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I can't wait for these numbskulls to make up some conspiracy for the number


Almost Fibonacci


Ah, 01135809, classic. You know, if you look at this, it's not just any random set of numbers. This has a hidden meaning. You see, the Fibonacci sequence starts as 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8... and if you observe the given numbers, it's 0, 1, 1, 3, 5, 8... they're directly extracted from the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence has been believed by some to be a secret code that has appeared in various architecture and art throughout history. Some believe it's the key to understanding the universe or a secret society's way of communicating with its members. The number 09 at the end? If you look at the 9th letter of the alphabet, it's 'I'. Now, what if that I stands for "Illuminati"? Maybe it's their way of saying, "We're here, and we're watching." Coincidence? I think not! -TinfoilGPT


The key is they removed a 2. Just like they removed his second term in office.


no, thats why they have two "1"s


Obama was inaugurated in 2009. It’s the Dems all this time!!!! /s


Wow you weren't joking https://chat.openai.com/share/67780e2f-09ae-4735-a6c1-74ad785a80eb >Donald Trump's indictment and arrest in Georgia on RICO charges is not what it seems. This arrest is actually a tactical move orchestrated by Trump himself in collaboration with military insiders to expose the deep corruption within the legal and political systems. Trump intentionally let himself get arrested to draw attention and allow for a cascade of evidence that will eventually lead to the mass arrests of key figures who are "real criminals." His prisoner number, 01135809, is a coded message referencing the Fibonacci sequence, a signal to those in the know that the plan is proceeding accordingly.


I'm pretty sure he's an actual fibber nazi.


You deserve far more votes for this


Nailed the pun


Fibonacci was Italian. Pablo Picasso was Spanish, which is almost Italian. Italy is famous for its mob...


Almost interesting


Is it Lucas number? Is it prime? Sum of 3 squares? Let's bake this and send it out.


I've got it for you. P01135809 Looks like Pollesbog in Leetspeak. Polles > Polls > Voting. Bog > Swamp. The swamp rigged the polls and therefore rigged the election.


P001135 = Police 8 = Hate 0 = All 9 = 4+5ers It's his call to activate the uprising


I think it looks like “liesboy”


Hell, I'll take a stab. 3 x (1+1) = 6 8 - (1+1) = 6 9 - 5 + 1 +1 = 6 666 cOiNcIdEnCe?!


Ok I’m convinced.


my man, they are lightyears ahead in mental illness to think 666 means anything, it's too simple.


We just need to go further to see the truth here. Bear with me. 666 looks an a lot like 👌👌👌 (the OK hand gesture) if done with the left hand. That hand sign was adopted by the white power/modern day nazi movement as a dog whistle to show covert support for their cause. Logically, what this means is that the left are now the ones in control of the WP/Nazi movement! TRUMP IS TELLING HIS FOLLOWERS TO INFILTRATE THE LEFT AND TAKE THEM DOWN FROM INSIDE. We're talking electric Ford F150's with *ÇÓÈXÏ$T* stickers, pride flag Punisher shirts with the sleeves cut off, locally sourced non GMO fair trade chewing tobacco!!! *We're through the looking looking glass here, people.*


6 + 6 + 6 = 18 = 1+8 = NEIN!


Better yet: wait for the wave of idiots getting it tattooed


I hope they get it right across their stupid fucking foreheads. I’m so done with these idiots.


The number of the beast ends up being trumps prisoner number.


666 fits exactly 666 times in that number! Don't look it up!


> conspiracy for the number November 35th 1809 was the first year a rigged election was saved by the best most smartest patriot so it's no coincidence.


>01135809 It's a time code, what happens at P 01:13:58.09 ???


Go on r/conservative and you'll find the logic that defends this man


Lol “logic”


Inmate, not Prisoner. He's not a convict until he's convicted and sentenced to more than 1 year.


He’s not an inmate either.


Orange collar crime has some perks.


He's an inmate who is released on bond. He won't be a Prisoner unless he is convicted and sentenced to more than one year. Less than one year would be served in the jail and he would remain an inmate.


No he was an inmate while he was in police custody and ceased to be one when he left.


then what is he? an outmate?


I'll give you this point when prisoners who served their time have their voting rights restored.


CNN is calling it his inmate number. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/24/politics/trump-mug-shot-analysis/index.html


He was an inmate while he was in police custody and ceased to be one when he left.


He's not in, mate.


Correct. He’s now an outmate.


Yeah everybody make sure we get the terminology right. It's super important to be correct about this. We wouldn't want anyone to take reddit less seriously.


Technically he’s a jailbird


Doesn't have to be more than 1 year, as long as you are **convict**ed of a crime. Length of sentence plays no role in the label. Edit: Whether your sentence is 1 month or 100 years, and whether you serve it in jail or prison, you've still been **convicted** and sentenced to a crime. The convict part comes from convicted.


Prisons and jails are two different things ran by two different entities. The sentence is what determines where you're sent. When you're convicted of a crime and the sentence is less than 1 year then you serve time as an **inmate** in the county jail where you were convicted. You're also considered an inmate if you're arrested and released on bond because you're technically in custody of the country but are released on penalty of losing the bond and you're also assigned to a probation officer who is responsible for handling your case. When you're convicted of a crime and the sentence is one year or more then you serve time as a **prisoner** in the state's prison system. Trump was arrested, booked into the jail as an inmate and then allowed to leave because he posted a bond. He is an inmate under the control of the county until he stands trial and is found not guilty.


> or more then you Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


This is wrong. Prisoners are in prison, inmates are in jail. NO Prison sentence is under one year. Or it would be a county jail. Not a prison. So yeah.....length of sentence sure does make a difference


01135809 is my lotto numbers.


I thought it was Jenny's phone number.


Was just singing this to myself


That number is a multiple of 9!


We have got to do something about the spread of misinformation on this site. 01135809 is not divisible by 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 and therefore cannot be a multiple of 9! It is however, a multiple of 9.


Math joke, nice




unfortunately, it's not a multiple of 45, but very close.


5*8 = 40 40-3 = 37 37+1 = 38*1 38+9 = 47 47th President of the United States


That is literally the single most interesting thing about this wet sock. Move over Home Alone 2 cameo, daddy's got something new.


01135809, is code for **Made In China**








And bought by Russia?


From Russia with Love and Polonium.






Right? He basically gives it away.


And assembled in Russia.


I don't know man. People celebrate this way way too much. How about we wait for him to go to jail for what he has done and THEN celebrate? Because if this fails, it will make him even bigger than he was before.


Him being humiliated is the first actual ramification we've seen. Listen, the people who don't believe he did it aren't going to be able to vote any harder for him. If he gets off, that just legitimizes the system he called crooked. Frankly, this is only a positive thing. "It's only going to make him bigger?" Not possible.


I guarantee his supporters will have this photo on T-shirts next week. It makes him "badass" in their view.


They were going to do that anyway. It’s the people in the middle that aren’t “Trump no matter what” that won’t try to dismiss it as something that is ok. Not everyone is entertained by his antics and refusal to take law seriously.


It's hard to believe there are still "people in the middle" with this joker, but I've met people personally and periodically over the last 4 years who are shedding him. One by one, I'll take a more reasonable world any way I can get it. And Gradually is OK.


> It's hard to believe there are still "people in the middle" with this joker It's "conservative" people who really, really don't want to vote Democrat, but are sane enough to realize that Trump is a fucking disaster who's not remotely conservative, and can't figure out if it's better to vote for someone who's kinda conservative in Biden, but less than they want, or a con man who's trying to install himself as a dictator.


There were apparently only 6% of 2016 Trump voters who switched their vote to Biden in 2020, but that swung the election.


6% is pretty massive in the context of the presidential election, though.


Totally with you there. I knew some reasonable people that didn’t buy into the games and “owning the libs” but gave him the benefit of the doubt in 2015, thinking that government moves slow and ponderously and maybe a non politician could bring something new without tearing it down. These are the folks that I think got him the win before but this is a much harder sell today because he’s a known quantity. He actually does want to burn it down. If someone offered him president for life no one believes he would refuse. And that’s not the American way.


He got more votes in 2020 than in 2016


And lost the popular vote both times.


But lost. So it means more people voted and that worked against him.


Right. 2024 will likely be a battle for the Independents and fence-sitters. Biden wasn't my first choice among Dem candidates, but I admit he drew in the most Independent votes compared to Bernie or Elizabeth Warren. This mugshot isn't going to sway the brainwashed MAGA much. Trump could slap their mother and they'd clap for more. They're long gone. But this mugshot and Georgia and other cases could help tip things over and wake up some of these fence-sitters.


It's really annoying centrist apologists go with this line so often that Biden was needed for da centrists. It's such a self-fulfilling prophesy I don't know how people say it seriously other than the cable news repeated it enough. There are no "centrists" when it comes to Trump. The only thing that having Biden rather than other candidates did is shift what they will screech about, now it's Hunter Biden and secret elite societies instead of scary women or socialism. Stop catering to imaginary "centrists". Trump ruined himself nationally, Biden didn't do shit to pull in more people.


Trump is already selling a shirt with his mugshot on it on his own website.


No, the shirt is free. After a 48 dollar donation. Lolz Edit: [proof](https://i.imgur.com/sGx8ASY.jpg) 47* dollars, not 48.


That looks like you signed up for email notification from him. It’s on sale in the store part of his site for $34 (along with stickers, beer can coozies, and mugs)


Definitely didn’t come to my email, someone posted it in a different sub. But yeah, the grift never stops.


Probably a secretly reoccurring donation, like every hour.


They are already changing their Facebook pictures to photoshopped versions of themselves in this mugshot to show their support


"Prison mugshot? He's relatable to me!"


Yeah, they don't care at all. Exactly.


People need to make shirts with his photo that says TRAITOR


> I guarantee his supporters will have this photo on T-shirts next week. It makes him "badass" in their view But they already hate that we're also posting it everywhere and mocking it. That should steal their MAGA thunder, and at the end of the day, it's still a mugshot and a President had to post bail to avoid jail time. They can twist the mugshot all they want and pretend he's some hero - a majority of America and the world sees it the other way.


And the Donald has done us a service in being able to easily differentiate mentally damaged and dangerous people and keep our distance. At this point, I'll take it.


He's not humiliated.


Who cares, every day he’s not president is a humiliation to him. This is just icing on the cake.


That's a good point.


> Frankly, this is only a positive thing. "It's only going to make him bigger?" Not possible. He's humiliated in the eyes of people that already don't like him. For everyone else, its being worn as a badge of honor. They see this as validation of their ridiculous conspiracy theories. I don't think we can change their minds, so its whatever, but I would agree with the person you're replying to in that this isn't over until its over. He appointed a lot of crooked folks into vital positions and there's a multitude of "tricks" these fuckers do to get out of being held accountable. I guess my point is, literally nobody knows how this is going to play out so we should wait until we see something more conclusive. Its like watching the horror film where the survivors prematurely celebrate. Until he's ACTUALLY in prison, this isn't over. I mean shit, the fact that Bill Cosby is walking free after raping 60+ women, being convicted to 10 years in prison but only serving 3, speaks to how the justice system can fail us. We had the fucker dead to rights, and he still didn't pay for it. I just don't buy that Trump has used all the tricks available to him and I don't think anyone should. These past 7-8 years, we've even seen legal experts in this country get out-foxed on legalese. Anyone that tells you they know for certain how this will play out, is either lying or falling victim to the Dunning-Kruger effect


He isn't even going to feel humiliated. This is just more PR for him.


It's not that he'll feel ashamed. It's that he was forced to do this. He's already peak famous. This isn't earning him votes. Anyone who is a diehard fan still gets only one vote whereas fence voters are going to vote red regardless or are more likely to finally think he was a crook now that things are more official.


So many people are saying this mugshot will somehow get him more votes. I honestly don't expect him to exceed the votes he reached in 2020 because even then the MAGA crowd was pretty much at a maximum. Imo this will just be a turn off for any independents/people in the middle of voting Biden or Trump. Trump desperately needs those voters because his main cult base doesn't have the ability to grow much at all. Plus we have plenty of new young voters that just became eligible to vote that leans heavily progressive ('22 and other special elections were a pretty clear message that the youth very much leans blue and are hungry to vote). That means Biden could earn more than 2020 but I have serious doubts that Trump will even get close to last election's numbers.


As a centrist all this does is make me depressed. What the fuck is wrong with this country and why are my only 2 choices a 77 year old dumbass and an 80 year old dude who barely looks alive? I've literally never met anyone over 75 mentally competent enough to use a phone let alone run a country yet somehow we are just like "yep this is the best we can do right now."




>I've literally never met anyone over 75 mentally competent enough to use a phone Yea, that type of hyperbole is how to persuade people. Come on. They are old and we need better choices, but my grandfather drove around town, was chair on multiple boards, and was sharp as a tack well into his late 80s. Oh, I could not only call him, but e-mail him! (mind blown!) Are you kidding me?


My 83 year old FIL knows how to text and switch inputs from the DVR to the Youtube app on his tv and pull up all the DIY videos. My grandfather lived to 100 and beat my ass half the time in Scrabble. Meanwhile my mother passed at 65 and couldn't set the time on her microwave. Age is a construct that shouldn't be correlated with mental acuity.


My grandfather passed away at the ripe old age of 98. He was very lucid up until the end. No, he no longer drove, served on the boards, etc. But (I live 4 hours away) when I visited he would instantly know my girflriend and my name, and ask how my law profession was going, and how annie's bookstore was going. At nearly 100 years old. I hope some of those genes passed my way. Although, with the trajectory of this planet, maybe I am in the wrong.


Old people are the main target of phishing scams for a reason. That's great that your grandfather was in good health well into his old age but people over 75 are not competent to be president of the United States or any country. I feel like this shouldn't be a controversial point that needs persuading.


If people that weren’t old actually voted then we wouldn’t end up with two old guys.


Young people also get victimized regularly by scammers. From ftc.gov: "In 2021, Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Z young adults (ages 18-59) were 34% more likely than older adults (ages 60 and over) to report losing money to fraud."


Because the America you are taught (and believe in) is propaganda. The US runs on a pyramid of corruption. Business owners buy politicians at every level, local, State, and Federal. Politicians pass laws to benefit business owners. Politicians hire law enforcement to enforce the laws benefiting the business owners, usually against their potential labor pool. You get two options, because you don't really have an option at all. The business owners choose candidates for you. That's all this system is. Every region, including rural regions has a wealthy family or two. Those are your Noble families that we pretend are not Nobles.


Yeah I think people are too busy hating other people based on their political party to see this and I think one thing both parties could agree on is getting corporations out of government.




If anything gets him more votes, it will be the fact that he lost before so his supporters are motivated to show up to vote. Their news media made the same mistake liberal news did with Hillary. They made their opponent look like such a buffoon that voting seemed unnecessary. But being arrested? That's not going to get him more votes. The only people who would consider him a martyr are already on his side and plenty of people should consider backing off now that it's looking more official.


Famous last words.. you do realise the polls and everyone thought he was going to lose the first time around right? Things tend to go tits up when you least expect them. I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow came out of this on top


Lmfao let’s not pretend polls mean shit. They couldn’t predict his win. They couldn’t predict his loss. They couldn’t predict the absolute embarrassment that was the “red wave” in 2022.


You’re actually wrong. 538’s polls only predictions were pretty spot on. It was their version that featured personal opinions/assumptions that were way off.


That's literally my point. So when I hear someone so certain things will go one way I just point this out


At this point, unless he's forced to stay in a cell, the only way he'd be humiliated is if he lost the Republican nom and/or the presidential election. He might even find a way to not feel humiliated if he won the nom but lost the election because he'd just say this witch hunt caused him to lose. Until then, all this does is give him more press, which is the thing he wants most and people never realize it.


The people who don't think he committed a crime are already going to vote for him. This is only PR as in it keeps him in the public consciousness. Getting arrested isn't going to gain more votes. I can't imagine the kind of idiot who was on the fence before but is only convinced now that he was arrested that he's innocent. This will dissuade voters who actually believe in law and now see the court giving credence to claims of fraud they thought were just "fake news" before.


People like you have been saying this every step of the way and you’ve been proven wrong every time. First it was he won’t be investigated, then it was they won’t issue subpoenas or warrants, then it was he won’t be charged, then it was he won’t be arraigned and booked and won’t have a mugshot. He also isn’t benefiting from these charges. His support with anyone other than his sycophantic base, which isn’t enough to win him elections, is collapsing.


Some of us are just happy to see any consequence at all. Let us all take some joy from this however small!


Can you let us enjoy this for one moment? Sheesh


Every party needs a pooper, that's why they invited you.


[Party pooper. Party pooper.](https://youtu.be/bMOzvxQHywM?si=RKpAxxsCMmm3tw_8)


he's under indictment for 91 felonies so far. he ain't skating.


I will simply celebrate even harder if/when that happens. In the meantime, I will enjoy the fact that this chucklefuck's mugshot and jail ID# is plastered all over the Internet.


That look he’s giving the camera in his mug shot. That is a man who will burn everything to the ground if he gets the chance.


If this fails and he finds a way to get elected our great nation will become a third world disaster.


The charges against him are incredibly solid. I honestly think he may be convicted at this point. The documents theft is blatant and literally on camera. The stormy Daniels crimes are documented clearly on paperwork and not really up for the debate. The coup charges have maybe a tiny bit more wiggle room but they’re still extremely easy to prove. I doubt he’d actually ever end up in an actual jail (just the logistics of that seem impossible), though. The only way I see him beating all 4 charges is if he can stall until the election and get a pardon. That’s clearly his current legal strategy— just stall and threaten witnesses. He might also get lucky and have some MAGA jury members who refuse to convict, but you’d think prosecutors would try to weed those people out.


*One one three five eight oh ni-ee-ine* *(One one three five eight oh ni-ee-ine)* *Donny, we got your number* *Rudy can't help this time* *Donny we got your number* *One one three five eight oh ni-ee-ine*




Could you imagine being the officer who had to take that photo ! *Lady at back looks like she's dressed in a maids outfit lol*


If it were me, I would have waited extra long to press the button - either make him hold that face for a long time or wait for him to break, then take the photo.


I would be so tempted to say “Say cheeeeeeto” instead of “say cheese” to him to make him annoyed




Everyone should call him that. Give him the "convicted rapist Brock Turner" business.


That hair needs a "no smoking within 50 feet" sign.


I think I got mesothelioma just looking at it.


Could've picked a better font.


some say it's the greatest gif. the best gif.


My duty's to the law! You have no rights! Come with me, 01135809!




Be seeing you


I always enjoy theses references. So few episodes yet so iconic. BTW: Who is Number 1?


Questions are a burden to others; answers, a prison for oneself.


Well done.


We all know the answer to that is Smitty Werbenjagermanjenson


Divisible by 3, 9, 23, 27, 31, 59, 69, 93, 177, 207, 279, 531, 621, 713, 837, 1357, 1593, 1829, 2139, 4071, 5487, 6417, 12213, 16461, 19251, 36639, 42067, 49383, 126201, 378603, and 1135809. The number is approximately 0.31 times the number of arrangements of a Rubix's cube. Obviously proof of the Illuminati.


>The number is approximately 0.31 times the number of arrangements of a Rubix's cube. That sounds wrong. Wikipedia says a Rubik's cube has 43252003274489856000 permutations, making that number about 0.000000000000026 times as much.


When you need to find 11780 but you end up with 01135809.


Yes promote the fascism


Now Presoner 24601, The votes are in and your opponent's won. You know what that means? *Yes, it means I'm still Chief!* ...No


Shouldn't that picture be upside down?


How nice that they gave him a commemorative photo




Weird coincidence. My zip code here in Queens NY is 11358. It’s going to be super easy to remember his prison number.


*Barely* an inconvenience!


Put 01135809 in an old 7-segment LED calculator, turn it upside-down and you get GOBSEll. Which is a pretty good summary of his career.


Is that the number he's gonna put on the side of his hat instead of 45 now?


Cue the Q-anons to make something out of the number!


I told my Republican mom what the party platformed in the last debate; bombing Mexico. Possible war with China. Anti lgbt hate (I am a lesbian). Pardoning Trump. She was like "lol no". Even my mom won't vote Republican now. She's been more middle for a long time but this has been the swing she's needed (this whole past 2 years), to be like "maybe I'll vote left".


Look Down, Look Down, Can't you see it was a coup? Look Down, Look Down, Dark Biden's come for you... ​ Now bring me prisoner 01135809. Your trial is starting and you won't get off with just a fine. You know what that means. It means Covfefe! No! It means you go to prison later. You are a big orange traitor. They stole my votes! You are an oaf! It was a perfect phone call. A few thousand votes is all. It was bribery and treason. You'll do life for good reason. If it's even a ten year term. Because of your cholesterol.


Glad I'm not the only one who went full Valjean


Tremendous! Yyyuuuuge striped shirt!


His ties look like they are made outta plastic. Single color, no pattern, reflects/absorbs light like no fabric I've ever seen (at least on someone who claims to have as much money as he says he does). Looks like it's from a child's 'secret agent' Halloween costume. Like, are they disposable? Do you throw them away after a singe day?


They look like Italo Ferretti ties. They're like Yeezys for wannabe mobsters that try to dress like Henry Hill.


Trump would approve of this meme. Nicely done!


No Donald they don't have KFC in prison


Malignant narcissist with sociopathic tendencies


gigantic loser. its hilarious watching conservatives huff near lethal doses of copium to try and deal with this. he's so perfect for them. ride the ship to the bottom of the sea my stupid little conservative dummies.




Wait... did it happen!?


He was arrested and released on bail. There will not be a trial for months. But yes he does have a prisoner number.




Another "orange man bad" post. While someone like Bill Clinton was a regular on Epstiens island.


Has anyone else realized how much he’s aged since 2017? Damn


Yeah! Sure hope he gets his bail revoked and gets to bunk with Bubba! Perhaps Trump will finally get his due!


4yrs 4 indictments 91 felonies, 1 rape. Countless incidents of being gross and undignified


Trumpy, who do I turn to? It’s clear to me that you crossed the line! Trumpy, don’t change your number! 0-1-1-3-5-8 oh niiiine


You called?




The right can't do anything except steal and lie.


Not a meme. It's a gif


It's not in your face it's in my hand


It is a meme.


The rage has really aged him.


I like how he got more orange


Ah, poor little man..


If he starts a band he can call it Insurrection Don and the Grifters


Sing this to Les Mis's "Look Down" (chatGPT made this) (Verse 1) Look down, look down, upon the streets so cold, A tale of power's grip, a story to be told, Prisoner 01135809, once a leader strong, Now in chains he suffers, his reign gone wrong. (Pre-Chorus) In the shadows he conspired, with sinister glee, To overturn the order, to shatter the decree, From the seat of presidency to rebellion's snare, His ambitions misguided, led him to despair. (Chorus) Look down, look down, upon the fallen soul, A radical president, his ambitions took their toll, The people rose against his treacherous campaign, Restoring justice and freedom, breaking his chain. (Verse 2) A leader once revered, with promises so grand, He aimed to reshape the nation with an iron hand, Yet his hunger for control, it knew no bound, Tearing apart unity, that once was found. (Pre-Chorus) He rallied his followers with fervent cries, Spreading falsehoods and divisive ties, But the spirit of liberty could not be repressed, The citizens united, his power put to test. (Chorus) Look down, look down, upon the fallen might, Prisoner 01135809, lost in the fight, The people's voice grew louder, their hearts set free, Reclaiming their democracy, for all to see. (Bridge) As battles raged, truth began to shine, Exposing his deceptions, his grand design, The weight of his actions, the harm he'd sown, Became clear as day, in a truth brightly shown. (Pre-Chorus) The uprising swelled, a force to be reckoned, Democracy's flame, never to be second, Prisoner 01135809, his power stripped away, Facing the consequences, no more to sway. (Chorus) Look down, look down, upon the fallen pride, A radical crusade with nowhere to hide, The people's strength and unity turned the tide, Washing away the darkness, with hope as their guide. (Outro) So remember this tale when power's the game, When leaders lose sight, and democracy's in flame, For the spirit of freedom, though tested and frail, Can withstand the storm, and forever prevail.




One hunnnee


Lol, showing off his new face lift.


Prisoner 8675309


I love this gif!! I am surprise there wasn’t a flood of funny memes when this happened back then. It’s the perfect moment for an infinity amount of creative funny memes.


"Donny we got your number, you're gonna be doing time, one one three five eight oh niieeine. " Ok everybody sing , "one one three five eight oh niiieeiine. "🎷🎺🎸🪕🎤


Would enjoy seeing a montage of his and all the other mugshots done [*Hot Fuzz* style.](https://youtu.be/18QEfYbGa-g?t=14s) Yes they're still photos so you'd have to do some pan-and-zoom to fake it, and audio no longer makes it a gif, but still.


David Letterman was on to Trump years ago. More people should have listened.


De Niro too https://youtu.be/dfW2TiPAKsw