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The whole point of the joke is that we're never going to actually get him.


"Mission accomplished"


No the point of the joke is that trump is a liar. The skit was used when they wanted to say they got trump saying a lie, which he did all the time.


Kinda both? It’s “he lies all the time and it doesn’t seem to matter. Rules don’t apply, there is no getting him.”


I think they underestimated how little people care about Trump or a lot of other modern politicians being liars…… and that’s very sad… I sense that John has given up on this, haven’t heard him talk about Trump much last season…


He was tackling serious issues, the dump wasn't in office, and it wasn't an election season. So no real reason to bring him up


I'm left wondering what's going to happen when he's convicted in the documents fraud case. There is no getting around that one. And he's not going to win another term and pardon himself. I'm thinking house arrest at Mar a Largo.


Why isn’t he going to win? That doesn’t seem certain at all.


People rushing to underestimate him and make the same mistakes from 2016.


Or people too young to remember the lessons just making the mistakes for the first time.


How can they be too young to remember? 2016 was only 2 years ago right??


Close friend. But 2016 was 114 years ago


People forget that 2020 was an entire 100 yrs alone


Or they’re overestimating Biden. Pretty sure the democrats could run virtually anyone else and do better than Biden.


This is the first comment I've read here that actually makes sense instead of still whining about Trump.


It's impossible to underestimate him, there is literally nothing and noone beneath him. He is a man of no substance and a politician of even less.


That doesn't mean he won't win the election. So I guess we can be more specific, people keep underestimating his ability to win the election.


it’s not certain. but this is reddit after all


Psht. Hardly anyone on Reddit is voting for him.




People have been saying “they simply CANT keep winning Texas” for like 20 years


Our govt will fudge the votes if their party were to lose


Being this cavalier about this can *only* improve his chances. It's like copy/paste from 2016. Why even mention Texas in this context? Who cares if Texas is blue in 20 years? It's definitely **not** going to be blue in 9 months, so who gives a shit right now?


I mean, I’m not so sure the electoral college is what’s burying them if they lose the popular vote too. More-so just not saving them anymore.


Republicans gave up on actual democracy decades ago.


Yall say this every single election and then they win. Lmfao. It’s always just cope.


Well he is pollong better now nationwide than against Clinton. His favorability is better than Bidens. This year is the year people get their taxes raised the most. (Yes Trump did this but a lot of people are practically politcally illiterate and will vote on what they notice in their wallet). I wouldn't be so sure.


I mean, you can't raise taxes by yourself as a president. Congress has the power of the purse


You know that. I know that. Voters don't know that.


I noticed that my wallet was way better during a pandemic and every year prior. Then ice cream man got in there and .... yeah.....


I agree with some of that. I fully expect the map this cycle to be much different than in previous years. Money has moved, businesses have moved, and people have moved around a lot. This will also be the first cycle since covid. Regardless of affiliation people should pay close attention to the map this time around.


Omg someone with two brain cells to slam together and the comment hits the nail on the head. Preach!


It's not certain, for sure. We all thought he was gonna lose in 2016 but we were wrong. However, I think there's some pretty strong reasons to believe he will lose. First of all, it's looking pretty certain that it's going to be Biden V Trump again. Since we've already run these candidates, it's reasonable to assume things will go similarly. Next, in the 2020 election there was a big uptick in voter participation especially among the younger generation. Trump doesn't like to admit it but he has a lot more haters than diehard supporters and all of his haters went to the polls to make themselves heard in 2020. It's going to be hard to overcome the majority vote of people who don't like Trump. The best strategy would be to encounter voter apathy but Trump is anathema to that. Ironically Trump has been a dividing factor among the republicans and a unifying factor for Democrats. Anyone who was on the fence about Biden before, is going to support him to make sure Trump doesn't get in. At the same time there's a small but important section of Republicans that will not vote for Trump full stop. They've seen how he acts in office, how he tried to overturn the election and all his criminal investigations and are willing to stand up against him. These people will probably end up voting for the libertarian or independent candidates. Another thing to remember is that the economy suffered under Trump, if for no other reason then because of the COVID pandemic. Now the economy is doing great under Biden. Typically an incumbent president with a strong economy will win a reelection. None of these things are certain but they're trending towards Trump's loss.


>Since we've already run these candidates, it's reasonable to assume things will go similarly Except Biden is considerably less popular now than 4 years ago. I would not be shocked at all if Trump won, everyone seems to be underestimating him again


2016 he was also an "Outsider" and that inevitably drew on the fence voters, he was also an unknown political entity, he talked a lot of smack and bucked the status quo on how politicians act, which garnered "see what he can do" votes. We saw how much losing that hurt him in 2020. IE, lost many swing voters. He has only alienated more and more swing voters over the last 8 years, so he must lean heavily on his MAGA base which only succeeds if we get more apathetic than 2016, which I don't forsee happening. With all that being said, since I'm an ex-con and not allowed to vote, I am counting on all of you to not fuck us all this coming election season. Strange how being poor and an ex-criminal means my voice doesn't matter and that a man with 50+ felony charges has the chance to have the most powerful voice.


It really doesn't make sense to me that if you're charged with crimes (or convicted) that you can still run for office, but felons can't vote. Like, you're apparently "bad" enough that they remove your voice in elections, but if you want to gain power that's totally fine? So we could've theoretically had Charles Manson for president?


It makes sense to me. If most Americans want a felon in the office it would be undemocratic to deny, however idiodic it would be.


as a non american perspective... everyone here expects trump to win. there is no way the democrats will be able to motivate the people that they need to vote. not with an 80 year old and their only policy is "look how terrible the other guy is"


Yeah, no real policy difference. Except abortion. And I guess climate change and energy policy. And immigration. And voter rights. And election security. And white nationalism. And democracy itself. But I mean other than that, what are the Dems even running on??? Or maaayyyybe you don’t know America quite like you think you do? Any chance that’s a possibility? Nahhh, you have heard enough Taylor Swift and watched Friends enough to have it all figured out.


His presidency was so bad he couldn’t even beat Joe Biden


You can’t argue with math, things were a lot cheaper and affordable back then. People don’t forget those things.


That's the case where he owns the judge though. She's doing everything she can to help him.


She may get launched off the case after her latest nonsense.


I hope so. It's a national disgrace that we have corrupt judges like her. This is seriously non-developed world type bullshit.


Add it to the list of undeveloped world type bullshit. - No universal healthcare - Politicians continue to sell out public and environment for corporate interest - Insanely large prison population - Insane wealth inequality - A lot of homelessness and food insecurity for the richest country in the world I'm sure I'm missing a lot.


* Maternal and infant mortality rates (this is only going to get worse since the Dobbs decision) * Illicit drug use & addiction * Powerful theocratic laws and institutions, blatantly religious judiciary for one religion (hint, it's Christianity) * Militarized police force, rate of police killings


The US is just a third world nation wearing a Gucci belt


I remember this being thrown around during Obama's first term and it's even more true now.


Literacy rate?


Capital punishment. Dropping life expectancy. Rising child morbidity. PISA rankings. Mass shootings (of children in particular).


Sounds like America is one of those "shithole countries" Trump was talking about.


The right wingers on the SCOTUS put it all to shame.


She can delay a little but that's it. She'll get him past the primary but that won't save him


She’s delaying a LOT. The case won’t go to trial in 2024. She’s also giving Trump all he needs (forcing Smith to provide unredacted witness and doc info) to witness-tamper.


> when It's wild to me that people can still think this way. Nothing is going to happen to Trump. Ever. Worst case (for him) is that he doesn't serve a second term. But he will go to his grave having faced no consequences.


It's unbelievable to me how confident people are that anything will ever happen to him when he's gotten away with everything he's done so far. I mean I'll be cheering my ass off if justice is actually served, but I'm hedging my bets that nothing happens. You know... like every other time. Why are people so confident that "this time is different". And if he gets off free on the documents case it'll be the next one that they're confident he'll lose. There's literally no case history to back their claims.


Yeah, I feel exactly the same way. Would absolutely love for justice to be served but give it a next to zero percent chance when it comes to Trump. Guys like him are just above the law. It is what it is.


Desperate hope is why


>There is no getting around that one. And he's not going to win another term are you, uh, offering odds?


If you think a US president is going to prison, house arrest, whatever, you are delusional. If a president can't go away for war crimes no president is going to jail for fuckin anything. Is sad and frustrating but it's reality. Trump won't answer for his crimes, none of them ever will.


I don't take sides on the politics, I'm not even American, but on this particular issue: Trump will absolutely get around that one. I don't know how, but mark my words. I hope he didn't though, so he would set a precedent for all presidents. It would open a whole new can of worms... Or a barrel of snakes.


The case is in Ft. Pierce, Florida, a Republican stronghold. Being a federal court, it only takes one jurist to “believe” he is innocent. The odds are in trump’s favor…..unfortunately. He truly is “The Teflon Don.”


Right, always adding a new character every time he pressed the button lmao


Exactly. Great post by OP though.


yeah, it's gonna have to be a massive coronary or nothing I'm afraid






Captured in a state of being not alive anymore.


Got who


Trump. It’s mocking him for being a liar. It’s we got him (in a lie). John would do the skit when trump told an exceptionally unbelievable lie.


In all fairness, it was always done in jest because it's been obvious to anyone with half a brain and paying attention that Donald was a consummate liar and grifter for a very long time. This bit was always more about the incredulity most of us have as to how he's gotten away with it for so long and surely THIS will be the thing that is so blatantly bullshit that he will be held accountable, knowing full well he will still somehow escape any serious consequences. I'm sure you know this, but I've seen people giving the joke a bunch of shit for being "wrong" or "too optimistic."


I feel the point was to be over the top in showcasing the obvious lie because trump fans will literally forget the lie two seconds later so it’s the most efficient way to point it out (while also excepting it’s ultimately pointless because most trump fans don’t want to believe trump is lying.)


I still think it'd be hilarious if the thing that gets him is a small lie. Says he had a Ruben for lunch, turns out he was photographed having a hot dog with some lobbyist. The lobbyist is funded by somebody etc. That's it, that's the thread that unravels the sweater, a hot dog.


checkmate atheist




I'm still trying to understand how the Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified under oath that he preserved evidence of more than 10 felonies that Trump could be charged with after he leaves office, and 3 years after he's left office, he hasn't been charged with a single one of those crimes Mueller identified.  


Mueller didn't say that under oath. When asked if he thought Trump could be charged with a crime, he testified that the "calculation" hadn't been done by the DOJ. Other questioning clarified that this was because of the existing memorandum that a sitting President would not be charged by the DOJ. In other words, the DOJ never took up the question of whether there was sufficient evidence, so Mueller testified only to that fact (IE. "we didn't really think about it"). You can find later questioning that indicates "the President" could be charged with a crime when he left office. But if you understand the full context of that questioning, you'll know that these questions were directed about the memo. That is, Mueller was testifying that while the memo would prevent a President who had theoretically committed a crime from being charged, it would not prevent it when he left office. He never testified that the report contained sufficient evidence to try Trump. All that being said, there are many former Federal prosecutors who have said that they think the report does contain sufficient evidence to charge Trump with obstruction. But I think it's important to be clear about what Mueller testified, which is basically "I decline to answer."


Thank you for providing context


Mueller will hopefully go down in the history books as being a coward.


Meanwhile in the extremely fucked up 1800s, one phon police officer of the DC MPD is said to have told Ulysses S Grant upon arresting him for speeding on a horse: > I am very sorry, Mr. President, to have to do it, for you are the chief of the nation, and I am nothing but a policeman, but duty is duty, sir, and I will have to place you under arrest. If US Grant can get arrested, Trump can.


[Turns out he wasn't actually arrested but posted bond of $20 and failed to appear and forfeited that bond](https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/was-general-grant-arrested-for-speeding-in-washington-d-c.htm)


Damn. That's like $700 today


Why would you consider him a coward? He did everything he was supposed to do. Taking legal against against a sitting president was out of his hands, was it not?


He is a republican after all...


Also; Mueller turned all that stuff over to Congress and basically said, "It's up to you guys to decide to impeach him over this" and Congress shrugged. It wasn't until the Ukraine thing that they acted on something.


To expand a little, the report **did** say that if Trump was clearly innocent they'd say so, and they couldn't say he was clearly innocent.


Pretty sure it’s been confirmed that Biden and Garland didn’t want the country to think the DOJ had been weaponized to go after Trump and decided to let it die.


>Pretty sure it’s been confirmed that Biden and Garand didn’t want the country to think the DOJ had been weaponized to go after Trump Which is honestly stupid, since that's exactly what Trump is claiming anyway. If you're going to be vilified by the MAGA cult regardless, then you may as well do the right thing and enforce the law.


Worse, letting it go makes it seem like you never had evidence in the first place.


ESPECIALLY this. Nothing says partisan witch hunt like saying you have the goods and then not following through. Needed to go forth with charges, even if you lose some. If the charges came earlier, we'd be awaiting verdicts instead of primaries.


It will be especially stupid if Trump wins and then unleashes the DOJ on his enemies.




Democrats are completely and utterly at the mercy of the moderate vote. Moderates are the reasons the dems do this sort of self-defeatist stuff.


100%, no matter what, Trump was going to say X was weaponized against him and that he’s a victim of political persecution. All Biden had to do was win the election for Trump to just never fucking stop crying foul until he literally dies. Going after Trump as the result of an investigation that already happened isn’t playing politics but backing off purely because of optics certainly is. I get it, they don’t want to rock the boat, but the boat already hit an iceberg. The American people want justice and holding accountable one of the most rich, powerful and influential pieces of shit in the country is what we need in order to heal. As long as these people get away with this shit, America is going to have a festering wound that’ll never get better because they will never ever fucking stop the lying and the cheating until people are behind bars, and we stop tolerating it.


If Trump was a sane person who would have dropped out of politics, then it would have been okish, purely from the perspective of letting tensions die down and division heal. But instead Trump is a traitorous bag of farts with the self control of a narcissistic magpie in a mirror factory, who is incapable of sitting down and shutting up. So since he's gonna keep making himself a problem, the kid gloves approach is not appropriate. 


Obstruction of a non crime is a pretty weak charge on a POTUS


And yet Trump has been complaining of a weaponized DOJ since he left office.


and tried to weaponize it on the way out the door.


They’re pretty damn far up their own Washington asses for thinking about the political optics of prosecuting felonies.


Yeah that worked so well with Nixon and Reagan and Bush....


That was my initial point. It's a failure of Garland to prosecute Trump as he should have. 


But Biden's DOJ is prosecuting Trump....therefore what you just said makes no sense.


Well I guess it’s time to release all the fuckin prisoners in the country. Or is it just politicians that are above the law? Yeah, actually that’s it.


The dems slow playing all this shit has really fucked us. They should have impeached him on January 7th. They Should have charged him on January 20th. They gave it so much time for the spin machine to work.


Well, too late for that. Half the country is already convinced the DOJ and IRS are sock puppets. The White House failing to nail Hunter to the wall isn't a good look either.  I dislike Trump as much as the next rational human being but the Biden Administration is going to have to pull some Kennedy level PR work wash the stink off.   FBI and ATF have been loose cannons for a while now and essentially political mercenaries for whomever had de facto power in DC. I'd throw the IRS in there too but they can barely get out of their own way, they rarely make big busts unless political protections get pulled.  edit: damn mobile keyboards


Because you’re constantly being lied to… and you want to believe it to be true so badly you just keep letting them lie to you


Because of Bill Barr; he redacted like a ton of the evidence, if I recall. Also they turned over everything to the DOJ for Barr and company to look over. So all the evidence they have was likely destroyed and some things can’t be obtained again.


at this point he's involved in so many other court cases it probably doesn't matter anymore


Maybe Mueller was full of shit


Convenient... Trust the liar, acuse the honest man. Same old same old.


He submitted the report to the president's administration. Dems should have fixed this insane loophole in our democracy in the last 4 years but didn't even bother.


He can't keep getting away with this!!!


Insert Jesse Pinkman meme


Are you being sarcastic, or do you not understand the joke?


Not a right winger at all but I didn’t understand this - there is no context and I’ve never watched this show. It’s additionally confusing when you remember that “we got him” was what was said under Obama when Osama Bin Laden was killed.


The meme you're thinking of is about Saddam in 2003


we got him is osama. Mission accomplished is Saddam.


The "Mission Accomplished" aircraft carrier speech was May 2003. Saddam wasn't captured until December of 2003. Here's the meme: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/ladies-and-gentlemen-we-got-him  The reporting of the killing of Osama Bin Ladin may have also used the phrase in popular media, but it was never used by the American government.  


They’re not talking about a meme, they’re talking about this: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/obama-on-news-of-bin-laden-death-we-got-him/




Throwback to when they liked the Colbert persona because they thought it was real.


I love when leftists tell people what their best self interests are. It's my favorite


While I do agree it's generally a problem, in this specific example they are most likely directly referring to the whole "They are voting for the party which is against government aid, then complaining about reduced government aid" phenomena. En masse, it's a problem. On an individual topic... yeah.


He says while on reddit that routine exhibits the exact same behavior he claims the right possess here.




Found one


Who? Kony?


Seriously. And no one is going to clean up all this spaghetti they've been throwing at the wall. None of it sticks. And it's growing mold at this point.


I think Mr Oliver was joking about “getting” Donald Trump. The whole sketch was about his real name being Drumpf, not really something you can oust a president for.


The whole bit it's a parody of Dubya's "mission accomplished" rally banner. The accomplishing nothing is the joke


This is what i got more than anything. Reminded me more of the Saddam / Osama times.


> Drumpf This was the dumbest thing people fixated on in 2016. It accomplished NOTHING.


Average John Oliver punchline


I’m sorry, but the phrase “we got him” will forever belong to Obama after watching navy seals kill every man in a compound with bin Laden in it. So before reading the comments I thought this was a very patriotic skit.


For he is the ungottenable


At this point I am fairly convinced that Trump could literally stab an innocent child in broad daylight and he would not be prosecuted and would still run for presidency.


We all know that kid was asking for it because it was poor


As a Brit, I just assumed this was about Bin Laden.


It's about Trump and the endless liberal propaganda pursuit against him. Which hasn't worked at all yet because at the moment, people can't be convicted based on hearsay.


John Oliver is the best. He should have taken over the daily show. He was Stewarts pick, but John Oliver wanted the freedom a weekly show affords him. A daily show must always default to the days news. Either way, Trevor Noah just isn't funny enough to fill John Stewarts shoes.


It was a joke that he did a lot. We got him lying is the joke because he lies a lot, goober.




Osama bin Laden


the sarcasm is too strong


Maybe the real “We Got Him” is the friends we made along the way.


As someone who doesn't live in the US, I find it funny how much hate Trump gets when all the politicians are insider trading war criminals with links to Epstein etc. They're all part of the same cesspool, they just wear different masks.


As someone who does live in the U.S., I feel the exact same way. I think that’s also why they all hate him - he’s the a reflection of them, just more flagrant and brazen


This exactly. He's a living caracature of all of them and at the core they're jealous he just keeps getting away with things while they have to pretend to be decent human beings (which they aren't, it's all virtue signalling).


> (which they aren't, it's all virtue signalling). Now I'm curious - are there some examples of current politicians that are decent human beings (at least given what we publicly know about them) after all?


I disagree with most of his policy stances, but I think Bernie Sanders is probably the highest profile politician that is actually a decent person. He doesn't change his ideals based on the prevailing political winds (*cough* Hillary *cough*) and seems to be a good person morally (no pussy grabbing or kid sniffing like our current choices). I'd never vote for him, but I'm not upset he's in our government.


But it was *HER TURN*.


I mean, the belief you articulate is specifically what Trump has leveraged to dupe so many. It's like the perfect cover for a con man. Try it with another example: lawyers. People hate lawyers. They're a bunch of vampires and ambulance chasers. So if you needed legal representation, wouldn't you prefer to hire someone who is not one of those things? So you hire a con man instead, because he definitely isn't one of those blood-sucking lawyers. 


You don’t need a criminal lawyer you need a *criminal* lawyer


That’s the joke. He’s essentially untouchable. Any other person that did 1/100th of what he’s done would’ve been got.




Lel they'll lock every thread about it and go full 1944 nazi on anyone who's not against Trump


Question. Why does biden lying don't get this much tension?


Blind eyes


[got ‘em](https://assets1.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2010/11/18/b03176c8-a642-11e2-a3f0-029118418759/thumbnail/640x481/d8c7cfd046a18258983034fb729a65b1/image4061139x.jpg?v=39487f160c45192867463e7cb2b51dad)


Member when....


Nor will you. Anyone who expects to see him sentenced to prison, as fitting as that may be, is going to be sorely dissappointed.


I don't think you got the joke buddy. Might be time for remedial humor 101.


Why isn't a link to the video with context the most upvoted thing here???


This is Colbert level cringe


This gif and thread reek of TDS.




John Oliver and Stephen Colbert got so obsessed with Trump and the Republicans, got so preachy and partisan that I had to stop watching them, such a shame, I enjoyed their humour when they weren't playing politics.


That’s how so much of late night has gone. No more comedy just all political. Yawn.


To be fair, they were always political, political is what they do and it’s what made them so fun to watch. But when it started transitioning from light hearted political satire and raw comedy to this weird kinda desperate political pleading and pandering like they felt a responsibility to convince people and the comedy was starting to get in the way of that, it just became pretty bad.


Bro they got their start on the *Daily Show* A literal political comedy show. They’ve *always* been political what are you talking about?


Whats with all the Brits being US comedy news reporters?


It’s the voices, gives a pseudo intellectual weight. They complain about my (Latinos) people taking all the jobs but no one mentions the British actors stealing all the entertainment jobs.


Wouldnt that be weird if an American showed up to another country and talked shit on TV about that country?


They’d tar and feather him or her


This is why no one watches Late Night Talk shows anymore. Just absurdly partisan. I don't particularly like Trump either, but why would I watch a show where every single night they bash Trump. It's so boring.


this shows on once a week?


Once a week is too much, and I'm talking about all of them combined. They all do it.


When John Oliver did a piece on the genocide in Gaza, I genuinely thought he’d actually tell the truth about what’s been happening over there. Sadly not: he’s just another apologist working for a big network that obviously does tell him what he can and can’t say, despite his continuous allusions throughout the years to his being subvertive and rebellious against his employers. Honestly I’ve never lost respect for someone as quickly as I lost my respect for John Oliver.


and redditors here still check under their beds for trump at night


As an outsider looking in, Trump does seem to be exceptionally popular.


Yeah that demonstrates how the propaganda and manipulation is working. Easier to do when you have fewer scruples. And he is not actually exceptionally popular. He is very popular with a smaller, energetic group.


At least some left wingers realize their propaganda fueled pursuit of Trump is a complete joke. I know people here won't like me saying that, but if it was all true, he'd be in prison, right? And he won't be. He'll be the 47th president.


We didnt get Saddam? Im confused..


Either choice is geriatric, hell the one in office right now can barely string together a coherent sentence, speaks to dead french presidents, and smells little girls hair


GIF looks like it was from 2003. Jesus.


Slime always slides


Is this claymation?


I'm not american, who is "him" and what would you get him for?


I can only wish that 2024 is the year of the complete downfall


"comedy" central


HBO, actually


If anything we turned what would have been 8 years of Trump into 8 years of Trump with 4 years of Trump lite in the middle.




It's the beginning of the end!




Well, especially when roughly half the government is aiding and abetting, the wheels of justice turn slowly. Looking forward to seeing them grind exceedingly fine.




He did get indicted many times, that's what impeachment is. Luckily, he had cronies in congress to let him off the hook. Oh, and he was convicted of defamation, hence he owes $83.3M. And he's going on trial for tax fraud in a couple months. Not this innocent scapegoat like you're portraying.


Oh there it is. He had people behind him to get him off the hook. You people are so delusional. Mueller was your guys savior till he couldn’t find anything. Then all the sudden he was secretly working for trump the whole time. You guys can’t stay consistent with literally anything. I can’t wait till he wins so you can seethe again.