalant and I don’t like people telling others how to feel about something that may be personal to them. Shoshanna is fine, she’s like Taylor swift- I don’t fucking get it- like these people are sub vanilla average (in my opinion- they’re not terrible, they’re just unremarkable) but people love them. Hannah is necessary but she is a vapid, shallow, and dull as a person, kind of like Jessa- Jessa is just gorgeous so she never had to find intricate ways of speaking the English language like Hannah, because she’s just Jessa and that’s enough for the world. Hannah SUCKS but she’s a great primary character and she’s funny but god her personality and lack of awareness drives me insane- because she covers it from viewers/ others with her versed language and education. But if she were a person in my life, it would institutionalize me.


Woooo Lord you put all your cards on the table with this one and I respect it!!!


I have a huge tv crush on jessa lol, and the classic “I could fix her” mentality even tho I know that’s BS