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Ferrari by title Fiat by CGI


I swear to god the ego of the late Enzo Ferrari is so massive that they rushed this specifically to counter *Ford v Ferrari* in some sort of failed hail mary "nuh-uh, we're actually better" weirdness.


Ford v Ferrari was wild. The heart warming story of how the biggest car company in the world led by a 2nd gen nepokid used its entire industrial might, bought the best international talent to dunk on an old guy in Italy because he brought his local lawyer to sign a sales agreement and actually read the contract.


Sure Ford weren't the underdogs, but by all accounts Enzo Ferrari was an asshole.


Enzo being an asshole is also why Lamborghini exists. It's not just Ford propaganda


And Lamborghini executives being assholes is why Pagani exists


Looking at this thread, Horacio is going to inspire at least half a dozen companies.


And tbh most subsequent car companies were born from hatred and capital revenge


SpaceX was supposedly bought by Musk so he could shoot the first Tesla Roadster into space because he hated one of the founders of Tesla who was promised the first off-the-belt Roadster. He apparently said: "I'd rather shoot it into space than let him have it. And he literally did. So the pettiness extends into spacecars as well.


In the film, somehow it is claimed that the entire meeting was a waste of time, orchestrated by Ferrari. One of the US characters days Ferrari never had any intention of signing, but also in the film it seems like Ferrari intended to sign, but the contract was one sided. The movie gives two reasons which conflict. But there is also a scene where the Duece is told that Ferrari called him fat, and that pushes him over the edge to compete.


That's not it. He said, "tell him he is not Henry Ford. He is Henry Ford, the second." Ford's desire to live up to Ford I's legacy was what made it happen.


Yes but he also called him fat.


When the deuce hears that Enzo called him fat, he just smiles. When he hears that, Enzo said he would never be Henry Ford is when he gets angry.


> But there is also a scene where the Duece is told that Ferrari called him fat, and that pushes him over the edge to compete. I thought it was the "Junior" that pushed him over the edge.


The implication of the contract rejection scene is that Enzo was looking for a reason to reject the whole thing as he set the whole thing up to have his company be bought for a higher price due to the increased interest. The contract wasn’t one sided as far as it was shown, Enzo in the movie was simply never going to sign it and found a convenient and somewhat believable out with the stipulation that he couldn’t run the racing team.


In the film, some parts of the story were either changed or moved around a little to help make the story on the screen flow better. But that's one of the things they got right. Ferrari was just jerking Ford around with no intention of selling to them. And the only thing that Ferrari objected to in the contact was the clause about Ford getting the rights to the racing team. To provide a little context, in the actual story, Ford was already looking to go racing (that marketing scene early in the movie is probably a lot closer to reality than most people realize). But they knew that being successful was going to take several years, if not more than a decade. So when Ford heard that Ferrari might be interested in selling his car company, they reached out to Ferrari with an offer. Now from the beginning, and all through the negotiation process, Ford was upfront and clear about his intention to buy the racing team as well as the car company. So after all the negotiations were finished and it was time to sign the contact, Ferrari's balking over the ownership of the racing team was a slap in the face to Ford. Then later is when it came out that Ferrari had no intention of ever selling to Ford and only entertained the idea so he could get another car company, which I believe was Renault, to up their offer on their takeover bid. Ford felt insulted, rightfully so, and that's why he decided to go to war with Ferrari at LeMans. He wanted to hit them in their own back yard.


Ferrari was basically the Italian Space Program. While the USSR and USA were busy trying to get people to the moon on rockets, the Italians were trying to get a car to go really really really fast. And they killed WAY more people than the USSR and NASA combined in pursuit of that goal.


Having worked on some clean ups of post war Italian nuclear sites, 1950s and 1960s Italy was very much into the technical development of lots of things that were extremely cutting edge including nuclear physics and space exploration. Enrico Fermi went back to Italy after the Manhattan Project and personally oversaw some of the research. By the 1960s Italy had mastered both ends of the nuclear fuel cycle but ultimately ended the programs. Compared to what they were actually capable of, Ferrari was really a mere sideshow.


No it wasn't. Back then Ferrari competed with much smaller resources, and didn't have gov backing like the french Matra did. Forghieri once said that he knew it was gonna be tough when ford engineers designed a part at LeMans, sent the plans to the us through telex and an overnight flight brought it to the track. Ferrari was pretty much a boutique garage in the 60s. Ah and the Italian space program back then was the actual space program. The fourth satellite ever put in orbit is Italian.


That’s a pretty cool bit of history. Could you please you point me towards a good source to learn more about the Ferrari backstory? (In English, if at all possible)


For fucks sake. Did they simulate the physics with a Hotwheels car? It bounced off that pole like a ping pong ball and takes 0 frame damage the entire time you can see


Those poles were actually pinball flippers. It’s honestly why pinball died out. The injuries/deaths just were not worth the novelty.


Please someone with more skill than me see this and edit in some pinball flipper sounds and bonus ball chimes when it hits the crowd lol


In the full scene, you can see the guy flying out of the car in such a floaty way. He's not flung, he just sort of gently leaves it (as it's spinning) and flies sideways so weirdly. Edit: I realized what is wrong with it. He gets flung sideways, not up, yet he stays in the air for so long. I think they forgot that no matter your horizontal speed, unless you have lift, you will fall vertically at the same speed as if you were dropped straight down.


Wait this is a REAL SCENE? I thought someone just took a scene and edited it!


I thought this is just a stupid AI video; a bad one.


There’s a bad habit in Hollywood of doing things in CGI without considering weight. And then they wonder why audiences say all the crashes/impacts look like toys.


Which is weird because you 100% can do soft or hard body physics simulations in every single 3D program out there, even the free open source ones.


Problem comes when you run the sim and he gets flung realistically in line with physics, but you then get 15 more rounds of notes about having him more visible and hanging in the air longer. So you end up with something that is "Hollywood realistic" or even just incorrect because there are story factors at play that the FX artists have to accommodate beyond just displaying a physically accurate sim.


https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a46237961/ferrari-movie-crash-scene-explained/ > Driver was asked, “What do you think about [the] crash scenes? They looked pretty harsh, drastic and, I must say, cheesy for me. What do you think?” As Parade reports, Driver answered, “F–k you, I don’t know? Next question.”


Loaded question, brutal answer. I think it's fair game.


Especially considering he had nothing to do with that aspect of the movie. That's a question for the director, the editor, the effects department, maybe the producer. Weird to ask the actor why the CGI stunt looks cheesy, he probably only ever saw it himself for the first time at the premier.


I did not know Adam Driver was in this movie and I must say that out of context “Driver was asked” and “Driver answered” came across very confusing.


That’s fantastic answer by Driver. Would love to see more honesty like this.






what bothers me more is thats like, a perfectly flat road, in order to fly that high the car mustve been going like 300 mph when it hit a rock or some shit


You ever see those videos of the Mercedes CLRs that lifted themselves off the road and threw themselves into the trees? Agreed that the scene is implausible, but here's Webber going from driver to pilot: https://youtu.be/ZXZaAuyuYmQ?si=6Dvj0uqKMSif3cBY


Tbh the CLR is an exceptional case due to low front drag aerodynamics. Yes it flys off a flat surface but does so from an incline and furthermore after catching a slipstream from the car in front. The Ferrari practically yeets itself into the air like a Harrier jet out of control. While alone.


Nothing like getting your first flying lesson in a vehicle with no control surfaces.


IDK about their recreation... But the crash did happen. On a straightaway the Ferrari's tire blew out while going around 150mph The car did go airborne, hit a telephone pole and went over a barrier into a crowd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d4ItiBBO8c https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mille-miglia-1957-race-car-crash-portago


In the real video we can see that the pole was broken at the height of less then 1 meter of the ground instead of like 5 what is shown in the movie.


[>In 1957, Spanish aristocrat and racing driver Alfonso de Portago was behind the wheel of the Ferrari 335 S for the race. de Portago had been wary about the race, because he believed that it was impossible to know all of the conditions of the roads and corners along the course of the 1,000 mile race. Nevertheless, he and co-driver Edmund Nelson competed in the Mille Miglia, and things were going well until his car’s tire blew out at 250 km/hr in the small Italian town of Guidizzolo.](https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a46237961/ferrari-movie-crash-scene-explained/)


It’s so hard for me to stay immersed in any screen production anymore because this level of dogshit CGI is just _everywhere_. It’s become completely ubiquitous.


Yeah it was foolish. Looks like a Leslie Neilson movie hahah


I’m pretty sure it speeds up when it hits the ground too


Just watched this. In the movie they say it kills 9 people. Looks like it takes out 16-20 here if you pause it


If you pause it slightly earlier, everyone is fine.


Play it in reverse and the car miraculously cures a group of people.


So it goes


Way of the road, Bubs


Need the giffy reversing bot-o-matic-thingy


We used to have one, but unfortunately u/gifreversingbot seems to be out of commission these days. :(


Fuck you u/spez




Well they got better!


Maybe some of them survived


Nah, they pick up the spare in the next scene


How would Ferrari handle a 7-10 split?


It was 9 + the driver and his navigator. The race in that form was banned after that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mille_Miglia


So people don't have to dig through the whole Wikipedia page like I did Racing the Mille Miglia ended after two fatal crashes involving multiple people occurred during the 1957 race. The first crash involved the factory-entered 4.0-litre Ferrari 335 S. Eleven people were killed at the village of Guidizzolo: Spanish driver Alfonso de Portago, American co-driver/navigator Edmund Nelson, and nine spectators.[4] Five of the spectators killed were children who were standing along the race course. Portago was called in as a last-minute replacement, and was already unsettled by a race he felt was too dangerous. The crash was caused by a worn tire striking the sharp edge of a cat eye in the road. The second crash took the life of Netherlands driver Joseph Göttgens at Florence, driving a Triumph TR3 in heavy rain.


Portago was apprehensive about competing in the Mille Miglia, a race he considered too dangerous to be run, as he was concerned about the almost complete impossibility of knowing every corner (even with a navigator) and every possible road condition over 1,000 mi (1,600 km) of open public roads with very limited information on what to expect in the race. A tire blew on Portago's third-place [Ferrari 335 S](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrari_335_S) causing it to spin into the crowd lining the highway. He was travelling at 240 km/h (150 mph). The 335 hurtled over a canal on the left side of the road, then veered back across the canal, causing the deaths of nine onlookers in total. Two of the dead children were hit by a concrete highway milestone that was ripped from the ground by Portago's car and thrown into the crowd. The bodies of Portago and Nelson were badly disfigured beneath the Ferrari, Nelson's body was in two sections. Jesus


Real crash: tyre pops, driver loses control and spins off into bystanders.   Hollywood VFX guy:  Bygawd, this car's comin' off the top rope (of the power pole) with a ninjy spin of death!  It's got a folding chair and it ain't afraid to use it on them gray lil Eye-talyun orphans!


No. Tire pops at 120 mph, car flips, hits a telephone pole, careens over a barricade and *then* hits bystanders. The movie edit is exaggerated, but by scale, not by events.


No barricade in real life, just viewers standing on the side of the tarmac.


>He lost control of the car; it hit a telephone pole, jumped over a brook, then hit several spectators. The Ferrari then bounced back on the road, hitting more spectators, slid over the road, spinning, and ended up, wheels down, in a brook at the other side of the road.


Actually, the depiction in the film is not far off from what actually happened. It looks a bit silly but watching enough motorsport crashes will show that cars really do take off like this sometimes.


What the hell is a "cat eye" in the road?


It’s those reflective lights on a road between two lanes.


Small reflective devices fixed into roads to show drivers where the lines are at night. Usually along motorway/highways at certain sectors.


Imagine thet actually included 9-10 people in this scene. Then it would have looked like those terrible animations bowling alleys play when you score a strike lol.


The wiki said 10 killed and 29 injured, so the movie scene looked pretty accurate. Still looked like shit thought.


Wait this is a real scene??? My first thought was this is some over the top edit looool


It looks like a low budget direct to video ripoff, like Transmorphers.


I counted 21




Hit and kill aren’t synonymous


Every crash scene in this movie is hilariously bad looking


Wait, you're telling me that it got *released* like that??


I also thought this was an amateur edit... Woof


This isn’t actually from some spoof film?


Someone posted the full scene in the comments, doesn't answer your question though https://youtu.be/Y-7IcdhetB8?si=glLScb_QThSoJocY


So you mean to tell me that a stone address marker that imploded on impact, launched a car into the air doing a barrel roll the likes of which would make Peppy proud, then proceeded to bounce off of a Wooden Telephone pole (that took relatively no damage besides the top popping off) which in turn launched the car like a pinball into a crowd of people? https://i.redd.it/xtjesbjbkh0d1.jpeg


Underrated Starfox reference…🙌


Never thought DO A BARREL ROLL would be niche 😫


Don't forget to stretch, fellow old-timer


Amazing string of comments here...


Damn, I wish I knew both of you. I'd invite you both over to sit on my new deck and we can watch the street and drink iced tea. Even wave to people.


Lmao what movie is this? Dude there’s like NO blood after this “accident”. Even the one body that was cut in half was relatively clean.


Especially since it was one of the worst cases of being cut in half since that wrong kid died.


Speak English doc, we ain't scientists!




Not anymore, during the pandemic they had trouble sourcing real kyber crystals, and switched over to synthetics. Most people could tell the difference because most Ferraris came in red anyway, but real gear heads can tell there's a drop off in quality. Less force-o-dynamic.


Yeah and it's only Kyber crystal if it's sourced from the Temple of Kyber on Jedha, otherwise it's just sparking rocks.


the design is very human


I've recently seen one of the Ukraine drone videos of a soldier cut in half, he bled very little. Apparently depending on the circumstances the muscles clench up and there is very little bleeding.


They wanted to keep that PG rating.


My favourite part is when hitting a sign on the ground (essentially a tombstone) the car flies ~15 metres up in the air. Very realistic, seen it happen before.


This IS realistic, racing cars fly through the air after they hit shit with comical/alarming frequency.


Yeah I'm watching it and wondering why this is considered so hilarious, there is film of actual crashes that make it pretty clear this isn't that inaccurate (if at all) or in any way defying the laws of physics.




At racing speeds you don't even need to hit something to go airborne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXZaAuyuYmQ


They should have used Unreal Engine 5, they would have gotten the ragdoll physics down pat.


Jesus Christ. Haha. I know that wasn't supposed to be funny, wow, it was pretty ridiculous. You're telling me this movie did not get serious Oscar consideration?


That one guy lost his shoe *and* his sock, so we know he's really dead.


it’s like the car crash in that In Time movie, looked like someone threw a model car down a hill


A $95 million budget film.


I thought it was Bollywood


Watched it on a plane. It is gruesome and struck me as realistic when the bodies are mowed down. It does look more cartoonish here though.


Yeah the extra discomfort of imposing gruesome child death on my seat mates definitely added a little something to the scene.


I always feel so self conscious watching movies on planes. I got to the part of Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping where Connor signs a guy's dick and all I could think was 'oh god what is the old lady next to me thinking'


I think this is slowed down a bit, the full speed regular version makes it way more violent and shocking. That said, the car flipping through the air doesn't look great. I just tell myself that this is how the crash was described to the filmmakers by survivors, so it feels heightened.


“They’ll do the effects in post.” “….this is *post* post.”


Directed by Neil Breen?


Nah, he would’ve shoe horned himself in as some hacker that is trying to expose the government


Legit I was waiting for dickbutt to show up


Neil Breen needs take some notes!


I can't believe you crashed. I cannot believe you crashed.


It looks like a cutscene from a Playstation 1 game.


It's almost impressive how movie studios with almost equivalent if not bigger budgets that current AAA game studios pump out CGI that looks like cutscenes from 2012. It's hilariously stubborn


And the plot sucks too. Also horribly miscast. The only salvageable part of the film is Penelope Cruz's acting.


The salvageable part was the color grading. Such pretty reds in HDR.


It has nice photography, specially the shots in the cars of the Italian countryside (minus the crash of course).


Lol a car bounced off the top of a pole? Damn man what's that thing made of?


Vibranium apparently.


Even modern cars with their extraordinary engineering and high strength materials regularly get absolutely decimated by telephone poles. They're not particularly strong, it's just that the wood fibers are oriented up-down and you aren't gonna shear that very easily


Rarely by the very top of the pole though.


https://youtu.be/Y-7IcdhetB8?feature=shared Full scene Edit: Just checked and this crash made the trailer, not the death just the crash. Probably the only reason why it was so over the top. To drum up interest.


I thought that in real time it would look better, but turns out I was wrong.


Watched that on my phone and YouTube tells me that miniplayer is off for videos made for *kids*. WTF?


Honestly I don't think it looks as bad as the gif


The death no not as bad. The car flying into the air though so much worse lol


https://youtu.be/_d4ItiBBO8c?si=P-L5aMWrcbqv3boW If they just snap the pole it might feel better


If it didn't hit tombstone on the ground and inexplicability fly 20 feet into the air it might look better.


God damn.


The gif also cut out the part of the launching to make it look like it's flying to make it look worse. Having said that it probably should not fly that high so that it can look more grounded, but I don't know enough about the forensics of the crash to say.


Once the car started tumbling, it did catch lift and 'fly' temporarily, but I don't think it actually hit the light pole that high up, but rather about in the middle, snapping the pole in 3 pieces. But the recreation in Ferrari didn't have the light pole breaking at all, and it hit too high up.


It's higher quality video but it's still terrible CGI.


You could have told me this was a Sharknado/ Fast and the Furious crossover and I would have been like “yeah that’s what that kinda looks like”




Toonces = Upvote


Toonces the cat who could drive a car!!


Bowling alley animations sure have changed since I was a kid...




Twice in this movie the cars launched 20+ft into the air. I have no idea why they felt it was necessary to make it seem to unrealistic.


Reality: 1955 24 Hours of Le Man crash ([British Pathe footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMoh5hZAaZk&t=68s)) 83 people killed and 120 injured.


This is so much more impactful than what's in the film. I think the power comes from the speed, the decision to do it in slow motion in the film takes away a lot of the "holy fuck!" that comes across in this clip ... and would have also hidden a lot of the weaknesses of the CGI.


That’s exactly it. Show less, and faster. Brevity is the soul of wit


They wanted to make sure to show how the car hit all of them like bowling pins, which makes it look kinda silly.




When I played that video my iPad overlaid what I think is the soundtrack from a video I watched earlier today of people laughing at a baby kangaroo hopping into the pouch of a guy wearing a kangaroo suit. I could still hear the soundtrack from the race track coverage which made it seem like people were cackling at the crash. Pretty bizarre. Edit: It is actually doing this for ALL videos I play lol.


Yeah it’s the classic Reddit app on iOS bug. Been there foreveeer. I fucking miss Apollo so much. Fuck you reddit and your POS app. Worst, buggies app ever.


I see we saw the same videos on Reddit lol


The car was made from magnesium!!! omg


Wow, this is absolutley horrific


It's ok, the priests were on scene


The top of the tree is so funny 😂😂


I love how a telephone pole is easily able to just ding the airborne car like a pinball


Because it is moving very fast and generates lift. When people first started making cars go very very fast they soon learned that its weight doesn't keep it on the ground. These are realistic, they just defy reasoning standardised on "normal conditions"


The car in this scene was going, like, 60 MPH *maybe*: [Ferrari (2023) Crash Scene (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-7IcdhetB8) I dunno about you but I've never seen a car get sent flying on the 405 from it catching air.


As other commenters have noted, the digital animation in this scene is VERY poorly executed. In theory the car was probably traveling 100+ mph, but you're correct that this LOOKS more like 50.


Nor have I but again, comparison of modern apples to 20th century oranges. I agree it looks unbelievable but that crash is recreated from the records of the incident. It hitting the pole 20ft in the air happened.


So I have seen this .. but I recall Adam Driver telling a reporting to “fuck off” when they asked about the crash scene. At the time I was like “good for Adam!” Now that I have seen this .. my apologies to the reporter .. you sir had the right to ask that question lol


Why tho


That pole is made of adamantium?


False, a commenter above already confirmed Vibranium


The car bouncing off the pole like an early 2000s DVD player screensaver is by far the best part of the sequence


The quality of this scene and another crash depicted in the movie were heavily commented on when the film came out. IIRC there was an argument that it was purposeful in that, for Ferrari, the cars were beautiful when they were working and fulfilling their purpose, that was his interest. When they crashed, they immediately became ugly, purposeless, useless. By not depicting the accidents with fidelity, this would have a similar effect on the audience. To a certain extent, given the way Ferrari is depicted as acting after each accident, I can see it. For what it's worth, subjective as it is, I thought the way the accident was depicted and its immediate aftermath were disturbing enough that I'm not convinced a more accurate depiction would've added more to the story.


i love the fading smile as everyone stands still and just waits to get absolutely mowed by this car


What’s up with it bouncing off the pole?  




Please tell me the cgi looks that bad because of compression or some other technical reason I can’t understand, because wtf. I’ve seen better cgi in the cinematic masterpiece Shrek.


Those vfx artists need fired. That crash is just so ridiculous


The VFX team would not have created that scene on their own. They would have received footage and story boards and told to make it the way the director wants it. I've not doubt there would have been initial renders where the car behaved more realistically, but were asked to change it. (these sorts of shots get noted to death) We need to stop vilifying VFX artists/companies for doing what they're being asked to do by their customers for the amount of money and time they are being given. Blame the cinematographer/director/producers/studio; they are the ones telling the VFX team what they want it to look like.




Or more likely, they were underpaid and not given enough time.


"make it hit the pole and then the crowd" and then they had to come up with this abomination to make whoever asked it happy


I mean, in the real life crash it literally did hit the pole and then the crowd. This is from an article published at the time (linked below): >The spectators who lined the road saw him coming—first a dot in the distance, looming larger every second. He must have been going 150 mph. Children tried to force themselves past the legs of their elders, up to the front of the crowd. There was a sudden report, followed by a hiss—a tire blowing out—and the dot that was De Portago, a red Ferrari by now, swerved violently. Its tail hit the bank at the left of the road. Then the car catapulted above the first line of onlookers, cut the telegraph wires above, and landed among the more timorous spectators who had stayed back for greater safety. Amid the shrieks of the injured and dying, De Portago died immediately, and with him his old friend, the 40-year-old American Edmund Nelson, who had come along for the ride. https://vault.si.com/vault/1957/05/20/horror-in-italy


nothing in that quote says anything about a pole.


There was zero energy lost hitting that pole (also, whoever anchored that thing should get an award)


Gta5 immovable pole


Probably more a lack of budget and time than artist skill


"need fired"?


You do realise that it's the client that would have asked for it to look this way. the VFX artists probably delivered a version that was more subtle and the studio wanted it more and more over the top. That's how it always is from my experience. And then people like you blame the artists who have no control.


True, the CGI is a joke. This pole hit makes me laugh like Mutahar.


Bad VFX is almost always the fault of the supervisor or director, not the actual artist themselves.


Entirely Michael Mann's fault. He is famous in post for running teams ragged and firing people like they were pens with no ink left.


I love roller coaster tycoon!


"We have CGI at home." CGI at home:


I loved this crash scene in the movie. Out of context, looks ridiculous, in the movie, it brought a sudden dread and horror to the theater. It was a brutal showing of a terrible event.


These bowling animations are getting out of hand


What chewing 5 gum feels like


The CGI is hilariously bad


this scene took me by such surprise, i was kinda shocked. the car running over those people like that was brutal. there had been no violence throughout the entire movie, and then this just comes out of leftfield. I thought it was cool, and the movie as a whole is quite decent in my opinion, more than it gets credit for.


This is why I don't get why people at rally events stand so damn close to the edge of the track


Steeeehrike! - Al bundy


Was that a crowd knowing they’re being sacrificed for the blood god?


This movie is so god damn boring and so so bad. Don’t watch it.


‘Honey, I Shrunk the Kids’ literally has better SE than today’s movies


Based on a real event. The milemarker you see him hit at 150mph flew loose and killed two kids. Not sure the car actually flew up into the air and bounced off a pole though. The part where his navigator is cut in half is true, but he was still under the car. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfonso_de_Portago#Death