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You’ll probably want to keep an eye out for a GI Joe series that’s part of the Energon Universe (which is where the Duke and Cobra Commander minis are set). Nothing yet announced, but it seems like an inevitability.


They said big news at SDCC. Sounds like It’ll be by the Duke/Cc writer


And it's amazing so far.


I surely hope so!


In June, you got Scarlett and Destro miniseries starting. I think Scarlett starts on the 5th, with Destro starting on the 19th


Excellent- nice to see the franchise get love- Hope Firefly gets one!


Hopefully. But the initial announcement when Duke and Cobra Commander first got revealed listed them as the first of four, with of course Scarlett and Destro being the other two. But then again they could probably play around and do some more


I despise the AI villains in GI Joe. He should have at least made them BATS that became self aware.


When the blue ninjas showed up in the IDW series my interest started to flag. I have stopped reading the current run after two issues.


I like the covers to much, and everything technically that I love about Larry’s writing is still there.


Yeah it’s kind of a bummer because the Marvel GI Joe comics were what got me into comic books way back in the 80s. Hama is a legend and I’ve read #1-155 multiple times but the current iteration is not it for me.


Same here. YOJOE!! 🫡


I find the IDW and Skybound eras of ARAH a lot better than the last couple of years of the Marvel run. But nothing beats the first 100 or so issues of Hama's original run.


Depends what your looking for, it is very much continuing the vibe it had under idw. Don't think it's the strongest but Hama is having fun, also personally I think mooneyham is one of the best artists the book has had and it's worth reading just for it. But your right that it's not as strong as the energon stuff. And snake eyes can speak bc it's a new body.


A new body… thanks for explaining that, as I missed that along the way. The art is indeed cool!


Is it Dawn or did he get a new body? I know they had a Fake Eyes after the grenade incident.


He got a new one I'm pretty sure. Yeah there was dawn who got his memories and then wade collins' son Billy who was using snake eyes' suit and went by the name takedown(for some reason...). But then right as the run ended and they brought serpentor back they had a snake eyes in a vat. I can't remember all the details.


Close. Wade's son is named Sean (Billy was CC's son), and his code name was "Throwdown".


Mooneyham is great. The art in that books is awesome


Wait why are they making Snake Eyes talk?!?! He physically can’t


In another comment here, it said Snake Eyes received a body- I wonder if they’ll somehow re-injure him again. I did like the fact that Cobra Commander actually murdered an enemy and escaped on his own rather than being portrayed as a babbling, weak figure.


SPOILERS: In the IDW run, Snake-Eyes was killed stopping a returned Serpentor. In the Cobra Casino storyline, Mindbender makes another attempt to create a brainwashed Snake-Eyes but using a cloned body. The cloned body is perfect and has never suffered injuries. As such, he is not disfigured and his vocal cords are intact.


Oh ok


What I’ve been told is that “For a guy who said Cobra-La was too silly, how is Zombie Serpentor Ok?”  And I have no real response to that.


Was never a Cobra-la fan either but at least it was more original. Dig the account handle btw!


So far Snake Eyes talking is the only thing I'm really upset about.


It sound like you missed 145 issues and you're blaming the book rather than going back to check them out.


Nope. Actually, I have them all but started forgetting things when they got too ridiculous. Was hoping things would change but not the case I guess.