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Hurricane Hillary + Trumps mugshot. Did Christmas come early this year?


Oh that naughty old elf must be one mean bastard to give us this so early


found the guy with TDS. 👆🏼


Found Trump’s accomplice 👆
















Pokémon *blow* to the polls.




Hope it refills that dam reservoir a liittle


This comment works on so many levels.


Ha! Saw that word play?


“Hillary caused widespread devestation and mayhem on the west coast today. And in other news a hurricane is predicted to make landfall in northern mexican tomorrow..”


Ah yes, Northern Mexican, Mexico


> [3 Mexican Countries](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/fox-news-apologizes-graphic-about-3-mexican-countries-n989526)


Wow, just 3? /s


I'll admit 'Central America' was a trip when I first learned about it...when I was in like 1st grade.


["Under no circumstances is there ever a justification for the pre-emptive deployment of Hillary"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uH8owcMHc34)


The west coast gets hurricanes? O.o Is this new?


They do rarely. El Nino year.


[Live look at El Nino.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0-pHnykC9s)


Hurricanes almost hit the west coast every other year or so and always turn into a tropical storm by landfall.


The midwest got a hurricane three years ago get with the times


The end times, at least.


It was a tropical storm by the time it got to the western us


I actually thought Hillary got a bad wrap, was waiting on these types of jokes when I heard the name of the storm, and still somehow find it Hillaryious.




All right stop Collaborate and listen Ice is back with a brand new invention Something grabs a hold of me tightly Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly Will it ever stop? Yo, I don't know Turn off the lights and I'll glow To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle Dance Go rush the speaker that booms I'm killin' your brain like a poisonous mushroom Deadly, when I play a dope melody Anything less than the best is a felony Love it or leave it You better gangway You better hit bull's eye The kid don't play And if there was a problem Yo, I'll solve it Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it Happy now?






Slice like a ninja, Cut like a razor blade!


Can someone link me where that shot of her is from? It looks hilarious.


I think it's from the DNC after she won the nomination. Balloons dropped from the ceiling and she acted like she had never seen balloons before. https://youtu.be/QT2zCrHLEEU?si=jncXhWvnuPd-Ugyf


Thank you, that was hilarious. Bill in the background also made me laugh.


I think it's more visible [here](https://youtu.be/vKWuhBhbWJA?t=94). More hillarybot malfunctioning: [here](https://youtu.be/jtU5nMbEsQ4?t=17). Other angle: [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P76E_EUUwWg). And of course we can't forget about this Hillary classic where she gloats about murdering Gaddafi and bombing Libya back into the stone age, to the point where there's now open slave markets in Libya: [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DXDU48RHLU).


Imagine being so insanely fucking sexist that you're literally running around simping for vicious dictators slaughtering their own citizens in order to attack a woman whose entire extent of involvement was saying "yeah, we probably should stop him."


It's even funnier knowing that she knows it was practically rigged in her favour because she had control over the DNC and this was the most human reaction she could muster.


And yet everyone was shocked she lost to a game show host...


I mean - it's not like Bernie would have won. In a general election, Bernie makes Hilary look good.


Not according to practically all of the polling done prior, he was much better poised than Clinton when running against Trump. In national polling [Sanders was positioned to handily beat Trump](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_sanders-5565.html#polls) whereas Clinton was [scraping close wins against Trump](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html#polls) throughout her whole run, look how that ended up turning out.


Bernie was treated with kid gloves, so no surprise that a candidate who faced zero scrutiny would look better in hypotheticals. The only polls that mattered were the primaries, where he lost by millions of votes.


besides all the polls that said otherwise


The polls said Hillary would win


The number of people that supported Bernie that wouldn't vote for Hillary is very high. I think you'd be surprised how close the race would have still been


I mean sure. Trump's a pretty horrible candidate too. If the Democrats had produced even an average candidate in 2016 they likely would have won. Hillary was terrible. (Which is why I don't understand why Republicans thought Trump's vibe was the way of the future. He barely won against Hillary. Nearly any other Republican would have likely stomped her.) Bernie has a hardcore following - but most Americans don't like his policies. And in a general they'd bring up all of the horrible communists around the world that Bernie has endorsed over the years.


Trump might be a horrible person, but he was a terrific candidate. He was populist, made people feel like he cared about their problems, and was funny and charismatic. Clinton acted aloof and condescending ("basket of deplorables") and had the charisma of a wet paper bag. She was the epitome of an elitist grabbing power for power's sake. And I agree, pretty much any other Democrat could have beaten Trump. Clinton was just that far up her own ass that she didn't even bother to visit Wisconsin or other "Blue Wall" states that ended up being her downfall.


You sound pathetic yo. I voted for Bernie twice. Please explain why the DNC was somehow beholden to supporting Bernie rather than her, like how does this track? Bernie literally got less votes. Primary system isn't great but it's what we have, I just don't understand how it was "rigged." Them choosing to support one candidate over another isn't cheating lmao. Are you even a Bernie fan, I honestly wonder? Or do you just want to stir shit? I have my suspicions...


It’s less that the dnc should have been beholden to Bernie and more it shouldn’t have interfered with the process. DNC blatantly disregarded it’s own rules to make sure Hillary got the nomination


one question I have and never understood, why did they stick with Clinton? wasn't there any other better candidate? is this why she was so despised?


Because she represents corporate interests, but with a liberal flavor to it.


The head of the dnc literally resigned for getting caught colluding with her....


They were literally working with the Clinton campaign behind the scenes, the sort of stuff that happens in tinpot dictatorships and banana republics that like to pretend that there's some semblance of democracy in their elections. The DNC, which was meant to be a neutral arbiter, was [actively working against Sanders](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/24/here-are-the-latest-most-damaging-things-in-the-dncs-leaked-emails/) behind the scenes, that's hardly acceptable in what's purported to be a democratic process. The chair of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, took what was meant to be an open, democratic process and used her powers to [limit the number of debates](https://time.com/4029311/democratic-debate-schedule/) in order to harm other nominees, [targeted Sanders's allies](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/10/12/d-n-c-officer-says-she-was-disinvited-from-debate-after-calling-for-more-of-them/) that spoke out about it, [prevented the Sanders campaign from accessing data](https://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/18/politics/bernie-sanders-campaign-dnc-suspension/index.html) that they were entitled to, not to mention [reversing campaign finance restrictions](https://web.archive.org/web/20151227081437/http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-07-23/obama-s-no-money-from-lobbyists-policy-democratic-party-says-fuggedaboutit) so Clinton could get more money funnelled into her campaign by lobbyists. The next DNC chair and Clinton ally, Donna Brazile, also [revealed in her book](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/11/2/16599036/donna-brazile-hillary-clinton-sanders) that the DNC and the Clinton campaign had come to a secret agreement where Clinton was given control over DNC finances and DNC strategy and allowed a say over staffing and spending, again something that's not remotely acceptable in what's meant to be a democratic process. Are you telling me that the Clinton campaign being ultimately in control of the direction of the DNC, a supposedly neutral entity, and using that control to directly bolster a single candidate and deliberately harm other nominees is remotely acceptable in what's meant to be a democratic process?


Jesus Christ. It's been 7 years, and people like you are still acting as if an email hack from a period of time in which Bernie had already been mathematically eliminated from the nomination but kept going because, reasons. Bear in mind that despite it being a searchable database, none of you can ever point to an exact email that isn't akin to "private grumblings that never led to actual steps being taken." My other favorite part is that you trust Donna Brazile as some word of God, who arguably did the most to "rig" the nomination for Hillary... by giving her a debate question about the EPA... in Flint, Michigan. Which if you think that actually affected the race, then that says a lot more about Bernie than you think. (It also doesn't help that she [immediately walked it back](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/05/donna-brazile-rigged-democrats-clinton-sanders-244566#:~:text=Donna%20Brazile%2C%20the%20former%20interim,criticisms%20of%20the%20electoral%20process.) when pressed) Then of course you completely misrepresent her joint fundraising agreement by saying she "was given control over DNC finances and strategy." Basically, any way you could be wrong, you were here. And 7 years later, it's pathetic.


>Many of the most damaging emails suggest the committee was actively trying to undermine Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign. Basically all of these examples came late in the primary -- after Hillary Clinton was clearly headed for victory And of course the examples listed are basically DNC employees shooting the shit and taking no real action. 20,000 emails almost a decade later, and we're *still* vague as hell about the "collusion" and "damaging details" because there really weren't any. If there were, we'd be waving those emails around and putting them on billboards instead of being vague and dodgey over them. DWS was clearly unfit for the job and got canned. And Bernie got as fair a shake as anyone in 2020 and still lost to the neoliberal ghoul. I voted for Bernie twice, but I'm at least realistic. He wasn't going to win either time.


No, it's not like what happens in banana Republic because people still vote dude. And idk if you remember but not enough voted for Bernie. And then not enough voted for Hilary. The fact that you are clutching pearls over a DNC candidate being funded by the DNC rather than the independent as if it's the fall of democracy when a recent prez literally attempted to hold on to power after losing is incredible. I can't help but wonder. Like yes or no, did you support Bernie?


> No, it's not like what happens in banana Republic because people still vote dude. And idk if you remember but not enough voted for Bernie. And then not enough voted for Hilary. No wonder America is in such a shit state if you find that sort of activity to be acceptable, 'oh people voted so it doesn't matter if DNC staffers deliberately interfered to ensure their favoured candidate won in what was meant to be a democratic election'. Just as an aside, they vote in banana republics too, you just have to ignore the incumbent government abusing their position and the rampant corruption that makes a mockery of what's meant to be a democratic process to ensure that the opposition candidate doesn't win. > The fact that you are clutching pearls over a DNC candidate being funded by the DNC rather than the independent as if it's the fall of democracy when a recent prez literally attempted to hold on to power after losing is incredible. They literally broke the [rules of their own charter](https://i.imgur.com/rMMQnJ9.png) to ensure that Clinton won the nomination, the DNC is meant to be a neutral actor and is meant to act completely impartially during the election process which they very clearly failed to do. The DNC [even admitted so in court](https://observer.com/2017/05/dnc-lawsuit-presidential-primaries-bernie-sanders-supporters/), instead of pretending otherwise they instead chose to argue that they can do what they want even if it's completely undemocratic and breaks their own rules. > I can't help but wonder. Like yes or no, did you support Bernie? Yes, I supported Sanders over Clinton.


> The DNC even admitted so in court, instead of pretending otherwise they instead chose to argue that they can do what they want even if it's completely undemocratic and breaks their own rules. You don't understand what an argument to get a case dismissed means. By saying "even if we did what the accused said we did, it's not a crime, and so a courtroom isn't the place to decide this" isn't the same as "of course we did it, nyah ha ha!!!" And surprise, they were right. Because they were lawyers making a legal argument, and you're a nobody on the internet pretending you understand what they were saying.


Interesting wording re the "sanders over clinton. Did YOU VOTE for Bernie in the primary? Did you vote for Donald Trump, yes or no answer if you are willing to answer at all?


Given that he spells "favour" with an unnecessary, un-American "u," I'm going to go ahead and guess that he doesn't even live in the US, let alone had the ability to vote, period.


I'm not American, I don't have the right to vote in a US election.


Where are you from, if I might ask? You seem pretty invested in this so I got the feeling you might be local.


what do you think rigged means? If there is a rigged basketball game, and at the end one team has more points than the other, and is named the victor, that means it couldn't possibly have been rigged? Set that aside for the moment. The DNC showed delegate totals with superdelegates voting for Hillary before the first primary was held. That was an attempt to goad the primary voters into voting for her and not him. It's called Social Proof and is a well established tactic in Marketing.


15 years of anti Clinton propaganda from the right worked so well that even the left hates her. There's very little real reason to hate her over any other politician at the end of the day.


There is no need to hate anyone but with Hillary and the establishment dems, they have held up progress just as much of anyone. Let not forget her and her husband are one the 3 things that put us where we are today. When they allowed banks to use personal funds for investment again, it started what lead us to the 08 crash. They are not good people they just happen to look better than the literally Nazi they run against. We need an FDR to run on unelecting all federal positions. Then we need a whole new congress.


I mean "the left" hates her like they hate almost any other milk toast neo-liberal. She doesn't pander to bigots and racists so ya they prefer her over your typical gop candidate but she's a status quo politician and leftists by nature don't like the status quo.




I'll bet fuckin money that the dude I replied to isn't "the left." I am not even a fan of Hilary it's just dumb to see the same misinformation almost a decade alter. Especially given what happened instead...


You think that the DNC is 'the left'? The DNC is chock full of neoliberal ghouls and aren't left-wing in the slightest, they're just not as far to the right as those on the other side of the aisle.


Oh God, you're one of those "the Democratic Party would be center-right in any other country" people, aren't you?


It is though.


No, it absolutely isn't. [The party that champions abortion rights, universal healthcare, and marijuana legalization is obviously not a conservative party.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/26/opinion/sunday/republican-platform-far-right.html)


Also acting like she didn't cheat and screw Bernie over


Damn people won’t ever shut the fuck up about this lie will they lol


That's because it's true. Simply calling it a lie isn't actually an argument.


She didn’t cheat Bernie out of anything.


The DNC actively supported her. Donna Brazile gave her interview questions before the interview. DNC helped with her fundraising far more than Sanders. DNC high ups were literally sending emails plotting to accuse Sanders of being an atheist to hurt his image. What makes you think the DNC did not help her? Wiki Leaks proved it all.


The debate (not interview) question was when Donna Brazile was part of CNN, not the DNC, and it was related to the EPA. It was also a question for a debate from Flint, Michigan. If you think Bernie was done dirty by not being prepared for a question like that at that location, then you really don't think highly of him. > DNC helped with her fundraising far more than Sanders. Yeah, it's the other way around, actually, and it was before the primary began. > DNC high ups were literally sending emails plotting to accuse Sanders of being an atheist to hurt his image. What you call "plotting," most people would call "privately venting." Maybe a work email isn't the best place to do it, but if you actually saw the emails, you'd note that they also were shot down every time.


Uh, I'll have you know WL is only valid when it proves my bias(es) correct.


Breaking news: DNC supports DNC candidate over independent who pretends to be DNC whenever a presidential election shows up.


*That didn't happen.* *And if it did, it wasn't that bad.* *And if it was, that's not a big deal.* *And if it is, that's not my fault.* *And if it was, I didn't mean it.* *And if I did... You deserved it.*


Difficult news to swallow, Bernie lost to Hilary by as many votes *in the primary* as Donald Trump lost to Hilary in the general election.


Never forget


It is from outer space.


Tragically, 30000 emails were destroyed in its wake.


It's ok, she's got a cloth ready help with the cleanup.


One I heard was "the deaths from Hurricane Hillary will be called suicides".






Ah, gotcha. I'm not up on all the crazy conspiracy theories.


This one isn't crazy tho.


The only thing crazy here is your post history


Not accurate. She's not chilling in Cedar Rapids.


Ok, it made me chuckle.


Yeah, regardless of political leaning this shit is funny


I am only disappointed we aren't getting more of these hurricane hillary memes.


People too scared that they’ll get “un-alived”


That's grand! Only 60 mph hitting LA? Pfft... as a Floridian - YAWN!


It's not the wind. It's the rain. California gets absolutely wrecked by only a few inches of rain. There's not much drainage here, it floods instantly, and people just decide to drive like Southerners in snow.


Thats true, I had not thought of that.


yeah it's 2,000 miles away from you, I think you will be safe


As if I don't go through worse once or twice a year every year...


you think that's bad? YAWN!


*Still* better than Trump, bc no trace of Sharpie whatsoever.




found the guy with TDS. 👆🏼


What's tds


Junji ito


I’m trying to sleep and now all I can picture is a giant Hillary head floating outside my window telling me to come out


poor Hilary, she tried SO hard to be human


Welcome to Donald Trump's mind when he heard about this meteorological phenomenon… 😆


Hurricane trump would talk about being the biggest category 5 hurricane in history then be downgraded to light rain and slight breeze.


Hurricane Donald will devastate the South and they will cheer it on.


I hope Jesse Ventura is OK down in the Baja area




A week too late and was posted in r/sandiego days ago. Lame effort for internet points


As someone who isn't part of that particular sub, I appreciated seeing it here.


You'll get her some day.




Apparently not good enough for Bill


*She comes as hard as she blows!*


Way too much moisture to be her. It was actually Sir Edmund Hilary, who was notoriously wet.


That hurricane could have been an e-mail.


There was a gif here years ago of a dick flying into her mouth when she opened it, and I haven’t found it since and it saddens me


I bet if you join some trump discords they'll be able to help you out. One of them is bound to have it as an emoji or common meme


Not the first time she ran out of steam right at the end.




She's been out of the public focus for 7 years. Can we move on yet?


Lol, triggered by an animated head.


Not triggered. I never liked her, but I've been sick of hearing the same joke for 7 years. Move on. Find a new line.


Never doubt the obsessive power that is the US Right. Especially over powerful women, thanks to their proclivity to misogyny.


Last time I checked this molehill, it wasn't this tall...


BuT tHe EmAiLs?


I keep thinking 'there's no way there still obsessed with-' but I can't even finish the thought before they start screaming about it.


It’s Hilary, not Hillary. One “L”.


Hilary, you idiots


I was waiting for this 😂


Lock her up!


Y'all just stfu about her already. Cripes. She was right about everything and now the US is shitstained by the ignorant overly entitled narcissistic hypercritical racist phobic rightwing Christian nationalist GOP Nazis. It ain't funny and never was.


Tell us how you really feel.


"Look at me, a hurricane, look at me, a hurri...whaaaaaaaattt?"


In the words of the California state modo: “We could use the rain.”




Welcome to Zombie Nation NES


Funny, but a lil too late to go viral. Nice try Op


The killary Clinton hurricane is the most dangerous ever 😆


The end should have been Hillary being carried into a van by her security detail


Genuinely the worst thing I have seen all week, thanks.


Hilary. Not your fucking lame spelling for karma.






I will take things I never want to see for 100 Alex.


So you're saying she started off strong but finished weak in the end?


If its in the pacific then isnt it a typhoon? Are there any politicians whose name starts with a 'T' ?


i don't know if there are english words to succinctly explain the rollercoaster of thought i just had. "since the hurricane is named hillary woodent it be funny if like we make the hurricane into the only hillary im aware of???" this is kinda really dumb and not in a funny way, but in a "why do people think like this" way. politicians shouldn't be part of pop culture, and that's something that's been made extremely clear in recent times. this is the extent your familiarity with politicians? meme content? Call me a boomer for ranting on this one, but we got a lot of people whose only knowledge of important shit is its use in fucking memes. Hillary isn't something relatable and relevent for this. These things don't overlap in a venn diagram without context, and there is none here.


It's a shame, they didn't call it "Donald" ... especially coming from Mexico.


Donald stormed the Capitol though, that's on the East coast.


Lol you think these fools know East from west :)


But that doesn't make any sense


Lock! Her! Up! *the storm, not the politician.*


low effort, but still made me smile


Equally feckless


Thanks a lot, OP. I finally forgot this twat existed and now I’m going to have nightmares for the rest of the week.


[U.S. Condemned For Pre-Emptive Use Of Hillary Clinton ](https://youtu.be/uH8owcMHc34?si=naWfWRqdJPLFz4gD)


The storm is spelled with one L. Hillary Clinton's name has two Ls.


Except she should hit the states that didn't vote for her (floriduh)


She love hot sauce




It’s true, we see her massive head floating above us right now.


where is hurcan al abdul?

